HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Street and Utility Easement Blue Sky Development, Wake Up INC, Clifford and Sally Franklin Christie~~e ~t er~ • . ~~, ~` #h~r~~~ atlth t~3° ~' ~ " E~~ ~ ~~~~~~C ~ 80. ~ ~ ~~~~ t[~ ~al~u~~t~d p~s~t~r~ Corgi#aini~g ~cr~~, ~c~re ar ~~~. ~~ ~~selnerlt i~ m~r~ a.ti~u~~rl ~.~s~~ii~~ ~ ~ ~.~~~h~c~ ~~l~~t ~c by t~~i~~en~c~ ~s m~~ ~, P l~~~e a~ti~s ,r~t~. Rasp ~mim~rzmm~ Qa ~t~ Charlctt+~ Mills-Gallatin G~ h1TMlISC 42,mm this ., day of ~`~ ry«.-~ a~, ~~; Matthew racl~er STATE F ll~t}N`I"N ~:ss Jaunty afailatin n this ~`~'~` _ day af~ __ ~~~ F; before me the undersigned, Nate I'a,~blc far the State of ants., p+~sc~naly aperad :MA..TT~E ~+~E, kna~vn to +~ to be ~.NAIN~ ~ of ~U S I:E'~E(P'M~N~' and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the within instrument far and an behalf of BLIP ~ ~EEL}P NT. IN wI SS REtI, ~ have hereunto set my hand anal a#~ixed nay Natar~al Seal the dad and year f first shave written, . (SE:~,~ f ~. ~ ~; ', ~ .' ~ _: e ~ ~~ ,, Natary'ublic far the State of Santana - ~ Printed Name R.esidin at ~ . t~ ~ ~ ~ ~._~~ ~~~.~~ ~-- y ~ammissian expires ~ -~" , f ,~.~ ~ ,; IZa" ST,AT F IC~NT,~N, ~ ass, Jaunty of ,allatin ley ~` ~ ~~ Christine ~e .1~, Can this day of ~.,.: ~w - ~ ~ fi; before me, a Notary Public far the State of Santana, personally appeared Christine Yearly, l~nawn to Inc to be the 1VIANIN E. of wake tip, Inc. and the persons whose name fS subscribed to the within instrument, and a%nawiedad to me that they executed the same far and a behalf of wake [Jp, Inc. IN ~ . SS !~F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Nataria Seal the day and year First above written. j~ ~~~~ ~ a ~ ~ ~arosrz~a~ ~~ ~ ~P Charl~at t~ Iii IIs-Gall~t in Co M'~~1ISC 4Z. ~~ ~"pF, F ~~. Jaunty ~ Gallatin j.~,~ this ; '~ day ~ ; .~ ~. ~ ~~ , hef~re rnc, a l~c~tary ~'~hle o the Mate Qfen~ana, personally appeased !l~f~rd and illy ral~n Christie, and the pe~sc~ns whose names are suhscrlbed to the w~tl~~n nst~ment, and acnov~leed ~ me that they e~ecutet~ the same for ~. on behalf ~~` lll~ord and Sally Fralln hrlstie, F, have hereunto set my hand and affixed ~y notarial Seal the ~: , .day ah~.'year first above wari.tten. .: ~~~~ ,~ ~) ~'' , ~. r ., 7d~,~~ .TTE~~T: .. ®. icy Viler S'T tF ~ } ~~~~: ~ ~~ 10ldl~~~7 a3:11p Charla~k~ hliIs-Gala#in C~ €~T~IISC ~2 @@ A~n area raf land located in Section 3'1 and ~~ction 32, Township i South, Range 6 East, and in Section 5 acrd Section ~, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, principal Meridian Montana ~P.M:M), City of Bozeman, ~allatln tJounty, Montana being more particularly described as follows. ~E~GINNING a# a calculated position from which the southeast ca~rner of said Section 31, bears South 131° 48' 33" East a distance of 494.64 fdettr thence South 89° 1 ~` ~" East a distance of 29x94 feet to a calculated position; thence South ~9° ~4` ~T" East a distance of °I5:1 ~ feet to a calculated position;. thence South ()0° 48' ~ T" East a distance of 34.55 ff~et to a calculated position; thence south a distance of 224.27 feet along a tangential curve concave east having a radius of 656.Qt) feet, a central angle of 19° 37' t)l'a"', a chord hearing of South 19° 36` 5Q" East and a chord length of 22.1 ~ feet to a calculated position; thence South 2tt° 25' 23" East a distance of ~tttl.98 filet to a calculated position; thence south a distance of 244.32 feet along a tangential curve concave east having a radius of 456.1)0 feet, a central angle of 9° ~~' a6", a chord hearing of South 35° 413' 21" East and a chard length of 24.39 feet to a calculated position, thence South 51~ 11' 19"' East a distance of 1{15.81 feet to a calculated position thence southeast a distance of 163.~i5 feet along a tangential curve concave southwest having a radius of 195at10 feet, a central angle ofi48# 95' ~'", a chard hearing of South 27° 08' 46" East and a chard length of 158.39 feet to a calculated po;ition; thence South 93° t~6' 13" East.. a distance of 89.18 feet. to a calculated position; thence North 89° ~~' 17'° West a distance of 9f1,13 feet to a calculated position; thence t~tarth 93° ~6" 13" Wiest a distance of 75,26 feet to a calculated positional thence north a distance of 88;1 feet slang a tangential curve concave west having a radius of 105~.t~t~ feet, a central angle of 48~ 95'1)6", a chord bearing of North 27° D8' 45"West and a chord length of 85.556 feet to a calculated position; thence North 51 ° 11' 19" West a distance of ~ 05.87 feet to a calculated position thence northwest a distance of 2.92.64 feet alor>g a tangential curve concave northeast having a radius of 545.D0 fast, a central angle of 3tt° ~' S6~, a chord bearing of North 35° ~~" 21" 1Nost and a chord length of 289.14 feet to a calculated position;. thence Noah 20° 25' 23" West a distance Qf 100.18 feet to a calculated position; thence north a distance of 255:09 feet slang a tangential curve concave east having a radios of 7d5.p(l feet,. a central angle of 19° 8' "r a chord bearing of forth 1 ~° 3ta' 5~tt"West and a chard length €rf 2a3.S5 feet to a calculated positiarr thence North t3t)° 4$" 17" West a distance of 101.98 feet. to a calculated position; thence Nr3r 89° 4g' 26" East a distance of45,00 feel to a calculated posltion~ thence North 04° 48' 49" 11Uest a distance of 244.1 ~ feet to the Point of Beginning containing 2,358 acres, more or less. a ~" "-: tf~ r-, h. ~,.,~ 0 tt) N r .. nn~ Q S~ ~~ V ~ ~ .. i i v a i i 7 '. y, ' _ .+._ f '- `~ F ~` ~` 'a:, ~.~a- --~ i,~ ~ a I ~,Fd,~'L~!" li' '~ ~-~.- 4~z ~ N~,~ ~_1 ~~ ~ . ,. ~~. a t ;.. , 1. ~~ _ y t r ~ ~ ~ k s ,.~.:--~.... :~.. r , --W :, ~ ~~ l .~ ~ ,, ~. t 1 ~~ _. 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