HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-23 ccmWORK MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA January 23, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in work session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, January 23, 1995, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - (A) Staff uDdate re goals for FY 1994-95 and (B) w/Countv Commission and School Board re urban renewal (A) Staff update re goals for FY 1994-95 Included in the Commissioners' packets was a copy of the list of goals for Fiscal Year 1994-1995, as submitted by the Commissioners, as well as a listing of the goals ranked in . priority order. City Manager Wysocki distributed a written update, dated January 23, 1995, for the top seven priority goals, those being the ones which received more than one vote during the final prioritization process, after which he verbally reviewed the update. He also distributed a status report on the transportation projects currently in process, including those to be funded through the General Fund, the Special Projects Fund and the general obligation bond issue. He spent a substantial amount of time reviewing the status of several of those projects. The City Manager also distributed a copy of House Bill 249 to the Commission, which allows a local government to set a 15-mile-per-hour speed limit on city streets under certain conditions. He noted that the hearing on this bill is scheduled for 3:00 p.m. tomorrow in Helena; and he plans to attend. . Mayor Vincent suggested that the Commission consider other options for ~Iowing traffic on neighborhood streets, such as speed humps or islands. He noted that, while he supports the ability of local government to set 15 mile-per-hour speed limits, he also recognizes that without enforcement, those speed limits are of little value. 01-23-95 --..----...------.. - -- .-....' - ,.. - 2 - (B) w/County Commission and School Board re urban renewal Present for this discussion were the following: City Mayor John Vincent Commissioner Marcia Youngman Commissioner AI Stiff . Commissioner Don Stueck Commissioner Joe Frost City Manager Jim Wysocki Assistant City Manager Ron Brey Administrative Services Director Miral Gamradt Clerk of the Commission Robin Sullivan County Commissioner Phil Olson Commissioner Jane Jelinski Commissioner Kris Dunn Fiscal Officer Ed Blackman School District Trustee Kathy Rinker Business Manager Steve Johnson Downtown Bozeman Association Larry Bowman Chris Pope Assistant City Manager Ron Brey provided background information on the basics of a . tax increment financing/urban renewal program, noting that he has been working with the City Commission, the Downtown Bozeman Association and the Downtown Improvement Steering Committee on a proposed program for Bozeman's downtown area. He stated that this discussion is to bring the County Commission and the School Board up to date on what has occurred and how the creation of such a district will impact each of the taxing authorities. He stated that under the State legislation which was passed in the 1970's, virtually all of Montana's larger cities, except Bozeman, created tax increment financing districts in the early 1980's, to encourage redevelopment in the downtown areas. He stated that Bozeman's 1980- 1981 attempt to implement an urban renewal district was defeated. That failure was due, in part, to the fact that the district included numerous residential properties; and there was a lot . of resistance to having their homes designated as blighted because they viewed that in terms of the dictionary definition as opposed to the statutory definition. Also, the whole package, including a completed urban renewal plan, was presented to the City and its residents at once, instead of providing what the community might view as adequate opportunity for public input. 01-23-95 --. -. - ~ 3 - The Assistant City Manager reviewed the boundaries of the proposed district, noting it includes several public structures, such as City Hall, the Carnegie Building, Willson School, Hawthorne School and the Courthouse; and indicated that some of the monies from the district could be used to rehabilitate those structures. He stated that the boundaries are smaller than . in the previously proposed district; and only include a few residences, including apartments above commercial uses. The Assistant City Manager noted that, typically, urban renewal districts are created to address deteriorating downtowns. In Bozeman, that deterioration has also occurred although many buildings have been upgraded by private individuals. The creation of an urban renewal district could assist in the continued upgrading by providing monies for the renovation of pUblic facilities, such as water, sewer and streets, as well as possibly assisting with upgrading of old structures to meet new building and fire codes. Based on past property valuations, it appears that valuations will continue to increase over the next few years. This could help to ensure that an increment will be recognized in the first years; however, the Assistant City Manager projected that through implementation of a district and upgrading of buildings, that increment . will grow faster than it might without a district. The Assistant City Manager responded to several questions about the district, including the length of time it may be in effect. Mr. Chris Pope characterized this as a community issue, since protecting the downtown area is essential to the overall health of the community. County Commissioner Jane Jelinski noted that Gallatin County is currently implementing several major changes in the Courthouse, to bring it into compliance with ADA requirements as well as fire codes. She then asked if future changes could be covered through tax increment financing, recognizing that the changes currently taking place would not qualify since the program is not yet in place. . The Assistant City Manager responded that they could. Mr. Steve Johnson noted that some urban renewal programs in the State have been beneficial to the local school district, while others have not been. He then asked how this program would be structured, and what it is envisioned to do for the downtown area. Mr. Larry Bowman responded that one of the main concerns of downtown businessmen is the lack of parking; and some of the monies could be used to construct a public parking 01-23-95 -........."..