HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4093 Manley Commercial Annexation #A-05041oeart i o ~EEL1Tt~ ~' THE CST 11'ISS} !' THE CT' J~+~?EIl~, ~i~I~T, ~'l t~ TAE ,ll"~EATI~ CAF CER All +~I~T[.~IS TAT (~ L.l~ ~ R~~I~A,`TE ERIBE, T TIE R~~+RATE LIIVITS THE +~~'~"~ ~' ZEIV~Al'~ II THE ETEI~S~~l ~' ~'E UI'~,AI~ES THE ~T +~ BZE~'I ~ T ~CUIE A~ 1~'TE(~ T T. WHERE., the City of Bozeman received a request `~~ e~ation from 1Vlanle Co ~rcial 'artners, LLC, one of the owners of a tract of land, requesting the City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include certain contiguous tract of land lying at the northwest corner o the intersection ~` Manley Road and rf~n give, in the County of {~allatin, Mate of Montana; and wHEE,~, a~.lcy Core ercial ' ens, LLC, is one of the current lands ers of record of property described a:s Lot 1. ofllinor subdivision l~oF ~ situated in the Sll~ of Section I, To ship 1 South, Range ~ East, P1l, Gallatin County, Montana, requesting the City Corr~naission to extend the boundaries ~ the City off` Bozeman; and wHE~~-, Section ~~-~11, MC.~ requires that all annexations include full width op~zblic streets and reads, including fulldth ofright-off way; and wHEEA,1Vlanley Road and Griffin Drive are public streets lying adjacent to, or through, the parcel initially requested 1`or exation, along with claimed ~-foot wide Montana Rail Link right.. of way easement lying through said parcel, and no means has been identified to segregate these portions of the right-ul=way; and wHE ,, Section.. 7~~31~~1~~d) allows inclusion of railroad. land, in an exation processed according to ~°itle , Chapter , fart - MCA; and wHE ,., ncitlaer Burlington Northern nor Montana Rail Link, a l ess~r and contract purchaser of the right-off way, have obj ected to being included with the annexation, and ~. - ~~~_ s 03fi312~~~ ~4 12 Ch~rl~tk~ hlidls-Gallatin Ca MT~f~SC 154~~0 wI~.A-, an exatian staff report has been prepared in accordance with e o fission's goals and policies for ar~n~e~ation and was presented to c ol~rltnissa~i on April 3, ~~ and wl , arnrnissian esauti4n ~. was adapted b the pity a~nrnsic~n on February ~ , ~[1t~ as stern of the +~onsent Agenda, declaring it to e the intent of the pity of o~eman to extend the boundaries of said City so as to include said. contiguous tract within. the corporate limits of the ity~ and. wI~ ~i,, a public hearing an a fission Resolution X10. was duly noticed and held on ,April ~, 0; and w~IR, no members of the general public expressed ab~ectians to said exatian at the p~ub7ic hearing,; and w~HREA., the pity did not receive any writkan pretest from the real property owners of the area to be annexed, and wER.~., an .April , ~, the +~ammssian authorized and directed staff, upon satisfaction by the applicant of the canditians al' approval, to prepare the necessary dac ants to proceed with the exatian afthis tract in accordance with said orr~ission l~esolutian a. '~; and w ~A, the prevision of available services, including, but not limited to, rights~o way, easements, water rights ar cash in lieu, waivers of pretest against creation of Sl's and water and sewer hoal~up fees, to said contiguous tract as described is the subject of a written agreement between the pity anal. Greg and Susan anfarte; and w~S, said contiguous tract is the subject of certificates of purvey, plats, ar ether dac ants filed in the office of the Gallatin Jaunty Clerk and Recorder's off ice; and ~~tEA, said contiguous tract is described as described as being dot 1 of Minor Subdivis~arl Nn.l4, situated in the Sw11~4 of Section 1, 'fawnsliip 1 South, Mange East,1~,1Vl.l Gallatin bounty, Santana; and gage 2 of 22 3li3d2~}~6 t14~ ~~ ~F~ar~4tk~ Ms11s-~Ca11at1 C~ f~7[~IS~G 154:~t~ IR +~A,, the oan~an pity C~n~mis~ian h~r~h finds that the nn~tian of t~~is aantiguaus tract is in the best interests of the