HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4125 Construction Contract Change Order No. 3Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Sue Stodola, Project Engineer Chris Kukulski, City Manager SUBJECT: Commission Resolution No. 4125 Construction Contract Change Order No. 3 Durston Road SiD 684 Project MEETING DATE: September 2, 2008 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Commission Resolution No. 4125 to authorize the City Manager to sign Change Order No. 3 of the construction contract for the Durston Road Project. BACKGROUND: On February 27, 2006 the City Commission authorized award of the bid for the Durston Road project to Johnson-Wilson Constructors, Inc. The City Commission approved Change Order No. 1 on October 2, 2006 and Change Order No. 2 on December 4, 2006. Five (5) original signature copies of the partially executed Change Order No. 3 to the Construction contract for the above referenced project have been provided to the City Clerk, Stacy Ulmen. This change order has three (3) parts. First, it covers several different items which occurred during the course of the work. The additional items are summarized in the attached Change Order No. 3 Summary. The cost of the additional work is $153,506.89. Second, this change order includes liquidated damages anal engineering costs because the work was not completed within the contract time. The amount of liquidated damages is $35,500.00 and engineering costs is $23,642.00, as noted in the Change Order No. 3 Summary. The liquidated damages and engineering costs decrease the contract amount by $59,142.00. Commission Memorandum Commission Resolution No. 4125 Construction Contract Change Order No.3 Durston Road STD Project September 2, 2008 Page 2 of 2 Third, this change order reconciles the final installed quantities with the estimated quantities used for bidding purposes. The reconciliation of the final installed quantities is noted in the Change Order No. 3 Summary. At the beginning of the contract, the quantities for all of the unit price items are estimated for the purposes of bidding. During the course of the work, the actual amount of work completed far each item is paid. At the end of the project, a change order of this kind is executed to contractually establish the final quantities. The final installed quantities decrease the contract amount by $149,657.12. The change order decreases the contract amount from $4,374,573.32 by $55,292.23 to a total of $4,319,281.09. In addition, this change order includes an increase in the contract time of 219 days for substantial completion and final completion (ready for final payment). The reconciliation of the contract time is summarized in the Change Order No. 3 Summary. FISCAL EFFECTS: The project will be funded through SiD 684, Street impact Fees, Water Impact Fees, and Sewer Impact Fees. ALTERNATIVES: As may be suggested by the City Commission. Respectfully submitted, Approved by: ~, p~~~...... Susan M. Stodola, Project Engineer cc: Stacy Ulmen w/orig. enclosures Project File Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager Attachments: Change Order No. 3 and Commission Resolution No. 4125 Report compiled on 8/25/08 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4125 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH JOHNSON-WILSON CONSTRUCTORS, INC., HELENA, MONTANA. WHEREAS, the City Commission did, on the 27th day of February 2006, authorize award of the bid for the Durston Road project to Johnson-Wilson Constructors, Inc., Helena, Montana; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to make alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and Johnson-Wilson Constructors, Inc., as contained in Change Order No. 3, attached hereto, be and the same are hereby approved; and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 2nd day of September 2008. `'~ ~~ KAAREN JACOB N, Mayor ATTEST: A Y LM N - City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ OG C TI COOP Assistant City Attorney CHANGE ORDER No. THREE (3) DATE OF ISSUANCE July O5, 2008 EFFECTIVE DATE Se~fP.