HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-09 ccmWORK ----.- MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION/AGENDA MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA January 9, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in work session and agenda meeting in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, January 9, 1995, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - staff uDdate re tax increment financing (urban renewal) Assistant City Manager Ron Brey distributed copies of his update on the proposed tax increment financing program, noting that just a copy of the introductory section had been included in the packets. He then reviewed the report in detail. . The Assistant City Manager stated that the creation of a tax increment financing district is being undertaken at the request of the Downtown Bozeman Association and the Downtown Improvement Steering Committee, noting that they had submitted their request to the Commission in October. He stated that the proposed boundaries of the district include the non-residential portions of the central business district as well as some adjacent properties, such as the CMC Heartland property. The Assistant City Manager reminded the Commission that the first step in this process is determining that blight exists within the proposed district, and adopting a resolution which recognizes and states that the blight exists. He stated that this determination can be based on age obsolence, which he proposes be done. He noted that this includes infrastructure as well as the buildings themselves, many of which are nearly 100 years old. . Assistant City Manager Brey stated that, while the State statutes do not require that a public hearing be held in conjunction with adoption of the resolution determining that blight exists within the proposed district boundaries, such a hearing is not precluded. He stated that once the urban renewal plan has been completed, the Planning Board has sixty days within which to review the plan, conduct a public hearing and forward a recommendation to the 01-09-95 - 2 - Commission. The Commission must then conduct a public hearing prior to adoption of the plan. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, the Assistant City Manager stated that the 1981 study came as an entire package, including the determination that blight exists and an . urban renewal plan, as prepared by an out-of-town consultant in conjunction with a few businessmen in the community. That process caught many of the people in the community flat footed and with a concern about the lack of opportunity for input. He stated that in this instance, the plan is being prepared at the request of an active downtown organization and is to be prepared in-house with opportunities for input at various stages. Further responding to Commissioner Youngman, the Assistant City Manager stated that he anticipates he will be shouldering the primary responsibility for this plan; and he intends to use the intern extensively in this process. He noted that some participation from other departments, such as Public Service and Planning, will be required. Commissioner Stiff emphasized the importance of a public/private partnership to make this type of project successful. He stated this includes the School District and the County; and . he feels that they should be included in early discussions concerning the program since their tax revenues will also be impacted. Commissioner Frost stated he feels a public hearing should be conducted prior to proceeding with the determination that blight exists, even though a public hearing is not required at this time. The other Commissioners stated concurrence. Commissioner Stiff stated his interest in having the City Commission meet with the County Commission and the School Board as soon as possible to discuss this issue. Other Commissioners stated support for that idea, and asked that Assistant City Manager Brey set the meeting. City Attorney Luwe stated that staff may place a resolution on next week's agenda for action. . Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. 01-09-95 __m_ -.... - 3 - (1 ) Copy of a letter from Glenn Vogel, dated January 4, 1995, recommending that a particular individual be recognized for his service during World War II. The City Manager suggested that, rather than recognizing a specific individual who has been multi-decorated, the Commission may wish to consider a proclamation recognizing . the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge and other World War" campaigns. The Commission concurred; the City Manager indicated it will be placed on next week's agenda for consideration. (2) Memo from Assistant City Manager Brey, dated January 4, forwarding concerns he had received during a telephone conversation with Ms. Margaret Conwell, 404 West College Street. (3) Memo from the Montana League of Cities and Towns, dated January 3, forwarding the tentative agenda for Local Government Day, which is to be held in Helena on January 20. The City Manager asked if any of the Commissioners plan to attend. Mayor Vincent stated his intent to attend; Commissioner Youngman stated she will attend if at all possible. . (4) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 1995. (5) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 10, in the Commission Room. (6) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, in the Commission Room. (7) Agenda for the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Thursday, January 12, in the Commission Room. (8) The City Manager circulated an invitation to the Chamber of Commerce annual luncheon meeting, which is to be held on Wednesday, January 18, to the Commissioners. He asked that all Commissioners interested in attending the luncheon sign the . invitation so that staff can turn in the appropriate number of reservations to the Chamber office. (9) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Wrote a letter of support for the Butte/Silver Bow bid for Micron Technology. (2) Stated that Administrative Services Director Gamradt will attend a hearing on the SID bill tomorrow. He noted that bill 01-09-95 -- - ---- _..n__. - 4 - was written by Mae Nan Ellingson and is sponsored by Senator Bruce Crippen. (3) Met with a group of community leaders regarding various possibilities for funding of a new facility to house the MLEA. (4) Announced that the Parking Commission met last Thursday, and has scheduled its next meeting for February 9, at which time they will look at a computerized ticket . writer. (5) Met with representatives from the Sheriff and Police regarding a