HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 02- 1544 Solid Waste Collections SystemsI've E~ID bathe fit ~i~ier~ of t~ t~° ~c~z~r~~ I~lentr~e e~i~r~ Thai ~eti+c~ . ~I ~ ~h zero I'iil ~ k~e e ~ ~t Huh ect~r~ ~ I ella: Foy lie ura~e this cheer, the ~II~~-i eir~iic~n 11 ~I~ rirtr callectie~ rie'" ran li to ccllecter~ the i~ ezerr~ rc~~ul the ~ ~Ileci~ truer Ii ~lizes ~ ~~e~h~r~ic~ tc tic up end urn tte,. ~,er°~°~~ril ~e~nt" ~e~ enr place car r~t~i far ne~ri~ental, buine~ prcfecrl ~rpc r~~tht utli 1i ~~~te c~ollectit~~ r~ e~~l Deice pr~v%e~ by the ~t, ~, - r r ~. ~~ i r~ ~ ~' r fi . = e, ~ ~ _ y k ~ L `, L i ,, "~ .~~. '- ~ a a o ,,. ~ ' ~ i i 8 t .r '~~cali yet#~ e~n~ I rese, mime[, Cent ~n rregeal ~ttr, ~I~es, ffecr u~ee~, ~~te piper end the likes but shill nct ~ cn~true tc ir~cle erirl ~r cults rr~enr+e, ~~, ~'ound~ie~ ar Iri ecea~aticn, ~ lase ~h ~ cv~tl a ire, r tr~s, cep smell prunirrs; debris rer the canstructicn ~ v~r~ecl~ae uiling~; ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~,~~,+~~~ is r~~at ~ t the ~alic he~ll~; but this dinitic sl~ll nit b hl~ tc~ ue ~ slid ~v~ste an~than ~ul~ch is ~~~e~}~ ~ r e such ~VeC~ theuh s~ewfre~ ~~~; M ~o~~t ~ C~reete~ f lic e~rice_ ~h ~ ugh r`~ the ~i~et~'' cii~~ shall ~~ final ~n ~~~I~asiv~a* ~~~li paste sar~ica,~ ~nea the lleetian, a~e~ral ~ses~a ~f iii to ~, c~ ~ ~ irtir~ f the ~ ~f ~~zr~anr °T`te" si ast~ ca~ai~r, e~un 'the it oaf ~ze~, Mich is u ~ the ut~n~ate cflee~~r ~rc~~r ~ ~~ .,~; p~ ~~ eti+~t flat ~~ti~r~ f the 8~r I~~cial ar~ne h ~h s~~r~ l'l read o~~~+s: "'~'I ~~ Ilan si a~~~~ o , i '~ ~~~1; ~ a ~ ' ` r,j",a1 ~ ~'~~,;, ~r~, ~r,r~~~r~r~ ~r,~~c~_nr~, #h~ ~n~~r~~nr~r~~v ~.~ ~ err ~.~..t ~~-: the tal n~evel~pe, va~ar~t lands ~~ annex; f city shad r~~ide all sueu li v~aste se~r~ces; ~. ~ ~her~ dev~elepe ~an~s ~~ ar~nxe~ that are ~ecei~i r~~ fi wash series; the pit h~l rovrcie aCl suequ~t I~ ~ sere read ~ flc~u~s: x ~ 9 3 p V i~ ~ 6 ~ ~ i ._. i - ~ _ ' ~ a 1 1 _ .. _. ~ _ -3- a a __ _ _ ~ _ ~ # { ~ __ ~ ,~ 4 f d F t 1 _. F I t ~ i - yy .. A y y '~.. ~ + a i r _' } w. ~~or~ I .,~ ~ Ems, .. _. i ,_. _/ b x ~ ,~.:. !. ~ ~ ~~. i'~ ~~~ ;.