Apri19, 2008
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in the City Commission Room at City Hall, 411
East Main Street, on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 from 12-1:30 p.m. Present were Deputy Mayor
Jeff Krauss, Cr. Sean Becker, Cr. Eric Bryson, Cr. Jeff Rupp, City Manager Chris Kukulski,
Deputy City Manager Ron Brey, Planning Director Andy Epple, City Attorney Paul Luwe, and
Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Jordan Delaney.
0: ] 0:36 A. Call to Order - 12-1:30 p.m. -City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 411
East Main
Deputy Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order.
0:10:38 B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
0:11:22 C. Authorize the Absence of Mayor Jacobson
0:11:25 Motion and Vote to authorize the absence of Mayor Jacobson.
It was moved b Cr. Becker seconded b Cr. Ru to authorize the absence of Ma or
Those votin A e bein Crs. Becker Ru B son and De u Ma or Krauss.
Those voting No beine none.
The motion carried 4-0.
0:11:43 D. Public Comment
Deputy Mayor Krauss opened and closed public comment. No person commented.
0:12:26 E. Round Table Discussion (Identifying potential future agenda items arising
from the prior City Commission Meetings of the February 19 Work Session, February 25,
March 3, March 10, March 14 Joint City-Town/County, March 17, March 24, and April 7,
0:12:53 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that the main thing to come out of the get together with Three Forks was the
agreement to look at local option as something viable for the next legislative session. If we are
going to undertake that, we should start early.
0:13:34 Chris Kukulski, City Manager
Mr. Kukulski stated the need to start now with the candidates if it is at the top of the
Commission's priority list.
Bo~ezzzazz C'iry C~oznzzztissrnn Pnlrc~~ Meeting, Aprr! 9, ?008
0:16:47 Deputy Mayor Krauss
Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that is something that should be put on the agenda: legislative
issues and local option tax.
0:17:13 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that this is going to be the #1 topic at the May 9 meeting; he wants more
agreement of support from the Commission before May 9.
0:17:47 Mr. Kukulski
Mr. Kukulski stated that this topic will be part of the Goal-setting Session in late April.
0:19:00 Cr. Bryson
Cr. Bryson stated that his issue is finalizing the goal session. This support or coordination of
support for the local option sales tax has to come from the completed discussion of priorities and
goals. After that, formal meetings can be scheduled far this item.
0:19:50 Deputy Mayor Krauss
Deputy Mayor Krauss asked if the Planning Dept. had received an application for a conditional
use pernnit for the halfway house.
0:20:04 Andy Epple, Planning Director
Mr. Epple replied that he understands that an application will be turned in next week.
0:20:43 F. Policy Discussion
0:20:49 1. Status Report on Workforce Housing Program (Herron and Epple)
0:20:53 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple introduced Steve I~Lerron, the new Workforce 1-Iousing Administrator from Florida.
0:22:24 Steve Herron, Workforce Housing Administrator
Mr. Herron began his presentation, Workforce Housing Status Report, and introduced his key
topics of workforce housing pipelines, homes planned, milestones, unfinished work, and the
marketing plan to developers and builders.
0:28:58 Tracy Menuez, Road to Home Program, Human Resource Development Council
Ms. Menuez gave the eligibility requirements, AMI, and price calculation for workforce housing.
0:34:03 Cr. Bryson
Cr. Bryson questioned why RSL's (Restricted Size Lots) are continuing to be conceptually
required when there is an affordable housing ordinance, when RSL's are not providing for some
level of affordability.
0:34:55 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that the RSL was a free market approach, but then the UDO changed and with
density the RSL lots could then be 3,000 square feet; it is appropriate to revisit the RSL policy.
l3o~e.~~~an C'it-~ Cmm~~issiw~ Policy Meeliy7~>, Apri19, 2008
0:35:33 Cr. Becker
Cr. Becker stated that the Commission should take a look at it and make it a more rational
equation (in terms of house size and lot size).
O:S6:03 Mr. Herron
Mr. Herron discussed his plan to contact all local developers, builders, architects, and lenders to
discuss workforce housing. He also wants to impress upon developers and builders that there is
an incredible market for homes that cost $200,000 or less.
O: S 7:3 7 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that the equation is still driven by what you paid for the land as a developed lot;
that's the part of the market that needs to reset itself.
O:S8:26 Cr. Bryson
Cr. Bryson suggested developing the lottery procedure as soon as possible for people interested
in workforce housing.
