HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Drainage Easement Cottages Partners II LP+~~e an +~~ er .~ ox ~ l~~iC~ .~1VEl~ C~ntta~es Partners ~~ ~~', G1~.ATGI~, in consideration of C~nt~ Dollar { I .~0 and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of w~icil is acl~t~owled.ged, ,rants to the +ity of l3oernan, municipal corpcraticn of the Mate of 11~c~ntaa, ~vit~ ~~fi~c~s ~t ~ ~ I East i~, B~z~n 1'~antan~. 9'~ l ~, GAl11TEl~, its successors and assigns, an eae~.ent fc~r public drainage purpases, i, through and across the following described real property situated in Gallatin County Montana, which is located on the following described property: `race l3 ~;(~ ~~1, situated. in the F ~/ of Section 3, Township ~ Sauth, Range ~ East, P.l'~.l'., said t'asment more particularly described. as foliov~~s: rT'he easement is ~x~or particularly described on the attached Exhibit ~ w°l~ich by this rcercce is made a part l~erco The GR~I'~TC~I~ v~~arrants that it is law~'ully seized and passessed ofthe real property described abo~~e, that it leas la.r~r ul right to c~en~TeyF tl~e pr~pert}~r, ~r arly° pa.l~t c~' it, and t1~at it ti~Pill fere~~cr defend the title of the prope~~ty against the claims of all persons. 'he C~F~.AI~TOR further agrees that the R~.I'~TEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and pri~rileges herein gra~~ted Annie Strcek C:c~tkcs I~rair~a~c E:a~e~nci~k Wage 1 cif 3 ~~~j ` Rafe i of 4 _ 11I15~2p~7 OA:~5P Char~~tte skills-Gallatin Co h1ThIdSC 28.E without any interruption by the I~A~I`., The terms, co~enant~ arld provisions aftlae asetrlent and areerr~ent shad e.tnd to and he binding upon the heirs, exect~t~rs, adrrli~aistrtars, ~eronai representatives, successors and a.sig~as of the parties hereto. dated this day ~ i A ~ , ~0. T.ATE ~F NTH ~ :ss County of +allatila ) ~' ~. ~ ~~ ~ :• (~~ this ~ day of r _ , ; , ~ ~~ ~ , k~efore .~ the ur~d~rsigned, ~ I~ot~ry Public in end for the Mate of 1Viontana, p~ersonaliy appeared t ~ fir, # y, t ~d;,~ ~ ,, ,, , s ~ r f~ ~ f ~ `' `~ l~no'u~n t'~ ~f' t~ ~ t~~'. ~~k.'~~~} ~r~'~'~ ~1~.~.'~ ~~ J~~IJ~~~~~~~ t~ t~~ within instrt~ll~ent, and~cl~no~vledge to me that he did execute the same. ~ a. ~ _ . `,~ I ~VITN~: ~VH~`E~P', I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my notarial Seal tl~e day and year first above written,. Jln~t~~ Street ~~ttae~ rana~~: basement f'ae cif 3 Page: 2 of 4 111'~512Q7 a4 ~5P Charlokke Mills-Gallatin Cc~ MT~II'~C 2~.~4 ~~~~~~ CITE J~ ~T~v AI"t1 ,~~. b ~ -~- ~ City IV1~a~er a ~_ ~ ~. -- ~'rty, Clcr•] WI~I V~'EIEf~F, Z ve herer~tc~ set my nd .nd affixed m~ I~t~tari~l Seal t.e .°~ a. ~ye~ Est a~~e ~tten, Annie skreet C'~ttac~ I~rainagc ~a~~;mcnt Page 3 cif 3 Pale 3 of ~~ri~~2o~7 ~~~~~~ Cl~arl~kke Dills;Galiakin ~~ ~ITI~ISC 28.QQ pale: ~ ~F 4 1111i~(~7 ~4:QP Gha~°Iatke ~fil~s=Gal2atir~ Ca I~1`fMIaC 28