City of ~azeman and the inhabitants tl~tireaf and o the inhabitants of the cantiaa~as twat, (~°', T~TI~~"t~R, k~ ~~E by the City Cam~nissia~r~ of the City of aeman l~lantana; Section ~ That it is hereby declared that, pursa.ant to Title 7, Chapter , Part , l.C.., the fallawing- described ra~erty, which is c~ntiuaus to the municipal boundaries of the City of apeman, be eyed to the City of azerrian and that the boundaries of said City shall be extended sa as to embrace and include sash 1 x.411 acres of land, to ~vit. ,A treat of hand being Lot 1 of Ming Subdivision Igo. l 4, situated in the V~'114 o Section 31, Ta s~iip 1 South, l~a~a.ge fast, p,., Gallatin Country, Mato of 1Vantana. Said parcel contains 1.411 acres mare ~r lessi and is subject to all. existing easerner~ts cif retard or apparent an the ground; and Section The effective date of this exati~n is January ~', 2~8. ~.SE T by the City Cammissian of the City ~f l~a~ema~1,1'antana, at a regular session thereof meld an tie nth day of a~aury +~, E ,~ ~ ~, l~N ,ICUB~1 °layor Page 3 n~ 22 m3~~~rznoe Q4 ~p ~h~~l~tte ~111s-Ga~Iatr~ Ca ~ITh1ISC 1b4.~ ~~~~~,. ~w ~.. ~ 4 ~ ~ ~. ~~. ,~ '.;~ , ~ i) i` J I f tS ~~-. 11~r L 1~'~~1, w tV r N~ ~ ~ Cat " N .,. fi7 0 N ~- U to ~' E G ~, y ~~ ~ ~,~. ~ ~ .-t --1 ,ti ~~ ~ *i T inter-caFFice ~~ri~ina~ tc~; {:~. ~~ ~ir~xe~y~an Plana I)e~art~ment ?~T~ ~^aast (_)laj°e ~t~eet THIS +~~E11~EI~'T tnacle and entered in~c} this. ~_ :; c~a4 ~~~ ~ , '7(1~j"?~ her and betur~en ~e ~~~~~' {:)Ii. B~C)II1~I~~?~, a rn«I~icia cr~r~~:~ratican ~~~ c.~htica~ s~~hcli~ris~t~t~ c~~ the State cif l~I~~ntana ~~~it c~f~~ces at X11 East Main street, l~~~zet~an, ~Ic~ntana ~77I®~1~~~[l, hereinafter referred to as '°~:it~,-", and 1~~~.l~ll~l~~~~ ~;~)I~II~A~.C~I~"~ll 1'~.'I"NI;R~, l~.I~.C;,, P,~~A cox fl ~77~~, Bc~~etnan, ~lc~ntan ~~77~®3~i7, hereinafter referred tc~ as ~'I~anclc~~~~net:"' ~IER..A.S, laandc~~~°er is ~~`~rner in fee ~~f a tt•act ~~~ cert~ir~ reaa ~x~~~~:rt~~~ hereinafter ~. referred t~ as the .~EY"C7~1~1~~'.~~L .1'~,~X".~.1'tract :~ituatecl in ~I~.llatn C}onto-, ~____ _~___ i~Ic~ntana, and.. n~c~re ~artieularlti- ~.escried as fc~llc~~.~Tse "~ `1Tact cif Viand hero descr~l~ecl as I,r~t I of hn~~r `~uhcli~crisic~n N~~. I~4 sitnateci in the ~`~~;' '/~ ~fectican 31, rI"1~, l~.t~~~~, X~.~l.l'~I., ~~allatin tjc~ur~~~, Mate ~f ~~«ntaria. ~afd rI"reef oaf ind ~`" Mein 1.I I-~ aces tn~re ~~ less alc~n ~~~ith and. subject tc~ an~p and all e~istin easerraents. ~ ,. ~~ ~~ .~ 'THI~~., ~Ianle~r ~:~at~merciai Partners, l,laC~, has c~ behalf f the l.~.nclc~~~rrer ~.® _____ ,~ ~etlic~ned the ~`it~; ~~~ anne~ati~n cif said tract cif lat~ri; anc~ 4 _ ~,, 'JI~E:RE1~., the ~"~~.L ,.~ ".~+~~V ~~ n~~t ~~~tin the cc~rPc~rate limits ~~f the ~;it~- ter ether rnniepalit~~ anci tr~a~~ thcref~~re be an,ne~cci t~~ the ~~it~~ in accc~rdancc ~~ith the ~zc~~isic~ns caf this z~.reern.ent anci I.C~~~, ~I'tle ~, ;hater ?, I}art :~. I~~an~ey Carnmer~cal ~nneatio~a ~,~rer~e~t ~ `I~~~., ali parties recc~~nie that the arane~atFr~n c~:E the L.~ +G"t:~'t~ A~'"~LA.~'.C~ pursuant tc~ ectic~n 7r?~~~)~, et seg., ~I,Ca.x. ~~°~1 er~ti~.e the paid r~~~~ert~r tc~ ~;it~~ er~rices, in~cludin,~ munic~pa ~,~~ater and se~ti~er ser~•ice, upon them a~~aiiah~i~ ;and E~~, i4~.~.a~. ~iectic~n -~-35 ~~~°~de~ that a rr~u~ci~a~.t~ and ad~~~~~ner can a~~ee tc~ the prt~~~isit~ras ~~f ser~rices tQ the area t~~ e anne~:edr and '''~ I:~R~., the C~it~Tf present ~i~ater suppi~~ and ~e~~Fer c~lectic~n ~~°~te i~ in~uf ~cient t~ en~.hle it t~~ su~pi~~ reasc~nahl~T ~,dcquate ~~Tater and seu4er senFice tc~ additinai custcara~ers outside the prese~.t cit~° boundaries; grad ~~,~, alb ~aarties recc~rai~e that the de~,~eic~pment c~~ the .~'Y ~'C,~~1~'~I,L A~'~1. ~"IC~! ~r~Yill impact area streets, a.nd that future tmpr~~~~e.cnts, rna~~ re:c~uire adciti~r~al pazblic street irrrprca~-ernents ~c~r traffic circulation on ~~~i~'fn I~ri~°e and ~`~Ianle~° ~~ad; araci "~~., all parties recc>~;ni~e that thc~ ~~~~~~°lc~rz~~Mnt tai' tiae 1~IA~Y CC~1.