O:S9:33 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple stated that they could present in the next week or so how they envision the lottery
system working.
O:S9:S6 Cr. Becker
Cr. Becker stated that interested peaple have found market rate units they can afford without the
deed restriction. He asked if Mr. Herron is attending to that intersection: the market rate, what's
going on with the market, and the actual cost of the workforce housing units.
1:01:02 Ms. Menuez
Ms. Menuez stated that people may be ready to buy now, but it's not necessarily in Bozeman.
1:01:1 S Cr. Becker
Cr. Becker asked if they are putting together a G1S inventory of all lots that are available, built
on, vacant. How many homes do we have that are R-1?
1:01:39 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple stated that they have just gone through an extensive process of updating their land use
1:02:24 Mr. Herron
Mr. Herron gave the top ten reasons for building affordable housing in Bozeman.
1:05:50 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that Andy and Steve have a good basis here, but we just have to begin and see
where it takes us. The marketing is one thing, but the main reason they're building affordable
housing is because we make you. People come in and speculate, and we could find ourselves in
the same situation as Florida. He'd love not to have the need for the ordinance, to say that the
Bozen7an City C'nrnn~ission Policv il~/eeting, April 9, ~ 008
market is producing affordable units an its own, but people who work in our community have to
drive in from Three Forks every day.
1:07:31 Ms. Menuez
Ms. Menuez stated that statistics show that for every dollar you save going out (of Bozeman to
buy a home), you spend $.77 coming back in.
1:07:36 Mr. Kukulski
Mr. Kukulski stated that he'd be glad to talk on the radio about wanting people to invest in
Bozeman because it's not a cost savings to live and drive from Three Forks.
1:09:01 Deputy Mayor Krauss
Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that we must compete with the outlying market rate homes that
don't have deed restrictions. The builders have to think the units are campetitive even with the
deed restriction. We walk a fine line.
1:10:16 Cr. Becker
Cr. Becker suggested that we need to track sales data, and the Gallatin Association of Realtors
could help provide MLS data of sales. Mr. Herron could be a member of GAR or get his real
estate license to have an MLS subscription.
1:11:20 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple gave data on Restricted Size Lots: to date, we have created 239 RSL's, 122 have been
issued building permits, and 64 have been issued occupancy permits.
1:15:06 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple stated that whether or not to keep RSL's is strictly a policy call.
1:15:23 Deputy Mayor Krauss
Deputy Mayor Krauss stated that he is not a fan of RSL's, and he thinks the Commission is ready
to discuss taking out RSL's.
1:15:4$ Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp stated that he wants to see the sale's price of these 64 RSL units before he makes a
decision on whether to vote to keep them or not.
1:15:55 Cr. Becker
Cr. Becker seconded Cr. Rupp's statement.
1:16:23 Cr. Bryson
Cr. Bryson said that CAHAB will come back to the Commission to suggest continuing the RSL
program. He stated that they gave him information about what it does and what it accomplishes.
1:16:43 Deputy Mayor Krauss and Cr. Rupp
Deputy Mayor Krauss and Cr. Rupp suggested that getting that information would be goad.
Bn~eanuaa City C'aaanaissioaa Pnlic;t> McEtin~, Apa°il 9, 2008
1:19:20 G. FYI/Discussion
1:19:22 Cr. Rupp
Cr. Rupp shared two safety-related issues: there is a cul-de-sac on the corner of Kagy and 3rd
that's a safety turnaround for fire trucks, but it has become a parking lot. It needs to be enforced
if it's a safety issue, and the sign has been cut down. At the corner of Grant and Grand, there was
a bonfire in the street that burned the asphalt. We know who did it.
1:21:57 Mr. Epple
Mr. Epple clarified the comment he made about "zoning gymnastics" when previously
discussing the potential disposition of the Story Mansion block and concerns about spot zoning.
It might have been construed that it wouldn't be possible. He and senior staff have formally
concluded that rezoning that entire block to benefit the community as a whole wouldn't
necessarily be spot zoning. He stated that Ron Brey will have a fact sheet for the Commission.
1:24: ] 6 H. Adjournment
Deputy Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 1:24 p.m.
of ss, Deputy Mayor
St y me , Git Clerk
Cy is Jord teAlaney, Derputy City Cpler
Approved on 1' ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ 0 _ _ .