HomeMy WebLinkAboutBozeman Intermodal Facility Change Orders 1 & 2The following signature indicates approval of the attached Change Orders for the Bozeman Intermodal Facility. Change Order #1 is for Electrical Work and Lighting Changes thru 11 /21 /2008 and Change Order #2 is for the Bus Waiting Area - Prugh & Lenon Drawing B W 1 - ] 1 /6/2008. City Manager City of Bozeman Approved on: 1-20-2009. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL PRUGH ., ._..... A N b . ..... .......... LENON PC s 7 East Maui Street Bozeman MT 5 9715 TO: James Goehrung Superintendent Facilities & Lands P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 DATE: 01/05/09 JOB NO: PRK ATTENTION Tames Goehrun~ RE: Bozeman Intermodal Facility Bozeman, Montana WE ARE SENDING YOU [ x ] Attached via USPS following items: [ ] Shop Drawings [ ] Plans [ ] Prints [ ] [ ] Copy of Letter [ ] Change Order [ ] Samples [ X ] Chane Order Request COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 I 12/31/08 I 1 I Contractor's Change Order Request #1 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [ X ] For Approval [ ] Accepted [ ] For Your Use [ ] Accepted As Noted [ ] As Requested [ ] Not Accepted, Resubmit [ ] For Review & Comment [ ] REMARKS: Copy To: file Signed: Dick Pru~h Phone: (406) 587-1255 Fax: (406) 587-1819 Email: dprughQprughlenon.com I,\ ~ ~,, MARTS ~ MAIN OFFICE i 1203 South Church Avenue f ~ Bozeman, MT 59715-5801 - 406 L CONSTRUCTION, INC. ( ) 586-8585 Fax (406) 586-8646 December 31, 2008 Prugh & Lenon Architects, P.C. 27 East Main Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 Attention: Dick Prugh BIGFORK OFFICE 305 Highway 83 Bigfork, MT 59911 (406) 837-1063 Fax (406) 837-1068 Re: Bozeman Intermodal Facility Bozeman, Montana 59715 Subject: COR # 001 -Revised 12/31/2008 Reference: Electrical Work and Lighting Changes thru 11/21/2008 Dear Dick, Yx .~;~w~ RECIPIENT OF 1990 NATIONgL BUILD AMERICA AWARD 19995BA ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS AWARD 1999 MONTANA FAMILV BUSINESS OF THE YEAR AWARD 2001 MCA CONCRETE EXCELLENCE AWARD As requested, we propose to provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to perform the above mentioned work. Our breakdown of the work is attached. Our quotation is based on our interpretations of of the instructions and scope of work identified in the request, specifications and /or drawings. If we have misinterpreted the request in any way (omissions, etc.), please advise us prior to processing this quotation into a formal Change Order. Otherwise, our interpretation shall stand as correct. We have been directed to proceed with the work per the instructions in the Change Order Request. At this time, we are hereby requesting TBD calendar days time extension to the scheduled completion date of August 4, 2008 . We are requesting an additive Change Order for the amount of.' Sa7,2oo Martel Construction, Inc. reserves the right to submit a request for any additional time and / or cost for disruption, impacts, acceleration, delay, or suspension which cannot be determined at this time. If you have any questions, please call me at (406) 922-5504. Sincerely, MARTEL ONSTRUCTION, INC. ~z a~ Mark Brown Enclosure(s) CC: File James Goehrung -COB COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL >~ Nf%'~ra~eo Z ~'v oy ~~~!-~~~ INSTITUTIONAL INDUSTRIAL Prugh & Lenon Architects, P.C. December 31, 2008 Page 2 RE: Bozeman Intermodal Facility Bozeman, Montana 59715 SUBJECT: COR # 001 -Revised 12/31/2008 REFERENCE: Electrical Work and Lighting Changes thru 11/21/2008 CHANGE REQUEST BREAKDOWN: r. Labor Material Subcontract -Valley Electrical Contracting Other _ _ Subtotal 43,436.05 43,436.05 Insurance & Bonds Subtotal Gross Receipts Tax Calculated Proposal Request Construction Managers Fee Subtotal TOTAL CHANGE ORDER REQUESTED: REMARKS AND QUALIFICATIONS: 6.0% 2,606.16 46,042.21 1.5% ~ g3 46, 732.85 1.0% 467.33 47,200.17 $47,200 1) See attached Reference Spreadsheet dated 