~~der z, zOd~j Owner City of Bozeman, MT CONTRACTOR Joh osn n Wilson Constructors Contract: Durston Road Improvements. Citv of Bozeman _ _ _ ___ Project: Schedules 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 OWNER's Contract No. ~ v _ _,.t. ENGINEER Morrison-Maierle, Inc. ~ ENGINEER's Contract No. 0417.035.04 ___ -- _.._...._ g g ---.,....,...... l~9~ [n~7 /2 f'"-s You are directed to make the followm than es in the Contract Documents: S Description: Add $153,506.89 in additional Contractor Compensation sess $59,142 in Liquidated Damages and Engineering Costs, and reduce the final Contract Amount by to reconcile the Contract for actual installed quantities. Add 14 calendar days Contract Time for utility and weather delay, 21 calendar days for property restoration work, and 184 calendar days for the two authorized stop work periods. Reason for Change Order: Provide additional compensation and Contract Time to the Contractor for project related costs, and reconcile the final Contract Amount to account for final installed quantities, and assessment of Liquidated Damages and the associated Engineering costs. Revise the final Contract Time fqf account for authorized shutdowns, property restoration, and additional days for utility and weather delays. ¢D Attachments: (List documents supporting change): 1. Change Order No. 3 Summary and Final Contract Reconciliation 2. Installed Quantities Reconciliation Summary 3. Contract Time Reconciliation Summary CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Original Contract Price $ 4,310,068.69 Net Increase from previous Change Orders: $ 64 504.63 Contract Price prior to this Change Order: $ 4,374,573.32 Net Decrease of this Change Order: $ 55,292.23 Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: $ 4,319,2$1.09 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion: 210. days Ready for final payment: 240. days Net Ghange from previous Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 7 days Ready for final payment: 7 days___ Contract Times prior to this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 217 days Ready for final payment: 247 days_ Net increase this Change Order: Substantial Completion: 219 days Ready for final payment: 219. days Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 436 da s Ready for final payment: 466 days Contractor certifies and agrees that there are no additional costs or claims for extra work, additional time, delays or omitted items, of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject change order items, except as identified and set forth herein and unless expressly stated otherwise in the Change Order. And further, that the price agreed-upon herein repres nts the full cost and value for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the terms of the c tra and that the work quantities and value were properly determined and are correct. ~d C ~ CTOR (Authorized Signature) Date RECOM ENDED BY: APPROVED BY: .^ _ - (EN INFER -Signature) Date OWNER (Authorized Signature) Date EJCDC 1910-$-B (1996 Edition) Prepared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee and endorsed 6y The Associated General Contractors of America and the Construction Specifications Institute. H:\0417\035-04\Documents\Ghange Orders & WGD\Ghange Order #3 FINAL Docs & Trans 8-05-08.doc ~MIr' AORRISON July 5, 2008 1,AL1IIjRIJIjtINC. MMI PROJECT CITY OF nOZEMAN - DURSTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS N. 19TH AVE TO FOWLER AVE An Sspluye.-f)n~nNCmy.ny CHANGE ORDER N~. 