HomeMy WebLinkAboutStory Mansion Change Order No. 9, R & R Taylor, 2009~~ ® TM =~== Document G701 - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 009 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion DATE: March 31, 2009 Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. Bozeman, MT S971S TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: COR #010 -Remove existing stone & concrete retaining wall, provide additional conc slab & handrail supports ($4158.1 1) COR #013A -Reproduce hardware at Library casework, add (2) outlets at porch soffit ($1034.98) COR #014 -Add (4) sprinkler heads at port cochere roof cavity ($408.31) COR #016 -Door hardware changes ($ l S06.OS) The original Contract Sum was $ 1,071,242.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 30,189.99 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,101,431.99 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 11,159.61 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,112,591.60 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) This Change Order includes items in the following Change Order Requests (COR): COR #007 -Finish work in rooms # 114 & 116 ($4691.98) COR #008 revised (deduct) -Finish work in room #113 (-$1780.80) COR #009 -Add heat tape at balcony drains, omit hand dryer circuits ($1140.98) The Contract Time will be increased by Zero (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is June 30, 2009 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. R&R Taylor Construction, Inc City of Bozeman ARCHRECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) OWNER (Firm name) 109 N Rouse Ave, #1, Bozeman, MT P.O. Box 1234, Bozeman, MT 59771- S971S ; ~' 1234 ADDRE S A S BY (Sign re) Y 'nature) Patrick Larum (Typed name) 1 ~~~`'~ DATE Russell L. Olsen (Typed name) ~'-i- c 9 DATE P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771 ((D~~R,,ESS ~X~~~: BY (Signature) James Goehrung (Typed name) p 5~13~ I DATE AIA Document G701 TM - 2001. Copyright ©1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA` Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 13:20:30 on 03/31 /2009 under Order No.1000388712_t which expires on 2/17/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1683899354) • Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request #00 7 ~&R TA~(L~-~ G(~EJ57RUCT~6~hl INS. To: Date: 02/16/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 1/29/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: SHEETROCK, DEMO. WALLS 650 SQ FT, DEMO. CEILINGS 180 SQ FT ---DEMO. 2 MEN 4HR L $35.00=$140.00 X 1_>°~° =$161.00 ---DUMP FEES $75.00 X 15°,~0= $86.25 ---SHEETROCK 830 SF $1.00 =LABOR $415.00 MATERIAL $415.00 =$830.00 X 15%=$954.50 ---INSULATE (SUB CONTRACTOR) $1 10.00 X 20% _ $132.00 ---TRIM MATERIAL $1,069.00 LABOR $3=12.00 = $1,=11 1.00 X I S°./o = $1,6?? --- FNISH TRIM (SUB CONTRACTOR) TAPE PAINT $3,200.00 X 20 0= I GrZ- ~j , 1 ~ o~J~ Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. ~~ 1a Q~ Sub Total of Above ~` ~{'-~ 2 ~ . alb ~6;~96:~8' ~~~ 6% Contact Management Fee ~ ~ZCf ~' , ~ ~'$Fr Total Change Order Request ~' ~1 ~, ''~ t ~i ~`$~2$~-~-S~ The Contract Time will be increased 0 day a ~ ® TM ~~~ D®cumen~ 6709 ®2001 ~/ork Changes Proposal Request PROJECT (Name and address): PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 007 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. DATE OF ISSUANCE: January 28, 2009 Bozeman, MT 59715 OWNER (Name and address): City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. 109 N Rouse Ave, #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-]234 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: January 0?, 2009 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONSULTANT: ^ CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten (10) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description of the Work): Provide and instal] exterior wall insulation, 5/8" Type X gypsum wall board with taped finish and exterior wall sealant at Rooms 1 14 and l 16 due to no finish behind removed "marlite" wall finish panels. ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): None REQUESTED BY THE ARCHITECT: ~~~~\ Ben Lloyd, ArchitectlPresident (Signature) (Printed Warne and title) AIA Document G709T"' - 2001. Copyright ®1993 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA" Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution o1 this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, 1 may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law, This document was produced by AIA software at 13:16:27 on 01/28/2009 under Order No.1000379510_i which expires on 11/25!2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: (2298785481) T Traditional Finishes Inc. Josh Benford, Susan Pluid 1050 Othorp Lk. Rd. Rexford, MT 59930 Name /Address R&R Taylor Constriction 13 South Wilson Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Estimate Date Estimate # 3/26/2009 68 Terms ~ Project Story Mansion Description Qty Rate Total Door Jamb 1 14b: Strip old paint and prep for stain. 175.00 175.00 Door Jamb 113a: Strip old paint and prep for stain. This is the one 200.00 200.00 with the window in it. Rooms 114 & 116 Exit Corridor: Tape walls for smooth wall 850.00 850.00 finish. t ~ ~ 4 P P• ~4 ~ f~ Includes all Labor and Materials, Work to be finished in a timelymatmer!!! Phone # Fax # E-mail 406-889-3403 406-889-3403 bettfords2002@hottnail.com TOta~ $1,22s.oo Change ®~de~° .1~equest 1'~°o~osal bequest #OOS t -~ `SAY' co~lsraucf~or~ inc. To: Date: 02/16/09 COMMA A Job Number: 2008-015 -Q RCHITECTURE, iNC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 BOZEMAN Job Name: STORY MANSION , MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 1/29/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: 660 SQ FT ROCK ---DEMO. 9 HRS $35.00=$342.00 X 15%= $393.30 ---DUMP FEES $80.00 X 15%= $92.00 ---INSULATE (SUB CONTRACTOR) $110.00 X 20%= $132.00 ---SHEETROCK LABOR $330.00 MATERIAL $330.00 = $660.00 X l5%= $759.00 ---TAPE (SUB CONTACTOR) $1800.00 X 20°,%= $2.160.00 YGG x ~o~~ . ~~ Fso . as Please sign and retu~•n one ~ tea ~~,~ ~~~~w~ Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Managemer Total Change Order Rec~~,.~~ The Contract Time will be increased it l~ylor Cdnstruction Inc. ._.-~r_,., i U C~ ~L~ ~,, ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ $3,536.30 l I 1 , 3 ~ $212.18 $3,748.48 .l~°~..f~?_w ~_ ~ 0 da ,~ -~ y J` ~ ~ ~'radiziana I;~nishes Inc. Josh 33ei~fard, Susan Fluid 1 Q_5i"1 ~tha~JS, f..I:. ~d. ~9 ~f ~fVal;-~e I Address i' i<&rt ?':°:ior Cunsrn:ction .":oath 1~'iison Av? Bo ernali, n~fT 597! 5 description ~=irz :<lDe ~I'+'N=~± ire kitchen .area. Includes a1::zbcr and msteriais ( - r ~~ i 1 t~ f jj{}{}~ ~~. W .... ----.~_. ~ F }lti~ ~:: ry~ t F~e;~ } f2ty 1 t ~ ,.P ~y.,,.ea.ue.. '"ten- `~~ ~r~~' ~"~ ~L 1 ~~ ~_ ~ i tt Date ~ Estimate # 2!; !/?009 59 Terms I Project .____.__..._i ._._ ~_.~ i i ~ :]iCt"1/ !Vial1S10re Rate f Y4iai z • f--- i ,Si~O rt:: ! 1,800.00 i } j i i D ` l ..J:.7ei,r:n! 1~p, q, {p~ ..eji :.f ~ I 1 i ~; f~ ~ ~R ' ~;~~ E ma;i 4C;5-S8:~-_ ., # gel,~c~~'is20(1"%(.~;h:;!~-ta:Lcoar. Traditional Finishes Inc. Josh Benford, Susan Pluid 1050 Othorp Lk. Rd. Rexford, MT 59930 Name /Address R&R Taylor Constniction 13 South Wilson Ave Bozeman, MT 5971 S Estimate Date Estimate # 3/26/2009 67 Terms Project Story Mansion Description Qty Rate Total Room 1 ] 3 Servery: Fire tape behind FRP. Includes all labor and materials. 400.00 400.00 Includes all Labor and Materials, Work to be finished in a timely manner!!! Tota I $400.00 Phone # Fax # E-mail 406-889-3403 406-889-3403 benfords2002@hotmail.com Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request # 009 c~~~~ -~ ~~~~ ~~~^ &R TAI~~.C~ eo~vsrrreac~~acv inc. To: Date: 02/24/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/04/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: ADD HEAT TAPE AND CIRCU[TS FOR TWO SEPARATE BALCONIES 51,151.00 DEDUCT HAND DRYER CIRCUITS -$254.00 ADD 20% SUBCONTRACTOR FEE 5179.40 Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contest Time will be increased $1,076.40 $64.58 $1,140.98 0 days. Construction Inc. ~ ~ ,ate MRR-23-2OO9(MON) 09:53 R & R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION (FR~)406 586 7508 P.OO8/D14 s MATZiNCER ~LECTRiC,1NC. ' 907 8ridger Drive Bozeman, MT 59?~ 5 Eahone: 0408) 587-729U pax: 0408) 58? 