HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Street and Utility Easement Manley Commercial Partners, LLC~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ '~'~ 1"artleg~ v~me~cial Partners, ~, t~R.iT~R, in consideration ~ 1.~Q and for other and valuable cansideratens, receipt of which is acknowledged, gra~~ts to The City of Bozeman, municipal corporation a the Mate ~ Montana, with afhces at 411 East Main, Bezernan, Montana X9715, (~P.A~ITEE, its successors and assigns, ~. perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, threugh, and across a strip of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, 5 ~ feet wide to be located can the following descibed real property. strip ~~ Land of varying width across 'tract 1 of Ming subdivision X0.1 4, situated in the 1I4 of Sectien 1, Township 1 auth, range East, P,M.11., +~allati~l County, Montana; said strip mere particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of Tract 1 of Miner ubdiviien 10.154 en file in the records of the clerk and recorder 0f Gallatin County, Montana; thence from said Point of ;Beginning S°1'" `, .~' feet; thence l~ 3~55'~~" , .°~ fact; thence °1~'~8~' E, ~9~.7 feet; thence S ~~17'~~" E, 5.~~ to the Paint of Begir;ings The easement is mare particularly described o the attached Exhibit ,~ which by this reference is made a part hereof;. The Cil~A,I~TC+ states that he possesses the real property described above and that he has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon, The +~I~iTQR further agrees that the 11~TE may peaceably held and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted witheut any interl-lzpti0n by the UI~T~31~. The terms, covenants, and pr0°~isi0ns cf this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executers, adrninistrat0rs,parsonal repz=esentatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. tt 1 I~A~TEI~ this ~4- ~ day of ~ _ ~ ° fE-~ F ' -~ ~ __ , ~ M~11•~E CMI'v11~l~.CI. PI~TI~IER, LI~C ~~~ ~~` Mai1i~~~- ~` ' T~Zercial Partners, LLC. 13y: Clark ~pr~.g~~e, Partner TOTE MC~I~T.AI~~, } }ss. Ceunty' of Gallatin } _~~!'~ Page: 1 ~f 3 ~~~ 03l06~2Qt7B 01,0BP Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Gb MT~IIS~ 21.00 ~ d ~n this ~~ day of E 4 ~. _ ~ . , ~. ,o ~ ~ , b~,fore nee, the undersigned, ~ Notary Pub~~c 'or the State of I'~ontan~., Pe~sonall,y appeared ~lar~ Sra.e,l~nown to me to be ~. partner of Marley o~~~rcial P~rtn~er, LLB and the er+~n who Warne i bs~ribed. to the within instrunaerit and acknov~~ledged to one that he eccu.ted the ~vith~n instrurrlent for and on behalf of Marley o~~nercia Partners, LC, 111'~ES w'I111~, r have hereunto set ~y hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first shove written. QJ NO'iARIq~ ~rO SEAL P ~~~ OF tJ~~P= ~,~; rotary Public for the State of Fontana - ~ ~~'e (Printed arne~ Residing at ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ y omrrissiori ,xpi~es 1 __120 - - .~+~EPTEI~: ~ ~;~ °~., ~ r pity ~lcrl~ ~~~~ ~, STT (~F IvINTA.N } ~~ g (7 ~ ... 4. City 1Vlanager l 1TNSS 1E1~Et~P, ~ have hereunto set any hand and.. affi.ed m.y Notarial Seal the day grid year ~r~~ above written. M a..~ ~S~L) w I ,. ~ a ~ ~ ` y,. X10 P~lbli~ f~rlie St~to of Montana ,, ~~_ G P~ii~tcd N~z ~~ x., ~~, ~ e5~d~n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ J ~,~ hey orri~ission expires l a~"3 ~~ l0 Page: 2 ~f 3 Q3~~512~~9 ~~ ~P Chari~tte Mips-Gallatin ~~ MTf~iSC 21 ~3a EXHIBIT A GRIFFIN DRIVE 5' RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT .°4. a '*. ~,,, a ~~ ~~ ~~ °"` '`'" s ,y \ ~~' 1~~II ~~ ~~IV~ ~l1~GIYT 1 I l LoT z I ~U'IN~R .S7TRl~llll.S'f~N c~t~~~N a~ e~e.aw~c ~OZ--05a ~ 1 1 t/zs/~aa~ ~] Q3~assz~~e ~~ a~~ d'.F~arln~' Ra Mil ] ~_t;al yak in fits MTMTSf` ~1 G1~1