HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Street and Utility Easement Canvasback LLC~°, ~~ ~~ -~~~~~ _~` ,~., ~~ °° ~~ ~~ ~~ I~A~I~ L+~, (~l~Al'~TC~R.S, in cansideratian of l.a and f'or other and valuable considerations, receipt of which acknowledged, grants to Tlae City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation o the Stag of Montana, with office at 11 East Main, Bazeman,ll~ontana '9~ 1 ~, GI~A.I'~TEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement far the use of the -pudic, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in callati County, IVlontat~a, 5.a feet wide to be la~cated an the following described real., property. PJLI+ TI A~ TILT ~' ~~ _~---- strip ofland being 4 feet wide situated in the Ells 1'~w1~4 of Section 3, T. ., ., ~ E,, f'..%'l., +~allatin Jaunty, >Vf o~~tana, said strip being x.11 feet sash side of the fallowing described centerline. The easement is more particularly described on the attached xl~lt ~ which by this reference is made a part hereof, ~. ..~~+ ADZ The ~Al'~T+R states that he possesses the real property described shave and that he has a lavf ul n,~ht to grant an easement thereon. The CRAI~TC~. further agrees that the +CRAI'~TEE may peaceably bald encl. enjoy tl~e rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption y tl~e RATi~~., The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to anci be binding upon the heirs, executers, admir~istratars, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. I~TEI~ this :: stay of u~~.`_~g ~'~ A' +CA.I~S.A:I, LL+C rya anvasbacl~, LL. y; B. iwleal Ainsworth, it anaging partner STATE Ali 1'+~I~TAI~A ~ ass. bounty of Gallatin ~~ o~ M ~, ~~~ ~, ~~ a~ 0 ~-, a ...+ ~~ L Qn th% i cif a ~ - ~t1 ~~ , b~fa~r m, the ~n~rsgr~~, a I~~t~r P~~hlie for the Sate of I~lontana, personally appeared . Neal .Ainsworth, known to rrie to he the 1VIan~.i~.~ Partner of Canvasbae, LLC and the person whose Warne is subscribed to the within instr~~ment a~,d aeknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument for and an behalf ap Canvasbaek, LLC, 1N wl'NSS w1~~1~~C~F,1 have hereunto set y hand and affixed nay Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (SEAL ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ r r~1~~~~~~~f ~ ~ f • ` ~/ ~- ~. ~_~..d x + : ~ . w~, r " ~' ~. r i - f ~ti,_ `, a ~r > . ~ '~°~=~„r;,~~at~ e r Notary Public for the State of Fontana ~ a Printed Name) - ~, ~ Residing at l~l[y Corr~mission Expires ~ ~ ~~~ . a ACCEpTI~: 1` 1 by ~~ ,~ ~. i 4 Clty llilanager ATTEST: ~l ~ ~ °~ City Clexl. STATE CAF 1Vl~NT~~NA ~ ass. County of Gallatin ~ z~ this day of -----~ ~~ ~ b~~ore me, a Notary Publie for __ _ the State of Montana, personally appca~~e~. i IRIS %;.1~JL1~1 and STA~"~ LiLI, lens. to nee to be the City Manager and City Clem, res~eetively, o the City of ~o~eman and the persons whose narrres are subscribed to tle within instrument, and aeknawledged to me that they executed the earns for and on behalf ~otl~e City of ~o~en~an, c~ ~~ ~~ -- r N iy U1 w ~., ~ C a.. -, 1:,7 Q1 ty /,HIT ~'~ iI P~JI TI UTILITY AEI'E T JH 7TH TROT CI~f~V'E .TABC~ - CENTE~~.1N~ ~AS~~NT ~ ~ , ' C~lR~E RADIUS DE LTA LENGTH CHD, BE,~RIN1~ CHiDRD LE ~ TRA~ T Cl1S 2~~~ Gt 277,5 ~ 'Ofi`52" _ 1fiti.38 NT8~1'20"E 158.16 ~ C2 322.60 ~1s`52" 1&6.39 sr~~at'~npw 1R3.8t G3 322.50 3~'S`52" 186.9 Si5'05'31"E 16381 C~ 277.60 3'~6'S2" 160:38 iJ15'05'31"1Y 168.16 LICE ~A LE- CENTERL9N SASE, __. LINE LENGTH BEARING L1 719.53 S01'27'S~1"~ L2 in1.2~ 534'34'41'r'W ',_ L3 359,53 541'27'54"4!1 L4 1[}1,25 53i'35'S7"E l5 62fi,55 Sat'27'54"4'P g---~ p RAC' TR'E~T ~,~1c~ ~ c~.~~rFrc~~~ ~ ~rr~rr~r NQ. l8l~1' { p01NT OF TERMINUS CENTERLINE! EASEMENT ~~~ ~___ _ __. 7 ~,. ~ I CENTER Y4 C1~R. ~' sEC, ~3, REe~,EZ p ~ ~~ 1~ 0 1 PAR PACK ~~~ ~ ~ -9LDCK 4~ '~ETLAS 3 rn 4 ~. flf1Z~115021.12 EASEF~~NTS.b~+G E30Z--05021,12 11/0!8/2007 a~~fP