7298 ~r©po~a! z~sr~o0a Tc~: ~t & t;'i"AYL~R 13 S WIIEson Ave B~~EMAN, M'1' 597'15 .1~6: Story~MansiQn Reeovatlc~n Pra~ect: Pdd heat te~e_an_batconies, Change Crder>~tumber:10QQ013882 WORK DF„$CRIRTION: Add heck tape and circuits for two seperake belr~anies 'i'he total amaunfi of this Prapasal is; $'f,971.U0 ~inoerely, Jeff air g r 1~letzinger ~le~kri~ 9 MAR-23-2009(MON) 09:53 t R & R TRyLOR CONSTRUCTION (FR~)406 586 T508 P. 009/Ol4 1V1AT~INGER 1:LECTRIC~ INC. 9fl713rldger Drive 8oxeman, MT 597'15 Phone: {~4e6) 587~729U Fox; (40ta) 587 798 Proposal ~5l20d~J T~: i~ & ~ T~1YLC~i~ ~3 ~ UVlllson Ave 8r~~~MAN, MT 597'15 JCB: Story Mansion Rcnovatlon >yroJecl~ u h~ d er csatts Change order Number: 1o15Qt31388$ WQRK DESCRIPTION: Deduck hand dryer elrcuits In their entiretar, The total amour'at of this Proposal I$: $-254.40 Sincerer, I ,1efiF tz ge Ma lager ~le~trlc MKK EONSOEi9N6 EN6iNEERS, II{(. MEMORANDUM T®: Kim Everts FROM: Kathleen Stratton DATE: February 11, 2009 RE: Story Mansion -drain/downspout heating cable It has been brought to my attention that the Owner is concerned about drains and downspouts for (2) balconies on the second floor (1 on the east side and 1 on the west side of the building). Please issue the following information to the contractor for pricing to add ice melt cables at these locations. It is my understanding that the Owner is looking fora "seasonal" solution, where they can plug the cable into a receptacle in the winter, and remove it in spring. The work specified below will meet that purpose. WORK REQUIRED Provide exterior receptacle in weatherproof enclosure, rated for wet location "in use". Install receptacle in close proximity to existing balcony drains at each of (2) locations. Tie into nearest active 120V unswitched circuit on the second floor. Label circuits in panelboard as "GUTTER MELT" for future reference. There is an existing receptacle on the east balcony which may be appropriate for reuse, however, it is likely in poor condition as there is a j-box that does not have a cover on it which may have allowed moisture into the raceway and outlet. Inspect the existing installation and make use of anything that is in good condition. The existing weatherproof cover is not acceptable, as it is not designed to be weatherproof while "in-use", as required. There is not any existing power at the west balcony. All penetrations through the building shall be made watertight. Provide ice-melt cable, Raychem "WinterGard Wet self-regulating cable, #612, and Raychem 120V plug-in power connection kit, #H908 (includes end seal). Verify exact length of cable required, to run entire length of downspout, including loop at end. Install cable in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Instrucfi Owner on proper use and handling of cables. BILLINGS 175 Pi. 27th StreEr, Suite 13i2 ~ Billings, tY1T 59?0'1-2D48 ~ main: 405.2x6 119! fay: u06.25b 1~i41 yvww.mkkeng.com Y Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request # 10 ~~j~' T R&R TAYLC.~l~ CONSTRUCJ'EON [IVC. To: Date: 02/25/09 COM Job Number: 2008-015 MA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/04/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: REMOVE EXISTING STONE AND CONCRETE RETAINING WALL LOCATED SOUTH OF THE NEW ADDITION. PROVIDE NEW CONCRETE SLAB AND STEEL POSTS FOR HANDAIL SUPPORT. SEE ATTACHED SKETCH FOR DETAILED WORK DESCRIPTION. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED DRAWING SKA 20. 20 HOURS AT 38.00/HR $760.00 OH&P $874.00 COMPRESSOR JACKHAMMER $160.00 OH&P $184.00 COPPER DOWN SPOUT $I 13.00 OH&P $129.95 DIRT WORK REn[G FOOTING $590.00 / OH&P $708.00 REPLACE CONCRETE AS PER SKA ~0 $969.00 / OH&P $1.162.80 REPLACE'REPAIR HANDRAIL AS PER SKA 20 REPAIR MASONRY 5420.00 ' OH&P $504.00 -X9,-99 fop ~ `~ o OH&P ~;?-[~ 3(~ Please sign-and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased ~m $3;9~4'7S ~~ Z 3 .3 ~~ 0 days. R & R Taylor'Coy~structio Inc. ® ru is D®cuent 0709 ~ 00~ ®rk ~ha~ge~ ~r®p®sal ~~q~~s~ PROJECT (Name and address): PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 010 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. DATE OF ISSUANCE: Bozeman, MT 59715 OWNER (Name and address): City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 FROIN ARCHITECT (Name and address): Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. 109 N Rouse Ave, #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 OWNER: ^ ARCHITECT: ^ CONSULTANT: ^ CONTRACTOR: ^ FIELD; ^ OTHER: ^ Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten (10) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description of the Work): Remove existing stone and concrete retaining wall located south of the new addition. Provide new concrete slab and steel posts for handrail support. See attached sketch for detailed work description. ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): SKA 20 1 of 1 R=C~UIeSTED SYT'iEARCHITECT: (Signature) Ben Lloyd, Architectll'resident (Printed name and title) AIA Documeni G709TM' - 2001. Copyright ©1993 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. N/ARNING: This AIA® Document is protected by L'.S. Copyright Law and International "1"reatles. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA° Document, or any portion of il, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum a tent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA sottware at 14:26:21 on 02/13/2009 under Order No.1000379510_t which expires on 11/25/2009, and is not for resale, UseriJotes: (1051246234) Is DN ENTRYICORRIDOR -s'-s" 111 REMOVE (E) STONE & CONCRETE RETAINING WALL & P.C. CONC. COPING, RETAIN STONE VENEER AND COPING FOR REUSE CLEAN & REPAIR EXISTING STONE & CONCRETE WALL BELOW. (N) CONC, SLAB, MATCH -OPElELEV. OF (E) RAMP (N) STL POSTS FOR 2 HANDRAIL SUPPORT, SEE ELEVATION ~ 2 10F 10' - 0" (E) HANDRAIL SKA 24 1 of 2 ® (E) CONCRETE RAMP TO REMAIN REVISION AT STAIR 1 ENLARGED PLAN -FIRST FLOOR 1 ST FLOOR 0' - 0" GRADE -3' - 8" ELEVATI®N DETAIL AT EXISTING HANDRAIL (E) HANDRAIL TO REMAIN (E) CONC. RAMP (N) 2x3 STL POST W! CAP GROUTED INTO STL SLEEVE CAST INTO CONC. WELD (E) PLATES AT HANDRAIL BRACKETS TO (N) STL POST. T~h°e Hi®storic y 1 "®" St®ry Il~ansi®n ~ DRAWING NUMBER: Interior Renovation /~ 811 South Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 DRAWING TITLE: ~y Comma-Q DATE: SCALE: PROJECT#: REVISION AT NEW ADDITION Architecture, Inc. 02/11/09 1/4" = 1'-0" 0802 °I ~ ~ °I MRR-23-2OO9(MON} 09:50 R & R TRyLOR CONSTRUCTION (FA3(}406 586 7508 P.OO31O14 4 OR-8DOf7 r~04R d~ WIN1~fJWS M T W T ~ :~' S 1D•DDDD SP1r~ItlLTIES M ~' W 7' ' ~' S 08-IDOf] M~'I'A!~gOC1R5 fp•ippOCFlaf.Kn'A~'i<eoaR~ 08.1500 MfyTar, Fttanrt~c ,~_,~~~.-~,n,.., ~.~.... r... nre~ssotzt~s wA4~s fNGS -rr~r•_n'rn~rtra~' C19•~DDO w~c~r~ rLC-OlilNCr Q9-4SD0 ItlrSllrlf N`I ~t,I~C1KIhl~ ~ - - I4•DDDD C~!NV!~YI1~1G .wL. - _ ,-"-,~ WALL C t)1ZYWA V wru 4 r~ v i t-43 M T W T ~ ..- - -~ M ,~, ...~._ .._IF F S ~ ~ 'r .~~t~: X11 ;...~ "µ.. ~ ,,.:-~ ~~a t=f~7'-'fit' Nl~~l. pit;-S'f=lV~r~-r1-~L~-,wG a !~ ~. ~; ~L.~1551f°ICATlC~t~; '~~.l~I•'1~N`1'~ft ~',,,~„ L~t[~~f~L:t~ ..~ 1'A f.~; ~-- 1r L/ MRR-23-Pnnq(Mnu1 na• ~i o 4 ~ Tnill ~~ ~ ~ -• -- lUUCJ SJMMAFtY UE' WUitlt - •• ~ ~~ ~~~-Vn LVIIJ I RULIlUIY tirnnluub Sa 04-l000 MUktll#K b r5ur3 P. 0 0a/014 -1 ano >~~ >~ ~ INSU RANGE oa-zaoD MASON 1tY 5u13 • i 040 PLANS cRl: F'~1tMlTS 04-~OOa STt~NF' -1 101? SUPRItVIS1DN -IZ00CI.EANUP , ~ OS-1000 aI'RUC"I' FI~.iMmtC, • I2S0 SNOW R~MOvAl, OS-101 a S'C>~Rl. CD4UM5 - t ]Oa MACK CidARG a5-1I3a0 STEEL SEAMS • 140p i3UILi>ING t,AYQUT aS-IOSo METAL Otw~KIN~ •~atao Ptt[~,f ACT ME~'l'lNGs w 0~-zaa0 JOIS't,~ -- - •5aaa'1"I~MPORYI:ACII.I"I'!ES OS•~a00 DECKING -700p WARRANTY_-- ~ a5•Raa0 FABRICATIONS e BC1pC3TRANSI'C~RTATIC7N LOWANCk :~' ,- a ooa CtCt3AR • t l ao I~cn~ro>~t7'!ON _ _ . _ o~-t oaa Galurrlns ~l t''.0 T'SMP DiJS'~ ~Alt'I'I'1'IONS ~1 l:CO ItEMavr I~RlCK ~ ~. 06-~Qa0 door Framin5 aG-z5oa F1oarSll~clhirlg - -1 l4a R)aMGVI;. ~t 150 l~MC1V~JtUClF 12 U~T1J ~E _ - -- 06-300D ~xl wall Fra171in~ ad-~$Oa Inr Wall ~r~ming - ---- -1 l60 al~M~ f4 I~pOttS -! i to f~EwMO CONCtt>'1'1~ 06~tDQ0 C~Ilin E=ramin~ ar;-asDO t~a+~r• ClzAnrliNG -ISOOL""A1'~tTC-iWpt*;K_ a6~t520 l~nc~("i"tosses -- i 52a Fl~TING f:XCAwAT10N p6•SSOa w;al! Shca.chin -_! S40 I?i~t~~'JNG l~A~K~I G!~ • i OOa pllrtNG a6-GaDO RC-oF Sfieathin~~ p6-G13a0 5uzir gamin • (7001~ASSlONS -- --- p6-G9Q0 E'urrin s?a00 SI'1'C UTIi~I'C'll;S ae-710A Glu-lam:: -~~00 PA_VIPfG B~SiJRr'AI~ING ~ a~-700 Stan~l/tiun Trim ~~i001'ARI~ING i3ldMf'Ef~S 06-$IOa 1+:~,.~in ~, t~~toa S1~"~ tnnPfcrav~M~N'1"S ad-s~ao Saff'ic - -3000 i,ANl~SCAPING ~. ,, O6.1;~•aa SirJing i'aTlals~wuo~l D6-se>3a Cxbih~ts •OOSa RR13AR Ob-Bi350 Shtivin .. also Fr71tM FQp•rlNG ~Qlla FoaT1NC~, IN f•'UItCENG ~'"" p(,4DDa 1~flhC11r1~~ a6-13a0I-I~AVYTIMRL'1't +w~]NS7'RUCTII~N 0170 Fd0'~INGS/PCIiJRING a6-ISQD W~'j[~!~ I~f=CICINC araa P4[JTfNGS~S-I'RIPFCSRMS - 0 I SD'1~Mlialt Sl„+113 FCI~TINC • --- _ 06-170AFRk,FIL4~ s~rrcucTURnc. w~a~l~ O~i•175a PONY WALLS - ---- MAR-23-2009(NON) 09;51 R & R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION (FAX)406 586 7508 P.005I014 0$-$DDp ~-qC-R~ WtNI~OWS -- M T W T~ 5 Iab00D 51alrCiAT~Tt~S M 7" W T I~ f c' O8• t SOD METAf FItAM~S ~ ~a~00a Cu13iC ^K•~DDt3 W(~C1C11]~~RS ia3o0o~01Lk1 ACCkSSt~RIES ....