HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-09-23 Minutes, City Commission ......:.'.. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA September 23, 1996 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in work session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, September 23, 1996, at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, City Manager Wysocki, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Work Session - (A) Discussion re fire truck and eauicment: (B) Discussion re crocosed alternative develoDment review Drocedure (ADRP): (c) Prioritizing of goals for Fiscal Year 1996- 1997: (D) Discussion re uDcomina City-County meetina on $eDtember 26 at 7:00 C.m. (B) Discussion re proposed alternative development review procedure (ADRP) City Attorney Luwe reminded the Commission that, during last week's public hearing, . they received a proposal for an "alternative development review procedure" and, at that time, he cautioned them that consideration of that proposal may require a new notice and public hearing. He stated that by next week's meeting, he will have prepared an opinion on that issue. He then cautioned the Commissioners that the period for accepting written comment on the proposed master plan amendment is still open, asking them to take that into consideration as they make any comments today. Commissioner Stiff gave a brief report on the meeting he attended last week with a sub-committee of the Planning Board and representatives of the major property owners. He characterized it as an informative session, noting that they will meet again on Wednesday evening to further discuss the issues. Senior Planner Dave Skelton stated that during the sub-committee meeting, concerns . were raised about establishing a new chapter for alternative proposals in the zone code, with preference for retaining the review process under the Planned Unit Development section of the code. He acknowledged that a new chapter could be written, which would read basically the same as the PUD chapter with some slight modifications. He cautioned that this will require a zone code amendment, which will take a few months to process. He reminded the 09-23-96 ----.--------- ----- ..--. - - 2 - Commission that the Planning staff is currently working on revisions to the provisions for planned unit developments, including a revision of the open space requirements to eliminate the specific percentage and replace it with open space based on performance standards. The Senior Planner stated that at Wednesday night's meeting, topics of discussion . will include a definition of what is construed as open space, and whether all of the landscaping in parking lots could be used as a credit, or only those portions in excess of code requirements. He indicated that at next Tuesday's Planning Board meeting, the Board will consider and act on the sub-committee's recommendation regarding the proposed alternative plan, and that recommendation will be forwarded to the Commission for its consideration at the October 7 meeting. Senior Planner Skelton noted that he has distributed a memo to the Commissioners, dated September 20, in which he identified the property owners, their total acreages and the acreages and various calculations pertaining to parkland, open space and stream corridors. He encouraged the Commissioners to not focus on the numbers, but to envision the different alternatives available. . Mayor Stueck stated that the Commission is actually dealing with two separate issues under this application. He noted the first is the master plan amendment, under which the land use designations would be changed. He stated the second is a zoning issue, possibly in the form of a zone code amendment, under which it would be determined whether the planned unit development process, the alternative development review process or some other type of review process, would be identified. He stressed that at the present time, only the first step is being addressed. City Attorney Luwe generally concurred with the Mayor's assessment. He cautioned, however, that if the Commission wishes to consider an alternative development review procedure, provision for it must be made in the master plan amendment and, to date, that provision is not included. He noted that whether a new hearing is needed prior to that . determination will be the subject of his opinion, which is to be presented during next week's agenda meeting. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the Senior Planner stated that, after careful review of the map and aerial photos, staff determined that no stream or stream corridor is 09-23-96 - 3 - located on Mr. Jerry Perkin's property; rather, it is on Mr. Carl Tange's property within this proposed overlay district. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the Senior Planner indicated that additional information will be submitted prior to Monday's meeting, probably through a hand delivery on . Friday. Mr. Bob Lee stressed that the major property owners are interested in ensuring that an alternative review process could be used for development within the entryway corridor, and that could be accomplished by simply revising the master plan amendment language to read "PUD or alternative". He recognized that the review process would then be addressed in the zone code at a later date. Responding to Mayor Stueck, Senior Planner Skelton stated that those portions of the subject parcels not located within the 660-foot-wide overlay district must still be master planned, to ensure that all traffic circulation and infrastructure improvements are integrated. He noted that the design of the lots will then be governed by the infrastructure. He stated that, while the properties within the overlay district will be developed in conformance with . architectural