HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-04-30 Minutes, City Commission -,- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA April 30, 1996 ********************** ******* . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Community Room of the Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Street, April 30, 1996, at 6:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Sian in a of Notice of SDecial Meeting Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Joint session with County Commission re (A) Landfill and (8) Plannina (8) Planning . County Commissioner Kris Dunn stated that she and Commissioner Rudberg were in attendance at the same City-County Planning Board; and she became concerned about some of the procedures they were following. She stated it appears some of the members are not clear about their role and how to best advise the Commissions on subdivision applications. She stated that, while the resolution forwarding the recommendation flows smoothly, the discussions seem to be disjointed and nebulous. She also noted that with impact fees becoming a part of the process, it is important for the Planning Board members to understand the programs and be prepared to address them, on behalf of both the City and the County. Responding to Commissioner Frost, County Commissioner Jane Jelinski stated that the County adopted its new subdivision regulations, in response to legislative changes, a couple of weeks ago. . Commissioner Frost noted there have been membership changes on the Planning Board; and it takes time to learn the process. He noted that it is important for the governing bodies to know why decisions have been made; and that information has been provided in recommendations forwarded to the City Commission. He stated it is equally important that the City Commissioners forward the reasons for their votes when they make decisions. 04-30-96 Special - 2 - Commissioner Rudberg stated that it is important for both the City Commission and the County Commission to meet with the City-County Planning Board since both bodies have appointees on the Board. City Manager Wysocki stated that in years past, the City-County Planning Director . and the County Planning Director had conducted training sessions for the Board. He suggested that was a useful process and could be added to the work plan for the department. Commissioner Frost stressed the importance of recognizing that the governing bodies must provide direction to the Planning Board. He further noted that the Planning Director works for the Board, but could provide the training if requested to do so. Commissioner Youngman suggested that orientation packets be prepared and given to all new Board members. She recognized the difficulty of providing an orientation session for one new member, but stated that the orientation packet could prove very beneficial. Commissioner Rudberg questioned the advisability of asking a Planning Director to train his bosses. County Commissioner Dunn stated that, when she was serving on the Planning Board, . she would have appreciated a training session. She noted that, unfortunately, it took her over a year of serving on the Board to understand the process and the master plan, subdivision regulations and zoning regulations. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, County Commissioner Dunn stated that the lack of training for Planning Boards seems to be a State-wide problem and, as a result, MACO and the Department of Commerce are preparing to provide training sessions this summer. County Commissioner Dunn stated that County Attorney Mike Salvagni has suggested the Planning Board could forward a recommendation with a simple majority of those present, rather than the six votes which are currently required. Responding to County Commission Chair Jelinski, the Commissioners indicated that a joint meeting and work session for the County Commission, City Commission and City- . County Planning Board would be beneficial. County Commissioner Phil Olson reviewed his proposal for preserving open spaces and agricultural land. He stated that this proposal, which is in a conceptual stage only, involves using development rights for parcels which have been previously subdivided and platted. He stated that under this scenario, a piece of property could be developed without subdivision 04-30-96 Special ------.--.-- - 3 - review by clustering homes on portions of the property least productive as agricultural land. In exchange, the remainder of the property would be subject to an easement or covenant which provides that the undeveloped land will never be developed. He stressed the importance of using incentives to make this concept work. He then indicated that under this proposal, all . environmental permits must be acquired and met. Commissioner Frost noted that the preservation of agricultural land is encouraged in the master plan. He further noted that density bonuses are provided for clustered development and suggested that they be provided as incentives under County Commissioner Olson's proposal. County Commissioner Olson suggested that the farmers and ranchers be approached with this concept, and that they be given the opportunity to consider and possibly develop it, forwarding their suggestions back to the County Commission for consideration. He recognized that, given the current workload, no input could be anticipated until this Fall. He further suggested that, through the use of organized farm groups in which they have confidence, the farmers' input could be