HomeMy WebLinkAbout10 13 08_Potential Amendments to the City’s Ethics Ordinance Commission Memorandum
REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission
FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager
SUBJECT: Potential amendments to the City’s Ethics Ordinance
MEETING DATE: October 13th, 2008
RECOMMENDATION: That the City Commission provide staff clear direction regarding the
following four questions:
1. Does the Commission want to extend the deadline for the Ethics Board to
complete an ethics handbook?
2. Does the Commission want to exclude from membership only elected or
appointed officials of the City of Bozeman? (This would allow elected or appointed
officials of the school board and Gallatin County to serve on the Ethics Board.)
3. Does the Commission want to continue the 12-month prohibition that would
prohibit present employees and officers within the City from appearing before the City
Commission or processing work for clients?
4. Is the disclosure of financial assets and liabilities of public officers and employees
necessary or does the Commission want to identify economic relationships and prevent
decision makers from supervising companies in which they have an economic
BACKGROUND: The attached memo from Interim Attorney Planalp is a follow-up to the
Commissions discussions on September 2, 2008. In that discussion the Commission expressed
some concerns regarding the City’s newly adopted ethics ordinance, in particular the difficulty
the City is having finding qualified volunteers to sit on this critical board. With that in mind, I
asked Mr. Planalp to review the entire ordinance and identify any other items he felt were worthy
of reconsideration.
ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager
hte 1 1 arl pia
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e nt cates a fr rx nt
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it fes ee ts cht
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trrreru et ar righis asc
to ecurare anc ntst cclntrstar sltr
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erp srate plfe r cur
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tai uc enleutar i pu sent h rr
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suet 1tt cscn h rl ptcpte the C1 UCI Tk
cn deer una n a1 r nca
rti t ak pcat ctns frame y cta c
iici me vthu utr cntl nalrrati
thc pern rcc r ate cite
errpac al tlntivrhip aaicz
na i saral itcetare qtr
tn s itet hht arin on
ur av to
rare n
ofc enpe at rrri sr nti s
gut a
h Ethics sal r ta ivcssfo rarca scse tatcrrlt
arz rad reconrtlasfar clin iocurd rstic
adrtrati tthe s rra necessarTethr t r tie
it lark h he ihe raatrretgar rerrtr
Thy ar hl n atitc its ether ts
t eryes t rare a rirtnru
eca eta rhihrules shad he bectto rya f the rri
caafthe rubs shad td the r ard
nduthearn as needed thear ode seea cases Inwhich ti
this haterar viiatlnf Title hat y Part t of 1artaa ttate
tlee hti cases rcrniitrbrou ht rxtin
itez than lecehcr ofch fir sbiaanureptthem
crnirtsticn ire din cal ream shah eorta
a unmarcC its decisiosand pnlosjhath open cnentlathe
rhi an aiteratiors the umma Ies recessarreventdiccsure arr
crdtialrrrlatcerazrrtc are irdTrat tt are ranat diseosc
cldedto theilarctheidea a cs why etite cif dttnad
zl end 1e islatije rrzristrateactions eadih 1ts
ceies aid rctces hich the Board believes ani caul dance cthrc
cstablih racess i stenlaticall r and c lal ai niicant ccts
lthe arnxnlstratonand lenenatltcif this ha tee which hl ncude ua
cviefol the dull sceraticrsathe oardnd xts proeedr vhic shall insure
that the hoth the hlic at1 all hllc servants revideda easanable ortuuni
encauraed to arci ate nthe rccess and
resrle and ne avilahle s rer this ter and
hen it deeps It prapjite enest the l assistance ccnel
the rctian docuxents and witnesses tassist the Saar ithe cnuct
znvest atr
her crc stances nal it necessa to d retairoutside al ce and other
sex er as eeater sclctatlor recmenatosrrthe ttorne mess the
reet retain eutsie ceunscl causeh convict inolnt ttcefeeare
u a roalh the oernin hod Ufa centract car serrices a reed as crtnh file i
sere le al custean the aards rears acce t ale nlntaln
administer accerance with alb a liable lnrnatanelated to the u oses
haters aid
cre ataf rt illar tateret1ththetQfaelitatehcacnetchstaerrent
lay r leetan ram eceae uhe eraha
raeet tnan and the e otttheir rz ht dtes a asxbe
here der ard
t ane the cfeetie date of h rdanesit to vi
