HomeMy WebLinkAboutStory Mansion Change Order No. 8, R&R Taylors~ ~~ TM -~-= Document G701 - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name and address): City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. Bozeman, MT 59715 CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 008 DATE: Mazch 23, 2009 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): ARCHRECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 R&R Taylor Construction, Inc CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 P.O. Box 1234 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, where applicable, any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) This change order includes work detailed in the following Change Order Requests (CORs) COR #4A -Concrete slab and drain at window well ($3165.05) COR #11 -Lift station at Stair 2 drain ($1457.24) COR #11A -Concrete dowels ($216.56) The original Contract Sum was $ 1,071,242.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 25,351.14 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,096,593.14 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 4,838.85 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,101,431.99 The Contract Time will be increased by Zero (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is June 30, 2009 NOTE: This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum, Contract Time or Guazanteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. R&R Taylor Construction, Inc ARCHRECT (Firm name) CONTRACTOR (Firm name) 109 N Rouse Ave, #1, Bozeman, MT P.O. Box 1234, Bozeman, MT 59771 59715 123 ADDRESS ~~ SS BY (Signature) ignature) Ben Lloyd (Typed name) DATE Russell L. Olsen (Typed name) DATE City of Bozeman OWNER (Firm name) P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771 ~~4--~ BY (Signature) James Goehrung (Typed name) ~Drt ~ (y, o~00`j DATE AIA Document G701 T"" - 2001. Copyright ©1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. WARNING: This AIAr Document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 11:20:24 on 03/23/2009 under Order No.1000388712_1 which expires on 2/17/2010, and is not for resale. User Notes: (684501078) Change Oder Request Proposal Request # 4A r ^ ^ R&R TAYL~?R C©lVSTRUC'6QC?N ~N~. Toy Date: 02/25/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/04/09 We hereby agee to make the change(s) specified below: PROVIDE A CONCEZETE SLAB WITH CURBS AND DRAIN TO AN EXISTING DRYWELL IN THE WINDOW WELL (PREVIOUSLY LABELED `GRAVEL AREA') LOCATED NORTH OF THE NEW ADDITION AND WEST OF STAIR 3. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED DRAWINGS SKA 18. MSD 31B, AND SKC 3. DIG AND INSTALL 3 INCH DRAIN TO NORTH DRY WELL $1,360.00 OH&P $1,632.00 SET UP AND POUR SLAB AS PER 8KA 18 51,128.00 OH&P ~ 1,353.90 Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased $2,985.90 $179.15 $3,165.05 0 days. Taylor Construction Inc. Mf{R-23-2OO9(MON) 09;53 R & R TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION (FA?f)4O6 586 7508 P.O1O/014 ~~ Russ Olsen From: Brian j~3rian~mtsconorete.cam) Sent: Tuesday, February ~4, 20Q9 8:39 AM 70: Russ 4tsen cc: jstephens~mtsconcrete.cam Subject R~: Story Mansion QG ~fQf]4 Russ, Pargfve the inforrrtaliry at this bld butt here are the requested numbers for the Story changes. ~~-'~ ~ . S><A ~0 (detail rQ ramp) Fatal labor and mate?rlals to farm, lace & finish and strip. (no dirk work / one grading) 2. Sit~i 9 6 (window well