HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Sewer Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement Douglas L. SmithTHE ,I'TR +REE: ~1 } t na tirr~e will they build, canstruct, erect ar maintain any permanent structure within the boundaries of said easement withaut the prier written cansent of A-~ITEE. ~} t na time will they modify the finished grade of the land aver the pipeline by removal cat existing soil or by placement otfill material within the boundaries t~f said easement without the prier written consent of the I~ANTEE. ~3} That where the subject improvements era net located under improved public ar pri~rate streets ar ether provided access, a ° feat wide all~weather access reed me be car~structed within the easement where at the pity's discretion such access is rewired for t~peratian end maintenance purposes. ~} The Tt~I~ warrants that they ere lawfuily seized and possessed of the real provisions of this easement and agreement shad extend to and be binding open the hairs, executers; administrators, Arsenal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hareta. ACCEPTED: ~ ~ QA y} ,~ bounty of Gallatin ~ Can this =. ,~. day of _~,_ _ , ~~, before rne, a Notary ~ubllo for the Mate of Montana, personally appeared Mkt IULi and ~Y l.J~1El~, known to me to be the pity )Manager and pity lerl~ for the pity of ~vzeman and the ~ersc~r~s whQe names are subscribed to the within instrument, anc acknowledge to me that they executed the same for anc~ on behalf of the pity of t~zernan. hf wINF wHE CAF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal on the da°~ act year first aka ve written. f, ,. ~lo~ary PtibliGfart~~e:Sfate of ~Iantal~a y .. ~EA~.~ a ~ ._e ®_.._~_ __ - - _ .~ :~a . i~ ~~'r~nted ~lar~e) ~ ~ a .~ _. ~ ~~ residing at gozer~an, lV9e~~fana Y fly Commission expires: ~ f~~ e ~ . ls~~~pr~~:e~s ~ . 5 m cv w ~. a ~.. cn ~w ~} ~. ~, ~~ ~~ ®~..~. ~ U I~ ~ tract ~~ land being parties of the NV~ ~,, 1 j'~- eckon 3, T~, RSA, p.l~.lvl., pity cf I~ ~azman, Galiakir~ Caunty, t~lankaria, and ~~ ~ ~ being f~rrther t~escribed as faflaws~ ~~ ~` ~eginnin~ ak the C~1/'`~ career a~ said ~ ~ Seckian 3~ Thence aian~ khe ~-W ~ ~' mid-seckian line S9°4~'2~"W a distance of ~ `i'p ~ 1.~ feet. Thence N~~°3'3~"~ a diskance O' ~' cif 6,~~.$~l feet to a paint an khe hlarkh sectian line of ectian Thence ~~~'~ ~~ ~) ~j ~~"3'~4"~ a distance cf 1.~~ feek ka 1 the N-1 f 4 carrier of said. ~ectian ,~. ~~ , Thence ~~°x`36"' a disT ance of X39,94 feek al~nc~ the ~ mid sectaan lane to the faint cif ~eginnir~. laid tract baying ~.9~9 '' ii acers alan~ ~vith and sab~eck to ar~y existing easemerwts. ~~ I v ~ ._~ __ __ _ _ _ i ts.~og` WI4L _ ~_,_, 13T11.1TY EASEMEhl7 S5 FT ~~~ cACC~ar~;v csa~;rrr ~ I~ ~uatrC 5rR~Ef,rAS~~tfNr l DOO. Na. s0~?4.~5 g. ~uavrAn"~a ~owa;rr COMPANY r~v~~N~~~ et~c~re ° P41NT OF ~EGINIVING 5alDS~A~ON FAS~M~nrr r ] ~ 17~)G Na. 2O5l45J ~`ICMr-pF-1WAY EASEAd.NT 1 Fdttr roa, PAS 2459 F0~1~(Q ~ FOC Na £r~ y,3t5D AC v ~~,u,~rr~ 1 ._ _ i . ; FtJr+ fu ~rc rREEI Ci1:iE',(E7~ l _ - , a _ ._. __ _.4.i._ DEG Na d45t4~~! ~ ~ i--- _... ~~_ __ __. ~ . ~ C r~ ~ ~ ~ i 15x40' ' ~ r ~ ti I ~w~~s~,~, ~. . ~:, y ', . ' - r ~4 >:OOr ~~DF FdCEl7 ~.+ F i OAnO ~AS~M~~T a r ~ _ m ~ j ~ yff i I} ~ 1 ~ { ! ~ .~_~_..~_ v .____~ ~__._._._ . _ .___ _ ._®. ®._ ~_ _ __ _ _ __ - ____ { _._ __ ..e.__ ~ __ -_ _ _ _ __ ~__ ~ rt-r ------_ ~ #~89"32'24"E_ ,: ~ _ ~ : ~ ~ 15.40' ~ 7t~`:~ t FIAk ~f ~' ',fEAI~~i~"~3 ~~ raar ~c~sr,~ AVr=74'~~ L;,'CItT-of-wAr ,°.,~! ct'£t ~ ~ ~, ,..~," r~ :j f~ Fr.A_~. I i ~ w l ~ ~~ 1 PfJ fOC37 1N~~" U~7IftY ~ANp pAAfNAGE ~A~~rrur ~ ~: _ _ _ _.s_ . , ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~IB~T ~ ~ ! ~.~' ~~~ ~~rT~~~ s~~~~ ~~~E~T j ~ ~ TES, PrM,M,, GALLA'TIN I ~ ' C~LTNTY, MONTANA ~ ~[tt,,(~''e+ T rr~~~~ryy~~yy ~ r7L.~LEi ~P~ ~1VV~ i ~ I I ~~ fear Fa~~cr~ A~CE°5S ANfdtlFdLfrYFA.S~h'~~fr A$ NOTED ON C.0 $. 2~02A i i ~ t'l,ATTf1) G ~ :t.~; ~: I ~ ~ r~a~~~ ~,4 aESCRI~TI~~I 5'~l?Y~7G & SOILS' .~,d"~71Na~ ;: -.-~ ~¢r r ~ r CL44YYIL t;rv~ En~1N,EC~s ~'4 e 0.3-~d CA,VU .`,Un }Tk~R$ u9,:sasPt,iTChG ~U15IF51N;. rxe ~~~ Cx:r7 Ar4$'1~!5„.7 BdPLV,Vfikt',37?P {J06f ;d~-0.°s F/JC Sd'S'-U',~9