developed. . Responding to questions from Commissioner Stiff, the County Commissioner stated that under this proposal, the County is really not giving anything up because no subdivision review would be required since the property is already subdivided; and no impact fees will be collected for the same reason. Responding to Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Youngman suggested that if land which had been placed in open space or agricultural land under this process were later annexed to the city, to could either remain in that use or a portion could possibly be used as parkland or for recreational purposes. County Commissioner Olson suggested that under this concept, development rights could possibly be transferred to another parcel, thus providing for even higher density development in areas which have been identified for that type of development. This could . provide for even greater protection of the better agricultural land in the county. Commissioner Frost noted this is the sixth year of the current master plan; and one of the work items for the Planning Board in the next year will be review of the document. He suggested this issue could easily become a part of their review, for possible inclusion in the plan. 04-30-96 Special --- .--------- ___._ u'". .u____ . 4 - (A) Landfill County Commissioner Olson stated that the request for proposals has been drafted for a composting program; and he is awaiting input on revisions to that request. He stated that, to assure the success of a composting program in a facility that might cost $ 7 to $9 . million, flow control of the garbage is imperative. He stated that federal laws pertaining to garbage are being discussed and monitored by the National Association of Counties and, depending on what legislation is passed, it may be possible for a community to keep its garbage. He indicated that, until those issues have been resolved, it is inappropriate to proceed with a multi-jurisdictional composting effort. County Commission Chair Jelinski noted that flow control of garbage is a federal issue; and states have no authority. She stated that the National Association of Counties is pursuing legislation to allow for local authority; and it appears that the bill will pass. (C) Miscellaneous Commissioner Rudberg stated she feels that cities in Gallatin County should be included in meetings with the Legislators, since residents of those communities are also . residents of the county. She further noted that this would provide for a more cohesive effort in getting legislation passed. County Commission Chair Jelinski stated a willingness to convene a meeting of County Commissioners and City Commissioners from the incorporated communities in Gallatin County, probably some time in September. Commissioner Stiff noted that the City's past meetings with Legislators has not seemed to be fruitful. He then stressed the importance of broad-based support for legislative efforts, including a variety of organizations. City Manager Wysocki stated he feels that the local governing bodies should meet with the legislative candidates in September, before their ideas have been set, since they are still listening at that point. . County Commissioner Chair Jelinski stated that the County Commissioners and department heads meet with local legislators on a quarterly basis; and the legislators are now beginning to listen closely. The City Manager encouraged the Commissioners to meet with Alec Hansen, Executive Director of the Montana League of Cities and Towns, prior to meeting with the other 04-30-96 Special .- .5- communities and, subsequently, the legislative candidates. He suggested that the meeting of various governing bodies in Gallatin County should be held in August, with the meeting with legislative candidates being held in September. Commissioner Youngman suggested that the grassroots component be nurtured. She . noted that such an effort, with a well-organized phone tree and people who are willing to write their legislators about a variety of issues, could help local governments get legislation passed. She indicated that this process could be used to overcome any inability to obtain a broad-based support from organizations. County Commission Chair Jelinski stated that, once the legislative schedule has been set, she feels it is important to have someone in Helena on the day when the House and Senate Local Government Committees meet. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, County Commissioner Dunn stated that they have received the title reports on right-of-way for West Babcock Street. At the present time, County Attorney Salvagni and City Attorney Luwe are working on filing of a court case, and may seek a declaratory judgment on the issue. . Responding to Commissioner Stiff, County Commission Chair Jane Jelinski stated that the County Commissioners will support the library mill levy as much as possible. She noted that, because of recent legislation, they are unable to use County supplies or equipment or support any election item on County time. She noted that County Commissioner Olson is preparing an article for the newspaper; and brochures have been spread throughout the Courthouse. Adjournment - 8:13 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being . Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Youngman, and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. 04-30-96 Special .._--~~~- - 6 - (O~f/5~ DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: · ~L~~ Clerk of the Commission . . 04-30-96 Special