detail) Tokal lakror and materials to form, place 1 finish and strip. (drain ~t by others, no dirt ,~ wcrk /tine grading) 5114.25 ~~,[ (/ ~ ~,~,,. '~' ~~~,„~ All inclusions ! exe;lusions and terms and Corlditiepns from our vrfgireal bId artd cvntravt apply. Briure b. Ncestrunt . General Mttri~lgcr Mdntttnu 5tructurai Concrete 16 )r. Carncrat-13rirlge ltd, L~oxcm4sl, Mt. S~'71 h ~106~38b-1097 afticc ! ~10~-3887338 fax i a0G-599-899 cell Reric#ctetiul * L'uirtn~ercial * Muniripat E'Jcase eanatirlcr the environment het'orc printing this.email Canftdant(~Ilty Not(ce:'rhl~ earnraunlcatlon is intended anfy tar tha uao of ttia atlplnat parson to whom It la addressed and ertefly cbnta(n pr(u0mgesd and aonlidential Intamtat(on. Copylnp ordissarniriertlan eaf this r,Qmmunkation is prahib(tnd. It you hava reeeNred thls~cnmmun(cailean In arror, please notlty us Irnmedlataly and daleta tha ariginm( moe:sapa. From: Russ Qisen Crttiailko:toss[dymail.rr~sylortartsk.extma Sent: Monday, February 1.6, 28ta9 2:OI pM ~ ' 70: hackie Anderson; brian~mt~ctenrwrete.com; Bret Walker subject: Srvry Mansir5n CO ~koQ~ I have been hoiding ~sn to this waiting tv see what they were going tea do with the drain at the beatCorn of the exterior stairs (o~.a, ) Provide a concrete sigh with curbs and drain to existing dry we:iC lre the window well (previously labeled gravel Area' i located narGh of the' new addition and west cf stair 3. Russ~l~.~,.plsert Project Manager R&R'~aylorConstrue:tian Inc. (40fi)58y-4451 Document G709TM - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROJECT (Name and address): PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 004 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. Bozeman, MT 5971.5 OWNER (Name and address): City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. 109 N Rouse Ave, #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR(Nameand address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 DATE OF ISSUANCE: January 28, 2009 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONSULTANT: CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten (10) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description of the Work): Provide a concrete slab with curbs and a drain to an existing drywell in the window well (previously labeled 'Gravel Area') located north of the new addition and west of Stair 3 ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): SKA 18 (1 page) MSD31b (1 page) SKC-3 (1 page) REQUESTED BY THE ARCHITECT: (Signature) Ben Lloyd, Architect/President (Printed name and title) AIA Document G709T"' - 2001. Copyright ©1993 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. AIA software at 12:01:21 on 01/28/2009 under Order No.1000379510_1 which expires on 11/25/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: This document was produced by (1722224961) Y V - V PROVIDE CURB AT (E) STONE & CONC. WALL, TYP. L-i L 4" CONC. SLAB, SLOPE MIN 2 A6.2 7 TOILET A.1 8 A5.1 112 CONC. SLAB, FD ~ SLOPE TO FLOOR DRAIN 9 REVISION OF STAIR 1 ENLARGED PLAN - FIRST FLOOR ~-- ~ ~ -~ I (N) LANDING AT ~ (E) CONC SILL STAIR 3 1ST FLOOR 0'-0" START (N) CONC. SLAB AT BOT. OF (E) CONC. SILL.. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT W/ SEALANT AT PERIMETER OF (N) CONC SLAB. SLOPE (N) CONC. SLAB 1:12 MIN. DRAIN, SEE MECH ~~ SECTION AT WINDOW WELL 2 A6.1 ~L" , $~~ 4.. .. °~ T he Historic z 1 REVISIONS AT WINDOW WELL DRAWING NUMBER: ~~ T 1 B Story Mansion ~ . . I i R i nter or enovat on 611 South Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 DRAWING TITLE: S KA 18 Comma-E,t Architecture, lnc. DATE: scALE: PRO~ECTn: 01/28109 114" = 1'-0" 0802 REVISIONS AT WINDOW WELL 2 1/4:12 TO DRAIN o _o~ S 18 oft ~--- ¢` (N) MTL GUARDRAIL TYPE'B' c>-I ~-~ I l AD 1 6 2-- - ST - 3" TO DRYWELL SEE ARCH DWGS __--___-_ ~ ~ AD-1 ~ ~ I~, i -~ ~ .. ~ 3" TO © i ~~ ~ J ~ DRYWELL Q I ; SEE "--~~ ARCH - ---~ DWGS ~ , ~___ ~~ ________ _c_ SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'- ~, ~ i 3~4 i - •-- ?~ T ns~. - HWR- I I-.~ HWS~ t'~ The Historic T B Story Mansion z W DRAWING NUMBER: . . Interior Renovation MSD31 b 811 South Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 DRAWING TITLE: Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. DATE: scALE: FROJECr#: 1123109 0802 RFI-5 AREA WELL DRAINAGE 1 of 1 ~ I~ ; ~ EXISTING ROOF DRAIN -, DRYWELL~ - CONNECT TO EXISTING ~~ :.. = - DRYWELL, CONTRACTOFY TO VERIFY" LINE AND GRA 8''~S.~R.I I~~~Y1B INSTALL 40 L.F. OF 3" ~ ~~ ~x ~~ C C PIPE ® 2~ MIN. SLOPE t=. `j"Y 1[t ('~,I {~ __ --- INSTALL 2 -3"~ ~ ~ , ' a5' BENDS , STARY MAJJ§IqN {/ CONNECT TO EXTERIOR) FLOOR DRAIN STUB OUi, SEE MECHANICAL PLANS TOR EONTINUATION CONNECT TO ROOF DRAIN-~_ I j SYUB OUT, SEE' ~ MECHANICAL PLANS FOR ~ I ~ it CONTINUATION EXISTING ROOF DRAIN ~ ,. DRYWELL ~. INSTALL ~2 3~'~45' ~ CONNECT TO EXISTING ;. BENDS DRYWELL, CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LINE AND GRADE INSTALL 19 L.F. OF 3" CPVC PIPE ® 29 MIN. SLOPE I I I I ~ S C A L E The Historic Z REV. ADDENDUM No. 3 DRAWING NUMBER: Z'~ T B Story Mansion . . Interior Renovation _ . _. _ S K~ 3 811 South Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 DRAWING TITLE: ' ~.-0I'itl't1r7-Q Architecture. Inc. DATE: scA~E: PRO~ECTa: 11125108 1 "=20' 0802 PARKING LOT GRADING AND SITE PLAN, SHEET C1,2 ~ O w t Change O~de~ Request Proposal Request # I1 ~~ ^ ^ R&R TAYLCaR CONSTRl1CTtON ff~IG. To: Date: 02/25/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 Job Name: STORY MANSION BOZEMAN, MT 59715 Date Accepted By: 03/04/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: PROVIDE AND INSTALL THE FOLLOWING: ON SHEET M3.1, THE CONTRACTOR SHAL ROUTE 3" DRAIN FROM AD-I (ADDED IN ADDENDUM 3) TO SE CORNER OF 004 LOWER ENTRY. ELIMINATE PIPING TO (E) DRYWELL. NEW DRAIN TO TERMINATE [N BASIN OF ZOELLER 900-0030R APPROVED EQUAL. TRANSITION DRAIN PIPE TO INLET SIZE AS REQUIRED. ROUTE 1-1.2" DIACHARGE PIPE FROM THE UNIT TO THE EkISTING TILE DRAIN PIPING. DISCHARGE PIPING SHAL CONNECT TO THE TOP OF THE TILE DRAIN PIPING. FIELD VF.R[FY LOCATION OF TILE DRAIN PIPING. ROUTE 2" VENT FROM CONNECTION TO UNIT UP IN CORNER OF 00~ EXPOSED. TERMINATE VF_NT IN EXTERIOR STAIR I WITH',i4" SCREEN ON VENT PIPING. ADJUST SANITARY WASTE PIPING FROM lS0 B TO ALLOW INSTALLATION OF SUMP PUMP. ON SHEE"I' E3.1 RELOCATE- STRAIGHT BLADE, DUPLEX RECEPTICLE FROM 003 STORAGE TO OPPOSITE S[DE OF THE WALL (INTO 004 LOWER ENTRY) FOR POV~'ER TO SUMP PUMP. W[LLIAMS PLUMBING AND HEATING SI.000.00 OHb'zP $l,?00.00 MATZINGER F,LEC"TRIG N!C EXCAVATION $152.00 OH&P $I7~3.80 Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request The Contract Time will be increased $1,374.80 $179.15 $1,457.24 0 days. Taylor Cronstruction Inc. ~ • 1 l~~1~1~ Plumbing Heating Utilities Integrity Commitment Cornrnun%ty February 18, 2009 R&R Taylor Construction Attn: Russ Olsen PO Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59711 