HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 04- 1637 Amends zone map, SE corner of Babcock & 20th ORDINANCE NO. 1637 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONT ANA, AMENDING THE BOZEMAN ZONE MAP BY AMENDING THE ZONING DESIGNATION FROM "R-O" (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE DISTRICT) TO "B-2" (COMMUNITY BUSINESS DISTRICT), ON APPROXIMATELY 0.2891:t ACRES DESCRIBED AS LOT 1 AND THE NORTH 14.0 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 1, KIRK SUBDIVISION NO.4, AND LOCATED IN THE SW % AND SE % OF SECTION 24, T2S, R5E, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the proposed zone map amendment to amend the zoning designation on 0.2891:t acres from "R-O" (Residential Office District) to "B-2" (Community Business District) has been properly submitted, reviewed and advertised; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission held a public hearing on November 18, 2003, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman Zoning Commission recommended to the Bozeman City Commission that the zone map amendment be approved; and WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Commission held its public hearing on December 1, 2003, to receive and review all written and oral testimony on the request for a zone map amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the twelve zone change criteria established in Section 76-2-304, M.C.A., and found the proposed zone map amendment, as recommended by the Zoning Commission, to be in compliance with the twelve criteria; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on December 1, 2003, the City Commission found that the proposed zone map amendment would be in compliance with the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan and would be in the public interest. WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed and considered the proposed zone map amendment forwarded by the Zoning Commission NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 That the zoning district designation of the following-described property is hereby established as "B-2" (Community Business District): Situated in the SW % and SE % of Section 24, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian, Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, and being more particularly described as follows: Lot 1 and the north 14.0 feet of Lot 2, Block 1, Kirk Subdivision NO.4, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. Said property is more particularly described as follows: .. -.---. _______.._ u. Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 1: thence easterly 088.51' 23" assumed azimuth from north, 120.00 feet along the north line of said Lot 1: thence southerly 180. 00' 05" azimuth 105.59 feet along the east line of said Lot 1 and Lot 2: thence westerly 269. 27' 29" azimuth 119.99 feet: thence northerly 000. 00' 05" azimuth 104.33 feet along the west line of said Lot 2 and Lot 1, to the point of beginning. Area = 12,593 square feet, 0.2891 acre or 1,169.9 square meters. Subject to existing easements Section 2 The effective date is thirty days after final adoption of this ordinance on second reading. PASSED by the City Commission of the City of Boze n, Montana, on first reading, at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd day of May, 2005. . C TRARO, Mayor ATTEST: (iF l' ~~ R IN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission PASSED, ADOPTED AND FINALLY APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on second reading, at a regular thereof held on the 16th day of May 2004. ATTEST: ~./~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPRO~AS ,;O/~ORM: .,/,- " i/ . ','. ~ / / PAUL J. L City Attor - 2- HOFER Z01E MAP AMENDMENT LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 AND IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 24, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. OF P.M.M., GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA ... LOT C LOT ) . , I L'T .^.! !..O~ B . B-2 ZONNG /.W'IOR S\JBDMSION NO. 19 ""'---'- ___ De<:-:W"'j ;:~~~;~77:M"'3~~"""--------::r """"-----"-~ -'95.0 _ _ _ _ _160.0 __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.231~ _ _ _ ,_ _~25.0 __ o '" __ .-Babcock Street-- ~n~ o~4,-S~ - - - - - - -. - t-m Cor. of Lot L t3I-oc:k 1, N8B"51'23""E g KIRK $UBDMS~N NO. 4 08Er51 '23" POINT OF 8EG1~ING 120.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ - ------- 60 R-O ZONING B-2 iw LOT 10 10 ?= . .,,;. t,lC"'"ie G:lry 'Womno ~ ~g~ II' 120 frr.2935 - 1000 a; Sgg I LOT 3.~-2-1 EXISmG ZONNG: R-O -51 e- - - - - - ~t..'Dro PlAT G-22-F I ~.is~;~ _ _ LOT UNE_ - 0 I ~ BLOCK 3'" ... 10 g LOT 9 119. 99 ~:::i [:-c:u','1!!1 H. Rosengren KFtK SlBDIVlSION NO 4 269" 27'29" ~ 1 r--- ~ '29 Fm 931 I . 589"27'29" W ~ i!! ~ 1 LOT 2 1 -;> 1 > ~ 10 T.er>'"@.-..::e-:W. Hofer ~ ~ I. IS B-2 ZONNG ~ 2COO333 r, g.r:. :-!- -- . 1 BLOCK 1 1:5.... fI) '" C) . c::. >:: I 1 ~ IN "'I .g;. a: ----A- .3 . ,~ " LOT 8 r- - - - - N ---l 0. rr. i f2 Me!"~~~r~d~~~e~ 1 LOT_ 3 '? 1 '" 1 75 'm <0 Lc~""erx:e- ~- Goffney a: 0 1 105 'm ,,,, 1 ... 1_ _ _ _ z 1 '0 1~ : LEGAL DESCRIPTION - 82 ZON1NG Lol 1 and the north 14.0 feel .of Lot 2" Block 1, KJRK SUBDMSr-::)N NO.4, according to- the plot thereof, on file and of record in the office of tile Cieri:: iJ'nd RecoP-d-er, G<llIetin County, Montana. Said prope-rty is more particLFI-arCy described oIJSI follows: SC'~ In Fe lEt Be-gi nnin 9 et the northwest corner of s{] id lo~ 1; 4Q 0 4D thence easterly 068" 51' 23-, ossumed aZtmuttJ from north, 120.00 feet along the north line of said lot 1; II _ I :~ence S-04:her1y 2~~~ 2~?' 2~~'" e~im~r. 1 ~ ~59~9 f fer along ttJe east line of said Lot 1 end Lot 2; 12 0 12 th:~~: ~~~~;~ 000" 00' 05'" c~;;:uth 104.33 ~:e~ along the west line of seld Lot 2 Dnd l01 1, to the point of b-eginnin-g. Scale In Af-ete-rs AT-ea "" 1 2 ,593 square feet. 0.289' acre or " 1 -69_9 square meters. Su b.ie-ct to e:.: is-ti n-g eiJ-sements.. C~TrJrENGINEERING AND :JI:JJ. SURVEYING, INC. D'IINfR TERlW+CE It HOFIR .0ri.I'~ .~ ~~ ..r.ud"~ DEED REf~ FILlA 1a!i, PAGES ~596 ~D 1597 :205 !delweiM Drin 6ine~ KoJrt.aD8. 5rna 1011 181-111\ . "" {<III) 511_' inloIIclt.ngjDoexs."m # 03 684 (Z)