HomeMy WebLinkAboutLandfill Final Closure Contract Notice of AwardCommission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: 2008 Bozeman Landfill Final Closure Contract Notice of Award MEETING DATE: 10/20/08 BACKGROUND: Attached are three copies, of the Notice of Award for the above referenced project. This project includes the construction of an 11-acre soil cover system to overlie the remaining portions of the City of Bozeman Landfill which have reached their final waste elevations. Construction elements include a 5.5 foot thick final cover system, leachate cleanout extensions, reclamation of borrow area, seeding, and erosion control. Additive Alternate # 1 includes closure of a 0.8 acre asbestos pit. Bids for the above-referenced project were opened on September 22, 2008 with 12 bids being submitted. The low bid was submitted by Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. in the amount of $304,600.00. The Bid Tabulation for the project is attached. The contract engineer, Great West Engineering, has reviewed the bids and found the low bidder to be responsive and recommends the contract be awarded to Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. Attached is a copy of Great West Engineering's letter of recommendation. The project is currently funded in the solid waste closure/post closure fund. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize City Manager to sign the Notice of Award. FISCAL EFFECTS: $304,600.00 to be paid from the Solid Waste Fund upon completion of improvements. ALTERNATIVES: Disapprove Respectfully submitted, Dustin Johnso Project ngineer Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager Attachments: Notice of Award Letter of recommendation from Great West Engineering Bid Tabulation Report compiled on 10/8/08 NOTICE OF AWARD TO: Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. Dated: 9/22/2008 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 184 Willow Creek MT 59760 PROJECT: Final Landfill Closure CONTRACT FOR: Final Landfill Closure You are notified that your Bid dated for the above Contract has been considered. You are the apparent Successful Bidder and have been awarded a Contract for: Cit~of Bozeman Final Landfill Closure. The Contract Price of your Contract is: Three Hundred Four Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($304,600). 5 Copies of each of the proposed Contract Documents (except Drawings) accompany this Notice of Award. 5 Sets of the Drawings will be delivered separately or otherwise made available to you immediately. You must comply with the following conditions precedent within fifteen (I S) days of the date of this Notice of Award, that is, by November 4, 2008. l . You must deliver to the OWNER Five (5) fully executed counterparts of the Agreement including all the Contract Documents and Drawings. 2. You must deliver with the executed Agreement the Contract Security (Bonds) as specified in the Instruction to Bidders (Article 20), General Conditions (paragraph 5.01) and Supplementary Conditions (paragraph SC-5.1). 3. List other conditions precedent: Re uired Insurance Certificates and evidence of Worker Compensation Insurance as rewired in the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions. Failure to comply with these conditions within the time specified will entitle OWNER to consider your Bid abandoned, to annul this Notice of Award, and to declare your Bid Security forfeited. Within ten (10) days after you comply with these conditions, OWNER will return to you one fully signed counterpart of the Agreement with the Contract Documents attached. CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA ~. BY: (CITY MANAGER) DATE: October 20, 2008 ATTEST: { ~ , ,, BY: (CLERK F CO ISSION) HELENA BILLINGS PO Box 4817 • 2501 Belt View Drive 115 N Broadway • Suite 500 Helena, MT 59604 Billings, MT 59101 (406) 449-8627 • Fax (406) 449-8631 (406) 652-5000 • Fax (406) 248-1363 www greatwesteng.com - _ l --- - -- - -- ._.- _ _._.,- _ ~F. q~k ~~( J,r~ ~~ - - ,. _. i engineering September 25, 2008 Steve Johnson City of Bozeman Landfill PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 i~E: City of i~ozeman Lancifii! Phase ii Closure Project Dear Steve Johnson: We have reviewed the bids received on September 22, 2008 from twelve contractors for construction of the above referenced project. The low responsive bidder is Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. with a bid of $304,600.00. We have also received, and have reviewed, the requested qualifications information from Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. The qualifications information submitted by Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. documents that they completed these types of projects in the past. We have. also made telephone calls to two of the engineers who worked with Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. on similar projects. The reference checks indicated that Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. successfully completed each of these projects. This letter serves as Great West Engineering's recommendation to award the City of Bozeman Landfill Phase II Closure Project contract to Trapper Peak Construction, Inc. If the City concurs with our recommendation, please sign this letter and the Notice of Award, keep a copy of the letters for your records and mail the originals to back to me. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 449-8627. Sincerely, Great West Engineering 1 Steph nie Reinig, EI Mr. Steve John n Project Engineer City of Bozeman Solid Waste Manager F:\BOZEMAN-LF Consulting-99104\Construction\PHII Closure\award\award letter.doc A Oq o 0 0 0 0 a Q O~ O~ O~ 6A (!~ b9 EA 69 b9 O ~ fA V 69 ~ EA E"~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ b '~ Q E" A ~ ~ '7 O O O U .-i ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ W a ~ ~ c N .--i ~ h 4 0 u a 0 U no c y ~ i V C ~" k W o u -~ D MO v ~ C ~ C p~ C7 ~ ~ s H ~ °` ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ Q' E~ ~ vi i. N '~' e :+0 Q O~ ~N~ ~ M W a y .~ ~ k ~. y~ C A k .r C `~ C ca x ea ~ E aa° o Qw°'~ Em ~ Z p v v a 7 C a N N ° a ° nS L ~ U a a a c ~, U U ~, ~ U 0 N N N a a~ G 0 ri. N ro N .D C .D C. a 0 a~ a~ 3 .n G N .D G U o ~ c ~ ~ o ~ ro ~ G ~ ~ U .> .~ a a w. 0 0 U 4, Q