HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 1626 Amends zone map, Home Depot .. -...." ...-.......-----...- ORDINANCE NO. 1626 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AMENDING THE CITY OF BOZEMAN ZONE MAP FROM "R-3" (RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY DISTRICT) TO "B-1" (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) FOR 6.094 ACRES AND "B-2" (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) FOR 15.731 ACRES WITH 19.678 ACRES REMAINING ZONED "R-3" ON PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS LOT 4, HOME DEPOT MINOR SUBDIVISION #319 AND LOCATED IN THE NE% OF SECTION 2, T2S, R5E, PMM, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to grant a zoning designation of "B-1" (Neighborhood Commercial District) and "B-2" (Community Commercial District), has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on June 1, 2004, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved as proposed; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on June 7, 2004, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone map amendment criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found that with modifications to decrease the amount of "B-2" and increase the amount of "B-1" the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on June 7, 2004, the City Commission found that with modifications to decrease the amount of "B-2" and increase the amount of "B-1" the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with Bozeman's adopted growth policy and would be in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby designated as "B-1" (Neighborhood Commercial District): A tract located in the South East portion of Tract 4 of Lot 4 of Minor Subdivision No. 319, located in Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. -------. - .- Beginning at a point which bears North 59022'22" West a distance 123.27 feet from the East Quarter Corner of Section 2; thence South 89034'43" West a distance 128.34 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 1032.50 feet through a central angle of 06020'18" and arc distance of 114.22 feet; thence South 83014'26" West, a distance 167.83 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 967.5 feet through a central angle of 06020'16" and arc distance of 107.02 feet; thence North 15005'52" West, a distance 268.89 feet; thence North 14012'03" West, a distance 50.43 feet; thence North 28001'22" West, a distance 87.20 feet; thence North 28001'22" West, a distance 83.08 feet; thence North 89034'43" East, a distance 701.05 feet; thence South 01043'28" West, a distance 403.78 feet; thence South 45014'26" West, a distance 14.52 feet; thence South 01043'28" West, a distance 15.61 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel containing 6.094 acres more or less. Section 2 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby designated as "B-2" (Community Commercial District): A tract located in the North East portion of Tract 4 of Lot 4 of Minor Subdivision No. 319, located in Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. Beginning at a point which bears North 09035'16" West a distance 499.20 feet from the East Quarter Corner of Section 2; thence North 01043'28" East, a distance of 271.79 feet; thence along the arc of a