HomeMy WebLinkAboutStory Mansion Change Order No. 2, R & R Taylor, 2009_~~~ TM Document G701 - 2001 Change Order PROJECT (Name artd address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: 002 OWNER: City of Bozeman -Story Mansion DATE: February 03, 2009 ARCHITECT; Interior Renovation 811 S, Willson Ave. CONTRACTOR: ~ Bozeman, MT 59715 FIELD' ~ TO CONTRACTOR (Arante crud acldres:r): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: 08-02 R&R Taylor C<»tsU•ttction. Inc CONTRACT DATE: ,lanuary O7, 2009 OTHER: Q P.O. Box 1.234 CONTRACT FOR: General Construction Bozeman, MT 59771-1 234 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include, x~lrere ay~GraGle, cnay nndisptaed arrrna+u ain•l~trtahte ro p,et~icurvly ~zecttted Cn,rsA•rrction (.hnuge Dirertitfrs) Additional work associated with changes to fire sprinkler system 11~e original Contract Surn was $ 1,071,242.00 'The net change by previously authtn~izecl Change Orders $ ~_ 932.80 The Contract Sum prier to this Change Order was $ 1,072,!74.80 7fie Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amatmt of $ _ __ 1,074.06 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 1,073,248.86 The Contract Time will be incrcast;d by Zcra (0) days. The date of Substantial Completion as c>I'thc date of this Change Order theref'crre: is NOTE: `t'his Change Order does riot include changes in the Contract Sum, Crnltract `Dime or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor, in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive. NOT VALID UNTIL. SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT, CONTRAGTOR AND OWNER. C'osnma-Q Architecture, loc. RBcR Taylor Consnuction, Inc City of Bozcntan ARCHITECT {Firm r+cn,re) CONTRACTOR (tlrr:r nunre) OWNER (Firer ncunc) 109 N Rouse Ave, #! ,Bozeman, MT PA. Bcrx 1234, Bozeman, MT 59771- P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 597? I (Typed rrwrne) ~• ~2•fJ~ DATE (7yped nra,n.~} ~_~_~ DATE ESS . ~~. BY (.Signature) Jaynes Goehrung (7 ypec! ,unue) 3 -Z~-O~ DATE AIA Document G701 TM - 2001. Copyright C~3 1979, 1987, 2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects. Atl rfghfs reserved, VdARf,t1NC: This AtA" Dtx:ument is prrarteoted by U,S, Copyright Law and tnrarnattanrrt Trestles. Unauthorized reproduction c,r ctistr~uuti,x, of this AlA~ t~acument, err any laortion rit tt, may result in severe? civil and crhrttnat pcrraCtics, and witt~lre pro~oautcd to rho erUrximuur e~ztent pus~siLle underthe~ fawi- Thls document was produced by AIA software at 10:08:06 on 02!04!2009 under Order No.1000379510,_1 which expires on 11/25/2009, and is not for resale. User Notes: {2328994046) Patrick Larum Russell L. Olsen Change Urder Request Proposal Request #~04 To: Date: 0 1128/09 Job Number: 2008-015 COMMA-Q ARG-fIT'ECTURE, INC. 109 N ROUSE AVE. # I Job Name: STCJI2Y MANSION Q07EMAN, M"C 59715 Date Accepted By: 1!29/09 We hereby .agree to make the cl";ange(s) specified below: `:w" l t~(.`I<I~~; C`.~!'~ r~?'til) 1"• l'I'1't' X hf 1'1 r1(.1.:A[)r1['1 LIZ I:X~I~1ZA l.t\E3t)IZ C O Uitfl,l .(()I`~t~~+ 11<It~~rit~1 ti ,, !:i I. i~li.'' ~t7. ~{t I lt:.~'i Ili:.' 1}4't'_'il I't} t ,, , „ { .~.~ 1'r~>fit (-#Itr'~ t<~ ~Irill Iti~liu~; nut ~?-.~~~},.:c! Please sign and return one copy to our office iromedi~ttely. Sub 'Total of Above 6% Contact Management hee Total Change C?rder Request The Coutrac;t Time will be increased $1,013.26 $00.80 $1,074.06 0 r R 8 ~ Tavlcx• construction hoc. uat~ ~,j~1 Fire Protection Services [[{~~ 9550 Derby Drive, Missoula MT 59808 - PO Box 'i 8040 Phon® 408-728-62421 Fax 406-543-6071 Job Name: Story Mansion Job No: FC0034 Location: Bozeman Project Manager: Chris Shea description: (2) FQC Storz Knox Caps and Basement Revision: January 28, 2009 ASNf Request No. 1.00 MATERIALS tABOR ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION UNIT HOURS 1 $ - 2 $ 3 $ - - 4 $ 5 2 1!2" Lockin ca s 2 $161.04 $ 322±00 D.5 1 00 s $ 7 $ 8 1"CPVCxFemaleAda ter 3 $ 8.50 $ 25.50 0.42 126 9 Extra labor to drill 'oists 1 $ 4 4.00 10 $ 11 $ - 12 $ 13 $ 14 15 $ 16 $ 17 $ 18 $ 19 $ 20 $ 21 $ 22 $ 23 $ 24 $ - - 25 $ - - 26 $ - - 27 $ - - 28 $ 29 $ 30 $ - - 31 $ 32 $ 33 $ - Sutriotai $ 347.50 Material Discount D.0°k $ Steel Price Increase: D.0°h $ Material Taxes 0.0% $ Lift Rental Project Mgr Ezp. $ 29 Permit Miscellaneous Subcontracts Subtotal $ 29 Labor Rate S 78.28 Material $ 348 Labor $ 477 Fabrication $ - EngineeringlDesign $ 120 Subtotal $ 945 Total $ 347.50 Total 6.26 Hours Rate Total Coat $ 974 12% Overhead $ 116.87 $ 40.00 8% Profit atzs 2 $ 60.00 0% Bond $ - TOTAL PRIGS $ 1,178