~~t`+C`I.A~, ~"I~~~iil impact the intersection c~~~~riffin f)ri~*e a.nd ~anle~~ ~c~ad; grad "BRAS, the I~°ando~~Tner ~~rishes to cc~n~Te~` tca the ~it<~ certain water rights or take sorrae eyui~•alent action tc~ pro~ride t~Fatcr arac~ se~~ er ser~•ice tc~ the ~'' "(.~.t11~'''I~..L ESA. ~1+~~'V and '~ER~.~S, the ~andca~~~ner finds that this ~'~reement ~~T~1 pro~~ide fc~r the rnc~st satisfactot-~° and. dependable ~~Fater supple arad se~~~er supple c}r sew ice a~°ailable to furnish ~~ titer and ~~Tste~~; star cc~iectican, grad %rc~~yide traffic cixculatic~n fc~r de~Telc~pment near and ~~~it~~tn the ..1,~~,'Y `'()1V1'.~',~ ~~ ~.~.;• and ':~~R~AS, the rnakin and perf~arman~ce ~~~ tl~i~ ~reerraent is desirable tc~ prc~rrrcate the deg°elc~pmea~t ref the rnc~~t adeciaaate ~~'ater sa~~~l~•, ~c7aste~~rater c~allectic~n and traf tic circulad.~~ra pattern '~~r the ~:ir~r as it no~~ e~ist,5 and as it is reasc~raahl~~ c~pccted tc~ enlar,€i, and ~~~~ : s a ~ z2 aai~sr~~~s ~~. ~~~ Chara4tte ~1ials-Gallatin Co M~`~~SC i54:Q~ ~~a~ley' C'a~~ercaa Aranexati~n Agreement i~'H~.., the securi ~' a~ adequate ~.~crater supl~~, ~~~aste~cYater cr~llecti~n, ar~d traffic s~°stems b~T the Vii.' is z~ecessar~i a~.d c~ mutual ~~°at~ tc~ the ~t~e~ b~~te~, ~1IA, the parties ha~fe deter ' ed that it i ~~ the best interests ~ the C~it~~ and Lar~d~~~7ners, aid isl furtllerace cif the public health, safety and ~~elfare ~~f the ~t~rn~rua~it~r tc~ e~~te~ inter and i.pleie~ this ~~recir-ien.t. l~ ~~~l~~l~~l~~~T~~I~ ~#~ the mutual cc~~•nants and are~snents herein cc~ntaiz~ed, the parties hereto ~.ree as fe~ll~~~~Ts, 1, Recitals `I'be abc~~~e recitals are true and correct, .'i~.exati~~ rI"he Ilandea~vner, 1~'anle~r (t~~~~aercial I'artr~ers, Z1~~~ Bled are alicatcara fc~r ann.e~at~c~n ~~~ the L`C).1'~~i ~~`~c~ith the ~1it~ c~1~. ~c~~~cmi~er ?1, ?~()~~~. rlhe ~'i~:•, e~r~ Febl~uar~. ~', ?(~~~~a, ade)pted a Rest}lutlc~n ~f ~te.t tc~ ~~nne~ tl~e~ 1~1~tT~.'~' 1'11~.~`"I,.L 1V, '~C~~ I~~° e~ecut~c~n ~~ thifi ~~~reement, the C~it~;, bag manifested its n.tentacan tee annex the ~~~' ~'.lE,~'~AL 9.T.~'1V tract pursua~:t tc~ the terms and ce~nditic~ns caf` this ~1reeent. ~ula~ect to the ~rc~~Tisins cif Title 7, abater , Dart ~~, the ~ait~,p shall, peen e~:ecutic~n cif this ~~~reetzaet, adc~t a ~~esc~lutica. cif <~1~e~atie~n cif the ~LL~'~' ~`+~,1ER' ~"I+C1,1~tc~ the Fitt'. Further, u~cn the e~ec~itic~n ~~~ this :reemer~t, the l~andc~~~rner sha11 dc~ all thi~as necessar~~ ar~d proffer tc~ aid and assist the ~~it~~ in carr~fin~; e~ut the terms, cnditic~ns and pre~t7isie~ns e~f this ~'~reernent and of ~`~ctate the ~.n~~exat~c~r~ ref` the ~~'` C.C`~AL ~~ ~l!1Vtract tc~ the ~;itt~. ~~ Pala: 7 of 22 p3J13l2~&~~ Q4:12F Charl~tta M~l.~s-Gallatin C~ ~ITPIISC 15~ Q~ i~~an~e~ ("~or~itn~rcal ~nne~ato~ Agreement 3 Page: 8 of 22 ` ~3113f2Q~~ ~4•~2p ~1'~'iC~B ~QV1d~{~ Charlotte M~1~s-~Gal~atin Go P~TI~S~ 1~4 ~~ .~"~~ C'it~Y ~~pii, upcan annea~atican, make a~~ailable canl~° cxistin ~yit~. sei~~ces tca the extent currently a~Fa~I~lale} including aanicipal ~~~ater scr~£ice, municipal se~°~°er ser~Ficc~, pcalice pra~tecticar~, and ire prcatectican, tca the ~`t~~`~`I.A~.~11V.~1~~L'~YA~1C~1'-~ a~ p~ca~,Tider~ i ~hi~ a~eeme~lt, 4. urii_cial'~~'ater Searvic~ ~~~ne Tie tern. "rnut~~cipal ~r~ter se~rice" as is used in this agiecment shad lie the service which is supplied 1~~, the Cittir in acccardancc with ~;haptcr ~3.1~, 13ca~eruan l~'~unicipal C;cade, car as rna~. be an~end~:d, ~s ~~cll as an~~ rather tee°~ns a~~ c€a€~iti~~ns ~~Yhich appi~~ tca the ~;it~"s p~cac~sican oaf this set~~ce. The term dues ncat ccante~xaplatc the ext~ensican oaf lines car ccanstructcan oaf necessar~T imprca~rements at an~T coast tca thc} ~ity° fear delis erg- c:a ~~4atcr tca ar~d ~~-ithin the ~t1A~,.'I~ .11V~."IAL A~.