HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-30 ccmWORK MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION/AGENDA MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA January 30, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in work session and agenda meeting in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, January 30, 1995, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - Review of inDut from staff re goals for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 Staff began submittal of its goals for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 to the City Commission, in preparation for the goal-setting process. Copies of the goals had been included in the . Commissioners' packets. Following is a brief synopsis of the goals forwarded by the various departments. Library ~ Steve Cottrell, Director Goals include (1) increasing operational support in an effort to maintain the quality of library service; (2) integrating the new on-line computer system; (3) adding a personal computer workstation in the Reference Department to increase public access; (4) increasing staff knowledge of Internet and other on-line computer services; and (5) retrofitting the lighting, possibly with assistance from Montana Power Company. Mayor Vincent noted that, with the City Commission and the County Commission entering into more joint meetings, it may be possible for the Commission to assist the Library in seeking additional County funding, thus alleviating some of the inequities currently . encountered. Assistant City Manager - Ron Brey Goals for his office, which includes the Personnel Director and Neighborhood Coordinator/Grantsperson, include (1) development and adoption of urban renewal plan; (2) continued implementation of ADA projects; (3) resolution of Carnegie Building issues; 01-30-95 --. -. ----.- - 2 - (4) continued development of personnel program; (5) final adoption and implementation of safety program; (6) participation on affordable housing programs; and (7) community outreach in advance of implementing transportation projects. Finance. Administrative Services Director Miral Gamradt . Goals include: (1) install new IBM System 400; (2) conclude the $5 million general obligation bond sale for transportation projects; (3) complete a new capital improvements program; (4) conclude internal controls in 17 areas; (5) serve on committee to rewrite local government finance laws for submittal during 1997 legislative session. Police - Chief Larry Conner Goals include: (1) revise rank structure; (2) implement a combined City/County dispatch center; (3) train officers to be more "people friendly"; and (4) implement a community policing program. Responding to questions from the Commission, the Chief stated that the revised rank structure will cost some additional monies because of two new positions in a higher rank; however, it will not result in loss of time on the street. . Fire - Chief Aaron Holst Goals include: (1) create and maintain effective administrative support for all Department operations and activities; (2) enhance and upgrade fire prevention programs; (3) maximize utilization, effectiveness and efficiency of emergency services; and (4) provide adequate resources, training and education to assure effective level of service delivery and promote employee health and safety. The Fire Chief forwarded his intent to ask for two more firefighters during the budgeting process. He also distributed maps of the city which show four and six-minute response times from the existing two fire stations. He encouraged the Commission to begin thinking about the addition of a fire substation and the possible relocation of at least one of the existing stations. . Director of Public Service Phill Forbes Copies of the goals for his overall department as well as each of the divisions under the Department of Public Service were included in the packets. The Director characterized those goals as basically operational in nature, within each division. 01-30-95 __.__ n_ ..-...-..----..-.. -.----... -- -. ----..---- - 3 - Director Forbes forwarded the top goals for his department and individual divisions, as follows: Department of Public Service - (1 ) split the department into a utilities section, which would include the water and sewer operations and plants, and possibly storm water in the . future, and the public works section, which would include the streets, parks, sanitation, forestry and cemetery. He noted that, while it is not included in any capital improvement requests to date, thought should be given to relocating the public works activities to a new site. He stated the heavy traffic load in a residential area is not appropriate; and the operation should be relocated to a more appropriate neighborhood. Streets - (1) design and implement all of the transportation projects funded through the general obligation bond issue and the special projects fundna total of $7.2 million in projects; and (2) implement a pavement management program. Water/Sewer - (1) develop impact fees, based on the finalized facilities plan updates which are nearly complete; (2) continue renovation funding. Water ~ (1) expand raw water capacity, i.e., replacement of Mystic lake Dam. . Solid Waste - (1) develop a solid waste management plan which includes all existing programs and possible additional programs. Commissioner Stiff noted that Director of Public Service Forbes made an excellent presentation on KBOZ regarding Mystic lake, and asked that he be scheduled to make that same presentation before the Commission prior to their setting of goals. Aaenda Meetina - for reaular meeting to be held on Februarv 6. 