HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-20 ccmSPEC MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN , MONTANA July 20, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, July 20, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Signing of Notice of Special Meetina Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Review of City Manaaer's Budaet Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 . This is the second in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1995-1996. Since this is a work session, the minutes are abbreviated. Mayor Vincent noted the number of people in the audience for this work session, announcing that the public hearing on the budget will be held at a later date. He then asked why those in attendance were present. The vast majority indicated they were present to support expansion of the Swim Center, which is not included in the proposed budget. Recreation Superintendent Sue Harkin noted that, by their attendance, those who have come to the meeting have expressed their concern for the project. Responding to Questions, the City Manager stated that, whether the Commission includes it in the tentative appropriation ordinance or not, the public may raise the issue during . the public hearing; and that may impact the final budget adopted for next fiscal year. City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt reviewed the Summaries and began on the General Fund section of the document, covering Pages 35 through 89 of the City Manager's recommendations. 07-20-95 Special - 2 - The City Manager briefly reviewed the summary of appropriations and revenues for this proposed budget, reminding the Commission that $3,205,912 in reserves is needed to balance the $29,466,267 budget. He noted that the value of a mill has not yet been received; however, it is anticipated in the near future. Under this proposal, a 3-percent increase in the . mill value is projected; and, based on that assumption, a 127.11 mill levy is proposed. He stressed the fact that this is still 9.17 mills under the 1-105 levy limit. He recognized that the mill levy for this budget is 11 mills higher than last year's, with 6.5 mills of that being the GO bond issue. The City Manager then reviewed the "All Funds Summary", which shows the total for each line item in the budget, noting that this summary graphically depicts where some of the major increases and decreases have occurred. City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt reviewed the remaining summary sheets in this sections, which reflect the breakdowns of appropriations and revenues in pie chart form, and listings of the various revenue sources for each of the fund groups. The Administrative Services Director noted that, typically, salaries comprise 70 percent . of the budget for a governmental organization; however, in this year's budget, they comprise 32 percent. He further noted that operating expenses are extraordinarily high, representing 58 percent of the budget, because of the transportation projects funded through the GO bond issue. He stated that in another year, these percentages will change substantially once again. During review of the fund revenue sources, the Administrative Services Director explained that the amount from loan proceeds in the Solid Waste Fund must be increased to cover the actual costs of the installation of the liner in the new portion of the landfill, based on the actual bids received. The City Manager and Administrative Services Director began review of the individual budget units, highlighting the items included in each individual budget unit and responding to questions. . City Commission. Commissioner Youngman questioned why the number of hearings for FY96 is lower than the actual number for FY95; the City Manager suggested that the projected number of hearings be raised from 85 to 105. The City Manager noted that the amount budgeted for advertising has increased substantially, due in large part to the fact that weekly agendas are being published. The 07-20-95 Special .- ------------- - 3 - Commissioners expressed concern that the value of the published agendas is being lost because of its placement in the newspaper. The City Manager stated that the amount budgeted for GalaVan has been increased from $10,000 to $17,000, in response to their request. . Responding to Commissioner Stueck, the City Manager stated that $1,000 for improvements at Burke Park could be accommodated under the $5,000 budgeted for board requests. Commissioner Stiff asked if landscaping of the medians on North 7th Avenue could be accommodated under the transfer from this budget unit to the Beautification Fund. The City Manager responded it could be; however, he suggested that the business owners along North 7th Avenue be given an opportunity to improve those medians, at their expense, if they wish. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that whether monies should be budgeted under salaries or under contracted services to cover the costs of having someone do minutes for work sessions will depend on whether that individual is to be hired or whether someone from an employment service is brought in to do . the work. City Manager. The amount budgeted for travel is up slightly, to accommodate the Assistant City Manager's attendance at the ICMA conference and additional travel for other staff members. Commissioner Stiff suggested that a page be added to the budget document which "clears up the alphabet soup". Public Service/Engineering. This budget unit has includes an additional half-time FTE, to accommodate changes in the secretarial staffing level. City Attorney. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, the City Manager stated that the amount budgeted for contracted services is difficult to determine. He noted that in this . instance, he feels the City Attorney has a good idea about the potential need for contracting for outside services. Finance Department. This budget includes a 1.25 FTE increase in personnel, which includes a new accountant and change from a part-time to a full-time cashier position. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, the Administrative Services Director stated that the shuffling of personnel from the enterprise funds into this budget unit has been completed, 07-20~95 Special - 4 - although it does still impact the historical data. He then stated that with the new accountant position, the Controller's time will hopefully be freed up to do administrative and internal audit work. Also, it is anticipated that staff could prepare the financial documents in house, thus saving on audit costs in the future. . City Court. An additional .7 HE is included for an administrator. The City Manager stated this is in response to audit comments received the past couple of years and the need for day-to-day administration of the operation. He suggested that, depending on the outcome of the election in November, the elected Judge could serve in that capacity, if the individual has the qualifications and the interest in doing so. Also included in this budget are monies for software which has been designed at MSU specifically for lower courts. This combination should help to modernize the operations of that department and address the audit comments which have been received. Police Department. This budget includes monies for three additional officers, one of which will be funded through the COPS Fast Grant. Also, a .7 FTE for dispatch/records has been added; and with this change, the position of part-time weekend dispatch will be . eliminated. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager stated that no reduction in staffing was anticipated in conjunction with the move to the Law and Justice Center, rather, a more efficient operation was anticipated with the same level of staffing. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, the City Manager stated that more police officers were requested; however, the Chief of Police indicated he feels that two more officers can be acquired through the COPS More Grant program; therefore, the request was reduced by that number. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager stated that bicycles for the community patrol are not listed in this budget because they have already been purchased . through a donation. Fire Department. This budget includes two additional firefighters; three were originally requested. The City Manager cautioned the Commission that if a third fire station is opened, an additional nine to ten firefighters will be needed to ensure that all three stations are manned on a full-time basis. 07-20-95 Special - 5 - Responding to questions from Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager stated that the Commission must weigh all requests for large capital items, such as a third fire station and expansion of the swim center, against each other and determine the greatest need, since not all of the items needed can be funded this fiscal year. . Responding to Commissioner Youngman, the City Manager stated that, while the workload indicators for most of the activities have not increased substantially over the years, the number of emergency medical service responses has gone up significantly. He then expressed concern about the fact that the number of business inspections has dropped significantly, particularly since there are approximately 1200 businesses in the community that should have a fire inspection at least every eighteen months; and just over 200 are projected for next fiscal year. Further responding to Commissioner Youngman, the City Manager stated that the current staffing level at the Fire Department is dangerously low much of the time, particularly when people are on vacation or sick leave. The City Manager stated that heavy-duty commercial washers and dryers are required . to meet the federal requirements for blood borne pathogens and hazardous materials programs. Also, throughout the budget, additional monies are included for meeting of the mandates for confined spaces. Building Inspection. This budget contains monies for one additional position, which would be a permit coordinator. Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that members ofthe building industry have indicated support for this type of position, feeling that it will make the permitting process easier and more streamlined for them. He noted that an automated permitting system will probably accompany this position, further enhancing the operations of this division. Commissioner Stueck asked about the number of vehicles being purchased for this department, in light of the fact that the City just purchased two new vehicles and another is . being requested in this budget unit. He suggested that possibly an old police car could be transferred into this area to address their transportation needs. Streets. The budget for streets is actually found in three separate locations within the budget. Under this budget unit, General Fund monies are budgeted for operations, and small capital and debt service items. 07-20-95 Special '-- - 6 - On Pages 136 through 139, the Gas Tax budget unit reflects budgeting for contracted services only, for large projects. On Pages 148 through 151, the Street Maintenance District monies are shown. A majority of those monies are appropriated for salaries, with the remainder being divided . between operations and capital. This budget unit reflects one additional maintenance worker. Page 301 contains the Consolidated Streets Budget, which provides a comprehensive overview of these three budget units, for ease of comparison. The City Manager stated that at the TCC meeting, there was an indication that the Oak Street project, from North 19th Avenue to North 7th Avenue, is scheduled for letting in February. He noted that under this project, the two south lanes of the four-lane roadway are to be fully completed, with sidewalk, curb and gutter; and the two north lanes will be completed at a later date. This initial construction is to be completed with the City's allocation of federal aid urban monies. City Manager Wysocki indicated he will be unable to attend the work session which is scheduled for next Thursday evening. . Following a brief discussion, the Commission decided to come back next Monday evening for a continued work session on the proposed budget. Adjournment - 9:25 C.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Stueck, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. . ATTEST: ~ J~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission 07-20-95 Special _._.__.. _n__. _ ___ ..- -----