HomeMy WebLinkAboutPhase 5 - West Winds Subdivision SILD,~ , !~ ,~ ~~~ v ~~ Street In~ravement Lighting District Phase 5 -West Winds Subdivision Bozeman Mo ntana November 2007 Prepared For: Clerk of Commission City of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman,lViT X977 i -1230 Prepared $y: ENGINEERING ~~ Pr©ject #: 04s057.126 1 1 1 t 1 i ~~ Table of Contents Exhibit A -Lighting Plan Exhibit B -Site Plan Exhibit C -Legal Description Exhibit D -List of Property Owners 1 1 [7 1 r- I~ Exhibit A 1 Lighting Plan r ~I 1 i~ i~ t r 1 1 1 1 t Subdivision Phase V Lighting Plan November 2007 Prepared For: Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 West Main Street, Ste. 223 Bozeman, MT 59718 Prepared By: E N G I N E E R I N G 920 Technology Boulevard, Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718-6857 04S067.126 Phase VSubdivision -West Winds - LiQhtinQ Plan November 2007 Table of Contents Page Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 1 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................ 1 Existing Conditions Summary ........................................................................................................ 1 Basis of Calculations ....................................................................................................................... 2 Street Lighting ................................................................................................................................ 2 UDO Compliance ............................................................................................................................ 2 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................... 3 Figures Figure LP-1 Lighting Plan Appendices Appendix A Manufacter Materials and Photometrics Page i H:\04\S067126\SILD\Lighting Plan ph5.doc ENGINEERING ~ Phase V Sub i - dvision -West Winds Lighting Plan November 2007 Purpose This Lighting Plan is prepared for Phase V Subdivision of the West Winds Planned Community per the requirements of Section 18.78.060(R.) of the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. ' Proiect Overview it 1 1 t 1 1 Phase V Subdivision is a portion of the greater West Winds Planned Community, which is a 960- unit mixed use residential development located in the northwest '/, Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, bordered by Oak Street on the south, North 27th Avenue on the east, Baxter Lane on the north, and Davis Lane on the west. Phase V Subdivision is an 18.1 senior living and single family lots, located at the west central portion of West Winds Planed Community. Existing Conditions Summary Phase V Subdivision is currently undeveloped with no on-site lighting. Davis Lane along the western boundary will be constructed prior to this phase of the subdivision. Streetlights have been install on alternating sides of Oak Street with 38' poles and within Phases I, II and III of West Winds Subdivision with 25' poles, (see photos below). 38' Streetlighting on Buckrake and Oak Streets 25' On-site street lighting Page lof 3 ' H:\04\S067126\SILD1Lighting Plan ph5.doc ENGINEER 1 N G ~ 1 ~, 1 1 t 1 [l 1 1 Phase VSubdivision -West Winds - Liehtine Plan Basis of Calculations November 2007 The calculations and recommendations within this plan are based on the regulations set forth in Section 18.78.060(R.) of the City of Bozeman Unified Development Ordinance. HKM Engineering worked directly with Mr. James E. Armstrong and Mr. Tom Craver, both with Northern Rockies Agencyt in lighting product selection and lighting calculations. Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Craver are well-known lighting manufacture representatives with in depth knowledge of Bozeman lighting standards. Street LiEhtinE To select a street lighting configuration, HKM Engineering initially met with Northern Rockies Agency for an overview of product options and a discussion of which products the City of Bozeman had recently reviewed and approved. Based on this initial meeting, example projects were toured and lighting product and configuration were selected. Gullwing G13 and G18 Area Luminaries were selected for street light luminaries. The G13 will be used for the internal local streets and G18 for the perimeter arterial and collector streets. For poles, a 25' RW Round Non-Tapered Steel Pole was selected for the internal local streets, and 38' RW RSP Non-Tapered Steel Pole was selected for the perimeter streets (shown in pictures above). The luminaire /pole configuration shall be base mounted on a concrete "sonotube type" foundation. The light standards shall be sited as shown on attached Figure LP-1. UDO Compliance The following is anitem-by-item review of Section 18.78.060(R.) of the UDO. 1. (a.) Isofootcandle plots are included in the appendix of this plan. (c.) Descriptions, cuts sheets -See appendix of this plan. (d.) Lighting Plan -This plan was prepared in close coordination with Northern Rockies Agency, a well known local lighting manufacture representative. (e.) Lighting calculations - NA, no uniformity requirements for subdivision street lighting within UDO. The following is an item-by-item review of Section 18.42.150(C.) of the UDO. 1. General a. The streetlights will be installed and paid for by the Developer. All associated operational costs will be paid for through a City of Bozeman SILD. b. Yard lights are not used for street lighting. 