3 SUMMARY AND FINAL CONTRACT RECONCILIATION CHANGE ORDER # 3 ADDITIONAL COST SUMMARY Item Oescri lion Labor E ui & Materials Subctra Total 1 Pipe Slowdown (5 days ~ 50 man hrs) -Slowdown due to Utilities. Item 1 Total S 9,988.50 S 9,750.00 S S 19 738.50 2 Additional Road ease Preparation Due to Excessive October Moisture and Frozen Material 2a Re-Prep Durston 12D Hra) 2a Subtotal 4 983.75 2 82D.DD 2400.00 10 2113.75 2h Re-work Sidestreets Base !20 hrsl 26 Subtotal 2 535.33 2 048.88 4584.21 Item 2 Total S 7,518.08 S 4,888.88 S 2,400.00 14 787.98 3 Asphalt Patching (prior to opening) 9d JWC Patch Prap 130lhral Item 9a Subtotal 3 802.99 3 578.88 7 379.87 36 Asghalt Patch Paving I m b ubt tai 7 022.50 7 022.50 Item 3 Total ; 3,802.99 ; 3,578.88 S 7,022.50 ; 14402.37 4 Cold Weather Goncrete Item 4 Total S _ S S 14,180.00 S 14180.00 5 Temporary Stripping Item 5 Total S 338.80 a a 5,100.00 S 5 438.80 6 Productivity Slowdown & InefFciencies Due to Road Being Open until 2008 Stop Work Item 8 Total S fi,029.25 § 1,800.00 ; - S 7,829.25 ]' Contract Time Extension Costs (Job site costs for 5 work days Utility Delay (1 week, .23 mo)) 7a Field Office - .23 Mo (~ $4000/Mo) 2 D00.00 7 I 2 000.00 2 000.00 7b Staff (.23 Mos) 7b Subtotal 4 8115.00 4 805.00 7c Fuel 7c Subtotal 340.00 340.011 7d Light Equipment (W.23 Moa) 7 u I 819.85 619.85 7e PlCkupa 1.23 Moa) 76 Subtotal 484.50 494.50 Item 7 Total S 4,805.00 S 3,454.35 S S 8 059.35 8 Winter Maintenance on Rpad Item 8 Total S 6,509.78 S 8 509.76 g SpringlSummar 2007 Costs 9a Traffic Control (20 hrsl 9a Subtotal 1 347.20 S 7 347.20 96 Mob/Demob (20 hrs) 9b Subtotal 885.40 1 300.00 2 185.40 9c Road Patching (5 work days) 9c Subtotal 8 367.40 9 162.50 12 878.20 28 208.10 9d Aaphall Unlt PrICe InCreaae (8econd Litt) 9d Subtotal 14 372.88 14 372.88 Item 9 Total S 8,580.00 S 10,482.50 S 27 051.08 $ 48 093.58 Claim Items Subtotal S 40,859.82 S 40,422.37 S 55,733.58 S 137,015.57 15%OH&P S 6,128.94 ; 8,083.38 S 12,192.30 5%SubcontractorOHBP S 2,786.68 ; 2,786.68 Bonds (1%) S 1,512.35 CHANGE ORDER #3 TOTAL S 153,508.89 FINAL CONTRACT RECONCILIATION PREVIOUS CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 4,374,573.32 CHANGE ORDER #3 TOTAL ADDITIONAL COST $ 153,506.89 INSTALLED QUANTITY CHANGES $ (149,657.12) FINAL EARNED CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 4,378,423.09 LESS LIQUIDATED DAMAGES LESS OVER TIME ENGINEERING $ $ (35,500.00) (23,642.00) NET TOTAL FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT EARNED $ 4,319,281.09 LESS PREVIOUSLY PAID $ (4,195,214.45) FINAL PAYMENT DUE $ 124,066.64 PAGE 1 of 3 M4RRIS0H I~5 MAIERLE,~+G MMI PRG IEGT D4, ~4 m BOZEMAN,MONTANA DURSTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - N. 19TH AYE TO FOWLER AVE INSTALLED QUANTITIES REC0NC1LlATI0N SUMMARY cimoF BGZEMAN P.O. BGX 123D BOZEMAN, MT 59771-7230 NAME. JOHNSON-WILSON CONSTRUCTORS ADDRESS CITY Schedule 1 -ROAD AND STORY DRAIN DAPRDVEIdENTS raauuTwx aF INSTALLED REM GRIGINrLL ODNiRAGi AMdlr~fT Clt1f~IJT CONRiACT AMIX,N i PERFOR4ED TOOATE 011!{3'iTTTY Np. OESCRIPTbN ESTIMATED p1ANTf[Y UNIT UM PRICE AMOUNT ESTWATED QIJAMIlY Uli~ UWT PRICE AIIDIINi ~MANIRY A14]lllll % pFFF.RENML 107 STREET EXCAVATIONfEMBANICMEN7151TE GRADINGl 35.708 CY E5.Sbi 5185.728.00 37.700 CY 55.84 Si 85.128.00 91700 5185,128.00 iBQ 701 GEOTEXTLE FRBRIC REINFORCEMENT revised unite Pace m 53.08 35.800 SY 51.50' 567.400.00 37.600 SY 53.00! 594800.00 37808 S94,BD0.00 100 50.00 102A' GEOGRt6 REINFORCEMEI'IT DekGad under>\elk directive 35 800 SY 3.301 104 280.00 0 SY .30 .00 0 50.00 50.00 103 ~ UNCRUSHED SUB BASE COURSE [4" MINU51 24.000 CY 575.72' 5382.880.00 24.000 CY 515.12 5382880.00 24000 5382,680.00 700 50,00 104 CRUSHED BASE COU RSE {E 'r4`hNNUS1 12,000 CY 578.001 5192,000.00 ,2,000 CY 518.00. Si 82.000.00 72000 5792.000.00 l00 50.00 105 - H07 PLANT MIX ASPHALT SURFACE COURSE 7.720 TOiJ 537.00! 5285.640.00 7.870 70N 537.00' 5288.870.00 7980.8 5273,089.80 SM 315.880.40 108 SS-1h ASPHALT TACK COAT {UNDILUTED] 1,735 GAL 55.00! 