HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-18 Minutes, City Commission ~~,.,- -.. ,-- - .--- MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 18, 1996 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, July 18, 1996, at 7:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Signina of Notice of Scecial Meeting Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Review of City Manager's Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 . This is the third in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1996-1997. Since this is a work session, the minutes are abbreviated. City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt continued review of the City Manager's recommendations, completing the individual budget units contained under the General Fund, which cover Page 60 through Page 115 of the document. City Attorney. Following the City Manager's review of this budget unit, which is essentially the same as in years past, Commissioner Stiff expressed concern that the salaries in this budget unit have increased 63 percent in the past three years, with the FTEs increasing 90 percent in two years. He asked that this issue be raised for further discussion after the initial budget review has been completed. . Responding to Mr. Carroll Henderson, the City Manager stated he does not know how much a conversion to municipal court might decrease the amount of attorney's time spent on preparing for appeals. Finance Department. Commissioner Stiff noted that in this area, while the change in staffing levels has changed only 13 percent, the salaries have risen 32 percent in three years. 07-18-96 Special ~~.~~,:,,:.:.:;;,( ..... ___..__._._.._.u._._. ..n_ - 2 - Administrative Services Director Gamradt indicated there have been a number of upgrades in employee classifications in this department. He stated he would further research the causes for the increase and report back to the Commission. City Court. The City Manager indicated that, at the Judge's request, the amount . budgeted for jury fees has been decreased. Police Department. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the dispatchers have been removed from this budget unit and placed under the 9-1-1 center, which is operated by an administrative board. He then noted that a listing of the changes in staffing levels within the department has been included, to reflect how the slight change in total has occurred. He stated that a total of four new patrolmen have been added in this budget. Responding to Mayor Stueck, the City Manager stated he does not know why the projected number of traffic citations has decreased, but he will get an answer before the budget process is complete. Responding to questions from Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager assured the Commission that the City has not given up a police officer under the COPS program, for which . the City's contribution is only 25 percent. The City Manager stated that the amount to be contributed to the Humane Society has increased from $1,500 to $1,800 for this fiscal year, noting that no increases have been made for the past four or five years. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the City Manager indicated that an injured sheriff's deputy, who has been assigned to desk duty, currently works at the information desk; and the City pays a prorata portion of his salary. Commissioner Rudberg expressed her concerns about both the salary for the manning of the information desk and the contribution to the Humane Society. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager reminded the Commission that . the City has entered into a 40-year lease for space at the Law and Justice Center. He further reminded them that the City paid all of its costs for that lease upfront, through borrowed monies that are to be repaid over a five-year period. He noted that the first semi-annual payment was made in Fiscal Year 1995, and the last semi-annual payment will be made in early Fiscal Year 2000. He stated that over the next 35 years of the lease, the costs will be substantially lower, with the only City contribution being for utilities and major maintenance. 07-18-96 Special - 3 - Commissioner Stiff suggested it may be beneficial to consider the possibility of a different method of financing under which the repayments would be spread over a period closer to the life of the lease. Responding to additional questions from Commissioner Stiff, the City Manager stated . that he has not obtained any additional information about an "electronic cop". He cautioned that no other community in the State is using electronic surveillance equipment at the present time, and the costs have not been very accurately projected. Fire Department. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the Building Inspection Division has been placed under the Fire Chief, and he has designated the Fire Marshal as the supervisor of that operation. As a result, 3/4 of his salary has been transferred to the Building Inspection budget unit. Following an overview of the budget, Mayor Stueck suggested that Building Inspection will probably use the copier a much higher percentage of the time than the Fire Division, and suggested that a greater portion of the upgrade costs be assigned to the Building Inspection budget unit. . The City Manager noted that, under the PSC water rate schedule established in the early 1980s, the Fire Department must pay $70,000 for the availability of water in the fire hydrants. Streets. The City Manager noted that this budget unit is combined with Gas Tax and Street Maintenance to create the street budget for the fiscal year, and they are shown in a consolidated street budget unit in the appendix. Commissioner Rudberg suggested that the City negotiate with Waltons in an effort to end the annual payment for that ditch, possibly through the drilling of a well for irrigation purposes. Building Maintenance. The City Manager stated that this budget unit includes the City . Hall Complex, Carnegie Building, City Shops, and exterior work at the Senior Center. At the City Manager's request, Clerk of the Commission Sullivan reviewed the reasons for upgrading the phone mail system, after which Commissioner Rudberg suggested that a significant portion of those costs be assigned to the Building Inspection budget unit since the relocation of that operation is impacting the system. 