2. Street Lights at Intersections. a. Illumination Requirements ~ Northern Rockies Agency, 2335 Birdie Drive, Bozeman, MT 587-0513 Page 2of 3 H:\04\S067126\SILD\Lighting Plan ph5.doc ENGINEERING ~ ~i 1 1 J i~ Phase VSubdivision -West Winds -Lighting Plan November 2007 i. Single Installations. Gullwing G13 and G18 Luminaires meet maintained lumen requirements per Table 42-2 for local, collector and arterial streets. ii. Multiple Installations. NA b. Non-Signalized Intersections. -Street lights are proposed at all internal and perimeter intersections. i. NA ii. NA c. Si>nalized Intersections. NA, no signalized intersection in Phase V area. 3. S_.pacin>; of Street Li ts. Streetlights have been placed per Table 42-2 for perimeter collector and arterial streets. Internal local streets have streetlights at all intersections and curves. 4. Street Light Locations and Placement of Equipment. a. Streetlights are placed at all intersections. b. Streetlights are placed within the public 1Z/W within the boulevard strip that should not conflict with buried utilities. c. Streetlights on perimeter streets have been placed for uniformity. d. Streetlights are placed on all internal street curves. e. N/A, no terminal ends of center medians associated with Phase V. f. Streetlight wiring shall be underground. g. NA h. Streetlights on Davis Lane will be installed at intersections, as only the northbound lane will be constructed with the irrigation ditch as the median. Phase V only installs lights on the east side of Davis Lane. 5. Streetli hg t Support Structures. See appendix for this plan. Poles are per manufactures recommendations. 6. Pathway Intersection Lighting. Trail Bollard lighting has been proposed for the trail/street intersections within the Phase V Subdivision. ' Maintenance 1 1 1 Northwest Energy will maintain the lighting system through the SLID program. The homeowners will pay operating costs of the lighting system through the SLID program. Conclusion This plan establishes that the proposed street lighting system for Phase V of West Winds is in compliance with the pertinent sections of the UDO. T'he system will provide an appropriate level of lighting for a residential subdivision. Page 3of 3 H:\04\S067126\SILD\Lighting Plan ph5.doc ENGINEERING ~ r 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~~~ ~.~ _ ~~g ~ F~ ~C 'B 1 a~a 1 o~g ~~~ ~~ _' 1 ~11 '~ 1 ~ 1 '~ 1 ~ ~ '~ 1 ~ ; 1 ^~ ~_; !N~!lIN~ HKM En9lneedng inc. Nopper Technoogy Binding 920 Technology Bbd., Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718 (406) 586-8834 fAX (406 586.1730 ~py'IgAt O 2004 NKN Englnaerinq 6 TSCHACHE LANE AUTUMN z WINTER PARK STREET !~H ~ ifF1 ~ 1~F~~~~11~1-I~E~ #1EH D~ LEGEND - - PROPOSED ROAD RKIHT OF WAY - -~ - PROPOSED TRAIL SYSTE4 ___..__._.... _.. _... PROPOSED EASENENT __ ....._._ _ _ .._ PROPOSED LOT LINE - - - - - PROPOSED ROAD CFNTERL6IE _ N _ E705TNG NETLANDS ~f{ GULLMANG G73 1NT11 26' SUPPORT 51RUCNRE ~B Guu.wwc c1a WTN 36' SUPPORT STRUCTIME ~C PARK / TRAIL eaLLARO 100 0 100 aeala fast AIVESTWIND W, 1~ w z a 0 3 0 z 3 LANE 3 r WEST W/NDS COMMON/T Y NW 1/4 SECT/ON 2, T.2.S., R.S.E., P.M.M. GALLAT/N COUNTY, MONTANA PHA SE 5 L /CH T/NG PL A N F/C,URE LP-7 DA1E APR. 7, 2004 PRO,ECT N0. 045067.110 1 ., 1 _ _~ ~ «~ ' ~1~ ~~ . .. _ ~~ 1 _... ~~ _._ _ ... ~ . 1 .e A ~ ~ROw couRr i i TAADE wrap LAPS A ~ A wraa ~Arr= I RuRRr uAr~ ~ F I ~ ~ ;1 ' a '6 T9d-IACFE ~ A ~ A uAnE A I I 3 1 ' I A 1 I AuTUwd vE ~, 1 A ~,~`~ A I .. 1 a'~ - TSCHAC~LAPE ^• y4a ! ~sTww w A _, ~ ~ .~ 1 ~~ ~ I B wraraa PARK sT~ ~ Q~ sal ~ .. 1'1 ~~ ! ~ A ie Ij~ I ~ C~ uNE n ~A B A ' ~~.~~~. A A 3e1 sror~ PL ~w ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ,,~ P _~ ; ~v a e~l I `~ 3 A ~ e~~ i ` - TH.PEST couRr 1 e .1 p Q A I a S9 a l e a B~ ,', 4® ~g1r 1~9i ~i$~P~ i;~1~ G~~ 9;'~{ ff~ilE es~~~ i;,~l ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~y~ LEGEND WEST W/NDS COMMON/T Y ------- PROPOSED ROAD RN#IT aF WAV T.2. S., R.5.E., P.M.M. - - - PROPOSm TRAIL stsTEN NW 1/4 SECT/ON 2, '" - - .-.-... - PRA Lo~wT GALLA T/N COUNTY, MONTANA m l N O I N ! ! l I N 6 ~ - - - - - PROP05ED ROAD CENTERtJNE _ N _ HKM Englneedng InC. ~ EnrnNO wtTLANDs W Nopper Technology Binding A~ zs• TAIL LH.wT Pott MASTER L /GH T//V G PL A /V 920 Technoogy Blvd., Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718 8,~, ae' TAU ua+T Pat ~ (406 586-8834 C.~, PARR/TRAIL eouARO zao o zoo F/GORE L P-1A ~ FAX (406 586-1730 .6 ~~ foot DATE: MAR. 26, 2005 PROJECT NO. 045087.110 CoPxight O 2005 NNN Enplnearinq Ma, AN RIg1~G Re~avad. i~ 1 APPENDIX A MANUFACTER MATERIALS AND PHOTOMETRICS A P P E N D I X A 1 1~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 k~ 1 Pole Shaft The pole shaft Is ono pitta construction, being fabrka.ted from a weldable grade Arbon steel structural tubing which has a uniform wall thickness of li gauge {0.1196") steel. The pole shag material shall oonforrn to ASTM A-500 Grade C with a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. The pole shaft has a full length longitudinal res(stenca weld and Is unibrmly cylindrical In cross-section with round skies and excellent Eoralonal properties. Bass Plat The anchor base IQ fabricated from a structural quality hot rolled carbon steel plate that meets or exceeds a minimum yleie atrongth of 36,000 psi. The ancfwr base telescopes the pole shaft and Is dtrwmferentlaay welded top and botti~m. Ail welds are performed In acoordanoe NAth the Amerkan IlYekling Sudety spedflcallon AWS Di.i, latest