HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-10-30 ccmWORK MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION/AGENDA MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA October 30, 1995 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in work session and agenda meeting in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, October 30, 1995, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Vincent, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - LA) Continued discussion - reDort from ad hoc committee re cable television franchising oDtions: (B) Discussion - Commissioner Youngman's memo dated October 19, 1995: and (C) Schedulina of meetings with County Commissioners (A) Continued discussion . report from ad hoc committee re cable television franchising options . City Manager Wysocki encouraged the Commission to set a public hearing date to receive public comment on the report which has been submitted. Commissioner Youngman noted that at last week's meeting, the Commission discussed setting the public hearing for December 4; however, information contained in this packet indicates it might be best to schedule the public hearing on impact fees for that day. She then suggested that the Commission set this public hearing for a special meeting to be held on the evening of November 27, since that was originally the date on which the impact fee hearing was planned. Commissioner Stiff asked of any type of proforma on cost has been prepared. He also asked what costs the City might be expected to bear, particularly in terms of space and personnel and books. . City Manager Wysocki responded that staff does not have sufficient information to prepare that type of report. He then suggested the ad hoc committee members might be able to more accurately prepare that type of information for Commission consideration. Commissioner Stiff expressed concern about the increase in cable television fees that a franchise agreement would create. He noted that for many people in the community, cable 10-30-95 --- ___. ________ n___._. ... n._____..._ ._...._._.._...__ . .--... .-.- --......-.-- - 2 - television is their only source of entertainment; and an additional $1.00 per month could very negatively impact them. Respond ing to questions from Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Youngman stated it is not possible to not assess the franchise fee against a certain category of cable television . customers, since many of the services provided through that revenue source would be available to them. Commissioner Stiff stated he wants answers to the questions which have been raised prior to taking action on the ad hoc committee's recommendations. Mayor Vincent suggested the answers to the questions raised during last week's work session as well as this discussion be provided during the public hearing if at all possible. He then noted that, after the public hearing has been held, if the Commissioners feel that more information is needed, the hearing can be continued. He expressed concern that immediate closure of the public hearing could result in prohibiting the Commission's consideration of what might be deemed valuable information received after the public hearing. City Attorney Luwe stated that, since this public hearing is designed to receive public . input on a legislative issue, the Commission can receive information after the public hearing. He stressed the importance of recognizing that this is different from a land use process, for which the statutory requirements for a public hearing are expressly set forth. Responding to Ms. Lynne Merrick, the Commission agreed it might be beneficial to have Mary Canty, who has been involved with the Missoula program, present at the hearing. The Commissioners concurred with setting the public hearing for Monday, November 27, in a special meeting. (B) Discussion - Commissioner Youngman's memo dated October 19, 1995 The Commission reviewed each of the points contained in Commissioner Youngman's memo written as a result of her interview with the Study Commission, as follows. . Ideas for zone code amendments. Commissioner Youngman suggested that additional steps should be taken to encourage people to forward ideas for possible zone code amendments by February. She noted that this information was included in the guest editorial which she and Commissioner Stueck signed; however, she proposed that public service announcements and other forms of posting and advertising be used as well. 10-30-95 .-...-----.-.--- ____. u... -..--- -.---- - 3 - Following discussion about setting a deadline for submittal of ideas, the City Manager suggested that the Commission set the deadline in a formal agenda item, possibly at next week's meeting. He also suggested that the various boards should be invited to provide input, particularly the Design Review Board and the City-County Planning Board. . The Commission concurred that this item should be placed on an upcoming agenda for action. Agenda and information packets. City Manager Wysocki stated that the "newcomer's" pamphlet needs some revisions; and he suggested that information about the Commission agendas and information packets could be added, along with a listing of the telephone number for the information line. Commissioner Youngman suggested that the telephone number for the information line could also be listed at the bottom of the published agenda as a "for future reference" item. She also suggested that another number be added in the automated attendant for City Hall to connect people to the information mailbox for the Commission agenda. The City Manager asked that the Clerk of the Commission and Administrative Services . Director prepare a revised message for the automated attendant to accommodate that change. Volunteer boards. Responding to City Manager Wysocki, Commissioner Youngman stated that, in some instances, the boards do not feel staff is passing their concerns on to the Commission. She noted that this information is reflected in the responses to the Study Commission survey. Commissioner Youngman suggested that, as a method of addressing this perceived problem, the Commission should consider appointing a liaison to each of the boards, not necessarily to attend all of the meetings, but to serve as a point of contact for those boards. Commissioner Frost noted it would be beneficial for the Commission to receive copies of minutes, or at least notes, from all meetings of all boards. He noted his appreciation for those minutes which the Commission currently receives, stating they inform the Commission . of what issues are arising. He stated that verbal reports from the Commissioner Liaisons serve the same function. Commissioner Youngman suggested that each board be sent a letter thanking them for their work, informing them of the Commissioner Liaison for that board, and asking that any minutes or notes from meetings be forwarded to the Commission. 