1995 Since this is an agenda meeting, only those issues requiring staff action are contained within the minutes. City Manager Wysocki reviewed the background information which is available for each of the items listed on the draft agenda for next week's regular Commission meeting. . The City Manager stated that the Commission will be presented with two different scenarios, one by staff and one by the applicant; and they will be asked to make a decision on modification of the Walker Planned Unit Development based on those alternatives. Senior Planner Dave Skelton characterized the situation as a difference of opinion on the intent and purpose of the pedestrian circulation system which was required under the 01-30-95 - 4 - original planned unit development as well as the time of the installation of those improvements. He also noted a difference of opinion in the type of surfacing that is to be allowed originally, i.e., a mowed swath versus a graveled surface. He stated that it appears everyone involved, including the County Road Superintendent and the representative from the Montana . Department of Highways, agree that the pedestrian circulation system may be located within the street rights-of-way, probably a foot outside the property line so that the pedestrian pathway is separated from the paved roadway. In response to questions from Commissioner Frost, the Clerk of the Commission indicated she will make copies of the original staff report for inclusion in the packets. The City Manager noted that, also included in the packett is a memo forwarding a set of draft guidelines for acceptance of donated art, as submitted by the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board and a recommendation for acceptance of a sculpture by Jim Dolan, being donated by an anonymous donor. The Commissioners determined that they may be ready to address the guidelines, with some possible additions to reflect the need for Planning staff and possibly Design Review Board . review of proposal for placement of sculptures along entryway overlay corridors. Due to several questions which were raised about the specific Dolan piece, however, it was determined that this item should be placed on the February 21 agenda, allowing time for Planning staff and Design Review Board review as well as an opportunity to obtain photos and dimensions of the subject piece. In response to Commissioner Frost, Historic Preservation Officer Derek Strahn stated that the Dolan piece has been evaluated in light of several of the criteria contained in the draft guidelines, but not all of them. City Attorney Luwe stated that he is working with the Chair of the Beautification Advisory Board on placement of the sculpture, since it is to be on private property / as well as an agreement which addresses items such as placement, ownership and removal of the . sculpture. During review of the items on the Consent Agenda, Commissioner Frost suggested that staff develop a map which shows annexations for the last four years, possibly color coded. He noted this would better assist the Commission in reviewing new applications for annexations. 01-30-95 .,,--.-.. ----. -.--....--.. -----..--. -.. ."".. . n__ ~. - 5 - The City Manager asked the Commission to use caution when considering the request from Jump Start Espresso. Assistant Planning Director Debbie Arke" provided some background on this business and highlighted differences between it and other espresso services around the community, particularly those located in the front entrances of stores. . Assistant Planning Director Arke" stated that staff has just received a concept plan for Sundance Springs. She noted that since the plan is for in-district uses, it would typically be reviewed by City staff, and not be forwarded to the Planning Board or the City Commission. She stated, however, that the applicant has indicated a willingness to allow the application to be forwarded to the Commission for review, if the Commission wishes to see it. The Commissioners indicated an interest in reviewing the concept plan. Commissioner Youngman stated she is aware that the developer is considering an alternative plan that includes a segment of affordable housing; and she is interested in seeing all of the alternatives that he is contemplating. The other Commissioners concurred. Discussion - FYI Items . City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Copy of a letter from Engineering Aide Andy Kerr, dated January 26, 1995, to several property owners in the vicinity of North 9th Avenue between West Main Street and the alley to the north, announcing that parking along the east side of the street will be limited to two-hour parking, effective May 1, 1995. (2) Meeting announcement from the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, inviting Commissioners to participate in meetings of the Governmental Affairs Committee, which are scheduled for 7:00 a.m. every Monday morning at the Holiday Inn during the legislative session. (3) Bulletin from the Montana Municipal Insurance Authority, which was . received on January 23, 1995. The City Manager encouraged Commissioners to carefully review this bulletin, particularly the first three paragraphs under Section X.C. At Commissioner Stiff's request, the City Manager summarized the section, emphasizing the importance of making sure one does not imply the City's liability, even in 01-30-95 ------.-. -.-.-----.--- .. - 6 - casual conversation or passing comments. City Attorney Luwe stated that in some past instances in other communities, MMIA has encountered difficulties in denying claims because someone in the City government has made the comment "we'lI take care of it". He noted this can result in a City going into court . with an admission against it; and that can be detrimental in defending the case. The City Manager reminded the Commission of the recent Rice case, in which the City prevailed. He cautioned that, particularly when the threat of a suit exists, care must be taken to ensure that comments which compromise the City's position are avoided. City Attorney Luwe encouraged the Commissioners to think before responding to a citizen. He suggested that their response should be that the matter will be referred to staff. (4) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 31, at the Courthouse. (5) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting, to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 1, in the Conference Room at the Carnegie Building. (6) Minutes from