HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim 07- Copy between Robert Evans and City of BozemanSuaa~n g. Swlmler Attorney & Counselor at i.aw taa~ w. Dl~l~a,, ~» Bozeman, arrr stets =: =r~-' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII 22,87f137$ III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIII 12l 1 B 12007 1 1 24A Charlotte Mllls-Gallatin Co MT DEED 33,00 QUITCLAIM DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made the ~~ day of Navember, 2007, between ROBER~1~ O. EVANS of 504 South Willson, Bozeman, Montana 59715, the Grantor, and CITY OF BOZEMAN, a political subdivision of the State of Montana, of P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771, the Grantee. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum at One Dollar and Other Valuable Consideration ($1.00 & OVC), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged does hereby grant, convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the Grantee, and to its heirs and assigns, all his right, title and interest, including any after-acquired interest, to the following described real estate, situated in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of Tract 1A of Certificate of Survey 236D and thence westerly along the northerly boundary line of Tract lA of Certificate of Survey 236D for a distance of 350.00 feet to the northwesterly corner of Tract lA of Certificate of Survey 236D and thence southerly along the westerly boundary of Tract lA of Certificate of Survey 236D for a distance of 30.00 feet and thence easterly far a distance of 35C.G0 feet to the easterly boundary line of Tract 1A of Certificate of Survey 236D and thence northerly along the westerly boundary line of Tract lA of Certificate of Survey 236D for distance of 30.00 feet to the point of beginning, all of which is located in Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, as depicted on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. The parties hea;eto acknowledge that the real property subject to this deed is utilized for right-of-way and therefore, under §'~6-3-201(1) (a) , M.C.A. , is exeiapt from all subdivision requir~nents. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and rernainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title interest, dower, right of dower, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well a_n la:a as in equity, of the Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular of the said premises, with the appurtenances unto the Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. 1 y I I I II IIII zzs~7i3l, f~.~7q I III I III Iilllll I Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MT DEED 33.00 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. ~" ~~_ ROBERT 0. EVANS STATE OF MONTANA ) County of Gallatin ) ss. On this ~ day of November, 2007, before me a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared ROBERT O. EVANS, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~~;, . ,,:,"• i Y~ ACCEPTED: -L ~ ~ ~ c ' Notary Public `for, the S Printed Name: ---- i.~-~-~ ~ Residing at - My Commission expires: CITY OF BOZEMAN ate of Montana 7 "7 ~r.r ^ i ~ ri F. c.-..r • ;.' ~- ', -' , gy: .. ~ •, Chris A. Kukulski, City Manager ,.~. r' ~~ ~,~: ~ ~','mmm - M .~. C rk of ~ ~am~n,ission STATE OF MONTANA ) . ss. County of Gallatin ) 1 ~..° a~2.c ~'..~-~- br ~ 2007 before me On this ~ ' day of .