~A~"IQ.t~T l`vTcathn~; in this i~green~cknt shall calahate tl~.e ~it~- tca faa~Y fcar right-oaf-c~~a.~ ac~~.~isiticara, engineering, ceanstructica~a, and rather coasts fret the delis°er~T oaf ~~;atcr tca car within the ~1V.~'~+C+~~..'~~'I ~`~.~'tca include, leaf ncat ~ Jted tca, an~p impact fees, htacak-la, ccannecttean, car de~Telcapm;erlt charges ~~°hich hay{e been. car m.atiT be estalahshec h~, the Cite, ut~iCial Sewer ervlce l~e~n~ The term "municipal sc~~~cr serc£ce'r as is used in this ~~greement shall be the sew ice ~ hic is supplied h~° the C~it~r in acccardance ~ritli C~haptc~r 1.3.~~, l3oeman ~~lur~icipal ~:cadc, car as mad lac amended, as well as an~r rather terms and cc~nditicans ~~~hich appl~r tca the C~it~'s prca~{isican oaf this set-~~ice, ~l'he terrra dress neat ce3nte~~nplate the e~tensican cif lines car ccanstructican oaf necc#stiaz~.£ i~n~arca~-ea.ents at ar~~~ coast tca the C;it~T fear collectican oaf sc~~°a~;c at ~.nd within. the ~,.' (~.1~.~'~Al. ,~" T~'~.. Neathin in this z~re+e.ent shall ca~ligatc the Cfit~r tca pa~T fear right®caf-~~ra~r accluisitican, c~lgin~:cring, cc~nstructican, and cathc~r coasts fear the ccallectican oaf se~crage serc~ices tcs car ~~~ithi~l the ~tVL ~'D.~I,~''~L ~~~A.1~(~'1 tca include, leaf ncat limited tca, and impact fees, hc~cal~xtp3 ccannecttcan, car de~-elcaprnent cha~°~;es ~~~hcl~i tna~~ lac etalaisl~ed h~. tl7e C~it~r. Nia~le~~ C~ammercia~ ~,nr~exat~n .~gr~~m~ent 4 P~g~ • ~, f ZZ g3l13l~~~9 a4 12P ~$e~ ~1~lt5 Charlokke Dills-Gallakin Co ~17f~I5~C 154.~G~ ~'he parties acl~.nca~~Tl~cde the fcallo~xin t;it~' ohc~T: Prior t~~ annexation of Prc~pert~r, it .hall he the ~calic~= ~~~ the ~;it~r ~~~ c~~en~lan to acquire usalale ~~Tater ~ihts, car an a~prc~~riate fee in lieu thereof, equal to the anticipated a~~era~e annual consumption +~~ water ~~° rsdcnt~ an.d,~ar uses ~~ the ~r~~crt~~ ~~h~n ~u17~ de~Tel~~~ed. `~he fee mad be used tc~ acquire ~~gater rights or for inaprc~~Texxle~lts to the ~~~ater s~~st~a., ~~~hich ~~ ould create additional eater, supply{ c~.c~}. ~~cct, h~~~,~c~*~r, that ~`~~ ~z~ti ~:nn~~ti~~ in ~~c~fis cif ten ~i(}~ ages, this pc~lic~~ shall be carded taut prior to l:tnal alai ap~rc~~ al of each deg elo~r~rrlent fahasE. ~ectic~n ?, ~~~ ~, ~c~ +ssio:~ esc~i.tion ~i ~°~, ~dca~ted ~~uust 19, ~ ~~{"~ ri'he l~and~~~~Tn.er, i~anle~ ~~orr~~~lercial partners, l,l~~~, ur~clerstan.ds ar~d aree~ that they- must Prc~~~i~l suf~~cient ~~3ater ri;hts car cash-in-heu of e=ater rights irl accc:~rdance ~~Tith the ~;it~F's ~rahc~° accc~rdin tea tl~.e f~ll~a~~°in~ ~chcbclulc~ ,t~l.1 ~v~~L'Y C'+~.,tlG'1~4L, .~ lbw; ~~n~~cs t.~ ~' t~t~1 of ~'S. X11 ~ ~~r~es~ rr~r t~ 1~.~ ~.fa a~a~ su~id'~'~~~~~ l~t(sl, ~~ ~~rte .lan rvl, ~r ~s~uan~e of a~ brr~~~~.~,~~~rnrt(~)~ r~r1~~'c~~e.~ o~~r~~s first. 'I`hc Zlandc~ti~°ner, 'lanle~, (~c~rn.mercia Partners, l~l,~~, shall ~rc>~ ide suf~lcint ~~atc=r rights car cash- in®lieu as calculated l~~° thcg ~;it~Y in acccarclance ~~4it its Polio. at the tithe c.af calculation. 'i'he I,anclc~~~~i~c~r further un~lerstat~ds that the :i, ~~,rill calculate the a~ rage ar~z~ual di~xersion recluirchrnent necessat~c• tc lar~a~ride ~~ stet to this anrle:~atiorl tract can the basis cif the zoning desi~~lation and/car ~:tt~T~al~l~rc~c~ecl de4 elc~Prr~ent for the Profaert~° at the tune such calculation is t~a.ade. ~'. Cc~mrehensi~e'ater an'~ater ~es,~ ~~art Pricar to future; tle~~eloPment caf the ~art~Pert~, ~lanle~T ~~ot~nmercial Partners, LLB rrla~- lie required tea h~ye larePared h~ a 1'xcafessicanal I~anineer, at lJando~x~t~er's e~:perlse, a comPrehcnsi~Tc~ design refac~rt e4~aluatin e~istin caPacit~~ oaf sec~~er and ~~,ratc}r utilities in the area. ,i"he report trust include h~~draulic e~Yaluatic~ns cif each utilit~• fear both e~.stin and ~aost-de~Telcapt~ient demands, and the rc1cart findings must detrlc}rlstrate adequate caPacit~T t{a ser~~e the full de~-t~lcaPt~ent caf the land, If ade~uatc infrastructure caPacit~T is ~~c~t a~~ailable fear full dt~~~eltafat~ent, thy: report trust idcntif~• necessar-~T s~Tst€:rr~ ixnl~rf~~rc~ents ~~artle~f t'~mn~ercial A~~exati~~ ~gt-eement pale: 7Q ~f 22 t13i1312~a9 t~4:12p Charlotte tills-Gallatin Go TI~ISC ~54.