HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-07-23 Minutes, City Commission . . --,. ------,.__._,-... -.--. --,- - . -" .. MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA July 23, 1996 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Conference Room, Municipal Building, July 23, 1996, at 4:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Wysocki, Administrative Services Director Gamradt and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. Signing of Notice of Special Meetina Each of the Commissioners in turn signed the Notice of Special Meeting. Work session - Review of City Manager's Budget Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 . This is the fifth in a series of work sessions on the City Manager's recommendations for the budget for Fiscal Year 1996-1997. Since this is a work session, the minutes are abbreviated. Following a brief discussion, the Commission set its next work session on the budget recommendations for next Monday evening, possibly followed by a special meeting. City Manager Wysocki made copies of the State statutes pertaining to court systems under charter forms of government. He indicated that this information has been forwarded to Carroll Henderson, to carry forward to the Study Commission this evening. Administrative Services Director Miral Gamradt distributed a copy of the summary of short-term financing contained in this budget. The City Manager forwarded information on the information desk position at the Police . Department. He stated that one-half of an average salary and benefits for an administrative clerk position would be $9,185, and $14,594 has been included in this budget to fund the injured uniformed Sheriff's deputy who has been manning the desk. The Commissioners concurred that it would be appropriate to include $9,185 for the position. City Manager Wysocki and Administrative Services Director Gamradt continued review 07-23-96 Special -.. -----------.- - .--------- _.__.._-~ - 2 - of the City Manager's recommendations, covering the remainder of the Special Revenue Funds, and the Debt Service Funds, Capital Project Funds, Enterprise Funds, Internal Service Funds, Trust and Agency Funds and Appendix of the budget recommendations, which cover Page 198 through Page 318 of the document. . The City Manager began with a continued review of the budget units under the Special Revenue Funds section of the recommendations. Neighborhood Parking District. This budget unit contains one-half the costs of purchasing the handheld ticket writer system. Commissioner Stiff noted this budget unit is to be revenue neutral and asked if there are any safeguards to ensure that it remains so. Administrative Services Director Gamradt reminded the Commission that when the MSU Residential Parking District was created, it was with the understanding that the City would bear the start-up costs and that the district would repay the costs over a few years. He noted that the fund has been operating at essentially a break-even position, with a projected . $32,000 deficit at the end of Fiscal Year 1996. He then indicated that if additional revenues are needed to retain a revenue-neutral position, the most consistent revenues could be generated by increasing the fees for the parking permits. Downtown Parking District. This budget unit is essentially the same as in past years, except for one-half the costs of the handheld ticket writer system. Community Housing. The City Manager stated that, in light of comments forwarded by a majority of the Commissioners, no monies have been included in this budget unit, and no uncommitted carry-over funds are available. local Government Study Commission. The City Manager stated that this budget is as requested by the Study Commission plus $ 7 ,000 for election costs, and the requested one mill has been included in the mill levy. He noted that if the election on the proposed charter . is held in conjunction with the general election, the City has been assured the costs will not exceed $5,000. He suggested that, with this assurance and with the assumption that the charter will be placed on the November ballot, the amount budgeted for the election could be decreased by $5,000. Following discussion, the Commissioners concurred that the mill levy should be reduced from 1.0 mill to the amount needed to cover the $32,125 budget, as suggested by 07-23-96 Special ~~-~- -----~ ---..-.-.- ---.-.--- - 3 - Chair Jennifer Mitchell at one of the previous work sessions. The City Manager calculated the new mill levy, which is approximately .86 mills. ADA. The City Manager noted that a number of these projects have been rebudgeted. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the Administrative Services Director stated . that, while this budget unit was originally intended to accommodate all projects pertaining to ADA compliance, it has been recognized that many of those projects are so intertwined into larger projects that they cannot be separated out. He assured the Commission that Assistant City Manager Brey maintains a list of all ADA projects, to show the City's compliance with the ADA requirements. The City Manager suggested that a statement could be added in the narrative for this budget unit that references the projects in other budget units where ADA items are included. The City Manager reviewed the Debt Service Funds section of the recommendations. General Obligation Bonds. This budget unit includes the bond issues for transportation projects and the library. SID/Sidewalk Bonds. The City Manager noted the decrease in outstanding SID bonds . over the past fourteen years, indicating that the balance may increase if new SIDs are created during this fiscal year. The City Manager briefly highlighted the Capital Project Funds, which includes the transportation projects funded through the general obligation bond issue. He reminded the Commission that some of these projects are also reflected in the Special Projects Fund because a portion of the costs have been funded through the Valley Unit monies. City Manager Wysocki continued his review by proceeding to the Enterprise Funds. Water Operations. This budget unit is essentially the same as in past years. Two large projects for this year include water renovations projects and oversizing of the new trunk line to be installed under the new Oak Street extension from North 7th Avenue to North 19th . Avenue. Water Plant. This budget unit is essentially the same as in years past, except for expansion of the building and improvements to the sludge drying bed. Wastewater Operations. This budget unit does include monies for the solvent site in addition to the $188,000 which was identified during review of the Commission's priority goals. 07-23-96 Special .-.- - 4 ~ Wastewater Plant. This budget unit reflects a decrease in electric costs, based on the change in blowers last year. The City Manager stated that a three-year payback was projected with the installation of those blowers. He then stated that a separator waste collection facility and enlargement of the sludge ponds have been included in this budget, despite the fund's . deficit position because they ensure the capacity of the plant will continue to accommodate the demand. Commissioner Youngman asked if either of these projects will be determined unnecessary if the City enters into a composting program with the County. The City Manager responded that both projects will still be needed, even if the City does enter into a composting program with the County in which the sludge is used. Solid Waste Collection. The City Manager indicated that this budget unit is essentially the same as in past years. He stated that it is based on the assumption that the current collection system will remain in effect, suggesting that if the Commission decides to change to the automated collection system forwarded by staff at a recent work session, a budget amendment will be necessary. . Commissioner Frost noted that he missed the work session at which the staff presentation was made, although he carefully reviewed the minutes. He stated that, with 33- gallon containers now being available, it appears there is a potential for a volume-based automated collection system. City Manager Wysocki stated the staff presentation was to once again introduce the subject of automated collection to the Commissioners. He requested that, if the Commissioners are interested in pursuing automated collection this year, it establish the parameters for the program so staff can prepare a plan for implementation for Commission consideration and action. Commissioner Youngman stated that the proposal to place 300-gallon containers in . the alleys is typically unpopular with residents, and it creates problems when trying to maintain a volume-based system. The City Manager noted that a couple of the Commissioners have suggested privatizing the solid waste collection service. He encouraged the Commission to allow the City to continue providing its service, or at least allow the City staff to bid on the service if it goes out to bid. 07-23-96 Special - 5 - Solid Waste Disposal. The City Manager reminded the Commission that the new cell was developed last year. This year's operating budget is essentially the same as in past years, with the addition of a gas extraction system at the landfill. The City Manager next covered the Internal Service Funds, which include: . Purchasing. Under this budget unit, the position of internal controller has been eliminated. Vehicle Maintenance. This is the same as in past years. Self-Insurance. This budget unit includes the premiums for health and dental insurance. City Manager Wysocki stated that under the Trust and Agency Funds, the budget units include Cemetery Perpetual Care and Parkland Trust. The Commission concluded its review of the budget by asking questions about the information contained in the Appendix, to which staff responded. Commissioner Youngman distributed two memos to the Commission, dated July 22, one pertaining to computers and the other pertaining to the Community Housing Fund. She . asked the Commissioners to review these memos, since she plans to raise both issues at next Monday's work session. Adjournment - 6: 1 0 C.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. . c!)~ f./l~ DON E. STUECK, Mayor ATTEST: r2kJ~ ROBIN l. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission 07-23-96 Special