edition. colt Cfrd.: 8.00" Sq, Dtpt, r e.oo" Thidm~s: 0,~5~ Conduit Opentn9: 3.00• ` Consult K1+If represerrtafive for non-standaM dknensions. Anchor Bolts AnNior bolts are fabrl~ted Mom commerdal quality hot rolled carbon steel bar that meets or exceeds a minlfnum yield strength of 55,000 pal. Four properly shed anchor tx>Ita, eadr with tyro regular hex nuts and wesfiera, are famished and shipped with eQ poles unksa oftyergrise specified. Anchor bolts shell have the threaded end galvanzed a minimum of 8 inches in eceordance frith ASTM A-153.. fully galvanized anchor bolts arc avaAable upon request. Hrandhole An oval reln(oroed gasket~cd hendhok, hevlryg a nominat 2 " x 4 " Ins~e opening, kx:atad 1' - 6" above bees, k standard oft all poles, A grounding prov(alon k welded Inside the handhole ring. Finish _ standard .The exterbr surface i9 deaned with an alkaNpe rinse to remove surface o~nteminants and dot blasted t3o. spedflcattons ea published by the Steel Sfrudurea Painting Coundl Standards SSPC-SPio. the exterior surface k chemically P~+eated with art Iron phosphate conversion coating then rinsed wfith imbient fresh water containing spedal surfaobnm and sealora forming a dry tight miao-cxystalprre vaEing. A polyester thernwsetting powder ooadng applied fb the surface of the subatxste•to a minimum of mtls k standard on aU ;color flnlshes, The internal surface -Mcluding the powder coated arse at the bast nd k coated with I(~1~,, a therirloplesttc hydrocarbon teals system spedally fomwtated for appNcatlvn vet untreated steel sutfares, to a thickness of 3 mils. The lntemal coating shah conta~ spedal cotroslon rnhlbftors and Is capable of passing 1000 hours of salt spray exposure (AS"ff~i a-117). lab Name: West Winds ~~ Series:R3p - Rouse Non-Ta . Sf`ee/OoJes Nominal Helgh t: Z~' ~ >~s~ p " . . e iameter: 4.0 Gauge: 11 Fln)sh; BRZ - stenoaro-eron ze Mounting Designation: DMiO 2~ X Dr/lled 16r1 LWn/nd/rc • Options: BC -gale Cov r e ryp. Haight Pole shaft Handhole ndror BoIE (~•) (fn.) x (Irt.) x (fr.i Aauy Siza (in.) x (In.) x Bolt 30 90 it70 Bhlp grclx HpH MPH t;4PN tNT (In.) (In.) '.~-~-t . (Irt.) (lt.t) (~~) (n-') ~ (flit.) 2S 4.OOx2S.0 ' 11 ' Ix4 ~ 0.75x30x3 a I I Driti for Gardco GI3 Gu- f- I g RSPZS-4.0-11-BRY-DM 10-BC _ Please type your comment bdow• 7 ~ 5.1 1 3.7 ~ 148 i I ~~~ Round Non"~T`a~~red Suet Pote RAP ' f~iotes: Job: YYest YVtnds Mounting on round pole non-tapered Type: ~~ ~ ~ ~ 3 AREA LU~'[~~~!A1~~ GENERAL D - FI;CRIPTION~ The Gerdeo cuflwltt~. is atl.Atiea lurtdr>eke defined by lis tileek profile end nreped eonstnx;6on, The housktg !B ai diecest ehmtlnurn end mounts ~n9~ry b a polo or w~efl w(tht~ut the seed of a ' ProYbe IES Types N, III, and N dlelAbtriotu. SePefela ~~t son. The mugif'acete~d are-Imepe dupgeadn0 oA~d sY;teme The doer game k skplee dlt~st al and retekte en optlcafly dear tempered flat Qlaee lens, The ~ ~~~ ~e~39gled and tTael~ted ptetretidn0 hWglon irgm. moisture. duel end Inseata. The Qulhvinq lundnalree are Anished ~lh A fade artd Porrdertsoet: a'e - .. . Pp6q~ OQ~'iW. RA11ON t>lSTRRruYfdN VIUILtAG~ NOLI'~ Frt~18H CPT~OH~1 .G13. 1 2X1. 1OWNFl ' .. t20 .: BRP ~~ iaM~ b~ r~an~dvdpN ~ ' ~0° ~~~ b ~n a oonfpuapar ae ->wld . 1 otcenCOrq; f+ aonM M 6eeoy, ~ Not aioanl6llntlonr en! a ~~ .. ,.. 13 '~''~~ SIg01e Asaetrlby 9Qi2G iFlple at 120' ii k~ /: , e --~ zaa. ~• f4 " ~w . ~~ 7Ype III, FlOrtnoMal lamp 4XL type N, Hodzq>f~ L~ M7'8 Medkxtt Threw MAttt bbflte Lana pirorra~ra anyJ ~ Twin /laoerrlbl~ ~ Qtnd MNttnbiy 2@~ 'Milo Aueernbiy et. tl0•. W W~afl Mount, He6eraed .t~f3eoc ! 'ttlpls at ?4' We NtsN-tJourtit, &urfnce t :~ sot~s+ 7fiHRf3 ~+ ~/ (~y~- n~rso~,n~,~, ~,,,,~ , 1em1F~a 40oMli Isar~,.rrro..ea.t.•ar~ 160HPti i601tW (~43TRF c7Lnv~rnrord+-nrlr.ocBpV«,rx a>,ror~ 176Mf1 - (~ree~trnipot.en r c'FI (3j42TRF hn~agrrrnv ` ~w,bt me01'trJ L LI • . 120 ~ 7 2so 2TT aar ~rso - ~ Aana~farNN ~ /Iwrt/U BoolfM- ~ ~ 76a re0~rrsl77Vaibt t AI`01J/Af09~+~'N~a~!'rtORaitrrpi, 9fiP 9r'otvs. Paint ~f' OC ~~•Px"' ~r !!LP 131acic Pant caura«iata-c~. , MYP tNHte Paatt .~coaurraer ~' Natural Ntrrentu~~ Pahtt ~ ~~~a~ ~' e R Fva~Q M ~ ~ rn-LlneJltt-Pbte Fualnp PTFZ pole Tbp Fri ter . 2 31e• ale. Tenon PTFJ Pole Top Roar • 3-3112' 61a, Te~norr PC Phoroconlrol and Hecepfecle PTF4 Pde ^ tnv~ ,,,y, ~,~ ibp Klitsr - 9112-4 t)ie: 7onon PCR Photoconfrol Receptacle only SPA 3quaro Pole Adaptor POLY PtlYcerbonaro Sep lens noowm.,d ~'~`"h0""s'"b~rsawr.norb..J ' HS Infernal Noueeetde Shield Qe riuutZ Standby (foat-mo,d . - 8G Bap Qlaaa Lsna (nt~anaaNaa.y . c1wWO upryp tiaw.. th. dq,t a cfi~w nrWla0 v aaaly r,. e..b„ d M goQVq ttltrtote nroa by u 8 a ~• `a„~„~ 00A~"'~"a rodua kga„ennt .n nr Quaeo uQhtlnp 000/72?'-0768 l nunb.r6e~, °'~"" M•"b°' ~e.aot.eep, ins xt eptlanl ~ y pa °t~` ~N 2ee1 Alvarado gYeet S7arJS7-6000 fn CeI11omIL j p Qa,~ ~ Ben Laandro, CL a4677 Fax: StOB57~oee }3^>k+0 ZOOt-I~. aI RtpXa J4a.svad. Wamalaw i • oMy,. ~•+o•nr ~DfRgM seo„roe. tvww.ade.lahlMg.com 1 . 7911S190NA0! ii 0 ULL'~/li~~ Q G i 3 ~R~A LUMIt~tA(R~~ 0 ii _- EpA ~ft~ 1 Z ~ .e ~.e ~ 2.2 Qrdr.lan!Aw nwn., tA.,a,,, ro nr, negAtalien .s o1i~^w NMb or moolry N. a.pn a w produc! ,~, OaMoo IIpAHnp e0N22T-0768 pcwa.oeruAgl M~~:~I.~~d~!W~'~emrntYMe~n u~re wgV6w~iwn ~~ ZBetA-veMoBtn~t 51or3S7-ea001nCailromla ~wNiD!M a.raa ~+'^9 20o,.2opi, ,u R!p~n ~.rva_ !•Xa:~.e~br~lo;.