HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement L.F.M.S.T. LLC+a~e `e~- ~~ ~'~ ®~ ~ S 1~ .DTI ~L~1~ ~' .++~ AI~ET Ali EST The easement ~, ha~vn ~ ~ attached ~~h. which by this reference ~ made a part hereof This grant includes the right ~~" the ~F,I~TEE, ids successors, pe~mittees, licensees, and pipeline, services, ct~nnectic~ns, aces~aries ~~~~ appurtenances; ~~ Trim., remove, destroy, or otherwise control any trees and brush inside or outside the boundaries of the casement which may, in the opinion of the ~l~"~~, interfere ar TAE I~1Tt~(~ Rl~l~: {~ } .fit no tune will they build, construct, erect or maintain any perm.anerlt structure within the boundaries of said easement without the prig written consent of CST, t no time wii~ they modify tl~:e finished grade of the land over the pipeline by removal of existing sail or by placement of fill material within the boundaries of said easer~lent without the prior written consent ofthe C~Al~1TE. That where the subject improvements are net located under unproved public or private streets or other provided access, a 1 foot wide all-weather access road maybe constructed within the easement where at the City's discretion such access is rewired for operation a.nd rrlaintenance purposes: ~4) The CRAC~~~}warrants that they are lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that they have a lawful right to convey the property, or any part of it, and that they will forever defend the title to~ this property against the claims of all S~w~r & water pipeli~ ~tc~~~~ ~~~ment vlaar~~eren ~~nda~mir~iu~s tae of4 Fag~e • ~ o F 5 1~1912~~7 44:~5P Charlotte h1i~Is-Gallatin C~ P~7~I1~G X5.04 s~ ~ATI~ this ~ - = day o - .-~ STATE CAF 1'+~N~ } } s. bounty ~ 4~a~latin } , +~(~7. ~~ , ~. ~n this day a~f '`~~ , 2~'~, bo~~ m~, ~. ~Iot Pudic fc~~ the 'Mate c~~'lontana, personar~ appeared I~~~,~ I~I~ELE~iA, ~o~ to rrze to he a l1EN~BER. o~the ~.P~..~'. LLC_and the person whc~~e name is suh~crihed to the ith~n instrument, and. acnowleded tc~ Ise that he executed the ~a.e for and +on beha~~` cif the ~N iT~[E ~JHE.Et~F, have hereunto set my hand and mixed my ~otaria~ eat the day and year first above mitten. ~SE.~L _ l 1 y~ ~~ '~y i ~ ~ r, ` ~ ~~ . '. ay ~[". 14i _ t ,Y 4~~iSJ ~L _ ~.~ ~__ l ry r ~ Sri ~Y i`t~1i yl ~ ,~ ~• y ~~ 'ewer & 'ter ~'ipelirt~ access E~ement ~Pl*~nted Name 3 P.es~dng at ' + _m _ _ ~5.~s± ~y ~ornmissic~n E,~Pre,~~~~,~~~~ ___I,~ ~'laanderera C~ndamin~u~ns p~~e 3 ~~ 4 gage: a6 5 111i5~2~~7' 4:5~ Gk~arl~ti~ Mies-Gallatin Go I~TMISC 35,a~ ACC~TI~: y ' ~~ ,, f I 4 5 ~, ~, 4 r r C~t'~Cl~zk STATE Q~ N~01TI~ } }ss. Canty ~' {~all~tin } r CTS' }F +~. By; Chris ~ulsl~i Its. City 1'anaer n this day of ~~ ~~~' , ~~, before me, a ~latary Puhle far the State of Santana, personally apeed CHRIS LS~i and 'STAGY X,1'~E, l~l.awn to me to be fibs City 1`~anaer and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Eae~.an ~.~. the pe~sans whose nar~les are subscribed to fibs within nst~u~ner~fi, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of aenan. i w1TSS wI~ERC~b`,1 have here~nta set nay hand and affixed my atarial Seal the day ar~d year ~rsfi above written. ~~~~ & water Pipeline ~~c~~~ ~as~mer~t Vlaar~d~r~n ~~artdaminiu~rks Rage a4 P~~~: of 5 11l~~l24~7 p~:~5 Charl~kke a11s~GaiXakin Ca I~~~I15C ~~ ~~ EXHIBIT A ' t' I ~' = ~` ~,~ Paga: 5 ~f 11115J2~9~7 ~4:a5~ Charlotte Mi11s-Gallatin Ca TI~ISG 3~a ~4