HomeMy WebLinkAbout05- Scheduled Maintenance Agreement with Twenterprises, Inc.05/26/2009 TUE 11;13 FAX 406 245 4333 T W ENTERPRISES o3/Md r, ~t5, 20Q5; ~ ~ ; 51AM 2os 220 499 T 14 ENTERPRISES INC 7'W~NTERPR)iSFS,~~tC.,~_.~. ~.......~ 2059 N. 9TH ROAD 63fi LOGAIV X,A,Pi1~ WORDEH, MT X90$$-7.-001 SfLLTKG,C, ~T SylUS rte: a4~ ~s; a~s~ ,~~~IEDULEiy MATNT1~.Nt~NGI~r •~CrREEMENT Nn, 1915 P. 1 WORAEN: 40f 9(7 GG06 BTI.LTAGrs: ~tQf Zd5460U n~vv.t~crcu.com tw~twc~cn.cnm ~ ao2/oo3 ®007 The: fallowing constitutes an ~reeme~nt between TW~nterprlsES, lztc, and Stat(;d cuGtomet• to Enter into contract for the purpose of scheduled rnaintcnance for specif cd customer equipix~eA~t, "TV~hntcrprises, Inc. agrees to provide scheduled maintenance with specific intervals zt customer's location, This will be for ecluipnaent ,pecif~ed by zndividual listing below. 'I~V1/nterprises, Inc. will provide pro~essi0nal and qualified persnrinel to p~:rform defined maintenance, The purpose is to maintain equipment, to m,or~itQt equipment's pro;ression ofvse and wear and to inform customer ofpossiblc shortcor:•iint~+s, pending problems and UrEakdawcts. TWEnterprises, Ync. 'a+ll1, ac custome~rS option, assist i;n correcting eyuipment failure, C:astomer agrees to accommodate within rcasai TWEnterprisrs, Tnc,'s worlsix~ schedule, to arrive on p~em~ises to perform seheduled maintenance duties, xnd to pay fc~r 5arviCe9 certdered by th© agreed terms listed bclo~w. The following list ig deaig~tatcd Equipment t.o be: maintained. Please initial the space next to the desired mai~ttenance to be perPortne:d. SELECTED 1'fEMS MUST BL IlVITLALED TO AU',t'HORIZ.L SEILV:ICE [~C] Standby Gezaeratoz and .Automatic Trat~s~'c:r Switch. [ J Utintcrt~ptiblc Power Supply Maintenance Frequency: (~] Annual S 490,00 per site (~ Semi~Aautual $ Parts: (Xa yot Included [X~ Not Included Any adciitior,~al service/repair world while nn site for SM, wi11 he perfornaed at $76.00 per hoot. Term: Payment for sccviccs rcndeted due 30 (thirty) days from invoiar date, A ~naJtoc charge af' 1.5% per . month will be assessed agair-st unpaid balance tamer 30 (thirty) days. Cf~STOMER: City of Bozel~an {~J c.'} o..r, rS~vTCr p~ ~~t'^Cti 814 N. Bo2eman Bozennan, MT 59771-1230 406-5 8?..-.;200 Authorized Sigmature for Facility/Customer: Authoriz~cd Signature of TWFntet'prides lZe~ ' A r 2~-~~" ~rdinator Either party rzlay castes! this agreemerrtJconitact by staling so in writing to the other party, Ana less than thirty (30) days prior to the next scheduled maintenance Service bane frame. Rac:ived Time ~l1ar, 23. 3:2?PM