~~ ewvR4 Ben Leandro, CA v4577 WWN ~feliph p com it G~yis ca~pnrq. a~rr~~u t~scl~pnotr: The Gantoo C~ullrrir~p is an ~ d~ilied by its sleek pro('Je and ru0ped ~, ~ housing ie one~pteee, d(eoast aluminum and mounts dredly to a pole cr wall +~tt~ouC fire heed of a separate support arm. The nwldfacefed aro- knape dupNcating optical syolems provlda IES Types N, III, and ry d~bvtione. The door frame is air>Ble•piec@ dlecast aluminum and retains an opGceUy dear lenipered flat pfaaa (et1s. The h1r1d1ialre Is caipletely sealed and gesketed prevenUnp k>uwsion from trpisture, duet and b>9ecls. The tiudtMrn hxnina~es are finished with a fade. and abraeionreaistant TGICPowderooat. HOU9lNQ: A one-pGe~,•e.Necasl ahanlnum houeinQ moints.dirediy b a pote.or waA wit the need for a support sum. The lorr profile rounded fam~ reduces tl~ eflectlve proJeaed area of tfie.l~xrdnalre to onry .tt'p? LJtfS ASSEMBLY: A sirlgle-piece dlecaat akrminum (ens frame ~h10 and ie secured by a stainless ales! An:q#;dy dearrt~ arKl irrpaaresistant 'ed ~1 pleas-lens is ~y eectusrd with sbc retainers. The eledrlcal_arb hoNoMr~are FPD~~' sealed wlfl+ a one-piece memory retentive . tiaslcet b prevent inlrveion by moisture, dust, ~ ORfiiCAL.t3Y8TFM3: The segmented opiooal systems are rnanufaolured from homogenous wheel aluminum whfd~ has 6aen ele~trochomfcatly brightened, anodized and aealed~ Tha. muUifaoeled are image dupllcatinp systems are designed Io produce IES Types I((2Xy, IIi (e)CLj, and IV (4XLj. The reflector facets form a conbaf lan around dte.uc tube with. each faces tx:slgoned b ba preaieely tanpenl b Ibe top of the~arc lobe. Wmpt+ofder is plated porcelain with a Nokel plated screw she1. Ik~1s feature pon;eleln medium base larnPhddere. Fluaee~nt tur>Inafres use a Medium Throw n;Aecfor whh a Sots glass lens (A~IT~. . F~TRIGAL: M electrical oomponeMa are lIL rued, faaorr farted; end mounted on a urrllltad plate with yvidc electrical dJrEaonne~e. Each ff10 filgh power Motor ballast is Ihe. separate oonipoi~ent type capable d provirtihp rofiab(e lamp. startkq dawn to '~(F7.5'tardard tluarsccent balasb are sold~state. ANt~ Eadi atendend odor kanQ,Nre reodvee a fade and ~resion . resistant, eleotr~oetallcatly eppfled; Iharmaily aired, Mp[yrfldal {T~ICj lexitred Polyester porrd~rooat rrNSh. t3fsndrrd a>tore trldu0ri bronze (BRP), Wade (ALP), whfle (YYP); and nadxat aluriirNxn (NPj. Consul tecfory forap~c~ art optional acudom cobra labs AN flicturea beer UL a t~JL (where appNcablej Wet I.ocadon 13 1/Z` 34.16 om .° 8 1/2' . tP.i1 om 21.61 cm Tlr~ 7rir},~ ~° k~ ~i SerleS:SSP - SQ'uare Nan-Teperrd stee/ po/es Nominal Height: 35' Base Dlamt~ter: Flhlsh: BRZ - sundaro -Bronze Mounting Desl 6.OT' Gauge: 9natlon. OM10 Orf//e0fhrl Lum/nelie ~ptlons: BC - Bese co ver np~ Helyht Pol• SAtR (h•) (In,) x (tn ) x (rG) Handhole Anchor bolt Aaup• Blza Bolt s0 90 100 . pn.) x (In.) x grcte HPH MPH MNti Mv'r~ 35 ~ 6.0x35.0 7 3x5 1,00 x 36 x 4 11.5 15 9.6 5,3 584 SSP35-6.p-7_g~_DM10-BC drill For Gardco G18 Guliwings etease a o~~mmentbetow: ~-~~ square ~tnn-Tap~r~ct Sfee[ t~o[es Pole Shaft The pole shaft la vrx piece construction, 6elnq fabricated from o weldable grade carbon sled structural tubing which has a unifot~rt waN thkkneIIS of 7 gauge (0.1783"). The pole shaft mateNal shall conform to ASTfd A-S00 Grade C with a ralnlmum.yleld strength of 50,000 pal, The pole shaft has a full kngtfi longhudlnal reslstansx weld slid is unlfarmlyaquar+e In a+oSS-eection with flat sides, smallcomer radii and excellent torsional propeittes. Base Plate The anchor base is febrkxtted ffsom a structural quality hot roNed carbon ated plate that meets or exceeds a minirimum yield strength of 36,000 pat, The anchor base tekavopes the pole shaft and fa dncumferentially welded top and bottom. Alf walla also perfprmed In eaoorden¢e with the krrtGrleen Welding Solely apecUlCasbn AWS 01.1, latest edition. Bolt grcle: 11.5" sq, Dfm. ; 12,0" 1~tckness: i.00" Conduit Openlnp: 5.13" consult ICW ^@p~entadve for non-standard dlmenslons, AMChor'BoltB Anchor bolts arse fabHcated from commercial quapty hot rifted. carbon steel bar that meets or exceeds. a min(mum yte(d srtisanpth of 55,000 psi. Four pro and washers, aro funifstted and shipped wkh aNppo~kssunlasa owe` each with two regular hex ttttts the threaded end gelvanfted a mlhimum of a Inches U asxordanee with ASTM A i53 ry:on bolts sha;have anchor bolts are avaNable upon t'saquest. ~attdht:ie art oval rNtMorned gasketed haridhole, havfnp a rtorMnal 3 " x 5 " kulde openMq, located i' - 6" above ease, Is standard on ap poles. A grounding provision Is bcated Inside the handhob Hng, 'Inlsh tandard -The exterior surface Is leaned Mth an alkapne rlns"e to remove auriace contaminantr. aid' rot 6fasted tp apedflcatlotts as publlahcd~ by the SOeel ~ Painting. Counaf Standards SSPC-SPiO: ie exterior surface. is dtenticaily p ~. an Iron phosphate wnve'sbn coatlng then rinsed whit nbtent fresh watxr contalnirtg special surtactants and seaters forntlnq a dry tight mkro-crystalNne hpng, A polyester tfiertnoaetting powderooatfrg appNed to tite surface of the wbstrabe ~ta a n'ilnimtntt of rails is standend on aN color finishes. The Internal surface Including the powder coated arses at the base- d is coated with /~~Iit., a thermoplastk hydrocarbon rsesin system apedally formulated for appllcadon untreated stsxl srtrfa~, to a tttidmess of 3 mNs. The Irtterrial caattng.shell cortttaln special corrosion Nmlbkoro and k capebk of passing 1000 hours of salt spray expoarrrse (ASTM 8-117): Sob Natna: WEST IN-ND3 F ---.____._...-..