FAX # 406.586.7508 Story Mansion Renovation #8637 RFP 002 -Add Sump Pump and AD-1 The below costs include adding a Zoeller 900-003 M72 sump pump with basin with venting connecting to Toilet 112 and venting through the roof and AD-1 outside of the window well piped to the drywell (grade TBD). Subcontractors: HVAC-100 TEMP CONTROLS-101 TEST & BAL-102 INSUL-105 FIRE SPRINKLER-106 Subtotal-Subs Overhead Subs Subtotal-Subs-w OH Profit Subs Subtotal-Subs-w OH & Profit Material Labor Direct Job Costs Subtotal Overhead Subtotal w OH Profit Subtotal w OH & Profit Subtotal Subs & Material, Labor, Direct Job Costs BOND GROSS REC TAX Total Sincerely ~GfC~7E G~J?GIBI'S6Yl Project Manager 10.00% - 5.00% - 418 Hours 9 383 65 866 10.00% 87 952 5.00% 48 1,000 1,000 0.00% - 0.00% - 1,000 Williams Plumbing, Heating Utilities, Inc. BOX 10 2131 Industrial Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 ~) #?,'i ,. "~ Document G709TM - 2001 Work Changes Proposal Request PROJECT (Name and address): PROPOSAL REQUEST NUMBER: 011 City of Bozeman -Story Mansion Interior Renovation 811 S. Willson Ave. DATE OF ISSUANCE: February 13, 2009 Bozeman, MT 59715 OWNER (Name and address): City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction CONTRACT DATE: January 07, 2009 FROM ARCHITECT (Name and address): Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. 109 N Rouse Ave, #1 Bozeman, MT 59715 TO CONTRACTOR (Name and address): R&R Taylor Construction, Inc P.O. Box 1234 Bozeman, MT 59771-1234 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 OWNER: ARCHITECT: CONSULTANT: CONTRACTOR: FIELD: ^ OTHER: ^ Please submit an itemized proposal for changes in the Contract Sum and Contract Time for proposed modifications to the Contract Documents described herein. Within Ten (10) days, the Contractor must submit this proposal or notify the Architect, in writing, of the date on which proposal submission is anticipated. THIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER, A CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE OR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED IN THE PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. DESCRIPTION (Insert a written description of the Work): Provide and instal] the following: On Sheet M3.1, the Contractor shall route 3" drain from AD-1 (added in Addendum 3) to SE corner of 004 Lower Entry. Eliminate piping to (E) drywell. New Drain to terminate in basin of Zoeller 900-003 or approved equal. T1-ansition drain pipe to inlet size as required. Route 1-1/2" discharge pipe from unit to the existing file drain piping. Discharge piping shall connect into the top of the file drain piping. Field verify final location of file drain piping. Route 2" vent from connection to unit up in corner of 004 exposed. Terminate vent in exterior Stair 1 with 1/4" screen on vent piping. Adjust sanitary waste piping from ISO B to allow installation of sump pump. On Sheet E3.1, relocate straight blade duplex receptacle from 003 Storage to opposite side of the wall (into 004 Lower Entry) for power to sump pump. ATTACHMENTS (List attached documents that support description): Mechanical Sketch MSD 31c REQUESTED BY THE ARCHITECT: (Signature) Ben Lloyd, Architect/President (Printed name and title) AIA Document G709TM - 2001. Copyright ©1993 and 2001 by The American Institute o1 Architects. All rights reserved. WARNIPtG: °rhis Alfa" Dncumen? Is peotected ay U.S. CopyrighS; rWaw and tnternatinnal Treaties. Unauthorized repraduction or distribution of this AEA`` Document, or any porlion at i?, 1 may resull in severe cP~ii and c,r iminal pentalties, and ~rifl be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 14:05:29 on 02/13!2009 under Order No.1000379510_i which expires on 11/25/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: (1476839974) n~ n 3" TO DRYWELL SEE ARCH DWGS _________ AD_1 ~ LQWE R i~ iv ! R r` © 3"~ OOG___ ~ 8 ' O ---~ ~~ Aid-' ' ~~ SUMP PUMP .