-.M.... ! t7$-6510 ~aLASS & Gf.A~IN~ ~ (~$-7D00 WINP~QWICUR'CAiN ""'- 1 WAI.l.S V 0->~4D0 f t1Q0 LATFI & PL.A STI*Ct FIJ Rhi , I~oD SFl~L"I'Rt?~~ l~•opt 13000 ©DD ACOUSTiCaI ~'"""'~"""-"" ~~~t5gp r~~sll..lFhlT FI~O(~RITI~ -----1~ ~ , 1 ~I.DOao CtpNV~Y'ING _(]9~SOOC!-C~IRPFTING T _5YS"TCMS ..-- - ^4-6500 PAi1V't'ING I~i.laoa t~UM~wAtT~>z5 IJ9-IODp WALL. t~t7V~R1Nr~i5 - - - - -- l+t'2DDtJ ~I.,i=VATbfti.~ D~J•2$00 .DRYWALL ~- (Q•~D l a C[?NVI~YC1lt f79-31pDSt1SP~NI~Et7GF<It,IN~S'~ -- - IS-OgIQhI..UM~f'hJ~ ' f 6•t1Dg4 CLL°:~Tt'CtCAL d9»ZSO4 DI~YW_~I~L-T---p 16•UUIU ~!.!~GTRICna*~Ll~ t~Ali.Y `t'Q'1'A1.~ M ~- W -„ ~ ~.,~~S11^ I~A~'It~N, ~Aitlst~NTtR n ~'" ~, LAl~t78.Glt .._- - -- - - - ~...~.~.,--~>,,._-T.,.._._. ~ v F!t"l-1 M F: h1Hli-~j-~UUy(MUN) Uy;52 R & R TR ;1UUU ~l~IMMA1CY Ul' WLtlCIC yLOR CONST RUCTION (FA~)406 586 7508 P. 006/014 u-t•tuuu ~rtVtrlnt~ -i0+~0 ~L7Nt~dtINSURAN~~ 04-DOD MA50NRYS>,!>3 -1 d90 FLANS & ('~ItMITS • l ItiO St1pliFtV15t1]N - --- e - 04-]000 STQN>r -1200 t;LEAN Ut' OS•1DOQ Si'>ZUG'I' t`tiAMtNG C L, • 125D SN~7W f~MC>'VAl., '" OS-1Dlo S'!'Etrla CO>~UMS • t 3dn RACK CF3AFtG~S ~ ~ OS-td3a STr~~1. ~t*AMS - too FlUtl.l?ING LAYaUT •~OOD ~'RCIJIsG"1- M~~`1'1N~iS _ w o5-IDSD Mt`s~`A410i:C'KiNG OS ~OOQ J015TS -5000-t~MPt~ltYl~AC1LETIF.S _ -- ~ OS-3000 I~1rGKiNC -700D WA1tEiA'NTY t`*•. d5-~f00Q FAl$RICA'1'IaNS _spgtl Tlt/tNSi'QRTATION -1.,4~WnNCo ~ 0$- { q00 I2,1~4~AR ,- i IflD q!*MQI,1TIdN ' 1'~ ~ D6-10d0 Caiutrlrt~ :- t 120 'i'isMh l~tJST PART1`rI~iNS ~ '~~••' Ob-2000 (=144r ~tamin~_ :- t t 3o R~M~v>" BktCl4 ;- I IdQ lZSM17V~ D5-2SD0 ~loar Sheathing 06-30D0 I~xt Wail ~'r~min ._ t-t ISO tt1rM0VE iit30F 1'tt tJC'1'U ltd d6-500 lnt Wall !;taming ,.__. ~ ~_ ~• I i ~p 1~~Mt7 DpaRS 06-~I000 Cei{in rttrrlin ~~ }- I IyD UEMp caNak~"r~ D~tSDo 1tt30F Ft~PIMiNt; ?-i SoolrAi~`rt~IwaRx Or~l52o r~ooFTrusses -1 SZD Ft7pTrNG t~J(CAVATIQN OG-SSDO Wall Sbeathirts,~ ?- I S4D I~C-p•rING >3ACCC~11-L d6-bOQO Baal' Shr-tliin .., . m• l6dd PI1~!NG - - -- IaE-6800 Stair Frarninst z- I SOD raASSIaNS _ - 06{6940 ~urt`itt >,2Q0OS!'rErlJ'!'iLl"rIFS ~ D6-7100 btu-lams v-x$00 P~IVINQ d'c SURFACING _ 06.7300 Stand/Run Trim >-~~~OD PAItK1NG F~UMI~~ttS O6-t;100 F'tia :-~~r]DSITt~ IMPlLt~V~MFNTS - 06.8200 Saifit -- I >.-DOD I,ANl~s~nP1Na .~_- ... 06•t3~10o Skiing f'uttelslWuod Ofi-6R$0 C&bttteCS 3-gOSD It~~AI~ o6-tl~So Shclvin ~ _ i-13 i0D I~QitM f•'pt~"1'IN~~ _ _ OG-900D F'analin - - -", ~-0110 FCI~TIhIGS. I N Fpl~tRtNG ". , 06.1300 Fi~AVY'1'IMF3FR CQNS'ritU CTIt~N ,- ~•otxo Fao'r1NGS/I'0URING - d6-ISOO wO~f~ 1~~~KtNG ~•0 CJD FI~0TINiriS1:~'1`R1P Fl7RM5 F„ Db•17D0I'IFA.~t STRIJCTClit,~lt- WCICID t-o t SD TW1CK SL.AI3 l;d0'rtr~a 1-Q200 I~AUS 0~i-17S0 ppNY wnL.!-S 06.1apQ r7C'1' l~~CKS/RAMPS , •0300 WAl~l. F0EtM1NG D6.3~t00 G,4RmAGl: ~'Nr<LC15UR~ -os2D WAL.I. 13aURIN~ ~- D5.3S5D pAttnl'>*"r wi~l,t.s ~ ~4C1~0q ~4RMS/GnLUMS -05;?0 f3FAMS/I~QUIt(NC _ .,- _.,~ OG•72SD wpOi~ 1•1AN131YAIL - -067.dSLARC}NGftA.17>rPOUR -06bD G1LA1~L: f;D~IC15e~NL7 --- 07-IDOD Water~raofn 1~7-1500 Iti ~icl (nsulati4n -a~2o suPnorzF, SI_A13, }'~411~ 07-2D0 fiber Irisu-atic+i~ <C}8~0 CI.CVA'1'L-""J7 SAIri3 - - - a7.7SOD Shin Ies ~ melt i •• -o~~0 5't-~~IIZ CAN GRnt~~ I~t~l.l_It: __ _D7»:-qOD NIc1t~i RonFin . - I I;;O SICr~~VAL!£Sx r'OtJR - _ D7•~FiDO Metabrupr_R~antLi ^ -I~aD ~kTS[-ACt i'~UR, IT1~UI,A'rfDN O'1•DS~d ~ -I .i7U GL1R>~SIPL'~1.11~ • D7.2S20 R~al± Mir7'A~. a 1.20 CUk2E3 ~, GU'1TER PC~~Jft Dy6DD0 bEAtwnN'~S M - _ ~1. 7~D N(iS~s•riiC1C'ruRr Haug - y - ._ ~' - °` ! llia ~ ToTA I~s Nt .' . " ~v r r• s aat Lv -raTnt~s ~„~•r _ nrl T w T i= s - . MAR-23-2009(MON) 09:53 '. DEB-~S-CI709f WEA) 1 ~: Q9 -~ R & R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION ~ ~ 17~~ ~rC~~r Ta; R & R Taylor ~onstrttefiQn, inc P.CI. Box 134 Cia~emnn MT 5811-123q (FAX)406 586 7508 P. 012/014 p. ata~/OOC ordor#: ~ drder Dsto; O~/~A~/2>a176 Praject: 9dd Story Mansion "1'tto cot-troctar agrees to perform and the owner agrees to p8y for the totlawing chanpea io thEa cgntract. ~ (Tana Atmched Ordorod By; Customer Order: 5poc(flcatlon9 Atta4'kled Deserlptian of Work „,.~ ,_, ~ Amaurtt ~~ t±xeavatg aut old pier faot(ngs- ~ Hrs 1~~g Volvo 13ccavalar f~ ~1'i5.t7D/Hr ~ Load 9tralght Truoit laollvored - SCreenad Rock ~"19,Dt] X;1;~Q.QQJYd ^ $3t3D.00 Notes t~~BaU~a chanDes will law~r tqc a~orall ccnirac! prte4 requlrlnQ no vddltlgn~l pnymegt by ownoc, d ~~ FtcquGStad Amount ai trhan®e ~o,oo ~t3o,tw C7wnar' -,® Crate' ~antr~~tor: Date; MRR-23-2009(MON) 09:53 R & R TRyLOR CONSTRUCTION (FA!