spiral curve to the left having a radius of 1577.02 feet, a theta of 02037'15", an arc distance of 144.13 feet, and chord bearing North 00051'06" East a distance 144.11 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a tangent bearing North 00053'37" West and a radius of 1577.02 feet through a central angle of 13037'14" and arc distance of 374.89; thence on a curve to the left having a tangent bearing North 56047'40" West and a radius of 33.00 feet through a central angle of 46022'29" and arc distance of 26.71 feet; thence South 76049'51" West a distance of 187.60 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet through a central angle of 14049'17" and arc distance of 72.43 feet; thence North 88020'52" West, a distance of 547.91 feet; thence on a curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet through a central angle of 14047'43" and arc distance of 72.30 feet; thence North 73033'10" West, a distance of 76.41 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 220.00 feet through a central angle of 16041'38" and arc distance of 64.10 feet; thence South 89045'10" West, a distance of 75.97 feet; thence, South 57034'32" East, a distance of 57.37 feet; thence, South 33053'05" East, a distance of 92.01 feet; thence, South 26019'07" East, a distance of 134.84 feet; thence, South 26005'51" East, a distance of 116.37 feet; thence, South 26043'27" East, a distance of 126.51 feet; thence, South 26043'27" East, a distance of 331.22 feet; thence, South 28029'28" East, a distance of 70.75 feet; thence, North 89034'43" East, a distance of 701.05 feet; to the point of beginning. Said parcel containing 15.731 acres more or less. Section 3 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property shall remain designated as "R-3" (Residential Medium Density District): A tract located in the West portion of Tract 4 of Lot 4 of Minor Subdivision No. 319 and in Lot 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 2089, located in Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana. - 2 - Beginning at a point which bears North 87023'52" West a distance 622.41 feet from the East Quarter Comer of section 2; thence North 15005'52" West, a distance of 268.89 feet; thence North 14012'03" West, a distance of 50.43 feet; thence North 28001'22" West, a distance of 87.20 feet; thence North 28001'22" West, a distance of 83-08 feet; thence North 28029'28" West, a distance of 70.75 feet; thence North 26043'27" West, a distance of 331.22 feet, thence North 26043'27" West, a distance of 126.51 feet; thence North 26005'51" West, a distance of 116.37 feet, thence North 26019'07" West, a distance of 134.84 feet; thence North 33053'05" West, a distance of 92.01 feet; thence North 57034'32" West, a distance of 57.37 feet; thence. South 89045'10" West, a distance of 677.99 feet; thence South 00012'57" East, a distance of 69.99 feet; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 380.00 feet through a central angle of58007'41" and arc distance of 385.52 feet; thence South 58020'37" East, a distance of 595.85 feet, thence South 41007'56" West, a distance of 99.88 feet; thence South 30006'19" West, a distance of 28.28 feet; thence South 30006'19" West, a distance of 256.52 feet; thence South 09049'53" West, a distance of 147.95 feet; thence South 11057'18" East, a distance of 95.37 feet; thence North 89034'43" East, a distance of 816.74 feet; to the point of beginning. Said parcel containing 19.678 acres more or less. Section 4 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on first reading at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of December 2004. RO, Mayor ATTEST: ~,/~ R BIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission - 3 - _____"...