~0 red ~ ~ ~~~ full cie~7eirapment, The l~arldca~~ner ee~ tea ~camalet~; at 1~a~cio~~Tner'~ e~.~ez~se, the ~l~ecessaz-~r s~T~tetn im~r~a~7eelats t~ ser5~~ the foil de~•elc~~anaent, $. Future F~eveldi~n~en~ ILm~tatz~u T~xe ~,a~da~v~r, ~Tanle~, ~c~rl7rrlerei~l ~artrler~, ~~~~; urtderstat~ arld aree~ that all futu i41a~.le~T ~:c~mrr~ercial `axt~.ers, I,I.{; furth~:r und~~r~tarl~ls arlcl agrees th~lt at the t~xlca future ~e~Tela~merlt far~~ri~les ln~lrlici~aal ~.~~~t~r ~n~ se~~ver se~,T~~~s tca the ea~istirl~ c:~ielences that they= lrlu~t e~jnect tca th~e~e ser~ie~~~. ~"~ter ccarlrl~cu~a~. t~~ c~t~• ~~xatc~r ~el~Fices, and- e~i~tirll ~~-ell~ l~na~, lie uecl ~arll~.. fc~r irritic~rl aur~~ases canly~, a~~ the= ~e~atic ~yxstem~ ar~cl tarll~s ~n~t be ~ar~a~aerl~{ dr~~r~~d, felled ~l~d ab~tl~dc~~.~c. t~carl future cle~~lc~merlt caf the .L ~'~t~ '1~'.~' t Z"Tact, the {;ityx '~at~:~/Se~~rer l~e~artrrlent s~~ re~-ie~~° galas fear ~le~•~el~a~arrle~~t caf the prca~ose ~~rater infrastructure ~~.Jherl they= are ~rca~Ticlecl a~ad ru.al~e ~:~~ recc~rr~rmerlclatic}~.~ rerluil~~;d tea su~l~l~ ~~r~ter tea any: prcalacasecl tle~,~elcament <an the '.A.~L~~.~'CJ~1~11~1RCIA~I~~ITID'~~ract. 9. taatzn.~~ate~ Master ~Ia, lanle~, ~;ca~nmercial l~`artners, ~J~J~~ un.erstrlds a.d a~;r-e~s that ~tcart`n~~°ater Master lal~ll~ fear the ~,"~' ~"1#I1'Vl'.`~ .~~".~t~d1~ ~~~r a system desi,rlcd tc~ rerri~a°~~e solids, ails, re~ls~;, act rather ~ac~lluta~lts frca~ the rurlcaff fr~an~ the public str~~~.~ts m~l~ lie reclircl tca ~~ l~ra~~iclecl tea and, alalarca~-etl h~' teas tait~- f~~ineer ~t the e caf any future c~c~Tel~a~rner~t, T"he master ~alar~, if recluir€a~, must ~le~ict the l~alat~ti= +C+~~lec~a~ ~nrleatzan Agx~~~ne~t b Pale: i~ of 22 b11312~~8 04:i~P Charlotte I~ilis-Gaiiatira C~ MTh1I5C ia4.Q~ m~~irnu~ sized retention.;~detentin basin icatic~n ~.~~ i~cate and ~rc~~ ide ease~~ents fc~r adeciuate drainage ~~°a~£~ ~~°itbi~ the ~.xe tc~ t~~;sa~t ~°unc~ff t4~ thy: str~rtn~~rte~ ~ecei~yin ei~a~iea~;~~. }~'he l~ shah include site grading and ele~•atan inft~rmati~ri, t~ica.l stc}rm`~°ater detentic~j~/retention basin and discharge st~ticture details, basin sizing calcuiatic~ns, and stc~rm~~Tater rr~~,intenarlce lar~~ ~~. ai~e~ o Ri ht~t~a~~`rotest ec~a~ ~rr~veimer~t I~is~r~c~~ rfhe Lands«'ner has executed a ~~r'i~Ter cif .fight®tc~-i'ic~test creation cif eciai ~~lr~~Te~nent Districts. fc~r traaint€~na.nce cif an~,T darks ~~7ithin the annexed area. and/or of a ~it~T~~~ide Z'arl~ l~~aintenance ~)istrict, Arid r'ai~°e~s of Riht~tc~-~'~cxte~t ~;xeatic~~~ c}f ecial ~tc~~ e~nent ~istrct~, T~i~ch c}ulci rt~~ ice a rnechanisrn for the fair and equitable assessment cif nlaintenar~ce casts fc~r suer arl~s, is attached cretc~ as ~:~xl~.il~it "~~", anc~ is k~ereb~ incc~rr~rated in and rrrade: a ~a.rt ~~f this ~~.grc~:m~:nt. i~ando~~ner ha.s further executed a ~~'ai~-er cif Fight®tr~-l~r~~test ~~reatic~n ~~f ;~ecial itn~rc~~ ernent Districts f~~r irc~~~ernents, including: l~ street irr~f~rc~~~~:txlerats including but nc~t li~~.ited tc~ a~~ing, curb and gutter, side~~ralk, stc~rrm~~rater drainage im~rc~~~~%ments t~~ ~~riff n Dri~re and ~lanl~~~,• i~~~~d, and ~?) an~° associated traffic signalizatic~n imrc~~~ements at the intersccti~an ~~f ~.~rifflra )ri~~e and ~~anle~r load, is attached hereto as l1xl~bit "~3'" ~.nd is l~erebyT inc~al~c~rated in and made a .:rt of this #~greement. ~~~.r~c~~~~=~~er agrees that in tb.e ecPent ~. ~ecial Iir~rc~~-ernerlts District is nr~t ut~ized. fir the c~vmletorl cif these i~n~r~~~•ements, the deg=elt~~er agrees tca a.rticiate in an altrnati~~e financing method fc~r the cc~n~letiora of said in~~r~~~€hments on a fair share, ro~ortionate basis as determined b~, square fr~otage cif rc~ert~-, taxable ~-aluation cif the ~rca~ert~~, traffic cr~ntributic~n from the de~•elc~~rraelt ~~r a combination thereof, Utility ~se.