56,875.00 7.848 GAL 55.00' 59230.00 7388 56.940.00 75 52190.00 707 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER 2.050 LF 51.501 13.W5.00 2.050 LF 41.50' 53.075.00 2057.5 53,088.25 F00 517.25 108 CONCRETE CURBBGUTTER 12.000 LF 570.501 5126.000.00 12.450 LF 570.50' 1127.575.00 11889.5 5122.529.75 98 35.045.25 108 REMOVE CONCRETE APPROACHES AND SIDEWALK 43.000 SF 50.72 9.380.00 53.000 SF 50.721 59.380.011 13035 59,385.20 700 525.20 730 CONCRETE SIDEWALK {4'DEP7H] 22,000 SF 54.38 596,360.00 22,350 SF 54.361 597.693.00 24985 5107758.70 709 59,283.70 110A ADA DETECTABLE WARNING PANEL 1.325 SF 545.00 559.625.00 7.329 SF 50.5.00: 559.805.00 480 521,600.00 38 338,2D5.00 l11 PED.RAMPS, MEDIAN, DRIVE BALLEYAPPItOACH, AND SIDEWALK fB"DEPTH] 8,850 SF 54.68 O9B.00 10,500 SF ~ .BS' 140.011 14085.5 557,880.34 708 52,740.14 412 DOUBLE GUTTER 2,500 SF 5700 517,500.00 2.500 SF I 57.00: 17.500.00 2459 577.778.00 98 3322.00 113 CURB RETURN FILLETS 2B EA 5700.00• 578.800.00 28 EA 5700.00 519.600.00 28 519,600.00 700 50,00 t74 BARREL ADJUST EXISTING MH 70 MATCH NEW ROAD GRADE rd NEW 08LFOUNDRY85UPPLY RINGBCOVER 8 ~ i d50.00~ 76700.00 B EA 52450.00- 5147011.00 5 512,250.00 83 52,450.00 146A RING ADJUST IXISTING MH TO MATCH NEW ROAD GRADE wI 'NEW D & L FOUNDRYB SUPPLY RING 8 COYER 3 EA 875.00 625.00 5 EA 5875.00 54 375.00 8 55.250.00 120 5875.00 7746-MONUMENT BOX ADJUST 14 EA 15.001 870.00 15 EA 5475.00 56225.00 0 517.00 0 56,225.00 ADJUST EXISTING WATER VALVE BOX TO MATCH NEW ROAR 115 GRADE 40 EA 735.00! 400.00 47 EA 5735.00 535.00 31 54,785.00 78 57,350.00 116 ADJUST EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTTO MR7CH NEW ROAD GRADE 10 EA 52.150.001 1.500.00 10 EA 52.750.00 527.500.00 7 52,751].00 70 519,350.00 577 TOPSOIL AND SEEDING 1 LS 5774.500.00 5774.500.00 1 LS 5114,500.00 5114,500.00 0.95 5106.775-00 95 55.725.00 176 PAVEMENT MARKINGS-THERMOPLASTIC 4'YELLOW, SOLID 8.700 LF 52.0111 578.200.00 8.100 LF 52.00 516.200.00 9468.7 518.992213 777 52,732.20 116A'PAVEMENT MARKINGS-THERMOPLASTIC 4'YELLOW, DASHED 2,900 LF s2.o-a' as.69o-.Do- 2.800 LF 52.00 55.800.00 2~'S 55.445.00 ~ 5355.00 718B.PAVEMENIT MARKINGS-THERMOPLASTIC e'YELLOW SOLID 400 LF 53.301 7320.00 400 LF 9.30 g7 320.00 0 50.00 0 51,320.00 779-PAVEMENT MARHINGS-THERMOPLASTIC B'WHITE. SOLID 8.700 LF 5280 525.220.00 9.850 LF 52.60 525,810.00 9197.7 529,972.48 133 57,897.54 7201PAVEMENT MARXINGS-THERMOPLASTIC 6'WHITE, SOLID &50 LF 56.90' 55,965.00 &50 LF 58.30 55.985.00 1042 56.584.80 110 5579.60 720A'PAVEMENT MARHINGS-THERMOPLASTIC 6'WHRE. SOLID 480 LF 52.75 89.00 480 LF 52.75 5988.00 548 57,17380 179 5184.90 727 ~PAVEMEPIT MARKINGS-THERMOPLASTIC 26' WHRE STOP BAR 250 LF 578.20 54.050.00 340 LF 578.20 55.508.00 320.3 55188.88 ~ 531 B.5a 1PAVEMEfYT MAPo(INGS-THERMOPLASTIC, 24` WHITE, 727 A'CROSSWALK d5p LF ! 78.201 7290.00 650 LF 78.20 57290.00 432 $8,98840 ~ 5291.80 722 PAVEMENT MART(INGS-THERMOPLASTIC, 24'YELLOW 7317 LF 519.01) 52,470.00 730 LF 518.00 52.470.00 220 56.780.00 189 57,170.00 723_PAVEMENT MARKINGS-THERMOPLASTIC WORD58SYMBOLS 7000 SF 17.501 77500.00 7000 SF 77.50 517500.00 1038.08 518,188.05 706 5868.05 t 24 -PAVEMENT MARKINGS-PRE-FORMED PLASTIC TAPE. WORDS'SYM60LS 250 ~ SF i 540.00 70000.00 250 SF .00 570000.00 788 57,840.00 7B 52,180.00 726A MEDIAN~URB PAINT-YELLOW 8,50 LF $0.50: 75.00 850 LF 0.50 5475.00 975 50.1750 98 57750 t25 .NEW STREET SIGN 53 EA 5450.00 523.850.00 53 EA 5450.00 523.850.00 50 522,500.00 94 57,350.00 125A1RESE7 E%ISTlNG SVGN 38 EA 5125.00- 54.500.00 39 EA 5125.00 54,675.00 20 52.500.00 51 52,375.00 428 CROSSWALK WARNING SIGN 11 EA 5750.001 8250.00 11 EA 5750.00 250.00 18 579,500.00 784 55,250.00 128A'CROSSWALKADVANCED WARNING FLASHER COMPLETE CO#7 1 LS 13500.00: F3500.00 1 LS $5401.58 55401.59 1 55.407.58 100 50.00 727 'UTCITY CONDUITS-12"HOPE 500 LF 54.591 8.00 700 - LF .59 5459.00 0 50.00 0 5459.00 128 12"RCP 440 LF i 80.001 200.00 440 LF $80.00 535200.00 426 536.060.00 97 57.720.00 728 15"RCP 7800 LF 70500! 