HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 05- 1630 Amends zone map, Walker PUD, Lot 1A1, Blk 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1630 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY ESTABLISHING AN INITIAL MUNICIPAL ZONING DESIGNATION OF "B-1" (NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE DISTRICT) ON 0.937 ACRES DESCRIBED AS LOT 1A1, BLOCK 4, WALKER PROPERTY SUBDIVISION PUD, LOCATED IN THE SE% OF SECTION 26, T1S, R5E, MPM, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to grant a zoning designation of "B-1," Neighborhood Business District, has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on May 7, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its pUblic hearing on May 20, 2002, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, MCA, and found the proposed zone map amendment, to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on May 20, 2002, the City Commission found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would be in the public interest upon annexation of the subject property; and WHEREAS, the subject property was annexed through adoption of Commission Resolution No. 3778, adopted on the 7th day of March, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby established as "B-1," Neighborhood Service District: Lot 1 A 1, Block 4, Amended Plat of Lots 1 A, 2, 3, and 4A, Block 4, Walker Property Subdivision PUD, located in the southeast quarter of Section 26, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, MPM, Gallatin County, Montana, as filed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. --------- ----- PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 7th day of March 2005. ~'MaYOr ATTEST: R~L~ Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the 21st day of March 2005. ~~ AN E ' . ~TRARO, Mayor ATTEST: ~J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~.;J'R- TIMOTHY A. GI!:R Acting City Attorney - 2 - ZON~ MAP AM~NOMENT MAP LOT 1 A 1, BLOCK 4, WALKER PROPERTY SUBDIVISION, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN T LOCATED IN THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 26, T. 1 S., R. 5 E. OF P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA LEGAL DESCRtPTION (LOT 1A1 ) lot 1-'1, BlOCK .., AUENDED PlAT or lOTS 1 A. 2. .3 AND ........ -SL..OO< ., WALKER PftOPERTY SUBON1SIOH. A P'LJrHNED UNIT OE:'VO.OP"'EHT. OttOI"ding to lJ'1e pf-al thoereot. on fi" and at record in- th. Clffioe of the aerk and Recor-der. Gallatin C04.Inty. Uorrtan.a. Gn.d kx:at.e-d ;jn the Sot..rt:Mast Quarter" of Section 26. T ownstWp - 1 South. Ra.n9" :5 Eo::st af P .!.A.M. EXlSTIHG ZONIWC: 8-1 AREA TO BE: ANNEXED: -40,!21!1 squan!l fMl, 0.937J ~ 0MIE1<, STIFF CHEESE. ll.C O€ED ~ DOC. NO.2' 50 1042 ADOR= 1 105 RIDES R(>>D WEST LEGAL DESCRfPTlON (ENTERPRISE ROAD) UCl:N1J LOT 1A Entllr1)f'i1M ROCId <:II dedicated on ANEND€D PlAT OF LOTS 1 A. 2. J AHO 4A. BLOCK ., """'" S,Ia' ...- _ ypc (_J "l!.ER !.<NO CO. WAl.KER PROPERTY SUBDMSION, A Pl.JHNED UNIT DEVELOPuafT, accordir'IJ to the plat th.-eof, QtI"II fie and -of rwc:0I"d in the .office of the- Cleric and ft.econ::Ier. GoIJatrn Count)', Montoncl, BLOCK ~ in the 'Sout:h0a3t Quarter ~ Secliol'l 26, Township 1 SouttI, Ran-g8 5 EcI:d of P~.I.t. crnd ~er de.c:ribed OS follO'n: BeginrWl'Ig -at the most norttIer1y -comer of Lot U,1. Block 4, of said AW€NO€D PlAT or LOTS 1 A.. 2. .3 AHD- -4.'