~~nts J~'he ~.ancfc~~~~ner understands and agrees that utilit~~ e:aserraents, a minimum ~~f thi~t~, ~{}~ feet in ~~~idth, mad be necessary fc~r tl~.e i~~.staliat~c~n and rnaintenanc~e cif c~~ater a.nd sr~~~rer utilit~F s~:r~~ices t~~ tl~e annexed parcel. ~'he l~and~~~~~nc~r shall create such easeme~~ts in lc~catic~ns a~;reeabl~1 tc~ the (;its. during tl~e I47an[e~ C~ercia~ Annexat~un Agreement '~ Pale; 1C aF 22 Q31~312~a8 04o12P Charlctt~ Mills-Gallatin Ca MTh1~SC ~~ ~ appropriate de~Telc~p~nent procedures, but in n~~ e~yent later than the flliri cif ar~~• final plat car site plan rep ie~,~T or issuance cif ~ building permit can the parcels). pact fees I~ando~~~rler hereby a+cko~~~ledes that anncati~n a~.d c~e~°1~~~r~t cif their ~c~~~rt~! ~~ impact e t~it~~'s e~tstn street, water, and seu7er infrastructte, and ire ~~°i~ rc~uir~r~et~t~. T~andc~~~Yners shall pa~~ tc~ the Cit~T I~ixe arld street Impact Imes for and. existing str~.~ctures ~~ithin the `T'ract prier to or at the tune cif Landc~~~Tners' exec~atic~n cif this ~~~reernent. i~.t the tine cif cr~nnectic~n to the C~it~•'s ~~rater and se~~ er facilities, the lar~dc~~~ners shall pa~• a applicable ~~Tater and se~~'er ' pact fees f~~r any e:~istn structures t~Fithin the 'T"race. ~~t the time ~~~ and further der.Telc~pent can the properties, the andca~~°r~er and their sccess~r5 shall ~a~~ all I~`ire, ~trect, ~;'Ttcr and. ~c.~~ver I:~.act I~`ces r~e~uired b~~ chapter ~i.~, Bt~~err~arl i~'Iun.icpal f~c~de, c}r as amended, at the time cif application fc~r any, permit listed in section .~~:115I)~~., 3,~~.!~~~it~.~~, ;~.~~.{l7tl.'~, car ~.'?~.(}81)~'~, respecti~~el~Y. I~ando~~ner further understands and arc~es that an~r imprc~~°e~ens, either c~n~ or c~tf-site, nece~ssar~~ tc~ pro~7ide ct~nnectic~n cif T1I~I~I~~' ~~~)~ITI~~T~CaZd~I~ ~~T~~.~~TI+C~1~1 "pact tc~ tr~unicipal se~Wices c~•ich are ~~Yhc~~g attributable t~~ the prc~pert~ ~.re 1`prc~ject related rnprt~~Ternnts" as cTefiza~d i ~;h~.pter :~.?~, I3c~ea ~Tunicipal ~;c~de, or as amended, and as such, are nc~t eligible f~)r impact fie credits. If IJandc~~~~ner defaults ~n this condition at the tune such is tc} be performed, and should default nc~t be remedied car c~~rrectccl ~~~ithn thir~ ~3i~~ da~•s after ~~~rittcn notice bar ~it~ to I.andca~~~ner cif such default, ~~it~r may at their c~ptic~n: "s. Declare tl~.e arric~t~nts c~~~°in fc~r irr~Iaact fcc~s imr:caediatel~~ due aa~d pa.~'al~le and ~1it~y shall ha~°c the right and pri~ilee to take legal lctic~t~ aairlst I~andc~~~~aer fc~r the c~~.ectic~: cif such su.s, in.clucli. t11e entry. of an~• ~udm.e:nt. In ~~lditic~n, the ~~it~i may°, at its option, enfc~rcc pa~rr~ent of such a:~ic~urlts b~~ le~,~' an assessment can the premises. I~. I Acct an~T caller rernecl~. a~ ailable tc~ c:it~ under the la~.~-s of the Mate cif l~'Ic~ntana. I4~anl+~y C'orrl~nerc~aX Ar~nexatio~ A~ree~rlent T pale 13 i~F 22 0311312~q~ ~14:~2P Charlatte f7iiis~G~il~tir~ ~~ M3~iISC 1~a~.C~p ~~, A~n~, ti~~ai~ er b~, ~.~ caf any, default shad not he ccar~strued as ~ ~~a~rer caf an~~ suhse~uent defauit, ~~ando~~rn~er hr~~reh~: acl~n~~~~ledcs grad agrees that it shad be nca defense tca the enforcernet this rca~ isioi~ h~z C;i~,' that i~~pact fees ~ cased rsuant tc~ (:llaiater '~,?~ caf the l~o~etx~an lur~icipal ~~ode are s~se~uentl~. ~Toided or deciared ~.~7~i~d b4~ a court caf ccan~faetent ~u.risdictican, It is the express Intention caf the ~aarties neat to be hound hip such a declaration car c~cllnent axed, therefore; not~~7ithstandin an~T jndnent citi~er ,.tin fact fee ~a~4n~ents under annexation areeents to specified axncau.nts, car rohil~itin~ an~$ such ~aa~-x~ent, iando~~tner ~~Fill ~a~' s~cl~ fees as specified abo~°e, in the arrrounts caicuiated fcar all such fees teased upon the rates. estal~hshed at the date cif this areerrzent. 