186000.00 7600 LF 5105.00 168000.00 1888 5174,930.00 104 56,930.00 190 18"RCP 270 LF St 05.00: 5263511.00 270 LF 51G5.00 528350.00 257 528.355.00 93 57.995.00 731 27'RCP 325 LF 105.00' 725.00 325 LF 510.5.00 534125.00 372 532.780.00 98 57.385.00 73224"RCP 825 LF 5105.00 825.00 825 LF 5705.00 65625.00 860 569,300.110 708 53,875.00 733 27'RCP 325 LF I 705.00 725.00 325 LF 510.5.00 534125.00 378 533.390-00 96 ;73$,00 736 735'X22'RCPA F95 LF I 5705001 514175.00 135 LF 570.5.00 14175.00 740 374,700.00 704 5525.00 135 185'X28.5'RCPA 350 LF 775.00 0250.00 350 LF 5115.00 40250.00 343 539445.00 96 ;805.00 738 22.5'X36'RCPA 350 LF 775-00 7250.00 350 LF 5775.00 587250.00 350 565.250.00 700 50.00 137 31'X 57'fiCPA 760 LF 55.00 5786700.00 790 LF 525.5.00 188700.00 758 5192,780.00 702 54,080,00 738 42"x2B'CMP EXTENSION 15 LF 57550.00 517250.00 15 LF 7750.00 17250.00 16 318,400.110 707 $7,150,00 139 48"SDMH B EA ~ 3825.00 950A0 8 EA 53825.00 522950.00 8 522.950.00 700 50.00 760'80'SDMH 70 EA 925.00 S4B 250.00 10 EA 56925.00 250.00 10 549,250.00 700 50,00 141 -84" SDMH 3 EA 56325.00 124 975.00 3 EA 58 325.00 24 975.00 3 524 975.00 100 50.00 142 4' X 12' SD VAVLT 1 EA - 3 500.00 ~ 3500.00 1 EA 523500.00 523 500.00 7 523,500.00 700 SD.00 763 :36'STANDARD STORM DRAIN INLET 1 EA 5275000' 52750.00 1 EA 52750.00- 52750.00 7 52.750.00 700 10.00 144 • STANDARD SOVARE STORM DRAIIJ INLET 75 EA 250.001 750.00 15 EA 13 250.00 548.750.011 15 548,750.00 700 .SD,pp 165 5D INLET-48'MH 72 EA 250.00' 7000.00 72 EA 54250.00. 1000.00 12 557.000.00 700 10,00 148 ~EXISTNG S70RM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS REMOVAi 1 - LS 537500.00 7500.00 J 1 LS 375x:.00 537.500.00 1.13 542,375.00 713 54.875.00 149 PRNATE PROPERTYRESTORATION-67 FM 7894 Anderson 1 LS 9350.001 59350,00 1 LS 59350.00: ~ror .' -_ 59.350.00 7 59.350.00 700 SO,pO 150 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-TRACT B. 1 LS 578750.00 378750.00 1 LS 18750.00: 518750.00 , 578.750.00 400 10.00 PAGE 2 of 3 752 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-REARRANIGEMENT OF TRACT 7. SMITH SUBDNISION [Richnwntll 1 tS ~~^ 56.850.00' 56,850.00 1 LS ~ 56.&50.00- 56.650.00 1 58.850.00 700 50.00 753 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-REAkAINDER TRACT7 SMITH SIJBDNISION fHo•.enecS 1 I LS 51.750.00 $1.750.00 1 ~ LS 57.750.00' 57.750.00 1 51.750.00 100 Ea.B9 754 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -186 FM 4680 AND 755 BK 276 (TaNenV 1 LS 55.650.00- $5.850.00 1 LS ~~ E5.850.00~ 55.850.00 7 55.850.00 100 50.00 755 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-REMAINDER TRACT 6. SMITH SUBDIVISION fCfana7eno[1 1 LS ~ 54.258.00' 34.250.00 1 LS - ~ 54.250.00: 56.250.00 7 ~ 54250.00 100 Sa.00 756 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-PART OF TRAC75, SMITH SUBDIVISION fBeme[S 1 LS E5.250.00. $5.259A0 1 LS E5.250.00~ 55.250.00 7 55250.00 100 5@00 557 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-747FM22131Kundal 1 LS 57.150.00' 57.750.00 1 LS E7.750.OOI 57.750.00 7 57.750.00 100 Sa.oa 758 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-147 FM 229 OCempl 1 LS 52.650.00: 52.859.00 1 LS E2.65B.OOi 52.850.00 1 52.850.00 700 SO-00 759 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT 8, BLOCK 5. WESTERN SUBDNSION fJa`nerl 7 `S 51.850.00' 57.950.00 1 LS 51.950.00: 51.850.00 7 51.950.00 1 W Sa-00 780 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT 8, BLOCK e. WESTERN SUBDNSION fMcCandbsel 1 iS ~ 54.95000' 54.950.00 1 LS 54.850.00 54.850.00 1 54.950.00 100 50-00 781 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT 8, BLOCK 2. KABLE SUBDNISION lAikinsl 1 LS ' E8.050.00• 56.050.00 1 LS 58.050.00' 56.050.00 1 56.050.00 100 Ea 00 782 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT 7, PHASE 2. ANNIE SUBDNISION ISrnAhl 1 LS 573.250.00 513.250.90 1 LS ~ 533.250.00' 573.250.00 1 573.250.00 100 Ea-00 783 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION-TRACT B, CO57855 CNilawbmok CarWo -Jensen 1 1 LS 50.00 1 LS 50.00 0.5 59.00 50 Sa 00 784 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION- TRACT 7, COS 7617 [YJes[Sham6alW, Inc.l 1 LS 528.250.00- 526.250.00 1 LS 526.250.00 526250.00 0.95 524.937.50 95 57.372.50 785 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT i5, BLOCK 5, PHASE 4. WEST PARK MANOR SUBDNISION {Simkinsl 1 i5 51.875.09- 57.675.00 1 LS - 57.875.00 51.875.00 1 57.875.00 700 50.00 :88 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -TRACT A, Blk 13, AMENDED PLAT OF ANNIE SUBONISION IFalbwsh4 Baplisl Church) 1 LS 54,350.00' $4,350.00 1 LS 54.350.00 56.350.00 1 54.350.00 '100 50.00 787 