fix apalaz otanhc nboar the ua srv
and the tie ersnnel de atnethaldoeumetthat eaeh eer and em la ee
reeeies e the handbaand aeaIe reeei of the handc rit ard
eotrdiratan the ttarnc fit aler and aher a rie rerg e array e eauet f aannaireha hieh h1 serve an eretaior
far ne Baar reher aid na artunr for ereeed eters to fare s
issues rn th attendance at hip Qrha shad he made candtia afserice a arneher
afthe hoar a efee t i afftce arreersshall certtieaelcsto attend it
lie ad na
endethearn a t detexe s ayat
a aeetc1I1 uhllc a Iasa ate 1nformatlan the erera tlie
er others ardrn an as eet cthe i thies olYere ar zaettees are
ii for a ather ase lavhleh the s authcedo eandte
res ond as it dee a rate are uest cetial adisa iios
rra deelne to rerer n a a res to are c ues advrsa irla
render a hlih Baal iians after ithi the sea the ward
thor hieh It ma rdeed a ra iate tle ward tea itiateo ova otia ar
e aral a llashall be i riti ate
rear are phlis secarerseeTeal sdessard reeredaostfrher
the fthi rdance
est rear iYO
person ire coplnt with the hoard and anpihireran repectl public
car 1Jllii u 11V 4rJ ty
ental bad rna pest othe BQaid etlc inin hetller a o lnlcn
cnfdentalaisoz n1n ardin the rie of ari ratter or ntters vhieh the
en rah becorrle pa ald any eisin naer the eansent rospete
appointee narequest the oar an etlespnQn re rprie matter to
vhc the ulc servant cs e u rtrfornr c vtison
ruet rBaar actian shall be ltin shah be nd h pan nza h
1e pest
he oat nit hethe ahorittreverse ttherisaai prior ctn fh ac
arnli cfficr enpleof the d fez lieraeiarotiela
overriln bob er or em logee t hay been ehrca cr the Baard na ie the ro riate
atles ta tie ct hu crseed o aceb the rd the ti h1 e
eecnsier b tie apropriatcpersar or ubie bd f the Beam deternlne exlstin entractto
he ethicall ra Vii after sash deterrinatian ard adi the Btard tle alt lnl old or e
teninatonof the contract i le all ermisslble the aa a rera tte t the Attre der
reiev creaticnoraporiate action pon ctrletionofiercgild consideration the t
toe s e sham r ort nin s tea the oaid
atthe re asst erson the ttorne reride aninformal or avs o inior ith
respect the pcseetecomet of such person informal avso opinion need nat be
lcri rlabe rvledtrectl to tae re uestor of such lnlon re pest iia fo al
Viso o inon must e riti and nclude the infarnatinanal dacuieits rclatc tthe
request rlhe suet elthe an irilairalor farnaladirpinlonmust state all the uteri
acts the Ci rttarne ma rcnder a com lets and ccrect o inio The i Attcrnc
1oal advisor o inion must be in vvrltln 1othin in this ha ter shall he eenstued to
ahibit request far an opinion b any b11e servant from the i Attrn reardin
potential cnIict fnterest neither requet raalarforral advlsr inx nor
the malin o atement eneerninptentialcrflictofinterest raeb mebcr te
i ssor in the course of abstanin frorza votin or raln a rration f clrec
shad create a resurltion rinference that a ubllc sevartactuall has a ersonal terest in the
after authic the o inio vas ie uested ifthe i ttelects to eideran mien
the its Otto e sha within a reasonable time subrrit ier sunlnla ofe lato e
Ethics Boat fcrthe Baar inormation the tedeclines to rene an
athn sell ecude the ersoire ustrn the Q inio rrre uestnthe Ethics Board fear an
B ova lsor Anton issued ursuarttosection xna be relied u ors b the erso
directl involved in tle s ecfctransaction activi to hich rush rso o iiiorhas been
ssued anal an ersor directl inaved in an s selfis transaction aetivi hich i
rslnuxshale tects c tie ncta tlV1t reeetthl
1 ernm 11e te e lrt e ar Frith the lr
atin this tee l te h ter a t
t sill ec terisiathis a tee rraisanste tee
Iiortara ode rnctatedI1 t eery ioate and act to ctitt
ithe atrte
reei hint but n eettInter ttree vrir a after
t tie erg hal ackrc1e tthe cn Iarats faTar the
e faint siraltaet1 to te caithe erze at the t
The ttc haliriethe pit rliintte eaI
ate aLhit rthe i c la t t rI
trir an rr an hears iic eaete to ete whether
valai h tr iatr ha tee a Icnta ee
tae oecre
F The ziri1e hail a t eideneec ectic Merin nuet the
Bear all e c adhere attlesCb shall
faetll iistraiicand
1urr hearr couted the hoard to eeie vllether latlcnafhs
lrlnac has ed all evidence rcldiertie es cor icy tie r
siers shall 1offerd raea chc reecrd in the raceedna
The accuse ar ar oters inytitio sal e alre euate
aeturiehu ceailiryierce
The Bard shall iforrtheaccusedar his ctnselfeculatarevidence
ts sessear
The stadareeyecein hersduce rer chapter lrard
cnviceccaltedatthe heari