., SlOCK ... WMJ<ER PROPERTY SUEIOMSfQt.I, A. Pt...NfNEC UNIT ~; tbel'lce soLtthwaterly 23.3" 24-' 2.-4 ~. QSSt.lrnoa azimuth f.rom north. M.77 fed oIot19 the northwesterly jine -01 -s:oid lot 1."'1; I:hence south'HlI't.III1y 88.58 fHt on a tangential . curv. ~nc-a"" ~o the aoutheast, rcdiu8 502.-4-9 feet and central ronqIe 10' 06' m~, oIong said norihwesteriy line, t-a (J: pcMnt CIf1 a ClUNe with t:M OI!nter oOf oirdllt .)'11'\9 ~1IKI$t.ny 228' 25' 34- ~ orimuth 215,1 5 f..t from -said poil'\t,; thence north..llltmy 60.27 fe.~ on acid CUI'VIII, racUUII 2' 5,1:) feet. and c.entnJI -anqle 16'" 02' 57~, -along the north -eostetly right 01 woay line of RN'I'es Road We.t:, to -a point 00 0 curr.re .with the center at circle -/yiRq :t-auth<<I:sterly 1.JZ' 59' 46~ alim~1\ 562_49 feet from -said pOnt;. ~ "otthea.~ 1-02..2.0 feel 01"1 -said OIJf'WI, nlciius 562..9 feet ood c~1:ir:J1 angle 10" 2.' .18~ cMong t:n. norlhwnte"Y right Df way 1ina af said Enterprise Road; thenOll norlhea$t<<Iy 05J" 2-4-' 2-4-"- azimuth 78.30 f"!lift.. tartg8f1t ta said -C:UfVe' oloog soid l'Iarihwe:sterty -right of Wf1'I line; ~ :aout:heQ!I~erIy 1.:53' JO. )9" -azimuth 60.91 teet alCN'lg Itu- IIOUthwerlerty riqM at woy ~ af tforth LOT 1A1 1stI'! ....'<'enue, to the point Cof beqinnN1g. <0.828 SQ FT EXISTlNC ZONING: a-I O.9:J7 ~E AREA TO SE ~ND:ED: 1-o,6~1 :tquanl reet, 0.2<<5 acre B-1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (REEVES ROAD WEST) That part of RHves Road West (I:!" -dedico~~ -on AWOIOED PU,T Of LOTS- ~ A. 2, J AND -4A.. BLOCK 04, r-;r WAL..J<ER PROPERtY SU8OIVISlON. ]I, F't..ANNED UNIT 1JE\lU..000ENT, -a-ocoralll"l9 toO the- pI-at ~ LOT lA -ther.eof, on file- and of f"eOOn:I in- the- office of the Clerk and _ Recorder-. Gallatin Coonty. lrAontana, IocrJted in the $o:uthll<llll Quarter of Seclion 26, TowMhip 1 'South, Rong:fl 5 Ec:si af P .....U., BEATRiCE R. TAY1...0R and furth.... -d~ C'$ foliow.: BLOCK s.giMing at tiIIe mors:t itOutherty CClrMlr or Lot 1 A. 1, BJo<::k 4, -af :!O;id ..wENDED PlAT OF LOTS 1 A. 2, 3 NfO ...... BlOCK 4, W,qJ{ffi PROPERTY SUBDfV1S1ON, It. Pl...l.NNEO UNrT DEVElOP'-fENT; 2A ttlence- iIQ\,It:hwe3terly 228' 51' 09., Quumed Qzimuth trom north, 63."15 feet Qlon.g the ,oothwester1)' extension or the soottllfll::m-ert)' line of 5Clid Lol 1,.,1: tt1ence -Mrt.herty 3-.38" .36' OS"" .azim-utl'! 142..51 f-eot aton-g the w-nte.r1y rigM of \lr'Cy line -of RHvu Road Wnt:.; ttlenca ,"or1.hwes~er1y 105.05 feel on .IJ tangentJ.a1 cur'l'e ~V-I!!I to tM south.~t. radius 155.1:) foUt -anod OfIntrot .angle Jg" OS-' -4-6~, along the- s:outhwesteriy n'9ht of _'lll'Q)' liM G:f Ree'o'fl Rood West, to a point on a curve- with the -cent.<< Cof cir-ct.e lying -south-eost.er1y , 26" 48' 2?"" aliml.lt:h 562.4-9 reel from :!>Cid poin-t; ttllmce t'lortf1..easter1y 60.76 feet on- sai-d CUNe, radius 51$2.""-9 f.eet and o:.entr(ll (lng~ 06'" f" 19~, Sca.te in Tnt ~-o a point -an (I curve- ....th th-e c:ent-er or cin::le iying 50>UU,'rI!Isteriy 2.1 Z' 22' 37"" azimuth 21 5.! 5 feel 40 0 40 1A1 from $aid 'Pain~; , - thence sout.heasterty 1.:56.OJ feet on :t(Iid cu.....e-. mdius- 21 5. 15 feet and central oo~e- 3U 1::5' ::5 1 ~, , 12 0 \2 a.-Iong the northeasterly righ~ of way line af Reeves Rood West:; . SCctu In J(-den thenOI! -s:out:herly 153' .36' 06"- alimuth 12.0.97 f.eel. tangent ta- :SCIid CtJI'Ye, 01009 the east.erl'y right -af way !:in!!- of Reev-e-s Read Wert. ta the point a-f bil!l9inning. EXlsnNG Z-QHING; B-1