ITEM DELETED ~ 0 50.00 50-Oa 788 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION -LOT 7 7, BLOCK 3, PHASE 1, WEST PARK MANOR SUB DNISION iSimkinsl 1 LS 275.00 55 275.00 ' 1 LS 275.00' 275.00 7 55.275.00 100 Sa Oa 169 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION- LOT F5, BLOCK 3, PHASE 3. WEST PARK MANOR SUBONISION {Simkinsl 1 LS 3 200.00 43 200.00 1 LS ~ 3.200.09' 3 200.00 1 53,200.00 100 50.00 770 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION- LOT t6, BLOCK 2, PHASE 2, WEST PARK MANOR SUBDNISION lHr.19a1 1 15 ~ 650.00' 0.50.90 7 ~ LS ~ 450.09' 54450.00 1 54.650.00 100 50.00 771 PRNATE PROPERTY RESTORATION - LOT ti, BLOCK 2, PHASE 1. WEST PARK MANOR SUBDNISION f8rissaneuadl 1 LS ~ B 350.00 350.00 7 LS 9 350.00: 9.350.00 1 59.350.00 100 50.00 772 PRIVATE PROPERTY RESTORATION - LOT i7, BLOCK 1, PHASE 1. WEST PARK MANOR SUBDNISION fGreerl 1 LS 2 750.00 SZ 750.00 ~ 7 LS 750.00' 2 750.00 1 52.750.00 100 50.00 773 TREE REMOVAL STA. 10+00 T671 •pp 1 LS 950.00 55350.00 1 LS 350.00 350.00 1 55.350.00 100 Sa.00 776 TREE REMOVAL STA. 14. 75 TO 78 + 00 1 LS 3 750.00' 53159.00 1 LS 3 750.00 3 950.00 1 53.150.00 700 50.00 175 TREERE4AOVALSTA.17+50T07B+70 1 LS 600.00 54800.00 1 LS 600.00• 54800.00 1 54.600.00 100 Sa.aa 776 TREE REMOVAL STA. 19+10 TO 21*00 1 LS 800.00 54800.00 1 LS 600.00 800.00 1 14.800.00 100 5000 777 TREE REMOVAL STA. 27 +6p T022 +75 1 LS 3 750.00 53150.00 t LS 3 750.00' S3 750.00 1 53,150.00 700 50.00 178 TREE REMOVAL STA. 34+00 T034+50 1 LS 7850.00 57960.00 l LS 1B50.OOi 1850.00 1 57.950.00 100 50.00 179 TREE REMOVAL STA. 37+25 T037+50 1 LS 3200.00 33200.00 7 LS - 3200.00. 53200.00 1 53.200.00 100 50.00 180 TREE REMOVAL STA. 41 * 00 TO 42 + 50 1 LS 1 875.00 51 875.00 1 LS - E1 675.001 1 875.00 1 57.675.00 100 SO 00 181 TREE REMOVAL STA. 47+00 T068+00 1 LS 3900.00: 33900.00 7 LS - 3800.00' S3 800.00 7 53,800.00 700 50-00 182 TREE REMOVAL STA. 59+TS TO 81 + 00 1 LS 350.00' S7 350.00 1 LS 52 950.00' 2350.00 1 52.350.00 100 50-00 163 RELOCATE EXISTING LIGHT POLE, LUMINAIRE, AND BRACKET; PROVIDE NEW CONCRETE BASE 2 EA ~ 00.00: 1200.00 2 EA - 00.00' 1200.00 0 5 5300.00 25 590000 184 INSTALi NEW LIGHT POLE, LUMINRIRE, BRACKET AND CONCRETE BASE 28 EA ~ 2300.00. 564400.00 28 EA 2.300.00 4400.00 2B SBB.7OO.00 104 52,300.00 785 WSTALL NEW UTILITY SERVICE ASSEMBLY INCLUDiNGMETER SOCKET, MAIN BREAKERS, PHOTOCELL, LIGHTING CON[ROLS, RLL MOUNTED ON UNIS7RUT BRACKETS, PLUS T PVC, TRENCH RN ACKF TO UTILITY POLE 2 EA 00.00 400.00 I 2 ~ EA 51200.00 52400.00 2 2.400.00 100 0.00 788 INSTALL FLUSH, IN-GROUND PULL BOX (HANDHOLE} FOR WBLE PALLING B EA .00 400.00 a EA ~ .00 $2 400.00 6 52.400.00 100 50.00 187 NJSTALL I'PVC CONDUIT WI2-A`S CU 1-LB GND 9400 LF .90 880.00 9400 LF .90 4680.00 F0415 577889.50 117 57.903.50 50.00 Chan Order ii - LS Noma 7 LS 527,289.55 127,289.55 1 :27,289.55 toe S0.p0 I Sub-Total of Schedule l 53,138,870.66 53,115,923.14 53,655,679.75 g8 ~~ 843 ~ Schedule 2 -SANITARY SEWER TABDlAT1ON OF INSTALLED iTEU oRICiN4L CONrPACT iwouNr cuRr~xr cxx1r8A9r aAwurv r PEawwleo r0 oArE OWKfITI' NO. OESCRIPTIOM BaTaaTSn 00AlfrIST UNIT UNSr PRICE lW00NT ESTWASED QUAMITY UIaT IlNli PIU(:E A76011Nr OUANRTY AMO9N[ Y DIFFERENML 201 '8'SANRARY SEWER 7290 LF _ 700.08 520.000.00 1200 LF 19a.0a 5728000.00 7282 I 5728200-o-0 70.5 56,200.00 202 24'SANITARY SEW ER 220 LF 90.Oa 00.00 220 LF 5290.00 598200.Oa 22+1 548.200.00 100 50.00 203 REPLACE I5"SANITARY SEW ER 570 LF 740.06 79800.00 570 LF 740.96 7981]0.00 569 582,480.00 703 52.680.00 204 CONNECT TO EXISTING SS MH - N.19TH AVEIJUE 1 EA 750.00 3 750.D0 1 EA 750.Oa E3 750.Oa 1 E3.75a.00 100 50.00 205 48"x 5'BASIC SS MANHOLE 5 EA - 700.06 78500.00 5 EA 790.00. 