HomeMy WebLinkAboutStory Mansion, Change Order No. 10, R & R Taylor, 2009R ® TM =~== Document G701 - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 010 OWNER: City of Bozeman -Story Mansion DATE: April 10, 2009 ARCHITECT: Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. CONTRACTOR: Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 FIELD: ^ R&R Taylor Construction, Inc CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 OTHER: ^ P.O. Box 1234 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) Omit aluminum door and window system entirely; install wood door and window system at units in room 111; existing windows and door units in room 116 to remain. See Proposal Request #015 The original Contract Sum was $ 1,071,242.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 41,349.60 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,112,591.60 The Contract Sum will be decreased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 4,803.40 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,107,788.20 The Contract Time will be increased by Zero (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is June 30, 2009 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guazanteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Cha nge Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. R&R Taylor Construction, Inc City of Bozeman ARCHITECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) OWNER (Firm name) 109 N Rouse Ave, #1, Bozeman, MT P.O. Box 1234, Bozeman, MT 59771- P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771 59715 1234 ADDRESS ,,dam `~ (('~/~ ~QD,pRES~ C tr J ~ t J~ w BY (Signature) BY (Si nature) BY (Signature) Ben Lloyd Russell L. Olsen James Goehrung (Typed name) (Typed nar re) (Typed name) 41~3~~ S_~~ _Q~ DATE DATE DATE AIA Document G701 TM - 2001. Copyright ©1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIA® Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 11:05:04 on 04/10/2009 under Order No.1000388712_1 which expires on 2/17/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1480766172) Change O~de~ Re uest ~ ~ ~ ` ~~ ~~ ~f q Proposal Re uest #17 f ~~ y;~~ `-°`~ q R&R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION INC. To: COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 BOZEMAN, MT 59715 z ~. r~ ~ ~f, ~ ~., ~. } s a' We hereb y agree to make the change(s) specified below: DEDUCT: Original Contract -Valley Glass & Window for Storefront $ -30,080.00 ADD: Glass and ASC Hardware Frames $ 8,040.00 8,489.00 OH&P 20% Set Windows 3,305.80 Labor (S t F e rames) 1216 00 Door 1 1 ] A . 15222 Door 116A (Remove/Replace) 304 00 Misc framing & materials (Hinges, Door 116A) . 425.00 OH&P l5% 314 58 Paint & Caulking . 2,525.00 OH&P 20% 505.00 Subtotal "~ -4 803 40 Note: Per Proposal Request Number: 015 , . Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased &R Inc. $ -4,803.40 $0.00 $ -4,803.40 0 days `- =-_-= Document G709rM - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROJECT (Name and address): PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 015 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. DATE OF ISSUANCE: Apti1 03, 2009 Bozeman, MT 59715 OWNER (Name and address): City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. 109 N Rouse Ave, #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONSULTANT: ^ CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten (] 0) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description of the Work): This proposal request includes the following items: - Omit metal window & door system at units 1-5 (all locations). - Provide wood door & window system at units 1 and 2. At these units glazing and hardware to remain as specified. Coordinate final glazing dimensions with wood door & window system. - Existing window and door units and framed infill are to remain where units 3-5 were previously to be installed. Reverse swing of door 116A as shown on plans. Install new hardware at door 116 as specified. (Note: provide gyp board returns at interior of these existing units as previously shown - no new interior trim). ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): none REQUES~ BY THE ARCHITECT: (Signature Pat Larum, Architect (Printed name and title) AIA Documen4 G709T^" - 2001. Copyright ©1993 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WAfiNiNG: This AIAe Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 10:17:34 on 04/03/2009 under Order No.1000388712 1 which expires on 2/17/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: - (1038172911) ' ~ TA T T ~~`' ~1'~. r rz ^ ,^ .ttr. I +G-LAS S S ~. / ~~~ T AI.PfOMOTiV~ • RE DE ~ L~ ~Mtur~rtatr. PO Bmc9U0G7 Hasa, ~ 59?19 2D 1L•tw>fide Ridge Bozeman,ll~ b9718 {406) 586-05ffi I-S88~2frU5811=mc (406) 587532 ~ra~a~acY ~R°POSAL StJ$Mfi'i'1:D TO N°NE pgrg R&Ft Taylor Cons#ructlon lrrc. 567-44511=ax 58Cr75d$ 41-09 :TREET 00 NAME P,O. gox 9234 ~ STORY MANStdN ;IIY~ STATE end ZlP CODE !36 I,OCg710N Bozeman, Mon#ana 507717.234 Bozeman, Montana 1RCN11ECT DATE OF Pl1WS JQ8 PNDNE Ue herebysubmlt spedf{caftans and astlmates Por. Cast for shop drawing's, product d2~, & etc. Cost fbr hardware, 2 each k.CN closers 2 each Van Duprin 88 panics 2 each thresholds 2 each sweeps Cost for the following glass installed %2" thick using 1f8" clear on the au~aard pane and 1/8" sungate 500 low-e on the inboard pane 10 units 33 x 31 9 units 33 x 14 8 units 10 x 20 tempered 4 units 26 x 20 #ernpered 1 unit 25 x 70 tempered 2 units 10 x 14 1 unit 3@ x 14 1 unit 26 x 14 . ~ 50,00 $ 3,720.00 $ 3.680.00 Tat~1 New Contrac#: ~ T,960,00 ~-1 %= $80.Op NOTES: (~) l did not include any hinges because the aluminum doors had pivots which wilt not work very well on wood doors so hinges will be by you.. {2}The hardware wiN be installed by you so you wit! need to add labor. ~p ~rD~1D~E hereby to furnish material and labor, complete In accardaDCe with above speciflcatlons, !or the sum eP: Parmont t0 b®madm as faliaws: yne.w ~f ~ a nvlev.lailflRC rr~nneraeoordingmsfendardpracdaes a„y9l~,s,rn4~rde~radm,t~o~„s~wespeol~ans Authorized imoMing m~tra oasts vnm Ga s>mrutod only upnn wr?msn onters, and wl!! bacumo an enrtra Slgl7ature• charge over arW eboYB fheesmnate. Allagn"menta cantln~tt uaon sMior~ aaideMs or delays beyond vur control Qwner to tsny ttt~ tomedo sn0olt+erneoe9saryirxu~ance 1Vot .this pro sal m e our wor>~ are tmry mveisa by wodanan's t,~on~ponsisfson tnsuran~. withdrawn by us if not accented within sOdev~. ~[[E~1'ti;ICtleDf ~XDpD~it;I Theaboveprices,specificetionsand rnnditinns are ~tisfacmry ertd are hare6y atxxpted, Yon are authorized Signature to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. 5i~natute nla, •n~i ni-nrtwira~Xfnnu7nt7~~ue uiu7r•1 enn~'I •tii iu Dovetail Designs ~ Millwork, Inc. 2301 •1 s# Ave. S, ~,,,,,,,~, ,~78 Billings, MT 599 01 , Phone: 1;406)246.501t) Fax: {406)248.8277 E•malh m2lrksevier(c~aoLcom PRQPQSAL Name S#reet City Telephone Number PROVIDE WINDOW WALLAS DRAWN IN PAINT GRADE PQPLAR. DOOR MACHINED FOR HARDWARE • .,..,,.... ,r.-u.a.,vn,.c,:nivrJ ~~valna"~, oT vlnCKts. FO9 J013SITE $8 405,00 ~~ ~ ~ . The above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specifications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner forthe sum of;~ see above with payments to be ms~de as follows: A!i payments due within terms, otherwise 1-112% per month finance charge will be added after 30 days. Any alter+fion from th+ above apeclficatlone Involying extra Coate wlp be executed only upon wditan orders and will become an extre cner~a over end above the estimate, Alf agreements era conUnpent upon aulke, ecaldertta ardelays beyond ourcontrol. Workers' e0mpensatlon and public IIabIIHy to 6o carried try Dowtaif Dealpne. Qne yesrweaenty on workmen ship. Warranilea, lr any, for praduds not msnufacturod by owner are orfered mrouQn menufeeturer 8ndro! Dovetail DedQns, Accapfance of these candlUona Is expressly made a CondiGort of the sale, Respectfully Submitted, Mark Sevier, President ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL The above prises, apeelfications and conditions aro satlefectory and are hereby accepted, You aro authalizad to do the wank as specified, Payment will be made ae outUnad above. VK GUNST Project STORY MANSION RFP WINDOW WALL MT 59771-9234 Date 3-30.08 TA' BOX 9234 Date: Signature ' a ~ 0~~ `~ 0 ~' ~o ~~ ~~ o© O ~~ N ~. ca .v~ r ~x ~~ ti g ~1 `r? Q ~ ~ V ~~ 9~T°Lt 9~~°Ll 9~t LT N 9~t°Lt T ZZ . ~L°~/ ~ N O ~ zQ ~o rn ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ aQ i ~ Y ~~ ~~ ~~~ 6s~ ~a€ ~~ 5~ ~~ 0 H 0 ~~ ~6 H ~. Traditional Finishes Inc. Josh Benford, Susan Pluid l OSO ~thorp Lk. Rd. Rexford, MT 59930 Name /Address R&R Taylor Construction 13 South Wilson Ave Bozeman, MT S971S Estimate Date Estimate # 4/1/2009 69 Terms Protect ti Story Mansion Descrlptlon Qty Rate Total Paint both sides of windows where store front was going to be, 1 2,000.00 2,000.00 includes door and entry system in this wren, includes painting both sides Paint and scrap windows and door in exit cdmdor 1 500.00 500.00 r ~~ ~~ includes all labor and materials, work to be finished in a timely matter Tofa I $2,500.00 Phone # Fax # E-mail 406-669-3403 406-889-3403 benFords2002(a3hotmail.com