~ - aNotary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Chris A. Kukulski and ',.. ,~ ~~~,. ~~~'~~ known to me to be the City Manager and the Jerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose naill~:s are su~ascribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of the City of Bozeman. '•~; ` Nota y Public for 'the Sf.ate of Montana ~ ,'}~~~' "" Printed Name . ~ ~w-- -. c;' ' ;,~,.' `~''. Residing at ~~u~~-~•~ -~"~ ~Y_~Di'~ My Commission expires. ~~ l~v ~` lye`./.,.•..'^i i•;~• ~.J J ~~~ 2 II illlll~ VIII Iil Ilfll ~~~ iilii VIII liil ~~$~ ~3'$A ~ iiNl iilli Ali Charlotte Miils-Gallatin Ca MT DEED 33.00 ~1+~ S ~ 1 S ~x~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~. ~ 3 6 D .~ TR.~CT QF i.,'>:~D LOCATED I\ CERTIFICATE QF SI:R~'E1' ~3G8 GBCTIO\ I8, TO~~'\SHIP 2 50L'TI-I, R~L\GE fi EA5 T P.~4.'~~1. CITY' OF BOZI:'~4,'>.\, GALL;~TI1' COL~:~TI,', :tiOtiT.1:~.~ FVR: RUEERT D f.l.l~: FUR 7HC I'L'RPOSE OF RELUC~T]U~ L+F CY;~lA.US I3UC~JAKS' Li~'E~ ~%<j a • ~= Zb ~= o m .~ FOVNO FE++CE CO7NER ~~ k 60'42'3}' E 59.49' (1,} 1__T' H 06'i7'37' E Sa.74' [~) E%IS1iNG M/A'ER A!+0 R ASEr4ENi - dC!,a c SLV LLr 7RU5':E CC 90a 586 ENN15, 4T °_97:9 3G FpOF +ADE EASruENi FOR a2-gp3 ~NGRC59 EGRESS uTgITiE6 k I C~+S iRUC51ON 9?' TRACFS 7A ]A k 7A 0}'ER TRACT ^ gg 2 OpF OO a ' iW 4A N~ tO YO,.® 4'~ ~<CTSrr 4 7 a~~ Sm0 ~ ~67ry ~7a ~ ~ ~ H2h y~ ~_`Q~ < 3 Y1o-j2 I n 3 VQ'Q •~ ~ Yh f + 1 c ~~ ~@ ~ ~"a'g ~"'m : N 06'45'45' W 30.OG (Ff ~ r. ~' 7 ~'7~ti ~_~ ~:lN ~ ` _ ~ ti ~ M D916'1 ~ E 325.67 q i 79.47' u} SEwE f (t5 iEEi EA VM SDE ~- ~ pF OP BERT. LINE) 151F4246 `Vt 1 r ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ TR3 CT 3.'v 0G °~' 4.16 ACRES o 1 a ~" n _ N `,~ ~5 8 0 ° ~ pY''~' N = Z . _ .. - $ ~9'18'14 _ C CAP t 9pt a yG' ~'~ 0' NLL LO ~ ~ _ _ .... ~ 4 k 9.5 E' ( ,~rf,~'' S ¢+ NO~..1N. 56 ~C' y .-. c R E NO.: 5 B OU, :::.~^ ~ ~ 8~ ~~ "~ 9 b ' E' . ~ ~gf E~ n ~ .. ~ '3 , rv ~ ' ~ 51 ., ; } h' y G !t h h 7 CALLA f1.Y ~^Jl.TY 119- }ms's r .- ;p: ~~S "~ a tom{ D~~t ~e ~~o~ Nw ^~ 0 e; o / ~/ ~~ 5 00'41'x6' E M.35' [R] . ~ ! ~ 5 G~VR 9 J` ~ S by T' ~ ~S SG yL~ ® ~ ~ /{ 2 ' L~ ~ 5 g~0 6.yG.u'16a w b N 8916'54' C 2i2Y (R) ~" ~ ~ m ti ry Tk.IC'f 1.: X = 1.48 ACRES °• ~ 5 007776' E 4t.5x' tR) j0i` / N e91a'14• E s7.61' (R] 1250' {ftkr+ ' S 007]'76' E 5&74' {R) 373.37 `~ ~~ Y SB18'14~ E 12-49' {R) k E9181i E 4y15p' ;R] TR.jL:T ~~ 2 34 ACRES t ~ / >rC 527.73' ab 1.57 5 991]31' W (k] 742-r0' (v) S 39~t d't4' w ;9? DC I^:• Mf4~ ~~ '~~,r~`1`~5. "4` a a~~ 3. r y ~~~. :'''l04 ¢"' TR~C'C 1 CDS 236 C ~Gi'~ (,r iA ~{ =-.r7t J.~yrl ~+ , 9O g o ~\ 5 8413'14' W 44.3.1' (A] 5 p91B'ti W 4.5T {R} ~~ to s~ ~¢~'~~ o s Eps 7 J~~PS p~ 4 7'11 . E~~10 ~~ J 141 64 L~~ 6~~ 4 H_ m X W 9 SUSAN B. S~IMLEY Attorney and Counselor At Law 1807 West Dickerson, #B Bozeman, MT 59715 Phone: (406) 5$6-5544 F~c~simile: (406) S$6-3130 '.\ TRANSMITTAL December 31, 2007 TO: Bob Ev 604 uth Willson ozeman, Montana 59715 RE: Ice Pond Road PLEASE: [ ]File or record [ ]Present to the Judge ( ] Keturn a conformed copy [ ]Call for an appointment [ ]Please initial and return [ ]Per your request [ ]For your information [x] For your file [ ]Payment enclosed [ ] Flease sign and return ~~+ '::,1 r, rr ~R ~f ,,y ~ \~ ` ~+~~ i vv r~ +~ V ~ i~ .0,~~' ~a,~,~ir ENCLOSURE: Original, recorded Quitclaim Deed. I have kept a copy for your file. Enclosure Sincerely, ~~~~ ~~X~ Susan E. Carroll Legal Assistant to Susan B. Swimley cc: Debbie Arkell (w/encl.) Chris Kukulski (w/encl.) "Tim Cooper (w/encl.)