{)406 586 7508 P.O10/Oltt ~rosga t~rlen j~riant~mtsixinerete.com~ ~ets~ Tuesday, l=ebrUety ~4, 2QQ9 8:39 AM `~~~ Russ ~Isen ~c, jstephenr~mtseoncrete.~~rn ~~b~e R~; Stary Mansion ~~ ~0®4 ~orglve the Inf~rrnality of this bid but:, here arc the requested nut`rtL~ers far the ~taty changes. ~~~ ~~...~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~$$ ~~(deteil @ ramp) Tots! lebera~d materials is farm, lace & finish and trip. (nor dirkwork i tine grading, AKA 18 (window well detail} 'Foal leb~r end mater a s tta fixrm, piece t Hnish and strip. (drain st:t by others, no dirt ,"' v+~e~rlt I fine grading) ~hg1~,2~ ~,~. ~. - = F~ ~ , ~Ca~. y~{I inclusions / e~~lusicns and terms end ~endittens ~fram our arl~inel bid and ctantract eppl~. ~ritir~ G-. ~icstrnnt . ~en~eral witttt~t~ar Mdntunu SGr~icturnl ~Qncr~e 16 ~.. ~amcrnt- Rrid~~ Cd, L~4z~mnn, mitt, S51°J1~ r~06-3sba.i ()97 a>=(icc t ~LD6-388~7~~8 t;~x i ~QG-599-899 ~61i Gte:~idet~ti:il * 4~uinrncrcin! '' Municipst Nleas~e nan:ticlcr tht enuir~snmant iael'br~ pttinting tltis.etnail trontidoni(aUty Notlea; '!'his eammunlcallon is Intended +Nttjt }or tfl0 uuo of ttia orlplnai peraar- tq whC~m It N9 addtassed and may oantain prlultopeid and ~antktantlel lnfotmatlan. Capylnp ar d>saemitiatl~an of thin eammunieatiea 1s prehl~ltad. If you h~vo racdived tttls~ ~mmunlcati~n in art®r. please natlty us lMmadlataty and delete the original mo8aapo. •--,. _ ~noma Erase t~lsen [rnaiitta:ru~sCimail.rrlayiercansl:.rer~ma tt~ Nlr~nday, ~aruary ~,6, ZOQ9 ~:0~ PM ~°~e ~a~klrb Attdetn; brlan~dlmLct~n~rete.eamr 9re~ Welker ~tab~e~ ~l~ry Ntan$feri ~~ -#00~• t hive been hclding. un to this uv7i~irt~ ~a see ~~hat; they +~erts ~rafrig i:o de v~ith ehe drain ai: ~:he ho~Gerr- a~~hr: t~xterit5r s~airs (®~„t } Provide a ~an~rete s1~b e,~igl7 curies and drain to ~cis>;ing dry well i~ the wfrtdaw well (predfousfy labeled ~ra~atel area' } lo~~ed r~orGh ~~th~ nevt, ~ddibian anr~ wed of s~zair ~, a;°o~e~. f~a~v~~er ~$iR ~nyl~~' tr~~~t:i'z~~i;i~q~ ln~a . , MAR-23-2009tMON) 09;53 St~ph~ns 1-Yelditt~, .Inc. R & R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION 161=. CsrnraCOn $rid~;e Rd, ~ozemuty, M'7 59718 Ph. (~06) X88-1680IFttx (406) 358~97~1 I Name l Address I K &~ R'I'uylar ConSSttUCdon. Inc 1'p Bvx 123E1 I~o7enthh, M'I" 39y'71-1'~3A (FRX)406 586 2508 P.O11101d HANGS C?~D~~ lasts Change L]rder # ?li912QD~ 533 Faro~ece Story Mnnsion Jab f~200R-Ot3 iaescriptlon Qty ~. ~ mast 'fatal Itubricatn Sleetres and paylti ~.. por $}Cn «0 (ltcvlsion to new ~ ~ 3 ~ 7s,oo ~lS,tlO pddltlan) Tubricuted Mutcrinis i go,po ao,pa an site riarmble weldfrig co ntn~eh lu~ndruil brackets to ~ 7d,(IO l Shop pnyw.iin4ludes travel t#tne~ ~~~~ ~ S~lZp.O~ ~ i From: Richard Teer [mailto:imrinc@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:28 PM To: Russ Olsen Subject: RE: Bannack daubing Russ, I figured $300 to repair cap stone end on Story Mansion. Rich Subject: RE: Bannack daubing Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 13:17:10 -0600 From: russCc~mail.rrtaylorconst.com To: imrinc(c~hotrnail.com Have you got me a price to fix the masonry pier corner at the Story mansion? ~ { ~ C'han~e ®~de~° Request P~®~®sal Request # 134 ~~'~ i To: Date: 03/ 17/09 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE INC Job Number: 2008-0 ] 5 , . 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 BOZEMAN MT 59715 Job Name: STORY MANSION , Date Accepted By: 03/25/09 We hereby agee to make the change(s) specified below: Reproduce hardware in Library to match existing $175.00 OH&P 20% $35.00 SUB TOTAL $21 0~-_~ Add two WP GFI receptacles to front porch soffit 522.00 OH&P? °ro$]44.~10 \',`,~~.~I~U(~ SUB TOT L $~~6.40 '~-~ ~~TtZ,. Elease sign and return one copy to our office im~ediatelv._.~ Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased 0 days. R R Taylor Construction Inc. /` D e v 'J? b~~f`i, ~.,~r~:,-~~ ~:ri~: ~~ ~~ r r lFr,,j/t ,1~,,,~ p {- . Dovetail Designs & Millwork, Inc. 2301 - 1St Ave. S. egtebll5nea ts~s Billings, MT 59101 Phone: (406)248-5010 Fax: (406)248-8277 E-mail: marksevier@aol.com PROPOSAL Proposal Submitted to Name R& R TAYLOR CONST Street BOX 1234 City BOZEMAN MT 59771-1234 Telephone Number Fax Number Project STORY MANSION CHANGE ORDER Date 3-17-09 LIBRARY HARDWARE HAVE BALL AND BALL PRODUCE 5 BAILS AND 1 BALL TO COMPLETE THE DRAWER HARDWARE IN LIBRARY. TOTAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT $157.00 The