guidelines and protective covenants, those properties lying outside the overlay district will not be unless they are included as part of the planned unit development. He then reminded the Commission that the property within the 660-foot-wide corridor for 1-90 will be reviewed under the design objective plans to ensure it is appropriate; however, he noted that this review is done as each application is received rather than as an overall package. Mr. Bob Lee suggested that, to encourage each individual property owner to include his or her entire parcel in the planned unit development rather than the mandatory 660 feet, the Commission provide an incentive by allowing for a reduced open space requirement. He noted that this would provide for a more unified review of proposed development of the entire property. . The Commission thanked the Senior Planner for his presentation. (A) Discussion re fire truck and equipment City Manager Wysocki noted that, included in the Commissioners' packets was a memo from Fire Chief Aaron Holst, dated September 18, providing background information on this item. 09-23-96 - ------- ------- ----.- - 4 - Fire Chief Aaron Holst stated that the 1978 Darley pumper truck has cost a significant amount of money to maintain over the past few years, and it still has some inherent weaknesses in its frame, drive train and motor. He noted that there is currently $90,000 in the capital improvement fund from the voted mill levy for the last pumper truck purchase. He . asked the Commission for authorization to begin the bidding process for a new pumper truck to replace the 1978 Darley, which would then be placed in reserve. He stated that if the process is started now, it will not be completed until next fiscal year because it takes approximately a year to build a fire engine. He estimated the cost of a new truck at $274,000 plus $63,400 for equipment. He distributed a hand-out showing a breakdown of the equipment needed after a new truck is acquired, which includes portable radios, a Phoenix tool for vehicle extrication, hoses, ladders, self-contained breathing apparatus and portable power tools. City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commissioners that two years ago, the remaining $90,000 was budgeted toward the acquisition of a new truck, after authorizing staff to proceed with the bidding process. He noted that the process was not started at that time, and the monies were not expended. He noted that the monies were not budgeted in this fiscal year . because it was recognized the truck would not be available prior to the end of the fiscal year. He suggested that, if a down payment is necessary, the Commission could accommodate it through a budget amendment later this year. Commissioner Frost asked how the City will fund the remaining $300,000 for this truck. The City Manager suggested that it could be funded through an INTERCAP loan, through paying cash from reserves or through a special voted mill levy. He cautioned against the last option, reminding the Commission that a general obligation bond may be needed in the next two or three years to fund the construction of a new fire station and acquisition of equipment for it. . The City Manager stated that authorization to proceed with bids for a new pumper truck will be placed on the October 7 agenda, possibly on the consent agenda. The Commissioners concurred. (C) Prioritizing of goals for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 City Manager Wysocki noted that, included in the Commissioners' packets, was a copy of the list of goals for Fiscal Year 1996-1997. He then distributed his quarterly update 09-23-96 - 5 - on the goals, reviewing each of the top five goals and the actions completed on each of them to date. Solid Waste. Mayor Stueck noted that at one time, the issue of closing the City landfill and using the County landfill was discussed. . The City Manager responded that, with the City adding a liner to the new area, the life of the landfill has been extended by ten to fifteen years. He also noted that, because of cooperative agreements into which the County has just entered, they are unable to close their landfill. He indicated that they are currently seeking agreements with other entities wishing to dispose of their solid wastes at the Logan landfill and, if that occurs, they must continue to operate that facility. Commissioner Rudberg requested that a more in-depth discussion on conversion to an automated garbage collection system be placed on an upcoming work session agenda. She asked that the discussion include a projection of costs versus savings. The City Manager indicated that such a discussion should be completed before the end of the calendar year to accommodate any change to the system in a timely manner. . Commissioner Youngman noted that the life of the landfill could change dramatically if the City becomes involved in a regional composting program or a regional recycling program. Water. The City Manager stated that Director of Public Service Forbes is preparing a request for proposals for engineering and a geotechnical study to finalize the location of a new dam in the Sourdough Creek drainage. Also, informal contacts have been made with the US Forest Service regarding a possible exchange of lands to accommodate the new dam and impound area. A formal request was made in a letter mailed today because the gentleman who has worked with the City on previous issues is now available to work on the project. He stated that the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation has approved applications for 600 acre feet of impounded water for the City in addition to the 600 acre feet it already has and . the 600 acre feet for agricultural use. He indicated that the size of the impound area will depend on the location of the