the regular meeting of the Highway Commission held on . November 30 in Malta, and the telephone meeting held on December 15. The City Manager encouraged the Commissioners to read that portion of the minutes from the November 30 meeting beginning on Page 22, since it pertains to the Oak Street project. He also noted that a couple of bid lettings contained in that set of minutes are of interest to Bozeman, including the Bozeman - Four Corners project. (7) Copy of a memo from Neighborhood Coordinator/Grantsperson James Goehrung to City Attorney Luwe, dated January 30, regarding the City's portion of funding for the Victim/Witness program. (8) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Cautioned that the streets may become difficult to negotiate as the temperatures rise and the snow melts. He noted that the City is running out of sand because of the amount that has been required to . date.. (2) Reviewed two bills coming before legislative committees on Tuesday. Those include S852, which stipulates that real property owners, rather than freeholders, may protest a proposed annexation, and HB260, which allows towns to incorporate within three miles of the incorporated community. He then noted that the hearing on HB249 was continued, upon his concurrence; and he will be meeting with re p rese ntatives from the Department of 01-30-95 ..--. ---.. ----.---.-. -- - .___._..u_...__.__ - 7 - Transportation on Thursday in an attempt to reach a solution satisfactory to both entities. He indicated that two similar bills have also been submitted and will probably be a part of the discussion. (3) Met with representatives from MedTrans, the new owners of the local ambulance service. He noted their intent to bring in new equipment, indicating that they . currently operate in sixteen states. (4) Swore in two new police officers this past week. (9) Commissioner Stiff reviewed the various meetings he attended last week and will attend this week, including several meetings involving the Senior Center, a City-County Health Board meeting, and discussions on the Montana Law Enforcement Academy. (10) Commissioner Frost submitted the following. (1) Attended a forum at the Montana Bank this past week. (2) Referenced the copy of the article which was published in the Great Falls Tribune, as forwarded by Assistant City Manager Brey, regarding Wal-Mart. He noted that four years ago, during public hearings on the new zone code, testimony was forwarded that Great Falls would get the new commercial development because companies would not operate under the new code. He further noted that this article shows, in reality, that businesses have chosen to locate in Bozeman because of its aesthetics and the fact that it has . all the regulations in place. (11 ) Commissioner Stueck submitted the following. (1) Attended the Gallatin Development Corporation's luncheon meeting on Thursday, at which time they established goals for the upcoming year. He stated that he and County Commissioner Kris Dunn took the opportunity to talk about the urban renewal program and cooperation between the City and the County. (2) Spoke to the noon Kiwanis Club today concerning the urban renewal program, emphasizing the difference between the statutory definition and the dictionary definition of blight. He suggested that this type of presentation might be essential to the success of the program. (12) City Attorney Luwe submitted the following. (1) Stated that a revision to the ordinance pertaining to parking will be forthcoming to bring the City's ordinances into . compliance with the State's construction agreements for North 7th Avenue. He noted that revision will prohibit parking within 30 feet of a flashing beacon or stop sign; and the City's ordinance currently reads 20 feet. (2) Announced that Tim Cooper has been hired as the new Staff Attorney/Prosecutor; and he is scheduled to begin work in early April. He is currently working for a private law firm, and serves as both Attorney and Prosecutor for the City of 01-30-95 --.--..----- - 8 - Whitefish and the Town of Eureka. (3) Stated that Barry O'Connell has submitted a check to the City from USF&G in the amount of $131,728.81 as its initial settlement for the Bozeman Solvent Site. He noted that, while this is not the total amount they will pay, it is the majority of the amount. . (13) Clerk of the Commission Sullivan reminded the Commission that their goals are to be submitted by next Monday. Following a brief discussion, that timeline was adjusted to Wednesday, February 8, after which they will be summarized and included in the packets for discussion at the work session on February 13. (14) Mayor Vincent submitted the following. (1) Noted that Bozeman seems to have taken a middle-of-the-road approach with Wal-Mart. He stated that Wal~Mart stores have not been allowed in New Hampshire; some communities have required them to do more than Bozeman required; and in some communities they have chosen to do more than was required. (2) Spoke to the Shriners on Saturday. He noted they were impressed by the City Manager's shoveling around City Hall. He noted they also expressed general support for the new . Commission, even though they may not agree with individual decisions, and indicated a good comfort level with the Commission. (3) Stated that he may not be present at next week's Commission meeting, since his father is just being released from the hospital. He indicated that he will be in contact with the Clerk of the Commission; and if he is to be absent, he will ask that such authorization be placed on the agenda. (4) Noted with interest that Twin Falls, Idaho, has withdrawn from the short list in the Micron competition, citing the fact that it cannot afford the growth that will accompany the successful bid. Adjournment - 5:55 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Stueck, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be . adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. 01-30~95 .. -..- -~ ~.._.,.__.- - 9 - ==~~ ATTEST: .~o:I~~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . . 01-30-95