-...,I ~ttD:/Iwww.kwirdtf~trie~ rr+.m/nn!inP/C,~~r.,;tC'~F..+r7 .,~» ~+~~ It 1 r r t 14~ II II ~~ Photometric File; F:IIES Fi1eslThomas Outdoor IE~1GardcolGuilwinglG33~C1HB~i6~ate: Z/261Y004 The foOowPng data Domes firm the alw,re photame6ic h7e: Maximum Point: 3.02 fa (Test lumens maybe Qsted be%w. The Lamp (.omens to the right were used in the ~.J IESNA:LM-63-1gg5 ITESi799-T992S [MANUFA CO uc~-ITINC c33XtHS.IES oTntas Light Loss Factor: 7.6 ILUMCA [LUMINAI STAND TYPE III (33Q.0 TICS WITH INTERNAL ti.S.S: STD PROD. [MORE)CLEAR FLAT TEMPERED GU1SS IN STANDARD DOOR FRAME. Fixture Arrangement: Single [MORE] ' Temp-Cite ®1997, The Sp~aenMaker. AN rights reserved. ' Notes: Joa: went Winds Mounting on square pole non-tapered rYPe~ ~'~L _ ~~ 1 ~ ~ AREA LUI~I:~I~A(ES OENER!il D6SCAIPTION: The. Qaldco t`llawklg ~ an area luminabe delkled by Qe sleek proAfe and lopped conctrtrd(oa The housing ~ cGgcaat a(umtltum end ntalnte ti4+e~Y ~ a.pole a tt!aq wltfaLL the need of a P~de lE's Types I. II, III, N and~Y de6butbns. The door bartte ii a ~ auppart ann. The mutl~eceted in~lmage duplketlnp syatenu the Mxn4t~re b car~pletgly sealed and ~sketed p~ndnp Intnlaion B dlt'ae9t tlNxt>Inullt and reredos en opUcefly doer tempered flat glass lette, acid alxatision trealatant TGIC ~ cbure, duel end ttseas-The Outfwinp Iwtr<nelree ere ik>fshed with a lade lirR787w.~n^. - ~i nrarrrnrr ------.--••.,,• vMrrVOVZ10N w/ltrllQa: .wLr•Itat' FkaBH . Gt8 ~ o~rtonrr ' 1 2~fL 40QMH • 120 (9RP . ~!~ Haaced6r{ rwr ~~ ~ , ,"; ew,Tco roeerror rN dpN b lrhue e iat. i ~ tor s>r~iM.vlr rid inllled6N. for. ~. Nd N ooed41rda1{.rrH oonifpureibn w wlkl. 9wMlon><«,Obeeetal6ukflr kalory - : .,. .. : a cte~ • " .. ... . .... 7 ~e Gulhvin~Ltxnin.n . . . /~ .i 9irlgle lkanlbiy ? 01?0 Triple at 12Qr ? ~ ~~Y 2®9e 7Vrln Assembly at 4 Quad Meembty B0e Mf We? Mount, Recessed J-8auc ~ 111p1e st t1iQ~ • W8 Well Mount, is t3orldlafl _ tr ~ t 'ty'pe I, liorgptt~ ~P M/t sooty cooly : 1001WIi+ 26pP81AH+ ,~..-~j 2XL type II. HoAaontri lamp t60MH' 1ZQpg~({~ 150HPS Z330HPS ~uJl e ~ ' ~- type Iq Fto~f~pMe1 »61AH a6ePS1AH ~ 450MH d00P6NH'" ~~- T t1 re. Eaea 400HR8 reeeY cur. ~.,eWa-Heki. 6GONP8 r~s ~`R"""iO~z" ype ' Horizonte! l,pmp --'~? 100Mff' 750P6itIH`~` i'60HPt3i C ~ V. i ~ M'~.ebmne cooly 1n00MFP' tOOOP9M11'~ ' - • .. ~ ~~ arernirbaln.d MoMi~a~d`O- 120 t R'"r~kN/wdeNke-erry rOObwMfArKl~ w+e ~ -1r~Mr~br..Aeprngcwss salsa ~'tt~ffir 6ejaEOQat~ 20d ~ AIr}Iere/Ib -~•- a eaaeerensr NrNlr+r+rp~ AA9ieAONOlIOy>9r»,px set flt0( IIYRreorae7vm >:~0 ~ wrarore-ies f1• eryle -e.+/~.. tsar Nwun.wn{~s~rr 4~~a~1 YT7 ~ Ar rron~rnw newt ws. 8A~ ~ ~ 480 rxau~. uiH AIOpi~ ' r6s{~ra~, w. a.a,Ra„,„ raga. sentry .. s :~ ~ /'? 9RP Bronze Paint aLP t3ladc Paalt F FusMg pn ~ RPAt R~('A MYr 750waw roooq . . 3" ROUnd Pole Adepfer ~' Willa Ftetrn LF In-WteM-Pble Fusin p py,*.eer s'W ~andaayaol,oina oob. wwe +~ ma low r+.o.:~ NP Natural Alum OC ppp~i ~ ~PekNeklt PO ~A~OO«~ end Receptede RPIl2 4"end 5' Round Pole Adapter ko~ti PCR Photo00-NfGI Rid' °"tY PTF2 ~6µadmOvli. 1A.auF.d,ar~ -s~oo,ou,eparey Pole Top Ffter - 2 3V8" Die Tenon , ~~~ POLY Poly~onea Sep ~~ ~,~~ PTi<3 . Pole ?bp Ftter • 3,9 1/2' Dla Terwn H6 IMernel Houaslde Shield PTF4 ~ 8pecifll Color Paint CS . t'bie Top Fhter - 3 1/2-4' t)la. Tsnon Quartz Stan (specry, waecpal.w~,.~ ~' (~0°'"'"~ 80PTF S4 Square Pole Top Fitter 3ap 41aes Lena ryi ew dh«id !~A°~sn"rCnd wAh ~sqv as rooow~ Pwa~ UpMtip rot"rvu di..IpF" b dwp" nrbrYk a ~~ 5 07~ o rn ~~ OEg.~yl'~~ ~ waP~ ~tp~ ypa~ {al~ ~ alwrado 8troet 67 6QOe in Cailbmle 6enLeandm,CA ed677 Faz:51o/J37.3oBe 6O~JANa Oeiooo l4MUq ZOOtvOJc, /V ikpt~u putnvd I MOr?eSo~N Cep.Rp±y 8.ane. ~, Ovdy~ Ca~+pE~y YIIYW.Oiloli(jhtlnR.corn 79116-660!0{ u~~~v'~~ ~ G 18 AREA LUAAI~IAtR~S 1 b i,~ t J I u EPA (tt~ 1 Z ~4 1.2 2.4 3.2 OsNoo UoMl,g roasrvea M ApM ~o oMrgo maIMN a ye ~N 4«4^ d b rroeuq Mlhoul Ordop.Uahgnp BOG~227-0768 acacia er~u.Sppew,~ `~"'~ w I"'awmwm propan.7Ua cwr~lrq aabi, M 2eei Alvarado Slnat S10/s57-08aa M CeMromla ~+abe. oEeaaLaea. tn. xt rorou syuu„ ~ wa.nM M us. win nna,.. /or~ai+ oan4~o ~ ppp, esn Laarxlp, CA B467T Fax: Sf 0~57SQ88 k~a ~ooa. ne wpns Ryannd. ~.M~m.donarem)+tish, aew~ce. www.ahetiQhtlnp.eom "A BaJNa Coage.~j QINEAAt t)1(p~OH; The Garde QuQwinp ~ en area kirnlnak~e defined by Ne sleek profile and nipped construction. The housktp h- one place, ctec~at siuminurn ~ mounts ~~y to a pole or waN n~OUt the need of a separate support arm, l?te tnuhilaceted era O Ica) systems ptovfde IE8 Types 1, Ii, Itl, N and Y d(sMbutlons. The door frame i9 slnpte~plece dieoast aluminum aKtd relairte an opt(t~ity dear tempered J(at glaeo lens. The furninaire~is completely sealed end pasketed prevenlmg ir>irusfon from molature; duet .and M~ecta. The ©ffllMh(18 ksnlnelres are tkllshed rvNl- a fade and abr~uiorf rct TGIC powderooat. ff0Ut3fN4: A one-Iflece dlececst aftanirKUn houdrg mounts dlrer~ly to a P~ a' Nrap wRhoirt Ibe need tdr a support arm The lovr pr~ila+.ourrdexl f0°n '~ et[e~edve projede~d area t><fde IuminaNe 10 only 12 ft< LEttS JISSF~tBLY: A single place dlecaat alumfium lens frame hir-ggs down from the housing and ie eeaRed by a stainless stoat Isllyerdf~: f~,Qe ~ Y dear, treat aril impact nsabtant tertipered Aat t lame is ~Y z+eaxrad"NAIh eipht'relainera. The olegrkai end di8~ers .are ffwro~{y sealed rvlfh a. one-grace memory retentive holbw~otie EppM gasket to prevent lnbualon by moisture; dual, and .tr>sads. 81 t/2' eaor om OPTIt:IIL SYSTEMS; the segmented aptloai