10-30-95 . -.---..---.- -.. -..-- ---.- - 4 - The City Manager suggested that the letter should be prepared for the Mayor's signature. At the City Manager's request, Clerk of the Commission Sullivan reviewed the process for contacting members of the various boards and commissions. She stated that, upon . Commission appointments, her office sends letters to all of the new appointees, indicating the date of term expiration, as well as letters to those who were not appointed. Approximately six weeks prior to expiration of the term, she sends letters to all board members indicating that the term is about to expire, listing the expiration date, and asking those individuals to either complete and return a new application form or submit a letter of resignation if they no longer wish to serve. She noted that if the letter does not generate a response, then a follow-up letter is sent. City Manager Wysocki noted that Commissioner Knapp, when she served on the Commission, organized a volunteer recognition day; and that has not occurred since she left the Commission. Commissioner Youngman suggested that the Clerk of the Commission establish a . mechanism for finding out who the chair of each committee is on an annual basis, and that copies of the letters of appointment be sent to the staff liaison as well as the chair. She noted that, in the past, some new appointees have not been immediately notified of upcoming meetings because the chair was unaware of the new appointment. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, Clerk of the Commission Sullivan stated that she requires notification of a resignation in writing. She noted that if an individual leaves town without submitting written notification, she asks that the chair submit that information in writing prior to advertising for new applications. (C) Scheduling of meetings with County Commissioners City Manager Wysocki noted that, included in the Commissioners' packets, was a copy of a memo to the County Commission, dated April 14, 1995, setting out a schedule of . work sessions for the remainder of the calendar year. He drew the Commissioners' attention to the fact that the last two meeting dates have been changed, because of scheduling conflicts. He then stated that he has asked the County Commissioners if meeting at 4:00 p.m. on the second or fourth Monday is a problem for them, or if it would be acceptable to set a schedule for joint work sessions for the upcoming calendar year on that basis. He indicated that if 10-30-95 -- - - ---- ...---------- .. _ ___ n__ ..- . -. .-- . _ --. -.---- .-------. - ..-".--... - 5 - neither the City Commission nor the County Commission has a problem with scheduling joint work sessions every two or three months, he will draft a schedule for consideration. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, Planning Director Andy Epple stated that the County Commission will conduct its public hearing on the impact fees at 1 :30 p.m. on . Tuesday, December 5. At 7:00 p.m. that evening, a second meeting with the City Commission on growth issues is scheduled; and he has asked Mr. Duncan to stay for that meeting if possible, The Commission concurred that advance scheduling of dates for joint meetings with the County Commission would be appropriate. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Letter from Raven Kargel, dated October 25, asking for permission to conduct a peaceful anti-gay protest march on the sidewalks along Main Street from 1 :00 p.m. . to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 11. (2) Letter of resignation from the Library Board of Trustees, submitted by Mike Kennedy. (3) Letter from Harold Fryslie, dated October 27, forwarding his comments on impact fees. The City Manager indicated that this memo will be included in the public comments on impact fees. (4) Copy of the October issue of the Yellowstone Country Newsletter. The City Manager noted that the information on visitor information center funding was interesting. (5) Agenda for the Gallatin County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. . on Tuesday, October 31, at the Courthouse. (6) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 31, in the Commission room. (7) Agenda for the Board of Adjustment meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Thursday, November 2, in the Commission Room. 10-30-95 - 6 - (8) The City Manager passed an invitation to attend a dinner of the Greater Yellowstone Coalition on Saturday, November 4, to the Commission, asking all interested Commissioners to sign the letter, indicating the number who will be attending the dinner. (9) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Noted that . leaf pick-up has been delayed because of the ice and snow. (2) Noted that Firefighter Carl VanderMolen, who is recovering from bypass surgery, was in the office last week to say "hi". (3) Attended a meeting on the Bobcat Transit and possibilities for expanding it to a mass transit system last week, (4) Was interviewed by the Study Commission last week. (5) Met with Chris Boyd, Gallatin Valley Land Trust, last week about the possibility of the County obtaining a trail easement on behalf of the public. (6) Attended a meeting of the Community Relations Committee last week. (7) Noted that Neighborhood Coordinator/Grantsperson James Goehrung and Senior Center Director Judy Morrill attended a grant workshop in Helena last week, (8) Attended the meeting on household garbage composting last week. He noted that Gallatin County is working on development of an interlocal agreement and letter of understanding for this program. (9) Noted that the lights in the City Hall Complex are to be changed out in the . next month, under an energy-saving program through Montana Power Company. (10) Commissioner Stueck submitted the following. (1) Attended a portion of the public meeting on corrective measures for the landfill. (2) Noted that last Thursday, the Board of Appeals considered, and denied, the School Board's appeal of the Building Official's interpretation. (11 ) Commissioner Youngman stated that at the recent TCC meeting, updates were provided for the local projects. She noted that during that meeting, representatives from the State of Montana Department of Transportation indicated the monies which had originally been set aside for installation of sidewalks along North 7th Avenue have been used for another project in another community, since the City did not have the necessary easements for a boulevard sidewalk at the time the road improvements were done. She expressed concern that . the existing lack of funding could serve to further delay the project, unless an alternative source of funding can be identified. (12) Commissioner Stiff submitted the following. (1) Noted that he had interesting experiences with four elevators this past week. He stated that he and Shirley Sedivy were asked to review plans for making the Pioneer Museum fully accessible; he was 10-30-95 - 7 - taken up the stairs at the Emerson Cultural Center because of no elevator; he was taken up the stairs at The Baxter because the elevator was broken; and he was unable to attend a meeting at the Courthouse because the elevator was broken. (2) Attended the Study Commission meeting last week and feels they are working very well. (3) Stated that he was in and out of . the Senior Center several times last week; and he continues to be amazed at the work they do. (13) City Attorney Luwe submitted the following. (1) Stated that the process followed by the Board of Appeals in its first meeting since being reconstituted seems to have worked very well. He then indicated that staff is preparing an ordinance under which the Board will consider appeals to a greater number of the technical codes, with that ordinance to be presented to the Commission on November 20. (2) Announced that he, Planning Director Epple and Neighborhood Coordinator/Grantsperson James Goehrung met with the attorney for Karst Stage to explore different alternatives for bringing that business into compliance with the zone code. (3) Stated that support information on the loan from the Water Fund for the Comstock Apartments will be in next week's packet. . Aaenda Meeting - for reaular meeting and Dublic hearings to be held on November 6. 1995 Since this is an agenda meeting, only those issues requiring staff action are contained in the minutes. City Manager Wysocki briefly reviewed the background information which was included in the Commissioners' packets. ( 13) Commissioner Stueck asked about the proposed skylight, suggesting that it may not meet code. Assistant Planning Director Arkell indicated that staff will research that issue prior to next week's public hearing. (16) The Assistant Planning Director stated this application is very similar to the Blue Sky Motel application. She stated that the DRB has concurred in staff's recommendation . that the reader board be removed; however, the applicant has claimed that it is part of the original sign and should be allowed to remain. ( 17) Senior Planner Dave Skelton reviewed the background for this application, noting that it involves both deviations and variances. He stated one of the recommended conditions is that the applicant install boulevard trees along both street frontages as well as 10-30-95 ---..--.--.-- - 8 - some other landscape improvements; and the applicant has indicated he does not wish to provide the recommended landscape improvements. He stated that another issue which will arise is whether the interstate frontage should be counted in calculating signage for the lot. (18) Assistant City Manager Brey provided some history and background on the . proposed urban renewal plan and tax increment financing district. He noted that the primary focus of comments and questions to date has been on the financing portion of the plan, which begins on Page 23. Responding to Commissioner Stueck, the Assistant City Manager stated that the Commission has the authority to remove individual properties from the proposed district or leave the district boundaries as proposed; but it cannot add any properties to the district. Responding to Commissioner Frost, the Assistant City Manager stated that the Fire Inspector's letter as taken into consideration when the issue of public improvements versus private improvements was discussed. ( 19) Assistant Planning Director Arkell noted that the Commission has received a letter from the applicant's attorney requesting that the public hearing be opened and . continued to November 20, due to the number of items on this agenda. She then asked if the Commission intends to honor that request, or if she should provide some background on the application that this time. City Attorney Luwe recommended that, if the Commission chooses to open and continue the public hearing, it should provide an opportunity for those who cannot return on November 20 and do not wish to submit written testimony to speak. The Commissioners stated their preference for delaying any discussion on this item until after they have received copies of the minutes from the Planning Board meeting and the Planning Board's resolution. They further concurred it is their intent to continue the public hearing per the applicant's request. . Adjournment - 4:40 D.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Stueck, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being 10-30-95 _._ __u___.. ---- _. _.._m_.._...._ . - .------- ____n.._...._...n_n_..____ .....__ ....____ - 9 - Commissioner Stueck, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Vincent; those voting No, none. . ATTEST: (?~ 0:1 h~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . . 1 0-30-95 _..... ._u__ ... .------