HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 03- 1600 Amends zone map, Evangelical Free Church ORDINANCE NO. 1600 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "R-3" (RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT) ON 0.7043 ACRES SITUATED IN THE SE 14 OF SECTION 14, T2S, R5E, PMM, GALLATIN COUNTY, CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to establish a new zoning designation of "R-3", (Residential Medium Density District) on 0.7043 acres has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on November 6, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on November 25, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, no one from the general public spoke in favor of or in opposition to the zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment, as recommended by the Zoning Commission, to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on November 25, 2002, the City Commission found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would be in the public interest, contingent upon annexation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 3607, adopted on the 14th day of July 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: ...---.--.....-- -......--.------ . ----..---- Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby established as "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District): A tract of land located in the Southeast 1,4 of Section 14, T2S, R5E, MPM, Gallatin County, Montana, being a portion of Parcel A, Certificate of Survey No. 1328A, and further described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Parcel A; thence NOoo08'24"E, a distance of 306.83 feet; thence N89059'20"E, a distance of 1 00.00 feet; thence SOoo09'14"W, a distance of 276.91 feet; thence SOoo04'30"W, a distance of 29.94 feet; thence N90000'00''W a distance of 99.97 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.7043 acres. Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 14th day of July 2003. ATTEST: sTd;~1- ~stu~ Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 28th day of July 2003. STd; KIJ;;~4- ATTEST: ~o)J~ N L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission - 2 - ----.---...---- .._n_.__..__.____ CERTlF/CA TE OF- SURVEY NO. l~~eA A SURVEY OF A 5.74/4 ACRE PARCEL FOR AN EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH ADJUSTMENT TO A COMMON BOUNDARY LOCATED IN THE SE //4 OF SECTION /4, T2S, R5E. PMM, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA 0CA1ifNGS ARF: BASfP ON THE Ilf1XIRO "- SCAL E: I INCH ~ 100 FE:ET BEAR/Nt; OF THE SOUTH UNt OF TRACT 1 10 . J; NORT>I (]9' 52' ...,. EAST ~ OF COS 1328 AS IT WAS FOUND UA'*FD !M.02' aN THE Gli'C;JtMJ', b J :- 0 100 >00 300 400 .. .... . .. PCINT$ .e. J. .." 9, 10;. ~, 12;. J.), AND 14; 8iif ;>:.~ , J ELD NDTES AT CACH OF THESC POINts I FOUND A 5/8 W lJtAACrCR' 1R'CN .- BAR WtTH A 'r'el.LOW PLASTiC (::Ap sr~MPED ~60IJS-: ~ A ~arc.' of land co~ta~n1ng 5~7414 acr.. loc&ted in the TRACT B, cas /245 I TRACT B-/, COS/245A ... sDuth-e..t Qu.,.-ter of Section ~.