- - - 4 - structure. He stated that, while the downtown currently appears to be viable, care must be taken to ensure that it remains viable in the long term. He cautioned that in a tax increment financing district, it takes several years to build sufficient monies to begin projects; therefore, timing becomes a critical issue. He noted that in other communities, where programs are ten . to fifteen years old, they now have significant funds with which to work. Mr. Chris Pope stated that about a year and a half ago, the Downtown Bozeman Association began reviewing long-term issues and developed a list of issues to be addressed, including parking, street lighting, sidewalks which meet ADA requirements and fire safety. He characterized the downtown as the heart and soul of the community, providing benefits such as employment and attracting tourism. He encouraged the City, County and School District to work together to protect this asset. The Assistant City Manager noted that, since the downtown is presently healthy, the increment will grow slowly. He observed, however, it will be easier to retain that vitality than it is to rebuild a downtown that is deteriorated and essentially empty, which is what has occurred in most other communities. . County Commissioner Jane Jelinski stated she feels the concept is sound and positive; and she supports it. She cautioned, however, that care must be taken in working out the details, noting that if the County does not agree with those details, her position may change. County Commissioner Kris Dunn stated it is important for the County to help the constituents outside the Bozeman city limits understand the program and how it will benefit them. Assistant City Manager Brey stated the next step is for the City Commission to adopt a resolution making a declaration of blight, which is the first of many steps in the creation of a district. At Commissioner Stueck's request, Mr. Larry Bowman reviewed the failures of the 1981 . plan. He stated that one of the biggest problems was the inclusion of a substantial amount of residential property which was anticipated to develop as commercial at some time in the future. He noted that a lack of understanding, and failure to recognize that the designation of blight was under the statutory definition rather than the dictionary definition, also contributed to its demise. 01-23-95 -- ....~,--- --- - 5 - County Commission Dunn noted that the County must also deal with four other municipal areas as well as unincorporated areas, such as Big Sky and Gallatin Gateway. She suggested that the Downtown Bozeman Association or the Chamber of Commerce could assist by informing those communities about the program. . Mr. Chris Pope stated that the DBA will be making a presentation to the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce at its February meeting. He suggested that representatives from the other Chambers of Commerce could also be invited to attend that meeting. Commissioner Stiff noted that ten years ago, a joint venture was not established, either between governmental entities or public/private. County Commissioner Phil Olson stated he feels this is a program worth pursuing. Mr. Steve Johnson stated one of his primary concerns was the fact that the tax base is still climbing. He recognized that, while the downtown is still vital, it is important to take steps to keep it vital. He cautioned that the School District receives 55 to 70 percent of the property taxes and is, therefore, the most heavily impacted by the creation of a tax increment financing district. . Ms. Kathy Rinker stated it would be beneficial to have Assistant City Manager Brey give a presentation to the School Board on this issue. She forwarded her concern that the tax base within the district will remain the same for a number of years, which could result in the School District seeking additional monies through the election process. She noted the importance of reminding the electorate that the additional monies are needed because of the tax increment financing district that was previously approved when such an election does occur. Discussion ~ FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1) Memo from Planning Director Epple, dated January 19, announcing that the . Carnegie Building will once again be open on Wednesdays for business, effective January 25, 1995. (2) Letter from Mr. Rolf Johnson, 1218 Durston Road, dated January 16, protesting receipt of a door hanger for snow removal, since he had shoveled the sidewalk only to have it covered again when the snow plow came by. 01-23-95 - 6 - (3) Letter of resignation from the Design Review Board, dated January 18, 1995, as submitted by Richard Parrish. (4) Copy of the coupon printed in the newspaper by the Save Our Open Space group, as submitted by Paddy Ferriter. . (5) Invitation to attend a reception for the new owners of the Halls Emergency Service, which is to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, 1995. (6) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, at the Courthouse, and a revised agenda for that meeting. (7) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 24, in the Commission Room. (8) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 24, in the Commission Room. (9) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Attended Local Government Day activities in Helena on Friday. (2) Stated that City crews are scheduled to pick up snow in the downtown area tonight. (3) Announced that he will be in Helena tomorrow . to testify on HB249. (4) Announced that Neighborhood Coordinator/Grantsperson Goehrung and Assistant City Manager Brey met with representatives from the Department of Natural Resources regarding a loan for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. (5) Stated that Grantsperson Goehrung will assume administration of the Community Development Block Grant monies while Caren Couch is out on maternity leave. (6) Attended the Transportation Coordinating Committee meeting last week. (7) Attended the Chamber of Commerce annual dinner meeting last week. (8) Participated in the program for Leadership Bozeman last week, which was on City and County governments. (10) Commissioner Frost attended the Montana League of Cities and Towns board meeting in Helena on Friday. At that meeting the Board voted to support a proposal for better . monitoring of the gaming machines, provided the State bears the expense of that monitoring. The League will try to obtain support for a resort tax bill which will eliminate many of the criteria which are currently attached to the tax. The Board also voted to support a 2-percent increase in the contribution to the Public Employees' Retirement System. (11 ) Commissioner Stueck submitted the following. (1) Announced that the design of the Oak Street park has been revised; and construction of that park is scheduled to begin 01-23~95 - - 7 - next spring. (2) Stated that Terry Baldus and Larry Aasheim will be meeting with representatives from MSU to discuss continued use of their fields for soccer programs. (12) Commissioner Youngman stated that she attended Local Government Day at the Legislature on Friday. She expressed concern that two undesirable bills on annexation will be . considered by the Legislature, and encouraged the Commissioners to carefully monitor those bills. Adiournment - 5:35 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Stueck, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. . ATTEST: r2t ~ J!c _ 0 / ~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . 01-23-95