dam and what is determined to be the optimum height. Responding to Mayor Stueck, the City Manager reviewed information on the amount of stored water in Hyalite Reservoir. He noted that the City continues to watch for water rights that it can acquire in that water source. He stated that with the raising of the dam and the 09-23-96 ------ - - - 6 - increased water rights, the City has been able to add year round water rights from that source, noting that the old water rights may be used only between May 1 and September 30. Sanitary sewer. The City Manager noted that the draft facilities plan is nearing completion. He noted that the repair of old collection lines and enhancement of the sludge . ponds at the Wastewater Treatment Plan are in this year's budget. Police and Fire. The City Manager noted that equipment issues in the Fire Department were addressed earlier in the work session. He then noted that five new police officers have been added in that department, with another employee to be added during this fiscal year through a future budget amendment. He stated that recently added programs include community policing, neighborhood watch and school resource officer. He stated that, through grant monies, the Police Department has been able to add laptop computers to be carried in the vehicles, so that reports can be completed on site instead of the officers going back to the station to do their reports. Parks, open space and trails. The City Manager noted that monies have been budgeted toward the development of Rose Park. He further noted that, through the Mayor's . efforts, it appears the park could be expanded to 40 acres, which would be approximately three times the size of Lindley Park. He noted that negotiations on the trail alignment for Burke Park have recently been completed, with an apparent agreement being reached by all parties involved. He stated that, through Gallatin Valley Land Trust efforts, the City has obtained a trail easement along the Story Mill railroad spur, at the annual lease cost of $25. The City Manager noted that this completes a review of the top five goals established by the Commission. He stated that, as opportunities arise, staff will address the other goals which were identified by the Commission during their goal-setting process. The Commission thanked the City Manager for the update. (D) Discussion re upcoming City-County meeting on September 26 at 7:00 p.m. . City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commissioners that they will be meeting with the County Commissioners and representatives from other local governments in Gallatin County on Thursday evening to discuss 9-1-1 and legislative issues. Responding to Commissioner Rudberg, the City Manager indicated that he forwarded a list of the legislative issues identified by the City Commission to the County Commission. 09-23-96 - 7 - He then suggested that the Commissioners take their copies of that list to the meeting on Thursday night, with the anticipation of discussing some or all of them. Responding to Commissioner Youngman, the City Manager stated it is not critical for the Commission to adopt the proposed resolution regarding 9-1-1 funding immediately. He . indicated, however, that the final resolution could be ready for Commission action as early as October 7. The Commissioners requested that copies of the list of legislative issues be placed in their packets on Thursday. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Information" items. (1 ) Invitation from the Montana Center for International Visitors to attend a dinner at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, October 18, 1996 at the Gallatin Gateway Inn. (2) Memo from Senior Planner Dave Skelton, dated September 20, 1996, . forwarding information on the North 19th Avenue/Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. (3) Request from the Bozeman High School Student Council, dated September 12, 1996 requesting the closure of Main Street for their Homecoming Parade on Saturday, October 5 at 10:00 a.m. The City Manager suggested that, as long as parade requests meet the adopted parade guidelines, staff be given the ability to approve them. The Commissioners concurred. (4) Agenda for the County Commission meeting, with split sessions held at 10:00 a.m. and 1 :30 p.m. today in the Community Room of the Gallatin County Courthouse. (5) Agenda for the Development Review Committee meeting, to be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 24, in the Commission Room. . (6) Agenda for the Design Review Board meeting, to be held at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, in the Commission Room. (7) Memo from City Attorney Luwe, dated September 23, asking the Commissioners to respond to several issues regarding revisions to the animal control ordinance, along with copies of portions of the daily logs from the Police Department for Monday, September 16, Tuesday, September 17, and Thursday, September 19. 09-23-96 . ...-....--.-- ... ---...