518500.00 B 522.200-00 720 53,700.00 208 80'7C5'BASIC 55 MANHOLEWi CONNECT TO EKIST3NG MAIN a EA 350.00 38.700.00 B EA 350.00 538190.Oa a 538.100.00 100 50.00 207:48"SS MANHOLE-AODITIONRL DEPTH 40 VF $175.00 7.000.00 40 VF 175.00 7000.90 40 57,00000 700 50.00 208 ~80"SS MANHOLE-AE7DITIONAL DEPTH 45 VF S7 85.00 58775.00 65 VF 31 B5-Oa 58775.00 43.24 58.437.60 98 3343.20 209'6-SEW ER SERVICE EXTENSIONS RIGHT 2 EA T25.Oai 1450.00 2 EA 725.Oa1 7450.00 2 1.450-00 700 Ea.9a 0.90 Ch Order iH-L511erna 1 L5 676 s7 676.87 1 - Ea.e1e.67 1rb 50.00 3 Sub-TOt~ of Schedule 2 5323,575.00 5328,197.57 5348,468.47 X04 512,216.80 PAGE 3 of 3 Schedule 3 -WATER rAeuuTnB of iNSTALLEn IrEY ORIGINAL CONRiACr ANOUNi CSIRRENi 41]rJiRACr ANIGUNT PEA FORMEO FO DATE QLIRNTRI' Np. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QDANTITY L•ar UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ESTINKTED OUA1Ji7tt UNIT UNIT PRICE AMODNr G41ANrRY AAIDDNT % pFfERENTWL 307 78"WATER MA]N 270 LF 575.00 515750.00 2l0 LF 575.00 75750.90 230 577,250.00 770 37.WD.9D 302 e'WATER MAIN 770 LF 7[15.00• 77550.00 it0 LF E105.00~ 7755090 765 577.325.00 750 55,77590 303 e'WATER MAW 95 LF §95.00 $3325.00 35 LF 596.001 3325.90 39.5 53,752.50 713 542750 304 30"VALVE 3XMJ AND CONNECTION TO E%ISTING MAIN 2 EA §5275.00 570550.80 2 EA §5275.001 70550.0[1 2 570.550.00 709 §0.00 305 CONNECTIONS 70 EXISTING MA7NS INCLUDING TAPPING TEE 8 TAPPING VALVE (LIVE 7AP1 8 EA 55750.00 30900.80 8 ~ EA I §5150.001 0900.00 8 530.900.00 100 50.00 306 B'X a"X 8'755 J X NU X MJ 3 EA §555.001 $1 665.00 3 EA 55.CO 7685.90 4 52,220.00 133 5555.00 397 6" ENO CAP 4 EA 1 500.00. 000.90 4 EA S7 SC0.001 900.00 5 57.500.00 '125 57.500.00 306 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY IN PLACE 3 EA 53800.00 §70800.90 3 EA 3800.001 570800.90 3 579.800.00 700 §0.00 309 7'WATER SERVICE EXTENSIONS RIGHT 3 EA 3500.00 70500.00 3 EA §3500.00 70500.00 2 57,000.00 87 53,506.96 379 Wabr Man Vertical Ad'ustrnani 2 EA 9500.00: 79000.00 2 EA 9500.00' ]9000.90 1 59500.00 50 59.590.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 Chan Order S9-L9 I[a7na 1 LS 52779.341 2779.34 t 52,719.34 700 50.00 I Sub-Total of Schedule 3 5120,040.00 5'122,759.34 xt75,51fi.84 g7 ~~~ Schedule 4-TRAFFIC SIGNAL RELATED ITEMS TABUUTION of 918TALLEh ITEM ORIGINAL CON[fUGT AMOUNT CURRENT LONIRA[.T IJA41rlT PE6FORMEO iO DATE GUANTlIY N0. DESCRIPTKMI ESTIIIATEOOWVFrFTY UNR UHT PRICE AMOUN7 ESIIWTED QUANTITY DNIi UKT PRICE IWOUNr OUAIJTIT'r NgNfT X dFFERENTNL 400 FOUNDATION-CONCRETE 9 CY 800.00 57,200.90 72 CY 5600.00 §9.920.00 12.4 §9,920.00 700 §0.00 407 CONWIT-PLASTIC 2IN 343 LF E78.Iq 38.174.90 346 LF §78.001 58.284.00 308 .544.00 B9 572000 402 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 2741N 520 LF §19.00 59,880.90 543 I LF 579.00! 10.317.00 598 571,381.00 118 §1.864.00 403 CONDUIT-PLASTIC 3IN 95 LF 18.00 7770.90 9.5 LF 518.00 57.77000 20 0.00 21 51.350.00 404 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE2 4 EA §400,00 57,600.90 a EA §400.00 §1.80000 4 §1.6(10.00 100 50.00 405 PULL BOX-CONCRETE TYPE 3 1 EA §500.00 5590.90 7 EA §500,00: §500.00 7 00.00 100 50.00 406-CABLE-COPPER f18AWG7s~800V1 910 LF 52.50' 32,275.90 939 EF 52.50; §2.947.50 836 §2985.00 B9 5282.50 407 CABLE COPPER COAXUVL -YEDEO 815 LF 51.40 5881.00 697 LF 57.40' E975.BD 890 1.248.00 128 3270.20 408 CONDUCTOR-COPPER AWGB-000V 551 LF 50.70 3385.70 781 LF 30.70' 5548.70 471 3287.70 53 5259.00 408 CONWCTOR-COPPER AWGBSDOV 1317 LF 50.87 1882.39 1427 LF 30,87: E958.D9 978 15.08 84 5341,03 470 CONDUCTOR-COPPER AWG70-0gflV 718 LF 50.80 5429.80 771 LF 30.80: 5482.60 800 §480.00 104 §17.40 417 CONTROLLER-CAB PEDE57RL TYPEP 1 EA 51.300.00 St.$06.90 1 EA §1.300.00' 51.3[1090 F 1.300.00 100 LD.00 412 SEAV ASSEMB-BO AMP 1 EA 52200.00 52,200.90 1 EA 52200.00 §2.206.00 5 §2200.!10 100 §0.00 413 -PHOTO ELECTRIC CONTROL 1 EA §725.00 §12590 7 EA 5125.001 372590 t 3125.00 100 SD.OD 414 SIG ~ TRAF 3 CDL-1 WAY 72-12-72 3 EA 5695.00 52.685.90 8 I EA 5695.001 55.370.00 5 §4.475.00 B3 5895.00 415 SIG ~ TRAF 5 COL-1 WAY 72-12-72-12 2 EA 51.090.00 5218090 3 EA 51,090.00 §3.270.00 5 §5.450.00 187 §2.780.00 418 SIG ~ PEDESTRIAN TYPE 2 4 EA §800.00 52.40!1.00 a EA §800.001 53.800.00 8 53.800.00 100 50.00 417 A40pFY CONTROLLER 1 EA 51.500.00 51.50!190 1 EA §1.500.001 §1.50090 t 31.500.00 100 §0.00 418 ~ SIG STANDARD TYPE 2-A-000-0 2 EA 59.9[10.00 518,000.00 2 EA 59.000.001 §18.000.90 2 518.900.00 100 50.00 419 ~ DETECTORLOOP SHLD CABLE 350 LF E2 OD~ 570!1.00 355 LF 32,001 5710.90 324 5848.00 91 582.00 420 : REMOVAL AND SALVAGE 1 LS 51.900.001 51.00!1.0!1 7 LS §7.000.00: 51.000.00 7 57.800.00 100 50.00 427 PUSH BUTTONIPEDESTRUW 2 EA 3270.00 5540.0!1 9 EA 3270.00. 