07-18-96 Special . ..--..--..--- . -.....-....-.-- - 4 - Recreation Administration. Responding to questions from Commissioner Rudberg, the City Manager stated that many recreational programs are conducted at the Lindley Center. Ms. Jennifer Mitchell questioned why the Recreation Division is conducting the Sweet Pea Children's Run instead of the Big Sky Windrinkers Club. . The City Manager indicated that the Recreation Division steps in when a volunteer club is unable to continue a program, noting that hopefully within the next year or two, the club will be able to resume its activities. Swim Center. The City Manager indicated that several of the projects contained in this budget were those identified as important during the bidding process for the expansion, which did not occur. He reminded the Commission that the fees were increased to generate revenues to cover the costs of the expansion, and those increased revenues will be used to fund these specific projects. He then indicated that some changes will be made in the lobby area that may, in turn, help other internal areas, and a vestibule is to be added if determined possible. . Bogert Pool. The City Manager noted that, since this is an older facility, it is important to undertake some major maintenance projects periodically. Parks & Playgrounds. The City Manager stated that nearly one full-time equivalent is added in this budget unit, mostly in seasonal employees, because of the increased number of parks to be maintained. He noted that the deteriorated beams at the Bogert Pavilion have been replaced, and reroofing of that facility has been rebudgeted in this fiscal year. Responding to Commissioner Stiff, Administrative Services Director Gamradt stated that when items are rebudgeted, no additional revenues need to be identified because the reserves for the previous fiscal year have risen since the monies weren't expended. Cemetery. The City Manager noted that this budget unit includes monies for drilling of a well for irrigation, at an estimated cost of $15,000. . Commissioner Stiff cautioned that at the Cemetery Board meeting this afternoon, this issue was discussed, and preliminary estimates suggest that the cost of extending a three- phase electrical line to the well and installation of a pump will cost nearly $20,000. He then characterized this as the first year of a two-year project, noting that it will not be functional and the City will not realize a reduction in the amount paid for irrigation water until after the second phase has been completed. 07-18-96 Special -- - ____...__._. ___ ______.___n___... - 5 - The City Manager stated that the chain link fence is to be installed along the west side of the property this fiscal year. He noted that, hopefully, with the materials purchased, the fence will be extended far enough to keep people from walking around the end of it. Mr. Carroll Henderson, Chair of the Cemetery Board, expressed concern that it . appears a significant amount of park operation costs are included in the cemetery budget. He forwarded his interest in having the cemetery operation more fully under the purview of the Cemetery Board, ensuring that only its costs are included in this budget. He noted that the booklet published in 1955 indicated that the income from the Cemetery Perpetual Care fund covered all but 5 percent of the costs of operating the cemetery. He noted that the fees have not been increased very much over the past several years, and the Board will be reviewing those fees and forwarding proposals during the upcoming year. Commissioner Stiff noted that, prior to the financial problems in the late 1970s, flowers were planted along the entrance to the cemetery; and it was a very attractive place. He also noted that at that time, the old headstones were being repaired. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, the Administrative Services Director e confirmed that a majority of the funding for this budget unit is from general fund sources. Library. The City Manager stated that, because of the recently approved County mill levy for libraries, 2.8 full-time equivalents have been added in this budget, and the Library is to be open an additional eight hours per week. He stressed that the increase in the County funding covers all of the additional items covered in this budget unit, including the security system. Zoning. The City Manager noted that this budget unit is essentially the same as last year's except for the aerial photos. City Manager Wysocki noted that this concludes review of the budget units contained in the City's general fund. He then distributed to the Commission a listing of the cities and _ counties in Montana which currently have a GIS system as well as those anticipated to implement GIS systems in the near future. Commissioner Stiff expressed concern that expensive items, such as the critical lands program, the GIS program and the 9-1-1 system make it extremely difficult to address other budgetary needs. He also expressed concern about the continual purchase of new personal computers, suggesting that a comprehensive program might avoid unnecessary purchases. 07-18-96 Special - 6 - Responding to Ms. Jennifer Mitchell, the City Manager stated that once the GIS has been implemented, he feels it can become an income-producing program, as well as save research time for a variety of professions. . Adiournment - 8:48 D.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. cC4 (~~ DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: GJ~;/ ~ . ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission . 07-18-96 Special