___. .__._.__ n.... ..._n.___..."'. .-.--- ----.---. -...-.- .......-- .. .__.___..__.__n__.___.._.._........_._.........._.__.. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading at a regular session thereof held 0 the 10th day of January 2005. ATTEST: ~L~ Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~~~(. TIMOTHY A. COOPE Acting City Attorney - 4 - __________u.____ - ----- ------ . ... ..--.--.. .---.--- ZONE MAP AMENDMENT il OF LOT 4 II Ii HOME DEPOT MINOR SUBDIVISION #319 1111 CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ~ Ilff AREA OF ZONE -.. - -.. .. MAP AMENDMENT .... .... .......... .-- Ii LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ~ (R-3) B-2 AREA ZONED B-2 AREA OES-JGNA TED ~ B2 I A I:LnL~ U'act [<<ala:! iD d1~ Nord! E.u!itof T:raoI4 oflM 4 ofMUwrS-.JbtJi~'isi.oo Ni>.. 3 L9, I~ ia 5oC(:t]o:o 2, To'MJShjp 2 SO'IJIb,.Ra.IJg.:: 5 &51, P M.M., GaIlatiIlCcu..ty.MLmt:l:Da- i LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS .Ek:gin.ni.ng al a poiJ:Jt .....ticb Ixan; Nonh {)9~3:r-lofJ-M W~ AREA TO REMAIN R-3 ad:iS'IaDCe .fIJ'9.2GI f~t from tDe East QlJII.([d Comcrw U""STRfJ't !ectiM 2; Ihence Nort:h OJ ~4}'2S" f.a!t, a Iistmcr of ~ !i 27L19~; I:b~~ aJ~:the aJ't'-I)fq spiro;.! ~ E,o.~ Zo~ R3 fREMAINDER} ]~n ba..-iJJgIo radill5 00 L517.0"2 f<<t. B thetaofalG37'J:r', I an are di:fla1c>:of L44.LJ f~~t, andol:bon:I bca:ri..Dg Ncnb. A ~.~tfi.11HK:~ tAct locah::d ic. th.oI: w~~ or Tl1Ict 4 of l.(K 4 {Iof OO"Sltl6M East a di:rtal1e>: L<<.IL "'~;tb.mc:e1Xlac:urvo:: ~ Mi:nD.fSubtJivi~Wx:I NCI. 319.rnxl in Lot J ofCerti:ficat,:oOf i'lORrI-L L':I'm ....VENUE t(I~kftha...il:Jl!:ataag.::nlbt:ariu.gNortbOO"S3'37" SLnJry No. WB'iiI, Loca~d in SCCtiOIl 2. Towmbip 2 &1l11b, W~t aIId a rndi:U5l)f L.511.D2 f<<ttllfOuglu =traI.angJ~ lI.ac~ 5 Ea51, f' .M.M., GullaUD (."01;1111)'. M~ (If LJ"J11-4. e.d art:-di5Ui:u:e.of314.S"iI; thi:Do:oo a i (:~'otl1ek'Aha~'ilig.lllDJ1~tbt:ar:iCl.&NortI:J 13q:iII!Iillg.at a. JXlim whidt bears North HT'2J'~r Wo:st.ll ~6~4!4oIY' W~t.an.d a:r:adi'llS or1HKI fuel! ~II distallO: 622..tL fC:d. ftum ~ EastQu.arta ('"ol"Dl:rof sectioo {:~nitral a.lJgJ~ of46"21'2'9"'.o:n.d;IK dis~(]f2fi.71 k.:t; 2~ ti1~ N~ ]5"(15'52'"" W..:st, 0 di:.lUlDC~ CJl26t1119 ~t; thcoc~ SolJtb i'fj.~49'S! M W~t a dist:!looe of bH1.-6CI fut:t:: ~ NoJnb 14dI1'OJ~ W...5I, B tlim.noe of 50.43- ~t:; Iffiortcc t11~lICe on.ll c:ur'\'t: ID tbc rigbt baviI1g a radius of2~.OO NDI'I:b 28"(].I'2r W=t,.II dmuoc~-uf:H1.2D fe,..'t;.I/i..n:~ Noeth I~t throLlgb a ce:n.m.~ DIJIg!~ of 1 '~49"1 r and on: ~ :r, 11:t"OL"1r W~I, OIl "ista~ of U.ffiI: f"-"l:t; 1:i!t:uoI:: NonJJ -[)f72.43JC.:t~tbl:OOl."l'i<tr1b8:f'2'1)'52MW.:st...IIdi:!l~-o.f l I 2!t"2'nIl-M W~I, a dist:a~ orrO.75 f<<t; 11i<:Dot: North :'I.:I1.1jo1f<<t;~a:C)t:laoror.'