3870.00 3 3610.00 100 §0.00 422 Eh1ER PRE-E/APTION DET CABLE 240 LF §1.00 §249.00 378 LF SL00: 3378.80 317 3317.00 100 Et00 423 DETECTOR VIDEO 2 EA SB.000.OO~ 512.000.00 2 EA §8.900.00. 372,000.00 3 518.000.00 150 58.000.00 424 POLESTREATED 7IMBER~LA554 38 LF 7700' 12.00 38 LF 17.001 52.00 0 §0.00 0 5872.90 Chan Ord7N R9 - LS Barra LS o.99 0 50.00 50.00 Chan Order A2-LS Banc 7 Ls ~ 77688.4788 571 OB6.48 1 577,OBe.48 100 50.00 Sub-Total of5chedule4 577,379.69 5957,459.77 S1fi2,53024 703 55,4307 Schedule 5 - IAISCELLANEOUS ITEIItS - COAINON TO ALL SCHEDULES rAeuuTaw of iNBTALLEn ITEM ORNiIrL4L CONTRACT A1400rIi CURl~Ni CONTW1Ci AMpIAIT PER FOPoAED TO DATF QUINSTTTY N0. DESCRPTION DIFFERENTIAL 501 UNDERGROUND UTILFTYCROSSINGS EA 65.99' 000.09 200 EA 5245.99 9000.00 63 510,53500 22 538,48590 502 MAINLINE CREW EXPLORATORY 50 HR .90' 79.2W.00 50 HR &5.001 518250.00 73.5 55.197.50 27 -74062.5 503 SMALL CREW EXPLORATORY 50 HR 590 ~ 11150.00 50 HR 5225 00~ 37 t 250.00 70.5 515,882.50 141 6812.5 504 ALTERNATE-SUB EXCAVATION AND TYPE 28EDDING 59 CY 5274.00 §16700.00 50 CY 14.00 310700.00 0 §0.00 0 -10700 505 RLTERNATE-SUB EXCAVATION AND REPLACEMENT BELOW SUBGRADE 5000 - CY 9.50 7500.00 5009 CY 9.50 547500.00 828 35.98890 t3 47534 508 TRAFFIC CONTROL 7 - LS 106500.00 198500.00 1 LS §10650000' S06500.C-0 1 5708,500.9!1 700 507 i EROSION CONTRCI i LS 000.00 95000.00 1 LS 335000.00 535000.00 1 §35.099.00 100 5081 MOBILIZATIONfDEMOBILRATIDN 7 LS 5128000.00 3128 000.00 1 LS 51280!10-00' 5128000.00 1 5726.000.00 100 0 5091 7AXE5 BONDS INSURANCE i LS 273000.9!1 3213000.00 1 LS 5213000.001 213009.00 1 §213,000.00 100 0 510 MISCELLANEOUS WORK LS 009.09 0000.00 1 LS 53000000: 330000.00 0.97 §27.379.90 97 52,680.10 Chan Order Ni - LS items LS gp,Op LS .p0 p E090 0 §9.00 Sub-Total of Schedule 3 5650,200.00 x650,200.00 5547,380.90 84% -5102,8'19.70 TOTAL IN57ALLED QUANTITY DIFFERENTIAL •x149,657.'12 CHANGE ORDER C3 56.06 5953,501.89 ;153,506.89 TOTAL SCHEDULES 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 5 54,310,068.fi9 54,528,08029 x4,378,423.09 95% a Grglnal conaa~t FINAL EARNED CONTRACT AMOUNT 54,378,423A8 .~ ,~ 1~M,(ORRpIrSON ~CILJ 1Y1HI~1~L~~IIVC~. CITY OF BQZEMAN - DURSTON ROAD IMPROVEMENTS MMI Project No, 417035.04 OR/O310A CONTRACT TIME RECONCILIATION SUMMARY Contract Time -Substantial Completion (days): 210 Contract Time -Final Completion (days): 240 Notice to Proceed: Aril 10, 2006 Original Subst. Completion Date: November 5, 2006 Original Final Completion Date: December 5 2006 Item Description Date Added Total Contract Revised Subst. Revised Final Contract Time Com letion Date Com letion Date Subst. Final Subst. Final 1 Chan a Order No. 1 Au ust 22 2006 0 0 210 240 November 5 2006 December 5 2006 2 Chan a Order No. 2 November 16 2006 7 7 217 247 November 12 2006 December 12 2006 April 2, 2007 Letter of 3 Understandin 21 21 238 268 December 3 2006 Janua 2 2007 5 Shutdown #1(Days) 115 115 353 383 March 28, 2007 April 27, 2007 Shut Down #1Date December 15, 2006 Start Work #1 Date April 9, 20D7 Remaining Contract Days at Shutdown #1 -12 18 4 Chan a Order No. 3 PENDING CWM RESOLUTIpN 14 14 367 397 Aril 11, 2007 Ma 11, 2007 6 Shut Down #2 (Days) 69 69 436 466 June 19, 2007 July 19, 2007 Shut Down #2 Date Apri130, 2007 Start Work #2 Date (Anticipated Start work)) July 9, 2007 Remaining Contract Days at Shutdown #2 -20 1D Final Contract Com letion Dates' June 19, 007 July 19, 2007 Substantial Completion August 1, 2007 -43 43 Calendar Days Substantial Completion Overrun Final Completion Date September 28, 2007 -28 z8 Calendar Days Final Completion Overrun LIQUIDATED DAMAGES SUMMARY $ per Calendar Day Days Cost Substantial Completion $500 43 $21,50D Final Com letion 500 28 14 000 Total Liquidated Dama es 35,500.00