--carte- i ~ I 3~~ 1 1 1 ,,,,,.;i ,l„ ~, _. ~ .,,1~. -- 1 ___ j ~ -. 1 •~_ n,,i. NR I I~ c -HWS-u ~ - COAT Rt~Q?`, OQ? „~?~;ltV~~c p SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'- ~' Comma-Q Architecture, Inc. The Historic z 0 T B Story Mansion . . . Interior Renovation 811 South Willson Ave., Bozeman, MT 59715 DRAWING TITLE: DATE: scALE: PRO~ECT~: 2113109 0802 PR AREA WELL SUMP PUMP 2AWING NUMBER: MSD31 c 1 of 1 Change Order Request Proposal Request # 11 A ~&R TAYLCJf~ CUNSTRUCTIQN INC. T° ~ Date: 03/06/09 COMMA-Q ARCHITECTURE INC Job Number: 2008-015 , . 109 N ROUSE AVE. #1 BOZEMAN MT 59715 Job Name: STORY MANSION , Date Accepted By: 03/13/09 We hereby agree to make the change(s) specified below: DRILL & EPOXY INTO EXSITING FOOT PER CONVERSATION W/ENGINEER ON 315/09 ci, SITE PER ATTACHED. MONTANA STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, 1NC. $170.25 X 20%=$204.30 Please sign and return one copy to our office immediately. Sub Total of Above 6% Contact Management Fee Total Change Order Request $204.30 $12.26 $216.56 The Contract Time will be increased Inc. 0 days. RECE~~~p MAR 0 / 1009 Comma_q Architecture Inc, Mar 05 2009 6:04PM Montana Structual Concret (406) 388-7338 p,l -- ----- - 16 E Cameron Bridge Rd. Boaeman, iVtT 59718 (406) 388 1097 4 ~~ ~ - x Chan ~e Order ^ Additional Sheets Attached This Change Order becomes part of and in confonrrance with the existing contract. COntracLOr hereby agrees to make the charxu~c anprifiorr halrnu frx tho nrirn ni..n., F,dm., K ` zoo9 `~ 1,•Q 2 a. 31~3~ C~2.~o Max-, ~nnrs ~e~ o ~ tee ~ ~ - 3~-1 15°/a rn~,r~ 2~. . 2 i .2 The atwve c3ianges w01 add to the orBinal complei+on date. Deus Payments. b be made as folbws: -f~ ~I~ ~ll~ ~~ _ ,. .. -,.- ,' ;, . ?+~~t~9r-ce Glf ; 0 8•Cfiz~er The prices and speafitations stwwn forthys chettge order are satisfactory and hereby acaapted. M work to be perfiormed under x tfie same terms end a~ti6orts as spera6ed in the or®inal Proposal ~e A~~ oam unless otttenivEse stipulatsd. , x U-Q/I~~~lZo i (2) #4 CONT. @ - T.O.W., TYP. EXISTING SAND - STONESILL T.O.W = -0' - 4" #4 HORIZ. @ 12" O.C. #4 FULL-HEIGHT DRILL - & EPOXY (4" MIN. EMBED) DOWELS @ 12" O.C. EXISTING STONE FOUNDATION WALL & FOOTING NATIVE SUBGRADE, SEE GEN.STRUCT.NOTES FOR REQUIREMENTS, TYP. REVISED DETAIL 2/S3.2 E a, n 2" MAX. IELD VER ~J 12" #4~ ~ DOW EL @ 12" O.C., TYP. i - EXTEND VERT. REINF. PAST SANDSTONE SILL SLAB-ON-GRADE PER DTL. 3/S3.1 01-1ST FLOOR 0'-0" 4" COMPACTED GRAVEL UNDER SLAB-ON-GRADE 6 (1) #4 LONGITUDINAL, TYP. MIN. T.O.F.(E) _ ~ -5' - 7" ,VERIFY I U z°r p Z I. ~-';~.. -~ T a NEW CONC. FOOTING INFILL I #4 DRILL AND EPOXY (4" MIN. EMBED) DOWELS @ 12" O.C. STORY MANSION 5 FIELD CHANGES / RFI'S DRAWING NUMBE ~ ~ RENOVATION R F i # 14 - ~ MoRRSON ~ i ? _I MniEaLE~~NC. - =~: '~°"vM"`"~'"-~'~-'-' g11 S. WILSON AVENUE -Bozeman MONTANA DATE: scALE: PROJECT #: DRAWING TITLE: REVISED RFI #14 RESPONSE 03/16/09 3/4" =1'-0" 3766.001.01