4, '~b~tc t~~~t and Utlilr ~setnerrd~ "IRhe l~andca~~; nor understands and agrees that puhhc street and. tiiit~~ easenaernts shad lae ~arc~~-ided fcar ~Tanle~~ Read and ~rif#in ~ri~~e anises aec~uate right-cif ~~~~` c~.sts, laid e~serr~e~t~ shall lie fi~`t~ ~~ feet ~~7ide ~lY.alf ~~f a rr,~iza~ar rteriai standards for triffin lri~pe, and ninett• ~~~{l~ feet ~~~ide ~fuil ccjiiectcar standard fret ~lanie~. i~;c.~ad, '1'he l~andca~crners shah. create such easements in icacaticans determined a~reeahle tc~ the ~~i~T during anne~atican caf said tract caf land. ~.~. Shan I~esi~n ~lanie~• (rcan~mercial partners, ~.~~ ackno~~,~ledes and arses that that future de~geicafimcnt ~~rill co~ni~° ~.~~rth the ~aais and laolici~s of the I3a~~~~~~ ~f)~(~ ~:~rrrr~tz~~~ti~~r ~a1c~, a:~d ha~~ir~ reccani~ed the ~;it~T's concern ft~r in~.le.entad.cjn of proressi~~e ~rhan des~n r~idehnes outlined an the ~~e~~~r~~ ?~~~~~' Ca~~r~~~~i~~~ ~'l~r~r fir hc~th ccarnrraunittT and nei~hl~canc~aod desi,~m, a i~laster Tian cif the land use patterns and t~-lac~s f~~r de~rcloprnent cif tine prc~perttiT that addresses compatihilit~ ~~°itia, and sensti~pe tca, the immediate en~-ircanment cif ti7e site and the adjace~n,t z~eihhorhoods reiati~Te tca a~rchitect~aral clc;si~;n, l~iaiidin ~~ass and height, neihhcanc~acad identit~F, iandscalain;, histc.~rcai character, orientatican cif huildins, and ~Tisuai inte~rati~~n shad he pr~~~•id~;d. ~4lanle~° C'~mmercal .~.n~exati~n A~reeme~f 9 Pa~~. i4 ~f 22 ~13113124a8 ~~;12P Gharlptte Dills-G~llakin Co M7M15C 15~. Parks, teen S~ra~e and ~T'zails ~anle~7 ~:~alx~rcial Partners, l~l~~~ understarlcls ~.~ agrees that tca achie~~e the caals alacl cahjecti~tes set ~'cartll in the .~~:;~r~a~r 2(~~~~ C~r,~n~t~r ~~la~~, an.~ cc~rat~uca~s darks, calaen sa.ce, ~,nd,~~ar trails shall be e~terlcled to the anne~:~e rcapert~F t~rl~len laca;fiil~le, and ~ aster Z'l~.rl ~lercanstr~tirr the ec~nnecti~~it~w oaf said. parks, taken s~c~e arld txas shah be ~aro~rided. ~,. .ddtiana~ ~'~zms ~f ~V'aiv~r °he parties ~recc~~~~~: that these cc~c~arnents shall Ise .filed a~l~. ~~ ree~rd ~~~th the t~~I~at ~fc~unt~ ~,Ier and Reccarder vicar tca the sale cif 1~~P Ian ~~ ith tl~e 1~~~~'~ ..'.SAL .~,~"l~t'~ `l9he parties further agree that the ~:,it~ ma~° file these dcacurrlents at a.~• tune. ~. Cc~vernin~ acv and venue °l'his areerrlent shall lae ccanstred under arlcl ta~P~~rnecl last the la~.~ps cif the state: cad ~lcant~ll~a. In the Tent caf htiatican, ~rer~ue is ~~. the l aihte~enth ~udicial I_~strict ~~~atrrt, in and #~c} ~:~a~.lrlt~~ ~~ ~ ~~,ll~,tin, ;Mate c~ ~lrantana~ In the e~pent it beccarrles necessar~T fc~r either laar~F tea this 1reement tea retain air attcarr~e~~ tt~a enfcarce ata~ caf the turns ~~~ ccarlditit}rls tai this ~~~~reetnerlt, tI?e~~ the lare~ aihn ~aart~Y shall be entitled tea re~scal~ahle att~~rie~~*'s fees ~.n~ enwts, tc~ include the salar~T ~.n~ ec~sts cif ~n-hc~~se e~~~s~:l ~~clcii~~ C~it~. ~.ttcarne~V. ~, Vaiver fit} ~~~ai~~er b~° either ~a~rt~y ~}~ arr~° Iareach caf an~T t~:rrll, cca~-en~lnt car agreement sh<alI be deekmed a ~~;~.i~~er ~ the same car an~T sul~:sec~ent breach cif this s~.tne car a~T r~tl~er term; cc~~.rerla~~t car atee~ne~t. ~o cca~ge~ant, term car al;reement shall lie deemed ~~~ai~red h~, either laart~r unlc°ss ~~~ai~red in ~~~ritin. l~~ar~l~~, C~mmrcial Arlnex~ti~ Agreem~r~t 1 page 15 of 2a Q3~~312G08 ~4:12P Charlotte ~lills~-Gallatin Co ~IT~IIS~ 1~4,~~ 1. ~nvai P~~~v~s>~c~n ~I"he in~Yahdit~r ~r u~,enf~ceabilit~i cif an~F ~rc~-isi~an ~f t~ais aree~;rlt shall nit affect the other rc:~~,Yisi~ns hereof and this ~~.aree~nent shall he cc~nst.rued all res~:cts as ~£ such in~ralid ~r unenfc~rceahle rc~ti°isi~za ~~ ere ~lnitted. ~,. la~ifzcatic~ns a~ Alterations '~ modflcatiolas ~r am.endent of dais ~~,reeent shall be ~ialid u~aless e~~rdenced la~° ~~Tritin si~ncd h~Q the parties heretc~~ 2. ~ .