HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07-15 ccmSPEC MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 15, 1994 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, July 15, 1994, at 2:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Assistant Clerk of the Commission Corcoran. Signina of Notice of Special Meetina Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Review of City Manager's Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1994-1995 This is the second in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's . recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1994-1995. Since this is a work session, the minutes are very abbreviated. City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt reviewed the majority of the budget units in the General Fund Section, from page 46 through page 89. City Commission. The City Manager noted monies have been included for removal of the Judge's bench and remodeling of the Commission's dais. He then noted the difference in the City Commission's budgeted advertising figure, stating this is due to the agenda for the weekly Commission meetings being published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle and noted the increased amount of the public hearings being held. He stated that $5,000 is listed in the budget for the City's contribution to the GalaVan program. He then distributed two letters to the Commissioners, one from Jeff Rupp, HRDC Executive Director, and one from Caroline . Zimmerman, GalaVan Advisory Board, requesting an additional $7,000. After discussion the Commission agreed to increase the City's contribution to $10,000. The City Manager noted that $50,000 will be taken from the General Fund and given to the Planning Fund to partially finance special studies requested by the City Commission. The Commission discussed the possibility of a mail ballot for G.O. bond for transportation projects 07-15-94 SPECIAL ---..... - 2 - rather than placing it on the November ballot, due in part to the anti-tax issues that will be on that ballot. The determination was that it would not be worth the estimated cost. The City Manager noted the County isn't interested in conducting another election so close to the General election. . City Manager. City Manager Wysocki noted that the increase in the salaries, wages & benefits figure is due to the fact that this is the first year for the Neighborhood Coordinator and Personnel Director. The increase in the travel and schools line item is due, in part to the two new people and the fact that he feels it to be very important for Assistant City Manager Ron Brey to attend the International City Management Association conference in Denver. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that all City employees are bonded; and the premiums are paid through a Special Revenue Fund budget unit for taxes and insurance. He then stated that insurance premiums for health insurance for General Fund employees are paid through Special Revenue Fund while the insurance premiums for Enterprise Fund employees are paid through that fund. Public Service/Engineering. The City Manager stated that last year three separate . budgets, Director of Public Service, Engineering and Snow Removal were consolidated under Public Service/Engineering since they are so closely related. He noted that the work load indicators reflect a substantial increase over the years. He then stated the increase in the salaries, wages and benefits figure includes two additional engineers to handle the increased workload. City Attorney. City Manager Wysocki reviewed the proposed budget for the City Attorney pointing out the noticeable increase in the workload, resulting in the need to hire an additional staff attorney. He also noted that monies are included under contract services for the hiring of outside counsel to assist in specific cases. The Commission discussed at length of contracting with a private attorney rather than hiring a full-time employee. The City Manager noted the $5,156 listed in the other line item for the Victim Witness Program. . Finance Department. Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that the increase in the Finance Department budget over the past four years is due largely to transferring finance department staff from Enterprise Funds to the General Fund. He indicated that an individual will be hired on a half-time basis to assist staff during peak periods, Le., taxes. He noted the large increase in the budgeted amount for equipment is attributed to the purchase 07-15-94 SPECIAL - 3 - of a mainframe computer replacement. City Court. City Manager Wysocki noted that the largest increase in the City Court proposed budget is in the line item for contracted services, stating that figure includes $15,277 for their share of the maintenance, utilities and insurance for the Law and Justice Center. The . Commission then spent a considerable amount of time discussing the relocation of the City court to the Law and Justice Center and options for covering some of the backlog and additional workload in this office. Police Department. The City Manager stated that under the Police Department budget is an increase in salaries, wages and benefits for the hiring of one new full-time police officer. He pointed out that the large increase in the proposed amount under contracted services also includes the amount of $34,531 for the Law & Justice Center contract with the County for maintenance, utilities and insurance. The line item under Debt Service includes one semi-annual INTERCAP loan payment on the Law and Justice Center. He stated that $23,372 is to be transferred to the Special Revenue Fund for the DARE program and $50,000 for the Drug Forfeiture Fund. . Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that there is $10,000 in the Building Maintenance Fund for improvements to the present location of the police department when it becomes vacant. Fire Department. The City Manager stated that the Fire Department proposed budget included under salaries, wages and benefits has requested one additional firefighter. A request has been also made for a half-time captain, to be shared jointly with the County, for Disaster and Emergency Service activities. He noted that part-time volunteer firefighter positions no longer exist; they have not been called upon for service in over a year and the person in charge of them has moved out of Bozeman. He noted a large increase in the Contracted Services amount and attributed the largest portion of that to the City's contribution of $5,603 to the County's impact fee consultant cost. He noted that $8,000 has been budgeted for a used . generator for the City Hall complex. The City Manager stated that Fire Chief Holst has been instrumental in extensive training programs within his department and has encouraged employees to attend seminars, classes, conventions and conferences and has budgeted for continuation of this education. Building Inspection. The City Manager stated that one of the year-to-year positions 07-15-94 SPECIAL - 4 - is being converted to a full-time position in this years budget. Streets. The City Manager noted this is one of three budget units for street activities; and this one is basically devoted to operations. He stated that a summary of the combined budgets is included in the back of the book. He further stated that the contracted . service line items includes the City share for the special improvement district for paving of North 19th from Baxter to Oak. Building Maintenance. The City Manager noted that under repair and maintenance line item there is substantial increase. He stated this increase includes $15,000 for a new roof at the Senior Center, $10,000 for remodeling of the Police Department, $17,000 for carpet at City Hall and $25,000 for life safety items at the Carnegie Building. Under machinery and equipment, an additional $20,000 is included for the purchase for a telephone system. The City Manager noted that this additional amount, when combined with the amount budgeted last year, should cover the costs of the new system. City Manager Wysocki announced that the third work session is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19 at 7:00 p.m. . Adiournment - 5: 15 D.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, Mayor Vincent adjourned the meeting. \) , c=::::::::;:.. - J ATTEST: ~ I{ ~44U JUDY K. CORCORAN Assistant Clerk of the Commission . 07-15-94 SPECIAL