~° ~ ~ ~ °~' E y ~~ i ur~l~l ruse or Il~v~ of to pl~~ I~ ins din aRecti~ u~it~u~ being ~~~tain~ grin ~ uib~ r~in~r reln~~r~ ~d~cri+~. „, i ^~ { WL~ f y~ ~./I 1 b ~_- k 4p C. ~ i e~,,. _ 't, 4.r~~ ~ t. Il,~ I, k1:.a~ _r ,.... ~ ` ax^i •~ e t~ ~~ f~ ~~~ _~. ,r ~ ~~~- L. ~ VIII ~~ Il~~ve~ Meng ~~ alle~r ~g~~~-~~~ ~°e~ tb~r ~ eatel r~tine and ~o ~~ ~n~ u~~n Kiln ire Within Il. ~ I ~~ ~` ~unla~l f eren ~ir~ d~~n~ ~ la~~ ~i ire ~li~ ~~~ nt~ir~~r I~niin~ to ne~b~ p~rer~ ~r ~~ nor ether pre~is~ ithe~ ate ~r~~er ~ rr~er ~f ~b een~ne~ e~ prr~i,~, ~~~ bit ectir~ 4 Ie can lunici~~l ~a~e k~ ~men~+ o tb~t ~uei ~e~~n sl~~l read ello~r ~~.K~4 ~c~ cif c~-Il~~i~~ +dl~c~~al ~ ~I~~c~i~n aid ~r~fi ~ ~i V~~~ urn, A. ~-ofi-solid ~.a~~.~; r~'~'"F an ~® ~~lo~r~: ~~ a~~~rr T ~~ctic~ ~ of ~~ ~z~n~ 1t~~i~i~a1 ~~ ~~ ~~~~ o the s ~~t~on rep f~l~~v~s: "~~~~0 t~u~doc~~ urp~n +~f s+~i ~ras~ r~h~~t. ®_ ~~~i ~ ~lic~ ~ ~r~ ~+er~i~ - rrt ~anr e~it~u ~xr~e err~iso yr ~ ~~ r~ r c~c~~n ~ c car ~a ~r r~mi~~r ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, k . ~ -~ ~~ ~. y r_, L~°V' ' '' ¢ ~ i~~ ~~~" r., ! ~~ @s' i ai ~ ~~ ~, ear, ~ - ~ -~ a ~ ;~~ , ~_ ~_ -,~~ ;~~ ~,~ ~ ,~ .:~~~ ~ r r ~F~~ - ~r ~~~ ~~~~~ i r~~ n pr~~~t~~ ~n~1 nr~ ~ ~~~~i~n h~ ~~Iir`N hi ~pt~r ~~ upon ~viti~ n ~h~ I~i~i1 ~, ~I} uk~j Tl~~t e~~ ~ the ~z~r 1~..~~~~ipl ern such ~~~ o f ~~.~.~ ic~~atian~ ~ ins _~~r~}~ ran r~iCti n t~ r~ic~r~ f this c~t~~ r and rPe ~r r~~~ ~ ac~~ ~n aprav~ r~~n ~r~~; r ~ ~,~~ r~~m~~~c~ ar~d ~ ~jec ~~ r , ~~ ,.~ . ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ t ', F r . 8 - _ ... . !fP ++ y ~~ ~ ~ a ~~ i t , _ .- ~e ~C~1C~1~ T ~~ , ~ cif z~n~n u~i~ ~~ ~t~~~~ t ~ n 1 rya Is~ ~A ~~ ~~~ ~~' ~a ~i+an s~ N~ c~z~r~n Iici~~l ~~e ~ h~ .~ a~iar~ N~fl r ~~all~v~~: Tai ~ w ~ ha B~ze lunicial ~d~ ~d ~c~i~t~ I ~ll~+: eci~n ~ +~peal~r. III r~l~i, arin~nce~ ~ ~~ci~~ l ~~~~arr luic~~a~ bode r i~a ~~nct hrri r I~~r~ r~~~ ~~rri~ I and! rvii~n~ ~i ~rir~~n~ ~ tf1 li~ati~ ~i~~r rn ~r circun~~tar~~~ i ~~I~ ival%~ ~r~valii~ ~I1 ~ the ~~ha~ r~~~n ~ t i ~+ir~~ ~rhi~h ~e liven -~ ~f`~t ~r~h~ tf7~ ~r~~~i r~r~r~ r piii~n ~~ ~~i erg, l~ r~ic~r~ ~ ICI ~ri~ar~+c r ~~~n a~r~ ~r+~v~«r~~ ~`I~s i~ n~ ~f~ tC~e ri~~~ ~r dig l~ rnur ~n~l~i ~ ~~~n~n~ I ~ inrr ar r~c~~in ~ r~ fir the ~~~~i ~~ phi rinn. Tl~i rinr~c Ill ~ in fill r are f ~ ~ I~ ~ ~f ~~e~r ~`~ A !`11 ECG ~`T ~y tl~ i ~mmis~d~r~ I~~ i~~ a~e~n, Il~~r~~n~, ~~ r~~a~r ~e~ir~ t~r~~ hey pan TT. ~ . R~~I>"~ L, ULLC, irk ~~nn~is~~~n A(~~' ~" ;~N i~T It +n~is~i~ I~ i ~zm~n, Inn? r~ulr s~e~~n ~~~rec~~ ei ~n ~~ '~h ~~~r cif F~r~aar ~~. ~'TEfi ~'VN , ~1CI~I~iF, Iac~r R~CI L. LLI'~C~J I~r I~ r~isla~ I~ T ~~~ ~~JL® ~. 