centralized dispatch center. (6) Noted that the local Drug Task Force, which includes both City and County personnel, has been recognized as one of the most effective in the State. He noted that this recognition could prove beneficial in future grant requests. (7) Asked that the Commissioners provide input on questions to be included in a survey on planning issues later in this meeting. (10) Commissioner Stueck submitted the following. (1) Attended the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board meeting last week, at which Terry Baldus was selected as Chair. He noted that she wants to meet with the City Manager in the near future to determine what direction they should be taking during the upcoming year. (2) Worked the wrestling tournament at the High School this past weekend. He noted that the two police officers who were working the tournament were very helpful and handled "hot" situations very professionally. . (11 ) Commissioner Youngman submitted the following. (1 ) Stated the Beautification Advisory Board is in the process of developing a draft policy regarding acceptance of art, as directed by the Commission. She noted that Board members are informally visiting with business owners along North 7th Avenue about beautification of their properties; and many of those individuals are under the misconception that the planting of even one tree will trigger a requirement that they bring their properties into compliance with current zone code requirements. (2) Attended the Library Board of Trustees meeting last week. ( 12) Commissioner Stiff submitted the following. (1) Attended the Board of Directors meeting for the Senior Center on Friday. He stated that a couple concerns raised were illumination of the flag and recent vandalism at the Senior Center. (2) Attended a meeting of the Senior Corp of Retired Executives (SCORE), which serves as advisory to many of the . new businesses in the community. (3) Announced that he will attend a retreat of the City- County Health Board, beginning at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. He noted this retreat is needed for the Board to catch up on its workload. 01-09-95 .----- - 5 - Aaenda Meetina - for regular meeting to be held on Januarv 17. 1995 Since this is an agenda meeting, only those issues requiring staff action are contained within the minutes. City Manager Wysocki reviewed the background information which is available for . each of the items listed on the draft agenda for next week's regular Commission meeting. City Attorney Luwe reviewed the contents of his memo of January 9, which was distributed just prior to the meeting. He stated this has been prepared in response to Commissioner Frost's question about whether Section 76-6-101, et seq., grants the City authority to hold a parcel indefinitely while monies are being raised to purchase it. He stated that if the City has interest in the land, it can designate the land as open space. Commissioner Frost asked that staff contact the County to find out how many septic systems in the Bozeman area have been approved during the past year, how many have been denied, and the reasons for denial. He noted that if information for the immediate area around Bozeman is not readily available, County-wide information would be acceptable. Commissioner Youngman asked if there is any way to add a restriction which would . ensure protection of wetlands if Condition Nos. 4 and 5 are deleted, since the PLI zoning designation will be lost through the removal of those conditions. She noted that environmental concerns have been expressed on numerous occasions while considering this application. She then asked if other options are available, if that one cannot be utilized. City Attorney Luwe stated he will discuss the issue with Planning Director Epple during the upcoming week. Commissioner Frost asked for more information on what the State will allow on large lot development, such as five-, ten-, or twenty-acre parcels, and whether the streams would be protected from degradation by livestock. Mayor Vincent asked what type of authority the State would have over ensuring . water Quality, surface water Quality in particular, if this parcel were to be developed without annexation. Commissioner Youngman asked what jurisdiction the City might have over development of the parcel, if it develops in the county. She also noted that, in light of information gathered during reviews of other projects in the jurisdictional area, it is her 01-09-95 - 6 - impression that the City may not require a higher level of ground water protection than the State does, and asked if that is an accurate understanding. City Manager Wysocki noted that the Commissioners have also received a listing of the items which they had identified as topics for upcoming work sessions. He asked that the . Commission address that item as well as discuss the survey on planning processes. The City Manager recommended that the City use the Marketing Department at MSU to conduct the survey, noting that they have expertise in how to phrase questions so that they are not leading. Following discussion, it was decided that the survey will be sent to everyone who has been through a planning process in the past two years. The Commissioners are to forward any suggested questions for the survey to the Clerk of the Commission as soon as possible. The Planning staff will then prepare a list of suggested questions to be included on the survey, for Commission consideration. After that process is complete, the questions will be forwarded to the Marketing Department at MSU for development of a survey. City Manager Wysocki asked the Commissioners to set the list of topics to be . discussed in upcoming work sessions. Commissioner Stiff stated he feels items need to be added to the list and then included in the priorities. Following a brief discussion, the Commissioners agreed that a staff update on implementation of the transportation plan and a staff update on the critical lands study should be added to the list. They further recognized that impact fees will be addressed at one of the work sessions with the County Commission. The City Manager asked that the Commissioners turn in their priorities to the Clerk of the Commission as soon as possible, so that a compilation of the results can be included in the packet for next week's meeting. Adjournment - 5:25 D.m. . There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Stueck, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. 01-09-95 - 7 ~ -,. -'-, J ATTEST: . ~/h~ R BIN l. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . . 01 ~09~95 --..