above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and ~ completed in a substantial workmanlike manner for the sum of $_see above with payments to be made as follows: ', All payments due within terms, otherwise 1-1/2% per month finance charge will be added after 30 days. Any alteration from the above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders and will become an extra charge Respectfully Submitted, over and above the estimate. All agreements are contingent upon strike, accidents or delays beyond our control. Workers' compensation and public liability to be carried by Dovetail Designs. One year warranty on workman- ship. Warranties, if any, far products not manufactured by owner are Mark Sevier, President offered through manufacturer and not Dovetail Designs. Acceptance of these conditions is expressly made a condition of the sale. The above does not include Local, State, or Federal Taxes or Sales Tax. ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date: Signature ~- _ ,, _ . _ _. _~ ..._... E . .. „r?Pea . _..._.___..._~~__.__.~-~~< r} . _ ~ - ',~`.' r,~;.- ' •. j l'!!li(i;~ ~ i ,'! i t MRR-23-2009(MON) 09:53 R & R TRyLOR CONSTRUCTION (FAX)d06 586 2508 t k .. 0~12~/2008 OB:aS F11J~ A08587?288 ktA'I'ZING6R E;7.~CTR~C MAT~INGEFi E4ECTRlC, INC. 90T 9ridger i]rnre ~zeman, MT 557'15 Phone; (a0~} 587-i'~91i ~a~ ~aor57 ss~ 7~~ Praposat 311612~Q'~ ro: ~~~~rA~oR ~~ S Willson Ave 54CEMAN, MT 58745 Job; Stogy NR,ansion Rcnovatir~n Proj~ Add tuva WP G t re~olac~es 1o font north sod . Chengo Order Number. 1QD001~870 P. 013/Old ~oox Yu~Rlt Dt`SCRlP''11C~N: Run two new clrcults end add twrn weatherpraaf GFi roceplacies to franc; poroh svffik The totet amount of tltils i~rapo~al is: $72280 Sincer'aly, Jeff Matcinger ~lat<:inger Eleetrie MRR-23-2009(MON) 09;54 R & R TRyLOR CONSTRUCTION (FAX)406 5S6 7508 P. 014/014 o~G22/2009 5$:~b FA7~ Q065~77298 IdATZING~R E]~CZ'RTC Ct~00~ ~ r ' ,J ,, ~ ~y...~~ ~r ~• '~ t` Y ' ~u~ i t' ,+ J uv+w~ ~aam FFiK~~I P~ ' 1 ~ I 2~ ~~ . WP,C;F1 1NP.GFl .' ~ C3 ,~ ~ ,.. O p (~I . ~ ~ . ~ROVIi~ 1~Jpl.~ GF! ~RE~"r'gp,~ Fl.USM !Id . ~~ c~unt~, wrr~r w~A~ac~ caves, .. ,~ ; Hueep~. ~NP2s ~oR ~o-~pRav® ~uu~. -. ~ ~ ~ S~3.F'~ tlNG Si~NG t„OADEC~, CA5°i . .. ~ .. ~ . au~n~u~. -+a~ aF ~~) LacA~on~s s~awra -r~u~ c~cu~T as sr~owt~: '""""' g~ -- ~~awnuo r~b~~; ~-~~ ' T.B. 1'~( ~Ici11$i0t1 ~~ar Renovatlan ~~ 0i1 GwMhiVblaanAra.,G !kl'39l1tl dfiWNAIG'ti=1,fZ ~~u aa~ aAC~~cr~: R~V15(tJRI C?F Ft~S`f' FL~~1~ P~U11ER os19ma9 Ana PLAN ~lT Paf2~N uiw--~,4u~4~j 1 i w c~ ~'hange O~de~ Request Proposal Request #14 To: Date: 03/25/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/31/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: Add four additional sprinlaer heads at the front of the buildin~a $321.00 X385.20 Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above $385.20 6% Contact Management Fee $23.11 Total Change Order Request $408.31 The Contract Time will be increased 0 _ `-~.."~--b'"~ =~ lam: for C nstruction Inc. Date M ~ ~ i~i Fire Protection Services (~ 9550 Derby Drive, Missoula MT 59808 - PO Box 18040 Phone 406-728-b242 /Fax 406-643-6071 Job Name: Story Mansion ASI# Job No: F00034 Request No- 1.00 Location: Bozeman Project Manager. Chris Shea Description: Extra heads in front enterance March 20, 2009 IIl1ATFR161 C 1.6RAR ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION UNIT HOURS 1 $ - 2 $ - 3 $ - 4 $ - 5 $ - - g $ - - 7 $ - - 8 1/2" reliable heads 4 $ 19.50 $ 78.00 0.35 1.40 g $ - - 10 $ - 11 $ - 12 $ - 13 $ - 14 $ - - 15 $ - 16 $ - - 17 $ - 18 $ - - 19 $ - 20 $ - - 21 $ - 22 $ - - 23 $ - - 24 $ - - 25 $ - 26 $ 27 $ - - 28 $ - 29 $ - 30 $ 31 $ - - 32 $ - - 33 $ - - Subtotal $ 78.00 Material Discount 0.0% $ - - Steel Price Increase: 0.0% $ Material Taxes 0.0% $ - - Labor Rate $ 78.28 Lift Rental Project Mgr Exp. $ 21 Material $ 78 Permit Labor $ 107 Miscellaneous Fabrication $ - Subcontracts Engineering/Design $ 60 Subtotal $ 21 Subtotal $ 245 ~~~ ~ .~ Hours Rate Total Cost $ 266 12% Overhead $ 31.89 $ 40.00 8% Profit 23.81 1 $ 60.00 0% Bond $ - TOTAL PRICE S 321 ~o wl wt <9-- -- ~ ~ c~ i 1 "~ Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request #~6 ~~~r GC)NSTRU~TIl~N thl~. To: Date: 03/25/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, 1NC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/31/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: Revised door hardware changes 566-$9 t ~ I Sf ~(~ OHcX.P 20°,% 5553?0 ~, g (o , 8'0 Subtotal $3319.20 ~ ~! Zl~ • ~~ Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased &R a _' .Z~.