4~~~ ~~ .. ~espon~ir~ ~ ia~ror irchf~aff~ it Attc-rr ~~re stte~ f orrnat far ac~nsi~derr~t this ~n ~ arner~dmen~ ~s the arse a the ~~ used far aepi+~n of the proa~i~ions for cc~ncurrer~t constratior~ of in~ratruct~ure ar~~ specific pr~ect. e u~este~ that if the r~mn~'rsion chooses nod to alto the sane process for this zc~no code amen~dr~er~t~ tonight's actian i to refer the amer~rnant to the ,anin~ ornr~nission? Frith ti!~~e aoptians ~ orir~ar~ being Ie~ ur~tii after ca~rr~pletio~~ of the p~biic herirt before the Katy amrn~ssrr~. commissioner 'oungrnar~ sugeste~ that omission e~'its should e forarde~ priers the rani ammiss~on s public hearing, so their oars be a~ans~dere~ ~urin~ the hearin~ the than indicate that the clause "baiar~ce~ housing"' needs ~Iifiatiar~, the restrictiar~s +o~''sir~~fe tenana~r" and "retail" need to a~~ed ar~~d uare foatage needs to be reprised upward, possibly to ,~t~ ~~ ~~,~~ sq,uare fee#~ ~rar Kirchhoff stated that tie requr'rer~ents for the fsGaN ir~pact stu~}r need tai be tier and ~e specific sa a business r~o~vs ~rht is expected, citing arC~ stares end affordabfe ousi as ex~rnples~ or~missier etrr~o ~sf~t~ed that the proposal ~ teo general, r he carats the reurerner~t to rnore serif is and dearer. rr~msson~er ro~rra stated it is critical that the i be tie contractor for the stud, riot the bu~sess. or~miss'rc~t~er ietala reit~eated his desire to corlete research ors hie oven before cc~nsideri th rr~d~n+~ratr it vas mo°~ed b~ ornrr~issioner ietai~a, seconded bar commissioner etrro, that aatir~n n this or+d~nar~ce be tabled unt~i more information an the issue of ecQn~om~c impacts has been de~reloped, The motion, faife~d by the folioin~ dye ern~d ~!~ vote: those gating Abe being ~ammissioner Hietafe ar~d omrraissioner etraro~ these gratin C~ be1n eC~r`rlissior~er Bron, ornmisioer ~`our~~gra~ar~ and 1~~~r ~rchhC~f~~ It gas r~o~re b~ amrnissi~oner Br~on, seeorde~ by ++~r~r~issioner 1Coungm~n, that this issue be referred to the ~oneng +~amrr~ison for consideration, and that r~inance o+ 157, proi~inr~ fc~r the consideration of fi;scaf criteria in si#e plan re~rie~v under specified circumstances, e brought back forir readr~c~ and prc~r'rsonal adoption after the orlin~ ~orr~rr~ision has for~rardec~ its recc~mmenc~atio. the iotien carrle~d b~ the f~~l~~-ir~ ~e and o vote; those v~otirag ~e being omrnissior~er ~ro~rn, orrarr~issi~oreer Yt~ungr~an and layer Kirchhoff these voting o being ornrr~issioner etaia and ornnaisioner etrarc~. . ay~ar Kirchhoff noted that in licght of th+e ~or~rnission~s ~decisi~or~, this issue ~rili be subject to the t~r~cai pane code arr~enaent process, with public hearings before both the onin ornrnissian arad the pity ornr~aissior~~ for high either ~rritten or ~erbai t~estinaon~y rna be subrnittecl~ Brew ~ ~ +~ :5 ~~~ ri~iQr~r Bran identifi t f~l~a~ring ae ~ be included in the c~rinn: °~ ~ e~tiart .