The i cter e aid peers a
a hericrt conduct hearsunder ts haper
th the v c tle rex a utie le 1 e se the
eets as needed with respect thearrs accracwithtsliccsIeselecien f
laearir ricer and autsie ce s r th experts dr tact fQr sc ens al
made atr elietaton ecornnerclatiors frorra the i trnea a rcvalb
the vernir dad o a cnracfir seices a reed a too fyarn tic o
estnrltte aler h dcpasitor iririrl ha s deli ratcdh
the oar are in such instances to cQrrpel testirer are the prductin eienceto the
eteltit is othertivse lafall atlcriet d
U1r rCrt Il 1 Ch ats t t1C1Srelevant
to the preeir rductc ncler hls chapter afiieBoard mad prcrlesehsuhrrisson
to e made t clpi a uc path ex terse as a rya eterne a
reuesanchtaln row department f eyenuepies f state inco tai
ret and access to ether apr riaeandrrntin Aerie der state law rardin all
ersansho sahjectosh inestatn
The om lame a ainst shall have men from te after the Ci ler
sthe CCrx laxlt athe tc rlta4ltrlreS OISe ttl lant r11tIthe
Boaddeczdineteto hold a hGarin ervicerra beeezicdnareteeita
fast dress ty cards oz personal seryxce
to compantis smisedthe eomplainants shall lave pt vliien 1
aotl tiisrnissal end e coplaintand to ele with the Bca
tnrreest aecsed its ot10 ar upon request the ttle as
shall lssze sub oerstry cam e the attenanceo recess esses
fit the ret lar its phi da s wiicheris Moller ollin rcei o
the i ttoe s oars Ohl ree eorsder the larrt aid i
ar rya 1 hr1r1 1S t he shlyet date ertaxr the hi
thin 3 unless ccsd etons the orcornts later
soon raeeahle after VI1 e orlsxertlcrto e lart ar hearrr 5 held
ater the hearil the yard shad take n aeti cornhnton hieh it
date d it laFfull to take lncldl nrte to the
sris thece lart an the ar xourds
1 t eo alnt got alle e fae sulfieet tc eontltute olatzcrolhls
ha ter lalatio ter t of IVIrtana lotated or
i the lT has r11r1C1 t Or
i allre the ecrnpairant t eooerte the Bar 77
tl am allt 1s deleetive er hieh esuts e Board hei ahe
tonae an ou1 eterlnatlo ard
dete e that nioaonthiha ter or vlatrrItle ha ter Pad
ontan ode notated has occtrred
deterlrethat the cornlan ae cs facts sulcent tCoI1t1aoatc ofths
ha ter alatlon oftle ha ter a t 00 oIontarla ode rotate tlla
Boar ill eonct hearr in hchbase tle Board shall rortl send rrtter notieeof
such etelnrntor to aeeae the e tie eztar
etertirle ghat futler rorrilaarest he caired in order for the Board t
dee rhetrthe cor1 latalle es aets sucent to eonstitutc ialtonahe a
car oatirorltle ter Pert ofIortala tated
l coctits oy lrvestatitvith reseet toy agile cd 1Jlt1iI1
se eule the co lid her rexev and ensierationat utr e
eeralrA 1 hieh ease the Board pia ro tl send ltten rttcefLeh het rt6nt
the aeeus and to the a acl the eoplaxt
i reer the eorplalnt to aprrateauthotesfircrlrlnvestor
refer e corn lalrtlt e t he sulstaztiate to the eou attoreor
eat attcrrefirprseeul
l refer the c1 lairt with the Fords nln s and cceltslsto
ro rlate arrizlsratlauthortfordlsc iataction oover suitable reeial aet
the hoard altou i it has ildeendet adirstratle authori a 1aeare
recreradatlot fit alnistratoat a elof su elslon ithe find ghat
the recrrmendationrllZdCthe ojeetieso this hat jhetertrntetthe
reeaendatlrAna he eeidd h rhatever scn rnker is authorised urnder the
ciretstareesif it detezirle that niseonduet or rnaleasancehas occted the Boar
shall ree14 the utter t the fit fara er i oe tthe terlhod as
ter it has ae its a cleterr10 the oarcl shall lsseits rlterr irdln
act and eonclrsorsand ssue an radditiolal re oats o 1iorsarrecornenatons
it eernsadvsahl uldet the elrurlstance 1 rets shad hn eorplaneeiith
state e las cverrin conirtalitoternetard tcs eh re arty
shah h eee h the ore ror to their isce
atetc eecte ca rnte eare le tie tht a
torerind take aeti treneteofficat aeeace date lair
rtentt with aerlbe tT err
t rera tie starce teerriuicatieto ae a tin the
t tic etrrneti ate aar
5oniioared nfornavr
A ekes a ens trake ube e sstn r riox aisa
D e este eatat ersor rs eemet tave tie cclertla oftere oast
car avs narand of a crds btane xe r b t in t the ast
a rto
atnrto t Is d ate r r t this
haperis aIe to tve ocure ad caznt aler iaatrru le erfor
the date tie rllarlts ar 1laree te erea title to a ati
reoluts egos tie era ca
eonet eetlare reeled
ce s r ha treealtie t veer
lC1 u eelV X115 lG
ortr t rirc irf rccnstrce
inai t t or rtscrcac ivenec vcut
zr1 srca gin o end rvsa his oe er
rrrssrnh i aBaze re rr
City Clerk
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City Cle