- - 8 - The City Attorney stated that he included copies of the daily logs because each one of them contained a dog complaint. Responding to Mayor Stueck, the City Attorney stated that he has received input from several of the Commissioners, and he will incorporate those comments in a revised draft of the . animal control ordinance. He requested that the Commissioners forward any additional comments as soon as possible, so that they may also be incorporated in the next draft, or possibly be accommodated in the final version that is placed before the Commission for action. He then asked for comments specifically on whether dogs should be prohibited in certain areas or during certain events, such as Sweet Pea and parades. (8) The City Manager announced that the audit team arrived this morning, and will be conducting their field work on the financial documents for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 over the next month. He asked if the Audit Committee wishes to conduct an entrance conference, possibly next Monday. He also asked the Commissioners if there is a specific area which they wish to have reviewed on a more in-depth basis, noting that a follow-up on last year's review of the City Court system is anticipated. . Following discussion, the Commissioners concluded that an Audit Committee meeting scheduled for noon next Monday would be appropriate. (9) The City Manager submitted his weekly report, as follows. (1) Stated that several of the City staff members are attending the annual school for recertification of water and wastewater operators at MSU this week. (2) Announced that the compost pick-up program will end this week. (3) Stated that Planning Director Andy Epple is taking a junior achievement training session, to qualify for community development instruction for youth. (4) Indicated his intent to schedule a work session on the grant summary for next week's meeting; the Commissioners concurred. (10) Commissioner Frost stated that he attended a barbeque at a friend's house . in Brentwood Subdivision. He noted that several of the residents in that subdivision "unabashedly admitted" that they use North 20th Avenue to access West Main Street, not even thinking about the fact that they are using a residential neighborhood street. (11 ) Commissioner Youngman stated that she attended the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board meeting last week. She noted that during that meeting, a rough draft wish list of projects was reviewed, and will be forwarded to other advisory boards for 09-23-96 ___..__..___.__._u__ - 9 - review and comment prior to being forwarded to the Commission for possible review and approval. She stated that this list is being prepared because of the number of calls which the Board has received from civic groups looking for ways to assist in improving the appearance of the community. . Commissioner Rudberg expressed concern that the Commission is not receiving copies of minutes from the Beautification Advisory Board meetings, and asked that they be forwarded. Following discussion, the Commissioners decided that once the proposed list has been reviewed by the various advisory boards and staff members, a work session with the Beautification Advisory Board should be scheduled, probably for some time around November 12. (12) Commissioner Rudberg submitted the following. (1) Attended a number of meetings last week, including the Development Review Committee, the City-County Planning Board, the Governmental Affairs Committee for the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce and the tailgate party hosted by the Chamber of Commerce. (2) Attended the Belgrade Fall Festival, noting that candy from the floats was tossed to the sides of the street, so no children . were tempted to run into the street and create a potentially hazardous situation. (3) Signed up to participate in the junior achievement training program. (13) Commissioner Stiff stated that he attended a number of meetings and community activities, including the Development Review Committee meeting, City-County Planning Board meeting, sub-committee meeting regarding the North 19th Avenue corridor and the Parade of Homes. (14) Mayor Stueck submitted the following. (1) Announced that the grand opening of the Centennial Mall on the MSU campus is scheduled for 1 :30 to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 13. (2) Noted that the letter regarding truck traffic on residential streets was mailed to thirty businesses. He noted that responses from some of the business owners reveal . that they were unaware that their employees were driving on residential streets and that they would correct the situation. ( 15) Mayor Stueck stated that, as a part of getting young people involved in envisioning the community in the next ten to twenty years, Tim Conner has set up opportunities to talk to students at the Bridger Alternative School and the Bozeman High School. He noted that the first session with the Bridger Alternative School has been held, and 0 9-23-96 -.-..--..-.--..---.. "..--....-.... - -.---..-."..-.--. - 1 0 - it was interesting to see that their comments and concerns are essentially the same as adults, just from a different perspective. He noted that the discussion is also designed to get students interested in local government and some of the issues with which the Commission deals. City Attorney Luwe suggested that it might be beneficial to tie this process to Law . Day, which is May 1, since the Commission establishes local laws. (16) The City Manager asked if there are any specific items which the Commissioners wish to see included in an upcoming work session. Commissioner Stiff suggested that a review and discussion on the results of the survey on planning and building processes would be beneficial. Executive Session re Dersonnel - Evaluation of Clerk of the Commission Mayor Stueck announced his intent to close the meeting and enter into executive session, under Section 2-3-203(4), M.C.A., for the purpose of evaluating the job performance of the Clerk of the Commission. At 4:40 p.m., Mayor Stueck called an executive session for the purpose of the . evaluation and asked all of the persons except the Clerk of the Commission to leave the room. At 5:20 p.m., Mayor Stueck closed the executive session and reopened the meeting. Adjournment - 5:20 D.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frost, seconded by Commissioner Youngman, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. . ( O-f.f&f~-A- DON E. STUE , Mayor ATTEST: C?d:- J A~ ROBIN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission 09-23-96 --- .----