HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08-01 ccmSPEC n__.n. _...~ -- -- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA August 1, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, August 1, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Signing of Notice of SDecial Meetina Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Review of City Manaaer's Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 . This is the sixth in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1995-1996. Since this is a work session, the minutes are abbreviated. The City Manager provided a brief overview of the issues which the Commissioners had raised at yesterday's work session. He then announced that a conversation with the Gallatin County Fiscal Officer revealed that the County Planning budget for this fiscal year includes $25,000 for either a GIS position or contracted services, and equipment for networking of computers, in the amount of $7,600; and monies for the acquisition of optical scanning equipment in the Clerk and Recorder's budget. The City Manager then reminded the Commission that the Planning budget includes . $25,000 for the long-range plan as well as monies for a GIS Technician position, a long-range planner and equipment for networking of the computers in the Carnegie Building. He further reminded the Commission that the potential of adding $15,000 to the monies for a long-range plan was also discussed at yesterday's meeting. Under the City Manager's guidance, the Commission went through the City Manager's Recommendations, forwarding their changes. 08-01-95 Special . -- --- --------...--..-- - 2 - City Commission. A majority of the Commissioners concurred that $33,700 should be added to the transfer for Planning. City Court. Mayor Vincent noted the need to take whatever steps are necessary to increase the efficiency of this operation, particularly in light of the separation of jurisdictions . that exists. Police. Commissioner Stiff noted that, because of his concern about the staffing level, he contacted Chief of Police Larry Conner. As a result of that conversation, he realized that the Chief is satisfied with the staffing level contained in this year's budget. City Manager Wysocki noted that the School District has approached the City about a police officer serving at the high school on a full-time basis during the school year. He stated that will probably involve hiring of an additional officer, with a percentage of those costs being covered through reimbursement from the School District. He also noted that, if the City submits a successful grant application, an additional police officer could be obtained through the COPS More program. Fire. Commissioner Stiff stated he had concerns about the staffing level under this . budget as well; however, conversations with Fire Chief Aaron Holst revealed that the staffing level is what he had asked for. He then noted that the Fire Chief also recapped how the inspection process for businesses has been streamlined so that the current staffing level can adequately provide those services. Streets. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the transportation impact fee study is in progress, and asked that $22,500 be added to this budget unit to cover those costs; the Commission concurred. Swim Center. The Commissioners agreed that expansion of the Swim Center should be included in the budget. Following discussion, they also determined that the first $58,000 payment on the INTERCAP loan should also be included in the budget, recognizing that the first . payment date may not occur until next fiscal year. The Commissioners emphasized the importance of recognizing that inclusion of the expansion in this budget is based on the assumption that the fees will be increased to raise at least a substantial portion of the monies needed for the annual payments. Parks and Playgrounds. Commissioner Stueck suggested that $11,000 be added to cover the costs of the portable irrigation system. 08-01-95 Special -..- --..-. . .-..--..-.-. -.-----.----- --..--...- ..-..--- - 3 - The Commissioners agreed to this addition, recognizing that the system can be utilized as parks are established in various locations or when an irrigation system fails in one of the existing parks. Cemetery. Commissioner Stiff forwarded the Board's interest in using well water to irrigate instead of the City water, if at all possible. . Administrative Services Director Gamradt summarized the four additions to the General Fund budget. He noted that the additional revenue from the difference between the estimated and actual mill values is $100,536 in the General Fund; and the additions total $125,200. Commissioner Stiff proposed that approximately $250,000 be transferred from the SID Revolving Fund into the reserve for replacement of fixed assets, stating he feels that would be a more appropriate place for those monies. He noted that the SID Revolving Fund currently carries a substantially higher balance than the 5 percent of outstanding bonds that is required by State statutes, thus creating another reserve in the City's books. He stated that this moving of monies would have no impact on the overall budget for the upcoming fiscal year. . Commissioner Stueck suggested that, rather than moving those monies now, it might be appropriate to consider using those monies during next fiscal year to fund the balance of the fire pumper truck that is to be ordered this fiscal year. Water Operations. The City Manager asked that $15,000 be added to this budget to cover the costs of the impact fee study. Water Plant. Commissioner Youngman suggested that the wording under contracted services, pertaining to the $100,000 for the preliminary work on the Sourdough Creek Dam project, be revised to reference water conservation and resource management, to more accurately reflect the language under the Commission's short-range goals for the upcoming fiscal year. She recognized the importance of preserving the City's impounded water rights, . but she suggested there may be alternatives that would retain the City's rights without the need to expend $100,000 on geotechnical investigations and environmental assessments at this time. Commissioner Youngman distributed copies of a letter to the City Manager from the group working on water issues, as well as his response to that group, regarding a presentation to the Commission about the Sourdough Creek impoundment. She suggested that substantial 08-01-95 Special --- ---- -.---.---------.---.