~' Inc. Date 0 days. Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request #16 ~y &R ~~~'L4~t~ cc~ivsrrru~fl~~v 1M~. To: Date: 03/25/09 COMMA Job Number: 2008-015 -Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 BO Job Name: STORY MANSION ZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/31/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: Revised door hardware changes Si~G6-69 ~~ ! ~~j.c OH&P 20°,/0 $553?0 Z 3 (r , $"U Subtotal 53319.20 1 ~~ Z!~ . ~~ Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased ~ f y 2c~ . ~$~-~-1-~-~A- ~...~ & R T~lylor Construction Inc. Date 0 "' `` KALMONT KALMONT DISTRIBUTORS, INC. DiSTRIDUTORS 2549 HIGHWAY TWO EAST '"`~ KALISPELL, IRT 59901 PHONE [4061251-2511 ~~ FAK [406] 152 6474 March 23, 2009 R&R Taylor Construction P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771 1-406-586-7508 Subject: T.B. STORY MANSION Addendum: 0 Gentleman: CHANGES PER HARDWARE SCHEDULE: 1) CHANGE ENTRY SET FROM STANDARD TO MORTISE @ DOOR #'S 103A, 104A, 107A, 106A, 108A, 110B, 114A '`i ;: r'1 ! '% • ~'" ~~a<., TOTAL ADD $ 1,225.00 '~ 2) CHANGE DOOR # 200A TO HARDWARE GROUP #4 ® ADD 3 EA HINGES ® ADD 1 EA LOCKSET ® ADD 1 EA STOP 00 z/ TOTAL ADD $199 3) DELETE KICKPLATE AT # 115A . TOTAL CREDIT <$ 39.00> '~ 4) DOOR #'S l~, 1 004A ANGE THRESHOLD FROM "D" FINISH TO "B" FINISH TOTAL ADD $ •43~ 5) DOOR # 112A CHANGE FROM PRIVACY SET TO PASSAGE SET & ADD A INDICATOR DEAD BOLT PER JAMES GAHRUNG TOTAL ADD $ 31.00 ~ 6) DELETE DEAD BOLTS AT DOOR #'S OOlA, 002A TOTAL CREDIT <$ 52.00> ~ 7) DELETE RIM CYLINDERS AT DOOR #'S 11 lA & 116A TOTAL CREDIT <$ 44.00> '~ 8) CHANGE DOOR #'S lOIA, lOSA, IOIB, 110A FROM STA NDARD LOCK TO MORTISE LOCK ENTRY TOTAL ADD $ 776.00 '-' 9) CHANGES TO DOOR # 004A ® CHANGE HINGES FROM BB 1279 TO BB 1199 ~~ DELETE RIM CYLINDER TOTAL ADD $ 26.00~-"'~'`j~4~ 10) ADD DEAD BOLT TO DOOR #114B TOTAL ADD $117.00 '~ l±} ~~1~-~~:~ `?~~~ C~ 1~~c1.~~~~, ~ 7r~a ~S IDlj=~ ~ lv~~'~ § 1 V 1 t G~~Ur7'"~ ~`~~`~.~Dr• iL l.. 1 Thank you for the opportunity of making this quotation. ~ `~" ~~ r ~ ~~ / Sincerely `',, , R. ~` ',~` Dan Ruud, Kalmont Distributors, Inc. r~ g h,~4Rri30 ~2Q09 MON 09:24 AM KdlJ~1NIDISi FAX No. 406 152 6474 ~'a ~~7J,~~~ ~~hl /L JIVIY V ~~.L\YJ' ZL \ ~e 254 l~IG~'VV~,A.X ~`~V~ ~.A,S'I' KALISPET.T~, ~T 59~9~ ~. PHONE (405)257-253.1 FAQ (406)752-b474 FACSTNHI,E ~'RANS~SSION DATE: ~ "~ ~~ `~ ~~ >{AZ~ NO.~_ ob ~ ~B~- 7S~ ~ ~--. TO ~ ~~~ 1c~,.,1 ~~-' PA~~ I o~ ~' A~rrr: f~ ~ ~S ~ ~E~ ~' ~ ~'~~'' y t Y t Cxn 5 ~~~c~7 l~ev~~~d1 ~r~ ce ~ ~rr~w~ s~~~~e. ~w~ P. 001 MAR-3U-Z~U9 MON 09.24 A~ Kb1f~f DI51 FAX No~ 4~6 152 6d 14 P• UU2 iM i2' y ~~~ ,~~ ® KAtRIONT DISTRIBUTOAS,INO. o,3Ta~av~®A~ 2549 NIRNWAY TWO EAST ~"`. ~(AtISPEII, IBT 59901 PNUN~ [4061257-2511 ~~ FAIt t406175~ ~i4T4 March 30, 2009 R&R. Taylox Construction P.O. Boy 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771 1-406-586-750$ Subject: T.B. STORY MANSION Adde~.dum: 0 Gentleman, CHANGES PEl.2 HARDI~VARE SCHEDUTIE: ' 1) CHANGE ENTRY SET FROM STANDARD T'O MORTISE @ DOOR #' S 103A, 104A, ~107A, 106A, 108A, 1105, 114A TOTAx., ADD $1,225.00 ~ 2} CI-IANGE DOOR # 200A TO HARllWARE GROUP #4 ® ADD 3 E.A. ~IINGES ADD 1 EA LOCKSET ® ADD 1 EA STOP 'T'OTAL AAA 5x99.00 ~ 3) DELETE KICKPLATE A,T DOOR # ~ 15,A, ~'O'I',A,L CREDIT <$ 39.00> ~ 4} DELETE ALL HARDWARE DOOR#'S 1 ] 1,A, & 116,A, TUTA,L CIt.EDIT <$1,059.00> ~ 5) DOOR' # 112A CHANGE FJ.~OM I'RN.ACY SET TO P.A,SS.A.GE 5ET & ADD A. INDXCATOR DEAD BOLT 1'ER JAMES GAHRUNG 'TOTAL ADD $ 3~A0 v ~ DELETE DEAD BOLTS AT DOOR#'S OOIA, 002A TOTAL CREDIT <$ 52.00>.'' 7) DELETE RTM CYLINDERS'AT DOOR. #' S 11 lA & 1 ] 6A TOTAL CI~bIT <~ 44.00> v' 8} . CHANGE DOOR #'S 101A,105A,101B,110A FROM STANDARD LOCK TO MORTISE LOCK. ENTRY TOTAL ADD ~ 776.00. " 9) CHANGES TO DOOR. # 004A ® CHANGE HINGES FROM BB1279 TO BB1199 DELETE RIM CYLINDER TOTAL ADD $ 30.00 ~--- 10)ADD DEAD BOLT TO DOOR #114B 'X'O'I'AL A.AA ~ X1'.00 ~- TQ~`AL CHANGE ADI3 $11ZSq.00 " DOOR #'S I OIA. & 105A WE T-IA~IE NO CREDIT TO GIVE THERE WAS NO CYLINDERS TO STA.1~T WX~'I-I & EMTEK SENDS A KEGULAR "C" KEYWAY WHICH WILL BE USED FOR GONSTR;CTCTION CLYLINDER o i= a ~ Thank you fox the opportunity o£making this quotation. Any qu'e~stions please call. Sincer y, /Z ~ `,z- ~ c ~,,~ G/ ~~ ~ ~ s i ~ ~ c h /~ , e Q Dan Ruud, Ralrn.ont Distl'ibuto~s, Iltc. rJ g