syatema'are manufactured from hontopenous sheet alutrtinum whieh hsa been eleclroohemioalfy brlphtenedt anodized and sealed, The nfuitlfaoeted arc image duplicatlnq systems are defllpned to produce IEt Types ((i), it (2XLJ, ql (~cLj, l1l (4X1.), and V (QJ. Whit the 7.Xt, 3Xl and ~XL kMtinadea, the retracts facets lone a oort<cal fan around tits arc tube with each lacet positioned to be precisely tarrpent to the top of the arc Jibe. The (empholder I8 plated pareslaln~ wllri a nlcke( plated screw shefC ~Poaltiotr-orlenied nwpul base sodcele to accept hlgh carpal hotlsorile(metal halide lamps ere suppNed atattdard. t~.EOTt~ILL: AN eledrlral oonponenM are tX reoopnlzed, facto tested;. at-d mounted on a unltlzed plats with quick eteotrloai dismonnecle. Each h)gh power factor barterer Is the separate type of provldmD reliablo lamp startlnp down a Hl+1ft)H: Each afarfdard color exnlrtaire reoeMae a fade and stxsaiorf reatatenl, elecbrtrstat(cally applied, themtally cured, trlplyddtil seaoyartu!t1e~ R~ kxtlrred poty+esfet' potsrderaooet: finish. Standfled colons indrrde bnxfze (BHPJ, black (t3LPJ, white (VVP), and natural airsrtlnum (P~).'Consult fadcry for specs nrr optirxraltx watom colors, t.118t~s8: AN 11DdIXeB boar lJl.~Of CtA.. (where J Wet LocaNort lnbBfe. 18' ~6.7Y an -. - 11 1/x• re,ee ~, r last cm ~~ 79115~85l060t ED23.5 Mog 0 U 70 7.75 5 44033 LU70 S62 12 24000+ 6400 5450 1900 22 Clear ~ ~1a~' iV! r, 26426 tU101CP S62 4 24000+ 6400 5450 1900 22 Clear, Consumer Pack 111 44035 LUIO/D S62 12 24000+ 5950 5050 1900 ZZ Diffuse . ~ ; ~: ~1 --- Bt7 Med 0 U 100 5.5 3.431321~10.bJjkC ~ S54 6 24000+ . 8550 2000 22 Clear 1 26423 LU100/MED/CP S54 4 24000+ 9500 8550 2000 22 Clear, Consumer Pack ~ ~ ~ ~y j 13251 LU100/D/MED S54 6 24000+ 8800 1920 2000 22 Diffuse : j E023.5 Mog 0 U t00 7.75 5 44037 LU100 S54 12 24000+ 9500 8550 2000 22 11 Clear 111 26427 LU100/CP S54 4 24000+ 95~ 8550 2000 22 'pear, Consumer Pack' =' ~ fi1a 44.038 LU100/D ^lNlil~~Af~9~ S54 12 24000+ 8800 ....~_._.~ 1920 2000 ._~_ 22 ~._. Diffuse :111 r ~-__._ __._.. 617 Med 0 U 150 5.753.5 i325~ " S55 6 24000+ ~ 14400 2000 22 Clear j'11'~ 26424 LU150/MED/CP S55 4 24000+ 16000 14400 2000 22 Clear, Consumer Pack 1i1 13253 LU150/D/MED S55 6 24000+ 15000 13500 2000 22 Diffuse 111 ED23.5 Mog 0 U 150 1.75 5 44043 LU150/55 S55 12 24000+ 16000 14400 2000 21 Clear ti ` ~ ~• T11 26429 LU150/55/CP S55 4 24000+ 16000 14400 2000 ZZ Clear, Consumer Pack - jl} 44045 LU150/55/D S55 12 24000+ 15000 13500 2000 22 .Diffuse 111 ED28 Mog 0 U 150 8.315 44243 LU150/1001ED28~ .856 12 24000+ 15000 13500 2000 22 Clear ; 111.. '0' U 200 9.15 5.7544206 LU200 U U 250 9.75 5.7544047 LU250 26430 LU250/CP S50 12 S50 4 2 24000+ 22000 198001100 22 24000+ 28000 21000 2100 22 24000+ 28000 27000 2100 22 24000+ 26000 23400 2100 22 Clear Clear Consumer Pack Drffuse 111 111 111 E018 Nfog 0 U 310 9 5.1544053 LU310 S67 i2 24000+ 31000 33300 2100 22 pear 1.11 ED18 Mog 0 U 400 9 5.1544054 LU400 _ S51 12 24000+ 51000 45000 2100 22 pear 111 9.75 5.7526431 LU400/CP S51 4 24000+ 51000 45000 2100 21 pear Consumer Pack '111 ED37 Mo 0 U , g 400 11.311 44056 LU400/D S51 6 24000+ 41500 42750 2100 22 Diffuse 111 T7 RxTs 0 HOR 400 10.12 30244 LU400/TD S51 10 24000 43000 31300 2000 25 pear, Double-ended, 111 ~•,~„~.~.,~. ~___ __- _ _ Horizontal Burn 120° T15 Mog 0 U 600 11.06 6.6227181 LU600/1 S106 12 12000+ 90000 81000 2000 12 Clear lj2 ED37 . Mog 0 U 150 11.5 6.7514682 LU750 S111 6 24000+ 110000 99000 2100 22 pear 112 ~ E25 n Horizontal Bum 120° O ------ ...-A - ° ~~ ~•~~ ~ ~xo9 wrwaurJx~ S62 12 40000 6400 5050 2000 22 Clear, Standby Longlife, 111 Dual Arc Tube ED28 Mog 0 U 250 9 5 44051 LU250/D S50 1 - Mog 0 U 1000 15.06 8.7544058 LU1000/ECO S52 6 24000+ 140000 126000 2100 22 Clear 111 Rx1s 0 HOR1000 13.18 30246 LU1000/iD S52 10 24000 131500 118200 2000 25 Clear, Double-ended, 111 c ~- i~ i~~ ik: i~ 1 1 Photometric Fite: F:IIES FileslThomas Outdoor IES~QardcolGultwinglGW3X1~IBlate: 212Cr>~2004 The fouo~'ng data Danes from the abov~s photometric file: Maximum Point: 3.16 fC .(Test lumens may be frsted below. The Lamp Lumens to the right were. used In the ~ J iESPIA:LM-63-1995 CfESTj97=6'f40 ~[MAN~UFACjGARDCO UGHTIN 7 Light Loss Factor: 12.8 [LUMI TYPE NI (3XL) OPTICS (18"j NI/1 HOUSE SIDE SHIELD !MOREjCI-EAR FIAT TEMPERED CLASS iN QARDCO GULLyyING DOOR FRAME Fixture Arrangement: Sine MOREI Temp-Cite ®1997, The SaeenMaker. All rigf-ts reserved. 9_1/4" 60' i ,y 9-1/4'X9-i/4` 1REAlED POST ~OARDCO 952 lED EXTERNAL WAU, 1K~17 EACH SpE PARALLQ 7T) TRAIL ALIGNMENT INTERNAL dRICT10N 80X 16" IYP. .~ ~- ~I~, ~coNOUIr TU Powell souacE ,a•. CONCRETE BASE TRAM BOLLARD DETAIL SCALE : NONE ~~ WEST W/NDS COMMUN/TY NW !/4 SLrCT/ON 2, T.2,S., R.S.E., P.IL~M. GALLAT/N COUNTY, IrFONTANA. RN~RRIN~ HKAA En~eeting. ~,`, ~P'°f~~ TRA/L BOLLARD DETA/L Bomrtgn, M1597)5 F'106~~ ~~ F/GURU 3 GATE Rwe 17, 2005 rlm~aoT N0. o+SOQ.110 i~`- ~ 7 D H F _9 ,5 ___.- L I N E 1 .rdco Lighting introduces a remarkable advance in architectural latest advances in LED (Light Emitting Diodes) technology -the 95 Line. With an integrated lamp and optical system package that relies on a single ~~ ~ .. .. ~_ ~watt pf energyA t~ts.minimaliy seated l~~amb~cti~ ~~~riiaa~ble.... .. f: .:_:(evef~f;ijgato~:.:(n:'pedestrian 9C •• ...n.-~: sy: .. ..S~iuM. :W ~....