(~ Town.nip Two sout.h~ R.ng-e F1ve E.st.. Pro inc-1.pa1 Mer t d-hn of Manto.n.. B. \ 1.t ~ n county ~ Hont.a.na. " ., c:o.rJ:listin.g of ..II of Tr-&ct 1 of Certificate of Su,.yey No. 1328 a:nd a 0.7043 acrll str 'p of' land: .djo; nins -the west I in. of' Tr.ll.ct 1. Tn is parce1 ; s sho..n on Cer't t cat.. of Surv.y No. 1321 A ~ :9 - 2; NORTH 89- J6' .sO" EAST ~ and is l'I'IO...e paf"t. ~ cu' ar 1 y described i no "the fo \ 10\111 ~"'9 par&glr-aph.s., I lf2.8T BeS i nn. ing .t tl,. sOLltheast cor-n_f" (1:10 i nt ...) of Tr act t. POINT 6:,- ~ .hic1-l is marked ,d'th 8;/"!1 i...on bar and ye110w p,...tic:-' c.4-P' found in I~A 5/8~DlAMETERlRON :::; IJ }.ce: BAR W1TH NO CAP, 0 ~ UP. 26 - ~ NORTH 89~ 59. 20 ~ FAST <{ th.nc. Hort.I"J. '90d OOm 00... w.st .1ong the .outr. 1; n.e of Tr.ct. fDO.CO. I i:: ' . d;stance of 520.S3 feet to the south. est co~n.r {~oint '3) of r SOUTH B9- 59" 20- WEST . " Tr'act 1. _t'!ieh is marked w~tt'l ..n iron tJ.r- and ye.\ feW" p1.st;c cap 1742.'9' ~ rOltnd ;n p1ace; I::' thence Mort"- DC-d -Q4m 30. last .10ng the ..st 1 ine .of Tract 1 a distanc-e of 2.9.9-4 feet to th. sout.h..,st corn.... of the- 0.10"'3 ~ acre st.~; p {po int 11). .h.. en h rg.r"ked with .n .1 umin-um cil!Lpped TRACT ( COS/32S ~ iron monument: UNPLATTFO ARE:A ~ 5.0373 ACRE:S i:: thence NOl""th 90d oOm 00. ....st a dt .t."c. of 99 _ 91 feet to the southwest co~n~r (point 25) of t~. 0.1043 .c.... st~i~. whie~ RALPH K. AAKE:R '2 FILM 788! PARCE:L A is :::. is marked w'it" an .llJ111inum capp..d ;-,.on monum.ntj 5 TE:VE:N R. AAKoR 1613 FILM /813 /J WI Q thence NOf"tn: OOd oam 24s E..t along the west 11 ne of th. 11/-/3-27-25-25-9-2-10-3-11-/2_ 4J '" O.7D43 acre .-trip a cristance of 306.83 f..t to the ncf"th.....st ANNEXATION AREA ~ 5.74/4 ACRE:S co~n.r (po1nt 26) oOf the 0.7043 .e~e strip, whte~ ;s m....~ed with an .'umi~um e.p~8d iron mcn~ent on the south tine of T~.et 8 or j.. Ce...t 1- f' i-c:ate of $'Ur'vey No. 1245; ~ thence NOf"th S9d 59m 20s E..t a ~ ong the no...th J 1-0. of t'hll!l- 27 . /4~ NORTH 00. D-f" .310- C.4sr O~ 7043 aCl""e strip and th. .outh I tne of Tract 8 .. distance of 29.94' ~ 100. an f..t. to th_ north...t corner- (point .9) of the 0 _ 1Q.3 acre !4 st.l"'ip , "I"Io",cn h 1.d.-'I"Itical 'Wit:h the northwe.t e:Of"n.,.. of Tr.c:-t 1. -- fe a, ... and 1. mar-ked with an i~on bar and y..1ow pl..tic cap fou~d in '" . .. place: 2S 00 <>0 t.ne'l"'le. ffo...t.h 89et 5Bm 3'6... -Ea.t & long the. _ nor-t-h l1ne- of Tr.ct SOUTH 90'" '00' T 4 ~.. 27 . 25: NORTH 90- 00' 00. it'FST " ,. .~d th. .outh 1t~. of Tr.et a-~ of C.r-~;f;cate of Survey No. 99.97" is 1245A . distane. ~f 1~Z.a1 f..t to a carn.r- (~oi~t !), wh;ch is ., COJm'lo:n to Tract 8-" and th i. p"r'ce', and t. marked ,,1 tl"lo an iron /.1 - 27: NORTH 00- 04' .3'a~ EAST .. b.... and ye} low r:-lut1c cap fCMJnd ;n I)lace: POINTS 2S. 26, AND ,,?: ".94' , thane. nortfile&.tltl'" fy .Iong the clOftllftOn bou.ndary of Tract" 1 AT VlCH OF THESE POIIVTS I SET A ~/8~ DJAMCTCR !!! and ~r-.ct a-1 and _ ~D~~io~ of . ~ircul.r cu~v. ~o the r1ght NWN ClAR. 24 H lONG. Wl'TH A 2- mAMCTER ALUAflMJM havin-g a ......dJu. of 3QO..00 feet A dist.~c. of 411.16 f..t to a CAP O. UP MARKCD calm"tOn eOll"'r.et" o.f T....ct 1 ....d T,..c-t. 8-1 (po i nt: 10) t wh ;en -;.s marked Iff tt.t, arl ;,ron b.... .nod ~e t 10w p' a..t ic cap fOLlnd in p I &c.~ AAKER C8lf1F'K:ATES OF EXD6'TION .nd from which point 2 bear. Sc~th 44d 5~ 51. West . d;s~.nee o~ 1995