.::totMrigbtbavingD 11S"'4I3'2T" W.:.It,;a Jist:!lJJci: CJI3Jt.21 fuet,dv.::nc.:,NCC'Ib ra.clitJs ,,-(lBO.OOk~ tfu>;:lLIgiJ a.c.:nttal arJgk ofI4O-4143~ CITY OF BOZEMAN MAP i 16".:I3'2T"Wo:::oil,.IIdist.allCcof]26.51~;~Ncrrtb aod ;m:: dis~ m71.}6 fect;, ~DC~ NCJrtb 13"33' H]~ 26"(15'5L~ W~t,-IIdi:.l!aDCc(]fL]I5.11fuct,Iho.::rireNlJI'th Wc~.adi.st:a:tJc>e-of76..:I~ f<<t;tMOCCOOBI:1.nCIDthc: 26"]9'()7'West,.-IIdis~DCC(]fI14.:R4f<<t;~NortJ1 kft having n:radiLJ:5 (lf2:z.o.00f.::ettlirou.zha-Dt:lllral:al1~ 13n53"O:'IM Wt'!:'il, .II .Jista:Jlc:i! CJI <,12.01 fOt:l; tIii!ooe Noeth or 1-6-04] ')g~ aod.ar.c di:st.anooe of6-4. LO kd;: tbcnot: Sooth I j1"34"J.rWt'!Sl,adist21tJCeolS7.31f<<!;~,S..::IlJtb 1I-'I'45'IO"'W-esI,...-di~-tano.:",LJf75."iI1~,~Sow:b !'1'.t:f'IiJ" West, ;a.Ji:!ItaJJcc CJfli77.99 fu.:t; ~Suutb .'j:1.'}.4'32M Ew:t,.II di.sl:anl:>.:: of 57-37 fo'>d:;~, SoutlJ 00'12'57'" Ezrt, -3 di:o;laoc-c-of.[O!,l.99 f'-"'l; 13"5~'IWE.ast,.lIdi.stanceo(91.0If<<t:;tItecoe,SQ,Jtb I thcoc~ 0110 ~ CIne to me kft bD...iJJg.ll radiw ofJ&llOO f~t 26"]'I'O/, East, Ildis;aocf (l-f]J.4.JI.t ~ d1~ &.nb throL!gb n CI:I1otraJ angk of ~S"(lT~ 1 M .and :an: distam-c CJf 26"(]5'jLMEast,ad~let:JCCoOf1M.Ji'~tbetJc:.::Sootb J!l:S.32fi.:d1:~SoutbS:t'20'37"Ea:ll,adiiRaflc~ol 26"-43'21" East, a tlinaocc (J-f 126---5] ~ tiJc~, Soutb AREA ZONED B-1 59~1I5 red. tiI.::nce Soo!h41"(]TSfiM W~t,... Lli:!ItBDOc-of":l9.i5H 26"43'21'" East,ad:i-uBo;::~(]ofB112fu.et:;tJieD;;eSoutb f~t; '\b<!OCi! Sc:IudJ 30"06' L9M Wcst, .It di5lam~ (l-f lK2H f.-..::t. 28"29"l9MEast,adistaDCf(lonO.]Sf<<t;~,Ncnb. E:illibil BL: ZOllO:: BL tJk'1I\:'~ -SO-Uth 30't)6.' ~"iI. We:st, a di.staI:Ja::.cof 2~fi.51 ~ m'3A'43M East, a di::;ta.n.c:o:: of 11)) .OS: k,,;; to 1m point <J-f D t!k-:nc", Sootl1 OO~49'5.3M W~t,,, di5ia(JC!: 00 147.9:'1 for>ct; begin.lling.SHi...Ltrac1ht::inglj.13L~. A o.094-aQl:.' 1raJ:11Dca~ in LItc: South E..asl ofTIad'" ...,flol <I (l-fMitwr ~~Sooth L]~rlJ!. East,'" di~C1: I,)f9SJ7fa:t; t2icJlO;;: SLillolih-ision. No. 3151, located in .s.c:ctiOD 1, T ownsbip 1 South, lI.acj1.e 5 Easl, Nortb :fI:I"'}4.43~ Easl, a dL:o;Laoc~ of 8:!oEi.1.:1 fu.ct; 10 the poin.! I,)fbeg:itmin.g.. s...id!r3t:1kiDg 1'J.(i.]f!;.EH.:rei. J' .M.M.. Gallatin ColJtJty, Montaoa. Elo::J:!iImin:g at a poi.n~ whicb be:ar-!. N{ll'4b 59"22'21 ft WeSl a diw1Dc~ 123.27 f.eeltiUIIJ tbe EasL Q1.wrte.rComc of;Sl;Ctioo.l; lbe~e Soulb :i-i9'"]4'4I3. WesL ad~ 12::1..14 fC:eL; tbeac-e 00 a C1In'e to 1.I:n:: Jefi ba\'i.n.3! .a radiJu. of I (]:J.2.5D fec:4 Ih.Joogh ~ -ceutrnl./U1l!!:Ec: of06Q20'1J!~ and.art diS'latu;t"(If t14.22 fl;d; Ib=S-o-uth:l!3nt'26" PREVIOUS ZONING"-- Wesl, adisl:3lnc-c 167.8J feeL; [Dct:lCeOO a-cLlf"l,'(: to the: right !lo>>'it:lg a ra:jilJslli'967.5 ~ OO(l:STON RO....O I F=;t IF fi::ell.bruuW;b aOtntr.IJ anyJc.;}f06~la'L-D~ and.an: dis.ta.IJtc: or ] (]1.02 keIi; Ibeoce ~ NEW ZONING:- B2 NortIJ. 15"OS'S2M Wc::'it, a dist21occ-2fiK:I!9 fc:e1; tnenocNottb 14~12'OJft West" a d~taoc~ SG.43 feet; thc:JJ.ce r>;o.r1JJ lrol'21n Wc::;;t, a distaoc-eJ!7.2a fed; tholce N Noob 21:"0 I '11~ West, :a d~Wl<:1: .BHIJ! fret; theMe Norm Ssr-J..of'4}ft Ea:;t,-3 ~ ENLARGED VICINITY MAP dWoct" 7Gl :DS ffCt; m.roc-e S.c.tJtb OI.4J"2a.~ W-W,a di$1aJ:Jec: 401.7:i feet; lhem::t:: SOlJth 45"14'16" West, adi.st.arn::c: 14.51 fl;d:; tI1c:i1OX SOlJth -D1~43'2t1M West, a di5ti1cce 1 S.6 L feet [0 Ij)e IK'UU 61" bej1.inornl!:_ S-aid tr.:II;~ beir1;g 6.01J4 acres.