12/31/08 Martel Construction, Inc. Bozeman Intermodal Facility Electrical and Lighting Changes -Change Order Request #001 -Revised December 31, 2008 Item Description Reference Amount #1 Add Banner Arms & Double Plant Hangers to Pole Lights on Black Ave. and Tracy Ave. (7 Pole Lights Total) Dick Prugh E-Mail 11/28/2007 James Goehrung E-Mail 03/28/2008 $2,823.25 #2 Add Shunt Trip Emergency Off Button and Shunt Trip Actuator o M i Will VanDyken E-Mail 03/08/2008 n a n Switch Board per Request of COB Fire Marshall $5,416.62 #3 Add IT Conduits -Stair S-2 to Office O-1; Stair S-2 Roof to Panel BBL d Dick Prugh E-Mail 03/1412008 an Control Room G-03 to Office O-1 -_.._ $1,610.18 #4 Add ProtectionTech Sec~•:::, ..vnaults - ~ ~ ProtectionTech Drawings 03/13/2008 $9,514.00 #5 Add Fixturs T ype H and T -~° ype H1 (12 Total) ~ Will VanDyken E-Mail (1) 09/23!2008 - - Will VanDyken E-Mail (2) 09/23/2008 $;!;n68.00 #6 Add Conduit for Wi-Fi -Roof Level S-2 to Office O-1 Dick Prugh E-Mail 11/14/2008 $2,722.00 #7 Add Heat Trace & Conduit for Roof Drain Main Relocation Larry Bronec E-Mail 10/23/2008 $2,000.00 #8 Add Conduit for Exterior Signage (3 Locations) Dick Prugh Memo 11/06/2008 Mark Brown E-Mail 11/07/2008 $8,855.00 #9 Deduct Type CC Light Pole (Labor) 8 Base @ Tracy Ave . James Nickelson E-Mail 11/03/2008 IA.S~z nm SubTotai $43,436.05 Construction Managers Fee @ 6.0% $2,606.16 SubTotal $46,042.21 Insurance & Bonds @ 1.5% $690.63 SubTotal $46,732.85 Gross Receipts Tax @ 1.0% $467.33 Total $47,200.17 Page 1 of 1 F MARTEL ~ MAIN OFFICE Prugh &Lenon Architects, P.C. 27 East Main Street Bozeman, Montana 59715 1203 South Church Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715-5801 " `- (406) 586-8585 Fax (406) 586-8646 December 4, 2008 Attention: Dick Prugh CONSTRUCTION, INC. BIGFORK OFFICE 305 Highway 83 (406) 837-1063 Faxl (406) 83759068 Re: Bozeman Intermodal Facility Bozeman, Montana 59715 _~ E"~a,~ RECIPIENT OF 7gg0 NATIONAL BUILD AMERICA AWgRD 1909 MONTANA FAMILY BUS NESS OF 7NE YEAR AWARD 2001 MCA CONCRETE EXCELLENCE AWgRD ~ ~~\ ~~' ~ %` Subject: COR # 002 Reference: Bus Waiting Area -Prugh r~ Lenon Drawing BW1 -11/06/2008 Dear Dick, As requested, we propose to provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to perform the above mentioned work. Our breakdown of the work is attached. Our quotation is based on our interpretations of of the instructions and scope of work identified in the request, specifications and /or drawings. If we have misinterpreted the request in any way (omissions, etc.), please advise us prior to processing this quotation into a formal Change Order. Otherwise, our interpretation shall stand as correct. We have been directed to proceed with the work per the instructions in the Change Order Request. At this time, we are hereby requesting 21 calendar days time extension to the scheduled completion date of August 4, 2008 . We are requesting an additive Change Order for the amount of.~ $87,x87 Martel Construction, Inc. reserves the right to submit a request for any additional time and / or cost for disruption, impacts, acceleration, delay, or suspension which cannot be determined at this time. If you have any questions, please call me at (406) 922-5504. Sincerely, MART CONSTRU TION, INC. Mark Brown Enclosure(s) CC. File James Goehrung -COB --- COMMERCIAL < RESIDENTIAL <, INSTITUTIONAL <, INDUSTRIAL C i !` ~ Prugh &Lenon Architects, P.C. December 4, 2008 Page 2 RE: Bozeman Intermodal Facility Bozeman, Montana 59715 SUBJECT: COR # 002 REFERENCE: Bus Waiting Area -Prugh &Lenon Drawing BW1 - 11/06/2008 CHANGE REQUEST BREAKDOWN: Labor Material Subcontract Other °ubtotal ~ - Construction Managers Fee Subtotal Insurance & Bonds Subtotal Gross Receipts Tax Calculated Proposal Request TOTAL CHANGE ORDER REQUESTED: ,r; ~~,~~; ;;~ ,~~ ~~ '~.~~~J, __~ 8,809.00 4 n''~.uu 67,460.00 80,6 049 0 6.0% 4,841.64 85, 535.64 1.5% 1,283.03 86, 1886, 8. 7676 1.0% 868.19 87,686.86 $87,687 REMARKS AND QUALIFICATIONS: