HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-18 Minutes, City Commission ....- .---- MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA March 18, 1996 ********************** ******* . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, March 18, 1996, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Acting City Manager Brey, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Commissioner Stiff was absent in compliance with Section 7-3-4322(2), M.C.A. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. None of the Commissioners requested that any of the Consent Items be removed for discussion. Minutes - March 4 and March 11 , 1996 It was moved by Commissioner Rudberg, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the . minutes of the meetings of March 4 and March 11, 1996, be approved as submitted. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. Conditional Use Permit - Gaston Enaineering for Town Pump, Inc. - allow conversion of existina 4,200.sauare-foot space in Buttrey's Shoppinq Center into casino servin a alcoholic beveraaes- Buttrey's Tract of Kirk's 2nd Addition (1601 West Main Street) (Z-9603) This was the time and place set for the decision on the Conditional Use Permit requested by Gaston Engineering for Town Pump, Inc., under Application No. Z-9603, to allow conversion of an existing 4,200~square-foot space in Buttrey's Shopping Center into a casino serving alcoholic beverages. The subject site is more commonly known as 1601 West Main . Street. Included in the Commissioners' packets was a letter from Gaston Engineering requesting that this item be postponed to the April 8, 1996 Commission meeting. Acting City Manager Brey reminded the Commissioners that the April 8 meeting is a work session, and recommended that this item be tabled until the April 1 meeting. 03-18-96 - 2 - It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the Commission delay action on this conditional use permit until April 1, 1996, as requested by the applicant. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg and Mayor Stueck; . those voting No, none. Preliminary Dlat review. Morrison.Maierle for Golf Course Partners - Bridger Creek Subdivision. Phases II and III . allow subdivision of 56.6 acres into 91 sinale-family lots and 1 condominium lot - Dortion of tract in NWY4, Section 1. T1 S. R6E. MPM (both sides of Mcllhattan Road. immediately south of City landfill) (P.9601) This was the time and place set for review of the preliminary plat for Bridger Creek Subdivision, Phases II and III, as requested by Morrison-Maierle for Golf Course Partners, under Application No. P-9601, to allow 56.6 acres located in the Northwest one~Quarter of Section 1. Township 1 South, Range 6 East. Montana Principal Meridian, into 91 single-family lots and 1 condominium lot. The subject parcel is more commonly located along both sides of Mcllhattan Road, immediately south of the City landfill. . Included in the Commissioners' packets was a letter from Morrison-Maierle, requesting that action on this item be tabled for two weeks, to allow the applicants an opportunity to meet with the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and the Parks, Open Space and Trails Committee to resolve the issue of trails. Acting City Manager Brey stated that the Clerk of the Commission has also received a letter from Morrison-Maierle, dated March 14, extending the review period for this preliminary plat to April 15, 1996. He then recommended that the Commission table action on this item to April 1, per the applicant's request. It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the Commission delay action on this preliminary plat until April 1, 1996, as requested by the applicant. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being . Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. Reauest for classification of use. Der Section 18.06.060 of the Bozeman Municipal Code - mobile oil and lube services Included in the Commissioners' packets were copies of a letter from Mr. Dick Stefani, 03-18-96 ---...-.-....--....-.- -- .--.--..---- - 3 - dated March 13, and a memo from Planning Director Epple, dated March 5, providing background information on this request for classification of use. Senior Planner Dave Skelton distributed copies of Chapter 18.50 of the zone code, which sets the general building and development guidelines, to the Commissioners. He . reminded the Commission that under this application, they are being asked to determine whether mobile oil and lube services may be addressed under the home occupation section of the code. He noted that, when classifying a particular use, the City Commission must find: "1. That the use is the same as one or more uses permitted in the district wherein it is proposed to be located or, 2. That the use is so similar to one or more uses permitted in the district wherein it is proposed to be located as to be interpreted as the same, so long as: a. The use and its operation are compatible with the uses permitted in the district wherein the use is proposed to be located, b. The use will not cause substantial injury to values of property in the neighborhood or district wherein it is proposed to be located, and . c. Neither the intent of this title nor the intent of the district will be abrogated by such classification." The Senior Planner further reminded the Commission that, under the code: "If a specific use is not listed and cannot be interpreted to be the same, or so similar so as to be interpreted the same, as a listed permitted or conditional use, the use shall not be allowed. However, a zoning code amendment may be submitted for review and approval pursuant to the requirements of this title to allow such use as a listed permitted or conditional use." Senior Planner Skelton reviewed the three questions contained in the Planning Director's memo, which include: whether this use should be considered the same as other permitted accessory type uses in residential districts, whether they should be considered the same as other permitted uses in commercial districts, and whether some type of conditions of approval should be established. The Senior Planner noted that, as a result of the discussion at last week's work . session, it appears some type of regulatory standard or restriction may be desirable if this use is to be allowed in residential neighborhoods. He suggested that if the Commission wishes to pursue that alternative, it would be best addressed under Chapter 18.50 of the zone code. He indicated that Planning staff has discussed the possibility of addressing this item as a conditional use; however, they are uncomfortable with the fact that a conditional use permit 03-18-96 -.,.-.-.-- - 4 - is site specific and, under this proposal, the site for which the permit was received would not be the site upon which the activity is taking place. He indicated that if the Commission determines this use is not the same as or similar to one or more uses proposed within the district, then it may choose to pursue the zone code amendment process. He stated that if that . is the Commission's decision then, in the interim, staff could allow the mobile oil and lube services under a temporary use permit while the amendment is being processed. Senior Planner Skelton noted that Mr. Stefani is present at this meeting and had his mobile lube vehicle available for inspection outside City Hall just prior to the meeting. He noted that if all units used for this type of business were internal mobile units like Mr. Stefani's, then many of the environmental concerns raised would be addressed. He cautioned, however, that other businesses may choose to use open trailers with drums on them; and that type of unit would only raise more environmental concerns. Commissioner Frost noted that, even if this type of use is allowed as a home occupation, bulk storage is inappropriate in a residential area. He characterized this as a use that should be allowed; however, he feels some additional code provisions are needed. . City Attorney Luwe reminded the Commission of the process to be followed in acting on this application. He noted that the Commission must first determine if this use is the same as, or so similar as to be interpreted the same as, one or more uses permitted in the district; and in this instance, the request is to determine that mobile oil and lube services are the same as a home occupation. He stated if the determination is made that it is not, then the Commission could direct staff to proceed with a zone code amendment to address the use, if they feel it is an appropriate use within city limits. Mr. Dick Stefani, 508 North Sweetgrass Avenue, compared his proposed mobile oil and lube service to a contractor, who only does paperwork out of his home but does not actually do any construction at that location. He forwarded his position that mobile oil and lube services should not be compared to auto repair, because it is actually auto maintenance. He . recognized the concerns which have been expressed about bulk storage, stating he agrees with those Commissioners who feel the storage should be located in an industrial area, although not necessarily in a mini warehouse. Mr. Stefani stated he feels that anyone who does this type of work should use the proper type of equipment; and he feels that using the type of vehicle which he has is the best 03-18~96 --..------ - 5 ~ alternative available at the present time. He noted that there is very little chance of contamination, particularly from spillage. Mr. Stefani noted that, as a result of last week's discussion, he contacted First West Insurance about the possibility of obtaining liability insurance, with the City named as an . additional insured, for this type of operation. He noted that the minimum insurance premium for an EPA contamination policy is $5,000 per year; and they would probably not accept a small business of this type. He noted that it is not possible to obtain the type of insurance suggested by the Commission through the local insurance company. He indicated that he carries liability insurance and regular automobile insurance on his operation; and, depending on fault, they may cover the costs of cleaning up a spill. Mr. Dick Stefani addressed the issue of noise, noting that the generator and compressor do not create an excessive amount of noise. He indicated that most of the Commissioners had an opportunity to listen to the system just prior to the meeting. Mr. Stefani concluded by encouraging the Commission to enact code restrictions on the type of units that will be allowed for this type of operation. He noted that, even though . the units are mobile, there are several safety factors built into the type of unit he has. He also noted that, at annual review of the business license, the City could require proof of insurance and an inspection of the unit. Mayor Stueck suggested it might be appropriate for the Fire Marshal to conduct inspection of the unit. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, Mr. Stefani stated that he spent three months in Billings training on use of the mobile unit. He stated there is no formal training or certification process for mobile oil and lube services, although there are manuals to show the different operations that can be performed under these services. He commented that on- premise mechanics have no type of certification process, either. Mr. Matt Robinson, attorney representing Mr. Pat Padon, stated he feels it is important . to differentiate the administrative portion of the business from the operational aspects of the business. He noted that telephone calls could be received and billing could be done from the home, while storage of inventory and equipment would be more appropriate away from the residential area. He stated that Mr. Padon is storing his equipment and inventory at Osterman's Mini Warehouses at the present time, awaiting the Commission's decision. He indicated that 03-18-96 - - . -. ..'-- - 6 - this is for economic reasons and, if the Commission approves the use, he will immediately take the necessary steps to relocate his storage area. Mr. Robinson stated his client's operation is different from Mr. Stefani's because he uses a vehicle and trailer. He indicated that the proper precautions for waste storage have . been implemented to minimize any problems. He noted that, while Mr. Stefani's unit pumps the fluids from the vehicle, Mr. Padon's operation uses the more fundamental draining from the engine block into a receptacle. Mr. Robinson stated a mobile oil and lube service can alleviate some of the environmental problems that currently exist, particularly when individuals change the oil in their own vehicles and then dispose of the used oil in an unsafe manner, such as dumping it in the alley. He concluded by encouraging the Commission to allow this type of service in the community, with the appropriate safeguards. Responding to Mayor Stueck, Mr. Robinson stated that under current operations, his client transfers the waste oil from the receptacle into which the engine was drained into a receptacle on the trailer. The waste oil is currently stored at Osterman's Mini Warehouse until . the company from Great Falls comes to remove it. Responding to Mayor Stueck, Senior Planner Skelton suggested it would be appropriate to permit storage of the vehicles and inventory for this type of operation in an M-1, Light Manufacturing, or M-2, Manufacturing and Industrial, district, and possibly in the B-2, Community Business, district as a conditional use. Commissioner Frost stated he feels it would be appropriate to view this type of use as an accessory or home occupation. He forwarded his concerns that the vehicle be inspected to ensure that it meets minimum requirements for safety, and that proof of insurance be provided. He noted that off-site storage seems to be appropriate; general safeguards must be met in this type of operation; and environmental spillage should be reported to the City. He recognized that these issues must be addressed through a zone code amendment, and he feels . it would be appropriate to issue a special use permit in the meantime. Commissioner Youngman stated that, while she feels that this type of use could be viewed as a home-based occupation, it is important to establish some basic safety standards; and that must be accomplished through a zone code amendment. She noted that those standards should address storage and safe operation while on site. She indicated that, as a 03-18-96 - 7 - result of viewing Mr. Stefani's equipment, she is comfortable with the noise level it will generate. Commissioner Rudberg stated she has no problem with administering the operation out of the home, as long as there is no on-site storage of oil. She also indicated support for . requiring proof of insurance and inspection of the vehicle in conjunction with renewal of the annual business license. She forwarded her concern about using Osterman's Mini Warehouses for storage of equipment and supplies. She also expressed concern about allowing the supplies to ride around in drums on the back of a trailer, particularly given the potential for spills if the unit were involved in an accident. She suggested that the standards for this type of operation be written to alleviate those concerns. Mayor Stueck stated general concurrence with the other Commissioners' comments, stating he views this as an accessory use for which specific standards must be developed. He feels that the vehicle and storage of waste materials should be inspected annually by the Fire Marshal, prior to renewal of the business license; proof of insurance must be provided; and proof of a contract with an oil waste depository licensed to do business in the State of . Montana should be provided. He also suggested that on the liability insurance, the City should be listed as one of the parties to be notified in the event of cancellation. He then stated that a conversation with Mr. Jim Smith, First West Insurance, garnered the same information as Mr. Stefani previously reported. Commissioner Frost suggested that waste disposal should include all types of fluids, not just oil. It was moved by Commissioner Rudberg, seconded by Commissioner Frost, that the Commission determine that mobile oil and lube services are not the same, or so similar as to be interpreted the same, as home occupations in residential districts. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. . It was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the Commission authorize and direct staff to proceed with a zone code amendment to allow mobile oil and lube services within the city limits, subject so specific standards, with the applicants to bear the costs of public notification only. The motion carried by the following Aye and No 03-18-96 - 8 - vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No being Commissioner Rudberg. Discussion - FYI Items . Acting City Manager Brey presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Copy of letter from Downtown Bozeman Improvement District Board to the City Manager, dated March 10, 1996, reporting on their organizational meeting and seeking funding for implementation of the urban renewal program. (2) Letter from Caren Couch, HRDC, dated March 7, requesting that a new legal representative be appointed to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board. (3) Invitation to attend the open house to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, at the new Mergenthaler facility on Griffin Drive. (4) Copy of a letter from Yellowstone Country to Racene Friede, the City's representative on the board, dated March 12, reminding her that she has missed the last three . consecutive meetings. (5) Memo from County Commissioner Phil Olson, dated March 7, forwarding a draft request for proposals for a co-composting feasibility study. (6) Minutes from the Montana Transportation Commission meeting held in Helena on February 7 and 8, 1996. (7) Agenda for the County Commission meeting which was held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, at the Courthouse. (8) Agenda for the County Commission meeting to be held at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, at the Courthouse. (9) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 19, in the Commission Room. . (10) Agenda for the City-County Planning Board meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, in the Commission Room. (11 ) Acting City Manager Brey reported that the City received five responses to a request for proposals for handheld ticket writers; and staff is currently analyzing them. He 03-18-96 - 9 - indicated that within the next two or three weeks, interviews should be completed and a final selection made. (12) Commissioner Youngman commented on the editorial in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle last week pertaining to housing and building applications. She noted that, from the . beginning, the housing task force recommended that special needs housing be included as a priority, with low-income housing being provided for the handicapped as well as the able-bodied and able-minded. She further noted that the next budgetary process will not occur until after the Commission has acted on the applications currently under consideration. (13) Commissioner Rudberg asked that staff proceed with the steps necessary to enact a moratorium on casinos as quickly as possible, to allow the Commission an opportunity to look at the zone code requirements for this type of use. The City Attorney indicated that, under State statutes, the Commission may establish a moratorium to provide time to review its code provisions and enact adequate safeguards and regulatory procedures. Commissioner Youngman forwarded her support for the proposal. . (14) Mayor Stueck submitted the following. (1) Attended a Chamber of Commerce function and the grand opening of Simms last week. (2) Welcomed the Daughters of the American Revolution. (3) Announced that the next "Leap of Faith" meeting has been rescheduled for 7:00 p.m on Wednesday, March 27, at the Museum of the Rockies due to a conflict with a fundraiser for Big Brothers and Big Sisters on March 28. (4) Asked the Commissioners to review and comment on four draft letters prior to leaving the meeting. (15) City Attorney Luwe announced that his son is a member of the Odyssey of the Mind team from Morning Star School that will be attending the world competition in May. He noted that three teams from the Gallatin Valley will be competing; and the other two teams are from Manhattan Christian. . Consent Items Acting City Manager Brey presented to the Commission the following Consent Items. Commission Resolut ion No. 3107 - authorizing and directing the City Manaaer and Administrative Services Director to sian documents on behalf of City relatina to federal disaster assistance 03-18-96 ------ -- -- .- --- ~ - 10 - COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3107 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR TO SIGN DOCUMENTS ON BEHALF OFTHE CITY OF BOZEMAN RELATING TO FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE. . Staff report - intent to annex 20.0 acres located in the E% of the W% of the E% of the SE%, Section 3, T2S. R5E, MPM (north side of Durston Road at Meaaher Avenue extended) (Doug Smith) (A-960 1 ) Commission Resolution No. 3108 - intent to annex the E% of the W% of the E% of the SE%. Section 3. T2S. R5E. MPM (20.0 acres located alona the north side of Durston Road at Meagher Avenue extended): set public hearing for April 15, 1996 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3108 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, THE INHABITANTS THEREOF AND THE INHABITANTS OF A TRACT OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, TO EXTEND THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO INCLUDE SAID CONTIGUOUS TRACT WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. Acknowledge receiPt of letter from the Board of Directors for the Bozeman Senior Social Center. dated March 6, reauestinQ extension of Management Aareement and use of adiacent City-owned land: refer . to staff for review and recommendation Application for Beer and Wine License for Calendar Year 1996 - Jackpot East Casino, 915 East Main Street: approval contingent upon receiPt of State License Award bid - replacement for mainframe computer - Intearated Information Solutions. Inc., Missoula, Montana - in the bid amount of $79,968.00 Award bid - reconstruction of Highland Boulevard between Holly Drive and Kagy Boulevard - JTL Group, Inc.. Belarade, Montana - in the bid amount of $486,361.00 Proclamation - "Recoanizina the Big Sky Conference Championship Basketball Team Montana State University Bobcats" - March 1996 Reauest for modification of conditions of approval for Luck Lil's Casino, 2401 West Main Street, to allow monument sign to be "multi-faced", with an interior anale between the two faces of 45 dearees rather than the typical "two-sided" sian (Z-9564) Award bid for City's operating accounts for the period April 1, 1996 to March . 31, 1997 - American Bank per proposal submitted Concur in Mayor's appointment of two additional non-votina members to Downtown Bozeman Improvement District Board (lOB)' with terms to expire on June 30, 1997 - Wayne Gibson and Steve Clawson Application for Liauor License for Calendar Year 1996 - Spectator's Sports Bar and Grill, 19 Tai Lane (conversion from beer and wine to all beveraae): approval contingent upon receiPt of State License 03-18-96 ,. - 11 - Buildina Inscection Division report for Februarv 1996 Claims It was moved by Commissioner Youngman, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the Commission approve the Consent Items as listed, and authorize and direct the appropriate . persons to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. Adjournment - 4:00 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. . a L ~~<d~~ DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: vi.: / ~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . 03-18-96