~:~.~,.~ ~har~ge to read ~~~~~ calle~cted ~ ~reei~ ar monthly ...~ ~ag~e e~tian ~~ 16,a~,~r, change "' ~vith in'" to "within" are change last part ~# sentence to read ".~. cr~tainer~ aid charge the ~ra~e'' awne~, +accupant ar operator accar~dingl~ under his chapter car bath." gage ectin .~~.~}~~,~., change to read ~~~~ sapid paste is ~u~~ too large to fit in the containers raided ~.®"a~ .and ~~~ Pao ~ eir~ .~.~~~~~ change to read '",~, the director # public er~ice may, at iffier ~iscret%on, .~.~'. It ° rived y otrilaner etrarct seconded ~ ~ issar~er'~~ngma.r~, that 4~irance 1 ~4~4, amending the solid `ante regulatiar~s to provide cr ~ solid ~va~t cailecticr~ yster ar-d prohibiting the e~csit ~ highly inflammable material, ~~ finally adopted a~ revised to include tl~e suggestions fararded by pity Tanager ~lahr~sar~, pity ~ttorr~~ey ~.u~re and ammisioner drawn in the above discussion. the motion carried bar the tailaing dye and ~ gate: those ~rctin~ dye being +omrr~isianertrara ~~~i~sio~er~~ngar~, m issianerl-~ietala~ arnrnissic~r~rro~rr~andlayr l~irchl~~atf; those ~atr~g 1~, nane~ R~~rie r~ ~~ first ~~un a~n~~rner~~s t~ ~e ~n~ ~u~divis~~ r~ Ala#~~ ~ rr~ uent~ ~tc~ I~ with h~ ~~~v~ ~t~ ~ ~~~~n ~~~ c~r~r~un ~'~~ Included ire the ~omrnissianers' pacl~ets eras meths frarn Associate Manners ~l~ris launders and ~1ady ~anfard, dated Fek~ruaryr ~ , seeking rnmisiart direction are prayed irnrnediate hanc~es to the subdivision regulations and gone code.. l~lanr~ing C~irectar Andy fipple r~r~ted tt, vier ~~ past several r~cnths, the l~"1anr~ing staff has receid Informal direction from the ~ommissian regarding zone ~~ an~endrner~ts. l-~e stated that atthis time, staff is seeing specific di~e~ti~n on a list of amendments tc~ both the zar~e Bade and the subdivision regulations that they ha~re identified as needing to de dealt ~vith puicl~ly to bring them rota compliance with the recenti~y adapted ~ernart ~,~ om,~r~i~ P~~~, lie stressed that ~ rnare comprehensive revising of the zone code and subdivision regulations will still be needed, ha~rever, sorr~e of the issues involved will take significantly mare v~ar ar~d timie~ He that the c~mrissior~ers review'tl~e list of items identified, r -.~-.