--------- - - 4 - information about water efficiency could be obtained from this group and from the water resource centers on the MSU campus, at little or no cost to the City. She then asked that one of the upcoming work sessions include a presentation from this group. Commissioner Youngman forwarded proposed language for the budget, as follows: . "$100,000 for water resource planning, includ ing development of a plan for most efficient use of current water supply; and researching methods of showing diligence to protect Sourdough Creek water rights, which may include preliminary geotechnical investigations, environment assessment and possible EIS." Commissioner Stueck stated his support for providing flexibility in the use of the $100,000 that has been appropriated; however, he cautioned that the environmental assessment and the environmental impact statement could take five to eight years. Commissioner Frost stated his support for the proposed revision, noting it adequately addresses his concern that water efficiency should be addressed before construction of a new dam begins. Commissioner Stiff noted that this project carries the Project No. 89-335, which . means that the capital project was first officially listed in the Fiscal Year 1989 budget. He cautioned that the City can write letters and take other minimal steps for only so many years before a financial commitment is necessary to ensure that the impoundment water rights are maintained. City Manager Wysocki stated that all of the issues raised are important and need to be addressed. He then suggested that all of those activities can occur simultaneously, particularly since the short-range goal involves a substantial amount of education. He noted that preliminary work on the location of the dam, identification of the footprint for the dam and the amount of impoundment are all items which need to be identified early in the process, so that people can understand how a new dam will impact the drainage. He then cautioned that . it will take ten to fifteen years to construct a dam and impound water; and the process should be started so that the water is available when needed. He noted that there are several steps along the way where the process can be slowed if it is determined that a dam is not needed immediately. Waste Water Operations. The City Manager asked that $15,000 be added to this budget to cover the costs of the impact fee study. 08-01-95 Special - 5 - Solid Waste Collection. Mayor Vincent suggested that a major objective be added which reads: "To develop automated collection system consistent with volume based fees and help promote recycling." The Commission concurred. Solid Waste Disposal. The City Manager asked that $5,000 be added for the . composting program study and $438,300 be added to cover the actual costs of installing the liner in the expansion cell of the landfill. Planning. Commissioner Stueck forwarded his concern about adding another planning position, particularly in light of the need for additional office space and equipment for that position as well as the potential that the current growth level will slow, thus eliminating the need for so many planning positions. He suggested, rather, that the Commission consider appropriating monies under contracted services. Following a lengthy discussion, the Commission concurred that the long-range planner position should be added and that the level of funding for the joint long-range plan should remain at $25,000. Gas Tax. City Manager Wysocki stated that the line item under contracted services which reads "City's Share of Fowler" should be changed to read "City's Share of West Oak". . Local Government Study Commission. Commissioner Frost expressed his concern about the amount of money which the Local Government Study Commission has requested for its operation, particularly in light of the fact that the 1984 Study Commission expended only $6,000, and provided a good product for Commission consideration. He further noted that group did not feel that a separate office and telephone service were necessary, but were willing to accept the offers from the City which have been rejected by the current group. He expressed concern that the Commission is ultimately responsible for the monies expended for this function. Commissioner Stiff cautioned that the Commission must be careful not to restrict the activities of the Local Government Study Commission. He noted that a conversation with one . of the members of the Study Commission has revealed that they are very sensitive to the fact that they are expending taxpayer monies; and he feels the Commission should grant their request for the 1.0 mill levy that is allowed under State statutes, noting a strong interest in listening to what they have to say. Commissioner Youngman stated that, while she agrees with Commissioner Stiff's comments, she is very concerned that the Study Commission members did not prove their 08-01-95 Special " ~ =- ---- - - - 6 - needs in the presentation made to the Commission at yesterday's meeting. She then suggested that the Commission could decrease the amount budgeted at this time, and then approve a budget amendment to adjust the funding for this activity if it is determined necessary later in the year. Commissioner Stueck stated his support for leaving the funding at the 1.0 mill, as . requested by the Study Commission. Mayor Vincent stated his concurrence with approving the budget as requested by the Local Government Study Commission. He cautioned that the study commissioners are elected, with this review process being constitutionally mandated. He noted that the law allows for levying of up to 1.0 mill; and, since the study commissioners are elected, he feels that they are accountable for the monies they expend. City Manager Wysocki concluded by stating that one item not included in this year's budget, for which he may later seek a budget amendment, is funding for landscaping at the new North 19th Avenue interchange. He noted that in the original plans, a substantial amount of landscaping was to be provided; however, during the construction process, the State has . substantially decreased the monies to be devoted to that element, resulting in only very minimal landscaping being included in the project. He stated that since the City originally gave assurances that extensive landscaping would be provided, he feels a commitment to do so. He noted that once accurate costs are available, he will seek the necessary budget amendment; however, he has no cost estimates at this time. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the tentative appropriation ordinance will be on next week's agenda for adoption, with a public hearing to be scheduled for August 21,1995. Adiournment - 9:05 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was . moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Stueck, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. 08-01-95 Special - 7 - ATTEST: . ~./~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . . 08-01-95 Special ---------- . - .- ....---