HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Street and Utility Easement Wake Up INC.~~~ ~ '~~ .. ~v~~ ~Vt~KE L1' ~., RA1~T, in c~nsideratic~n of 1,~ and ~~~ ether at~d valuable considerations, receipt a~f i~h is a~n~wleded, grants to Thy City o'~~~e~nanj a ~nl~nic~pal corporation of"the Mate o14ntana~} with cf~ices at 411 East 1Van, ~o~ernan, IVlontana 571 ~, ~.1~T.1~, its successors a;d assigns, ~. perpetual street and utility easement fdr the .se of the public, in, through, and across a strip ofland situated in +~allatin ~~unty,l~l~ntana, ~~ feet wide to be located on the following described real property T`he term, ct~~e~~ts, end x~~.si~r~~ ~f't~~s ~~serrlent shad ~xt~n~. ~~ a~ld ~ b~.dn u~en the heirs, exec~ltc~rs, ~dn~nitrators, p~ersarla rere~ent~t~~re~, s~ccessars, apt ~sign~ ~af the parties hereto, Pa~~° 2 of 1flIfl912C~~77 0 11P flharlatt~ Bills-Gallatin Ca I~TMl5fl ~5.afl ~P i ~: pity Iari~ger ~_ s t ~C1er ~U'I~IESS V~R~~.~3', ~ ~~,~re hereunto set y .and and affixed my ~dotarial Seal, the day and.. year first move z~ttien, ~~~4~~~~t ~ ~, ~ i f ~ ~ ~~! ~~~°~'~i {.~; ~ ,~ y ~, `. ~~p~ ~.~ ~ ` ~ ~.a (~{fq~I} Pur~~~ for State ~~ I~Iontana a +~ f~'',,,i ~ ~ ~r~~~~`~` ~Pr~nted I~ame~ P Iy ~c~rnm~ision ~xpire~ ~-~~-f~{~ P~~~ : ~ ~ ~ 'sJ0~l2Qa7 ~3:11P C~arlotl~ Mills-Gailati~t Ca M~'#~ISC 35.~Q@ ~~o~~o~ ~~o~~ ~~~~~~r~~~ a r ~~ w~ ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ .~. ~, 0 ,,,, ~s --~.- t9 ~~ ~ ____ ~~. ~, .., L rti .~. ~ U BGINtVING at a calculated position from ~+h'~ch the southeast corner of said Section 31, bears Sautl~ 88° 35" 12°` fast a distance of 34t~,31 feet; thence South 88° Il6' ~" fast a distance of 241,97 feet to a calculated position; thence east a distance of 67,25 feet slang a nan~tangential curve concavaa north having a radius of 26~0,6t) feet a central angle of 19° 15' S7"', a chord bearing of IVarth 82° 15' ~~" East and a chard length oaf 6~a,93 feet to a calculated position; thence south a distance of 66,19 feet atong anon-tangential curve concave east having a radius of 745,t}9 feet, a central angle oaf t)4° ~' 2g", a chord bearing of South 13° ~~' 12" fast and a a;hard length of 69.69 feet to a calculated position; thence west a distance of 83,76 feet along anon-tangential curve concave north having a radius of 26i~,6D feet, a central angle of 18~ 27' 26'°, a chord bearing of Sotatt~ 82° 39' S8"' West and a chord length of 83,39 feet to a calculated position, thence North 88° 66' 19°' West a distance of 24~ .7 feet to a calculated position; thence west a distance of 62,97 feet slang a tangential starve concave south having a radius of 17tJ.lJO feet, a central angle of 1° 1' 17'", a chord bearing of South 81 ° ~ 7' q3"West and a chord length of 62.61 feet to a calculated position; thence South 79° 4tt° 24'° West a distance of 275,57 feet to a calculated position; thence west a distance of 187.86 feet slang a ttan~tangential curve concave north having a radius of 839,9Q feet, a central angle of 19° 53' S1 ", a chord bearing of South 76° Q7` 2t)" West and a chard' length of 157.63 feet to a calculated position; thence North 29° 24' 4t}" West. a distance of 6....4.63 feet to a calculated position; thence east a distance of 169.617 feet slang anon-tangentia[ curve concave north having a radians of 770.17{) feet, a central angle of 12° 37' 12"g a chard bearing of P+tarth 76° 59' 00" East and a chard length of 169.26 feet to a calculated pasition~ hence North 70° 40' 24" ~asl a distance of 275,57 feet to a to a calculated position; pence east a distance of 85,19 feet along a tangential curve concave south having radius of 23Q.Ot~ feet, a a;entral angle of 21 ° 13` 17", a chard bearing of forth 81$17' 03" East and a chord length of 84,70 feet to the ~cint oaf Beginning antaining 1.144 acres, mare ar less. _. ,- ~"`~ ,~'°.-~ y i~` ~ d°~~~ Mir, -r-11 ' ~ ~ ' v~ r y ~~ ~~ } y I ~~~---...~~~ ~~• s a L ~ _. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~" \ ll N l~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~~'~ Pay '~y a ~ ~~ i '~ ~ ~ ,' _ r tl III ~-~-]~ ~.` T ~ ' ai ~ 1 rte` ~ , ~ f ~r~~ ~ t~7~ ~ r! p, ~,~ ~ ~ ~ I + +r_ i ~. y i ~ x f' ~r" `` I 11 1 ~ ~ 7 (0 ~i'~~~ I ~ ~ ~ C,+~~ 1 r 1i r,,4.,. ~._~ ~ 15~~~° ~~~w ~:~`~~~~lrf ~ ~r_- A !•` I ~~ GI ~ r ~i ~ 5 `4 ~ r....~ #b.r' ~ I f`4{ ~ ~R'4~ ~~.:~-+~.~ ~~~~_, ~ ~ y i+,l `'' _ ti ~( /j~ _ t, ~c. , y Yr ~t~ ~J i -fir ~ ~ f -atii c ~e19 ~~ ~E/ i,}- '1 J ! 1~ -o.. .~-- ~ ~~'~1111. 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