HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 1597 Amends zone map, Benjamin, R-2 ORDINANCE NO. 1597 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP AND ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL MUNICIPAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "R-2" (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMIL V, MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT) ON 2.167 ACRES LOCATED IN THE NE% OF SECTION 19, T2S, R6E, PMM, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish an initial zoning designation of "R-2" , Residential Two Family, Medium Density District, has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a pUblic hearing on August 20, 2002 and October 1, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved with a designation of "R-S", Residential Suburban; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on October 21, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment, to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on October 21, 2002, the City Commission found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would be in the public interest, contingent upon annexation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 3596, adopted on the 19th day of May, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby initially established as "R-2," Residential Single Family, Medium Density District: A tract of land being described as Tracts 1A and 2A, C.O.S. E-9-C, Longacres Subdivision, located in the Northeast one-quarter of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 6 East of the Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 19, thence South 88043'39" West along the north line of said Section 19, a distance of 810.35 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Thence continuing along said north line of Section 19 South 88043'39" West a distance of 312.76 feet to the intersection of said north line and the centerline of Sourdough Road. Thence South 13020'50" East along the centerline of said Sourdough Road a distance of 347.88 feet to the westerly projection of the south line of Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey No. E-9-C. Thence North 87041'35" East .- -- -.-----.--.--..--.-.----.-- .-------- --."..--.--------.-- .------. along said south line and its westerly projection a distance of 245.48 feet to the west line of the tract described on Film 30, Page 2243 of Gallatin County records. Thence North 02012'17" West along said west line and its northerly projection a distance of 335.79 feet to the north line of said Section 19 and the True Point of Beginning. Said tract of land being 2.1674 acres along with and subject to any existing easements. Section 2 Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after final adoption. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 19th day of May 2003. ST~~~~ ATTEST: ~oY~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd day of June 2003. ATTEST: STd~~~ R~~~ Clerk of the Commission - 2 - .:~ ZOjVE l\{AP \\ 8EiNG lOTS 'A & 2A, CERF'CJTE 0r 9~RVCY C.. 9..(. AND X)jACENT RGW-OF-WAY ~OP SOJRD<JUG< RDAD & P.GY 8lVD.. ~~~ _ LOCATED H THZ Cr~LlATI;:t1cbJNTY:~ r~ON1>,N"'A(.f 5 US1 p.l1V - "",.....--- ------ - 'i -- -- ~ 0\.,- ...../ --__ :t.....,e -\ ," ---_ I I .. -- --- 1 1 @ ......, 0.,. 1 1 " 4 ",< 0 1 1 -'r.....,...,.;;,.;;__ ',~ ('-t 1 1 - ',.... 1 1 , . 1 1 -r- -- - -- __ \ " ~ & 1 1 - - I , \ " ~ 1 1 , , "". '--------_ 1 1 i ! .....,. "" \ --------1 1 1 'a,> \" zr ~ ~.~'W_ ~ ___v.v.._,~ TfWJ PMt _ ~-o:.m.r \ \~'-..,...........,,;' ~f fH>:"'~!ng __ ~ . 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