~ssi n~e~at It is e~pressl~° agreed that the I~a~a~c~~~°r~er anc~/~~~ 1,an~c~~~p~aer/I)~~-elcjer shall nc~t assi~;~a thi4 ~~~reelaa.elat ila ~~nc~~l~: ~~r in dart ~~Tithc~~lt ~ric~r ~~~rittn cc~nsc~rlt c~~` the ~:i~T. 4. ue~esst~~rs "1'lais a~ree~rielat shall lee l7ndin u~c~n, inure to the laeneit ~#` and he enforceahlc~ h~, the dal=ties hereto and their 1{clsccti~~c heirs, successors alacl assigns: ~~enants tc~ ~ua~ ~,iit~ the .L,an~. rI'he ~~rties intend that the terms cif this ~~reerr~ent shall he cotielaants rurlnin ~~ith the land aiad shall nest c.~air~: at their deaths car uo~a transfer ~f c}~~~nerslai~ c~~ the }at~caert~r. 'I~he unclersia.ed ~,andc~~~Tner afl~ms that tlae~r ha~Fc: autlac~rit~° tc~ enter ilatc~ this .~r~emerlt on behalf cif their ec~roratic~n, and tc~ hind the cc~rpc~rati€~n to this ~~~;ree~nent ~VTT~IS~ 'J~R~~F, the parties hereto ha~Tc1 caused. this areelaaent to lee e~c;euted the da~° and a ea.r first a~a~~re ~:°ritten. '~~anl~~~ C'om~~ercial ~r~n~at~an A~reenie~t 11 ~. r~~x~J ~~ ~~r~ ~ ~7~ ~' '~. ~.. is ,~.~ t' ~~°~.,~ ?a, 7~ ~' ~'~F,r f-+ jf}~,¢ , ,~~{-~. ~ r~~ rb r '~. r, ~,y ~ Qf'i ~~,`' Mate ~'~~ot~t ~, ~~so~~a~1' ~~~~r~ ~~ ae, ~A~~~-~~~n~~~ ~an~ a~ eral P~xtn~~, ~,1..~~,, rn c~ ~~~~: ~ t~~~~. ~:~5~~~ tI~¢~~ ~.{pct ~ ~~~ti~ ~~.~~~.c~t~ ac~v~~~. ~~~ ~e that ~'~e ~~~. ~..~, ~~ pa~~. ~s 4~ ~~ ~3~~3i2~~a ~~ ~zP C~tarlatte Mi~~s~Gallatln Co h1TMI5C 154,Qa bJA ~ .~ k "1 ~ ~ kT ~'~~1 w.4,~: i,.f ~&i ~J1 Yt 4,.+. 6f. ~ YfsvS' ~.6QiY~dr. SL :s ,. t ". _ ~la~~ ~~' i `. ~ ~~ ~'. ~~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~c~r~ ~n} eta ~'~.l~~ fir s:te ~ ~~l~t~rl~, ~,r~;~,~,1 a~~~~~~-~c ~,h~~ uiz~~,~~ ~nc~ ~t .~~ ~~ tc~ ~l~lc} t~ t}~.~ ~~~ ~sri :, ~~~~ ~~ ~:t ~. ~~~~~t ~ ~`~y a pity ~;I~:l~ cif ~ ~i:g ~nis~ic~ ~~sc1~v~~r, ~: ~ of ~~~n~~~, u~~~: ~~~~tn~~ .~-~ ~~r~~~~~1 t~~ tea ~~~~~. ~~s~~~~~~~t~~ 1~c~ cl~:~~~r~c:c~~. t m l~.t ~ ~~~~ ~x~ ~~g:~~ fir ~~~ ~d l~~ ~' ~~~ t~~. I I'.~i~d~ J~ ~~;.~~~~ ~ ~~17~.11~°r~~~t4 ~c,~ x~ ~ ~~~ l:~ ~fc:i4~~ ~~ t1~ ~.rl t ~~~~~v 4~itt~1. ~,r..~. , ;A km E ~ ~ ~~ ,ti , ~ r t -~-~- - _ , ~ L ~ .v ~~r~ ~~~: ~~~t T~~~. ~ etc; ~~ 4 ~~a,~~a_Y~~:~~ -: ~_ ~' ~ ~~~~rza~s a~ 12~ Ch~rlokt~ Mills-Gallakin Co h1~`I~1~C 154,Q ~;~s~e~, 'ae~~i~C ~~~~~~ A~r~c.,:y~t ~~e: 18 of ~13J1~i2CC~ ~4 ~2P Charlotte h1ills-Gallatin C© MTM15C i54.04~ 1'.~ ~ . , _ ~ ... ~~~,~ .~- ~~ e r ~ the ~ ~ ~ t~ n t}~~ f t ~t~ ~~., . ~I"rat ~ ~.. ~~in~ c~~.scr~~~ a .-t f lr ' " ial t~~,t ~~~~: ` ~/~ f ~.~ ~-~ ~~t~s r~c~~ cox ~~c~n ~~rt~~ ~ ut t ~~~ ~ :~~~~~~~ ~.~s~~~~tsm ~ ~ ~~~I.' c~ ~~:~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~tln~~~t~c~ c~ ~ u~i~t ~~~~ t~~~, the ~ty~ ~~~~~~~~-~~~; ~v~t~ ~c~t~~~~~~~-~~,~ ~-~~l~ts ~c~ ~r~~cc~ l ~`~~~ ~~~~~~:~A ~ ~~~.?uu~~l ~+~~li~.t€, ~~ ~ hr a.~c~~-1~c~e., ~ ire ~ ~ f ~. ~a ~ ~,~ ~r~l ~~;;~. ~~t~~~71 ~ a~~'i~'--c~~;sc~~~;d ~f4c~~.:~t~r, ~~~~ c~~Yw~~~:~°s ~ ~Y~Z~~F~~~ ~t~ c~ ~y r~.iv fir ~t~~I~, ~~~ su~css~~:~ ~.~ ~~ ~s~ ~~~ ~t t~ ~t~:~t ~~-~~: ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~c ~ 1 s~ci~ i~-~~~~~~~~zt 0 8 tit .~s;~s~: ~~ tcs~~~ns ~~~ ~~1 ~1~~~c~~~ ~ ~n.tl~tir~ ~ cr~t ~° lx~~ ~~c~~~ ~~~. ~ ~ :as~t~, n ~~~~~risc~~ ~ ~i sh~I1 ~~~. ~~~ aid ~ 1~~~ ~.e ~1~€:.ss~~ts_~1-`.Ti~~'~5~ ~~3 ~s,~~~~~~ a t~~~ ~-.~~~`~ ~1~~°tC~. + :~ ~~~~ .~ ~~'~'~, _ d~~ ~ ~7, ~'~~~ mac, ~. ~~ ~'~b~i~ ~~~~ t3~ ate c~ ~~~~~~~ er~~n~~~ ~p~~a~-~ ~ . ~~r.~~.~e~, r~~~~~.~~_n~ r~c~~r ~=c:i~~ P ~~, ~1.~',., n~~ that ~~r,~ ~1~~: ~~c~t~ tkx~ ~r~.. r~`~F~ ~~~.~~~, I ~~~~~~ y ~ ~~~ ~1 ~ day n ~rc~r ~t t~ ~~~-~~~~~c~a ~ `~ ~~ ~N ~ ~ (~~ {~! ti 1~ 1 tld r (] (!~ ^-^~-3r H ~~,,.® ~ ~.~® ~"~ ~~ ar ~ ~ ':' ~ '-1 ..~ ~-~ ', ~~~ ~ ~__ '~~. 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