~d.... ure shapes. Soft corners. niform; distribution:.Concealed ~ounting hardware. Consistent styling cues. The 95 Line is scaled to make a tasteful and discreet ~ign statement. That it so elegant) Y ~ts code requirements for minimum I-^ vets makes it a very smart, f f , onspicuous choice for step I .nt~isle lighting. OIi~ INCR The diecasl brass oas~_ .;~.:: _ ~ ;~, integrated component packaoe i _ ~- the faceplate. and snap m a ne:v m~ ~ . ~, r ~.asy does iI The minimally scaled faceplate is available in four different designs, two Round and two square. A blade finish is integral to the injection molded faceplate. All other finishes are applied using a liquid polyurethane, W resistant. paint. An ,n(egrafed LED. driver and opUC allows the 95 Line t0 aCCOny111Sh the pdradi~t et maz~mum performance from ml(Ilmal power. ThELED is available m six Ce~lnrs while. amber, blue, green, Orar-ge, and red. Naturally, ligh( output is maximized using (he white LED. COloru~s can be used to add accent and interest to a project. the 95 Line presents superior illumination from flte pOwBf Of OIIfyOflB wall (input walls = 91 The mounting base is COnSbllded Of dieast brass and the cover is molded, high impact resistant, p01yCa-60118t8. the all-weather sleplighls are Listed for Wel LOCaGoris. ~;~ a . ~ry11 , .~r Ry^^~}~C '~^. . L'. , •' ~;.~xat.,' 7,. ',.3..: .x: w'.%: lighting elegantly built around the WATT 1~ 1 fl advantage of LEDs as its source. Designing around the miniature LED source results in not only a small, ADA compliant luminaire, but one that provides the necessary light levels required from a step and aisle product. ... The patent-pending optic uniquely QN,4'' b ~ Y ka / a'~ .c _ yy°' ..t ,~ .{ y{i ~ r.. . ~ d%i~ ig i~va~::~iiyay iron •~s...._~y- ., t~~~t~,ifa~t[•e, ~1.9~it on they ~ ~z k Y.Tiaii"'aS $ _ L :y ~ t~ ~ ~ ~" ~ s y.K' t f a wda ~r ~1~~`~ria5 Lind ~ . ~ , I .. t .~,i:.r T. ry~t YS. 9 ' ~ f N- t ?' ~.. «d7 rs~ _ ~ ~ ° ~ ~i~s above ~} . uiNVML:Af~ixc:n w ..r. `itYr¢:.: -:. .~ . ~ .. .. .. ....ar ::wr'ldr.a'! '+-~ e' ce~~~•{y, nr.•. 'FJLC+wN' •~ ~- gra€~e,+~a~ing~'~f~b~f~~~iaterior. ~~(~ yyAwgqh~//nn ~~/q p .~ _ and ezterlot applr~atror3s : = ... . 1 :~ 1 r iu_uMiNAri~N The 95 Line was designed to take The graphrc to the.left rl ustrates the pattern of light achieved at the 18" mouriting height. Ro~nM(St50) . Round (~5 U re (9s; i Subtle wail washing is an ancillary 6enef~ of the Iuminalres. 'REFIX MOUNTING 950 S =Surface ' 951 Mount for 952 Wail or 953 Ceiling r WATTAGE VOLTAGE LED COLOR FINISH V1F a4 1 ° 1 watt 120 LEA Amber BLP B1ackPaint 12 LEB BiUe ~daM:materialcola LEG Green BRP Bronze Paint LEO Orange WP Waite Paint LER Red OC na l ColorPaint LEW White ~ ~ tn-~~ ushown s~on . ~~ SC Special Color Perot (Must"su~ry'cda~P) 950 & 951 950 ~ 951 WITH ADAPTER Note: Adapter is used when rraunting ova a 4-0 Junctlon Box Product mounts directlyover a 3-0 Junction Box without ad~ter. J i' 2661 Alvarado Street San Leandro, CA 94577 soo~2r-o7~8 510/357-6900 in California Fax: 510/357-3088 www.sitelighting.com 11GHTIIVG • ii 1 Exhibit B Site Plan NW Comer of WEST WINDS ~`` d~ a~;~t SI'. North Y. Cana of section 2, ~' B.G 'Mot s6o6 s' 264x.67' TIS, R5E T2S, R5E PHASE 2B 3 ~ aN ~~ M N n PHASE 2A N Cent« North ~/ Com« of Section 2• B.C. •311t ES• PHASE IB ~4 35 S89'43'S1 "W 3 2 OF t°o RU.NRE PHASES N ~° F r PHASE 5 SWSW ON.~ ~ trf UWD OtiN W Wy= to U v1m0 4 ti W ~~: ~ ry UW~ W1~h ~~2 ~~py hV d ~ N N M n d- Z ~M Y c«n« or PHASE 4 PHASE 3 PHASE IA N ztial 2, 1' Ppe, 5' bdor teRfott -~_ S89'42'52"W 2639.32' Cent« of section ?. t' 0.0. kon Ppe k Location Map of the YPG marked •s.s a WEST WINDS SUBDIVISION G. Eng• in the NW ~ of Section 2, T2S, R5E, P.M.M. \ 8 - 1/Y REBAR A/0 PU151IC W, SET aR F7%RM FOR s\v' 11115 SIIR~EY NARI(EU lil(Y E11Fi 1531 LS' Nso 'oo•w --------- ----375..8' --- _ _ '~- tNDICA7ES B1RlJ)WO ORENM110N FOR CgeER t015 I I I , J w i I ~~ ~ r ``~ "+ rnl ,E 4 t. Praprty ehoan Hereon roe amezW to the qty of eozemon purwmt to '~ I T i ~ Cammissbn Resa4tbn No. 3218 noaded an Oae. No. Fm 779 PG 1076. z al bt eoxew coax De Dult to the etandarm mntaned ti Section yr oil ~f 126. 27 p. } M ~9ozemon. 16G r m r Z 1T 8 , aro e 1 on eadopment or aaM ptase vFtar us« raelRy a irrgatbn ana,ee ra deerletream rn« user rights. I ~ S ~ Zonlr ~ R3 I 1 I t p roun 6. Leb 1. 2 W Phme~ mA Lot ~DmemenPDax~SB,~ae AsNpnoteE (ar 00' 1 t . ' / 9a cagtructlon a/ nwlUfanlY RA nousb9 anRS or the restrtetM dMkp unR i 97. eW (909 sVaon bet maeinum) in aocordonce eiM Sections 1&{2.160 one aD 1 ~ lns2.lm.cs a the IAw6ea De.<lepm.ne ordbanee ar the qty or Bozeman. 7ne ri f L t 1 ' 2 \ I I mary use o ooMrrctlon d RA uMb s rat the sob or p o s , aria 3, other mJfi-bm1K aaMar RN+q, asakte0 lidnq, sYple tom9Y aW aus9bry wm j l aR psrnrtte0 on tns lots b con(amanoe witk Me apprmed Flncil Neat WMds 7 I I I Rann.a t1nR OsvNepment aria tee tlniRed oevelopment orabmce ar the qty a( 1 1 I i REYARANG TRACT. RESTRICTION NOTE Applicant ehd preNde eNduaa Mot d ^rN^^1 trade of record of Mb propMy l an or Mrough ML euDSrielon ell bsaame remainder trade of leu Man 160 ' )-- -------------- _~ --- ----- voo.a""ar k~mr"ay neat ~ pr w io m~n9~e aM.'wm pw"~t at 3 385.1 eMiRwte a serve reWawed and Dr ihs cR a Beeman. Y aaa~ y 8m3 gig t ~ -N- sLOCK , MuLn-I-AAII - PARK OEDICAl10N PARK l.ANO S7REET5 60 0 60 120 .TOTAL AREA scale feet SCALE 1" = 60' CONTOUR N7ERYAL = 1.00' PRELIMINARY PuT WEST WINDS MAJOR SUBDMSION PHASE 5A ~ SB -OPTION i ENO 1 N E E R 1 N O ~ txtEttr: CASCADE oEYELGPI,tatt, NC. OATS: MAY 2007 mss s Motnbn. st PO BOX 1588 LOGAl10N: NW 1/4 Section 2, 725, R5E. P.N.M.. GAl1ATN COUNtt ~w>•: x)70 S ORAWN BY: SJE SCALE: 1•x60' PIAt Fnc (406) 72~-8328 PROJECT:tM5067:t26 PNS-PtAt-PREIL-0Pt-7DMC SHEET: 1 OF 2 s L C J Exhibit C Legal Description Exhibit C West Wind Subdivision Legal Description Phase 5 That portion of the NW '/ of Section 2, T2S, RSE, P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana and more particularly described as follows: t PHASE SA DESCRIPTION Beginning at the northwest corner of WES which the west quarter corner of Section 2, bears South O1°35'22" West, 700.37 feet; Thence, North O1°35'22" West, 489.17 feet; 0 u 0 T WINDS SUBDIVISION PHASE 4, from Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M. Thence, South 90°00'00" East, 762.09 feet; Thence, South 13°15'34" East, 199.99 feet, to a point of curvature concave westerly; Thence, along said curve to the right, having an arc length of 61.14 feet, a radius of 270.00 feet, a central angle of 12°58'26" and chord bearing South 06°46'21" East, 61.01 feet; Thence, South 00°17'08" East, 229.61 feet; Thence, South 89°42'52" West, 929.88 feet to the point of begining, containing 9.052 acres. PHASE SB DESCRIPTION Begining at the Southwest corner of PHASE SA, Thence North 89°42'52" East 152.12 feet; to a point of curvature concave northerly; Thence, alon said curve to the left, having an arc length of 174.34 feet, a radius of 470.00 feet, a central angle of 21°15'13" and chord bearing North 79°05'16" East, 173.35 feet; Thence, North 68°27'39" East, 354.13 feet; Thence, north 21°21'34" West, 385.81 feet, to a point of curvature concave easterly; Thence, along said curve to the right, having an arc length of 199.13 feet, a radius of 1020.00 feet, a central angle of 11 ° 11'08" and chord bearing North 15°46'00" West, 198.81 feet, to a point ofnon-tangency; Thence, South 79°49'34" West, 97.50 feet, Thence, North 87°09'51" West, 66.61 feet; Thence, South 80° 17'42" West, 116.42 feet; Thence, North 90°00'00" West, 141.14 feet; Thence, South 89°36'39" West, 66.00 feet, Thence, South 89°51'34" West, 60.01 feet, Thence, South 00° 15' 17" East, 18.48 feet, to a point of non-tangent curvature, concave easterly; Thence, along said curve to the left, having an arc length of 74.72 feet, a radius of 330.00 feet, a central angle of 12°58'26", and a chord bearing South 06°46'21" East, 74.56 feet; Thence, South 13°15'34" East, 105.51 feet; Thence, South 13°15'34" East, 199.99 feet, to a point of curvature concave westerly; ' Thence, along said curve to the right, having an arc length of 61.14 feet, a radius of 270.00 feet, a central angle of 12°58'26" and chord bearing South 06°46'21" East, 61.01 ' feet; Thence South 00°17'08" East, 229.61 feet to a point of begining, containing 8.803 acres. ~I~ fl ii 7 it 1 1 0 ri Exhibit D List of Property Owners Phase SA ' Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 ' Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SA Lot 1, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 128,527 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = ' Cascade Develo ment, Inc. p ' 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SA Lot 2, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 131,595 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = 1 C~ 1 I~~ 1 1 1 Phase SB Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 1, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 8,480 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 2, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 7,343 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 3, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 6,880 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. ' 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB ' Lot 4, Block 1 West Winds Subdivision 8,940 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = 1 1 Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 1, Block 2 West Winds Subdivision 5,549 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 2, Block 2 West Winds Subdivision 5,891 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 3, Block 2 West Winds Subdivision 6,418 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 4, Block 2 West Winds Subdivision 5,580 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 5, Block 2 West Winds Subdivision 6,489 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 1, Block 3 West Winds Subdivision 152,229 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = 1 1 1 1 ii Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 1, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,012 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 2, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,061 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 3, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,061 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 4, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,727 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 5, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,727 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 6, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,727 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 7, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 6,727 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = Cascade Development, Inc. 1627 W. Main St. Suite 223 Bozeman, MT 59715 Phase SB Lot 8, Block 4 West Winds Subdivision 7,079 sq. ft. Assessment Estimate = 1