HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4089 Meadow Creek Phase III and IV Annexation #A-06015w~, the pity ~` 13oeman zeceived ~ request for annexation frorrr an~asback LLB owners of the tract, requesting the pity Con~missYOr~ to extend the boundaries of the +City ~ ~ernan ~ s to include a certain contiguous tract ~~` land located at 30 Mucky load; and w , an annexation staff repot has been prepared in accordance with. the o~n~nission's ~~. and policies for annexation and was provided to the ornrr~ission on January 24, 2007 and wE ~, omrnission resolution c. 3 was adopted by the pity omrnission an January 2'9 2007, declaring it to be the intent ofthe pity of Bozeman to extend the boundaries of said pity so as to include said contiguous tract within the corporate limits of the pity; and w~I~., a public hearing on on~mission l~.esolution Rio. 1 was duly noticed and held on Fcl~ruar 2.~, 2(1[17; and wI~ , on February , 2007 the Comrr~ission authorised and directed staff, upon satisfaction by the applicant ofthe terns of approval, to prepare the necessary doc ants to proceed with the anne;~ation ofthis tract in accordance with omission resolution lido. 07; and w[r,, the provision of available services, including, but not limited to, rights~o way, easerrrents~ water rights or cash in lieu waivers of protest against creation of is and water anal sewer hookup fees, to said. contiguous tract is the subject of a written agreerrrent between the pity and `~,nvasac~l_record owners of the tracts; and wH[l~A, said contiguous tracts are the subject of a plat or ~ertifrcate of Survey, filed in the office ofthe Gallatin County clerk and r+~corder's Office; and 'V~~E,A, the ~~eman City C~mmssiat~ ~ere~y finds that the a e~atit~n ~f this c~nti~QUs tract is in the best interests 'the City cif Bozeman and the inhabitants thereofand ~~`the inhabitants othe contious tract, N' ~I~, B '~ V by the City ~ammissic~n ~" the City off' Bozeman, J.Viantana: e+cti+~n 1 "hat it is hereby declared that, ~ursant to Title ~, Chapter 2, Fart 3, C~4, the ~oilo~rin- described property, which is eotiuaus t€~ the rnnicipa~ boan~aries ofthe City oi`Bo~ema~n, be annexed to the City a' Bozeman and ti1at the o~~z~dares o~ said City shah be extended so as to embrace and include rich ~.1 ~~ acres of land$ to ~vit: ~rac~ ~~' land situated ~ tie E~1E1~~VV'~~4 a~ the ~1~''41 oec~ion ~, fiownshi~ youth, ~.anc 5 fast, F,~I~I,I~"I,, ~allati~- c~~nf Montana, amore artcul~~l described as foll+~ws: __ eeton the ef'f'eeti~°e date of~hs ane~~.t~~t~ ecemher ~ 8, 2+~~'. eeton ~"~ ar~nexatt~n of the shove-~descr~e tact is ~~bject to the terr ~ the reeent c~ate~d avember ~, ~7, befiwee fibs t of ~o~ern~n and anv~s6~ck, LLB. ~I~ ICS" h the fi~ ~mmis~on of the City ~ ~azernan, o~fiaa, afi regular sessi~~ thereah~ec~ on the 1'~th day eeember ~~~~~ ~l'T~`~; r ~~ ~~ ~~ c~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ a~ rn e~ _~ ... . U ~.., ~~ ~r aM^.r~ "~ c~ r ~a .~ ^.~ .~ ~~ re ,~,`~ e ~~~,~; ~r l' 7~ FII: .~ ,0. ~,~ ~s f ~aUl ~u~ve ~/ Llt' ~ittOlT~e' ntern~~ce ~ri~ia tc~~ Cit,, ~~ B~ze.an I~la~nin D~~rtr~ent Baemar~, ~" ~71~ ~~ EI'E~1T TINS r~.I~EEI~1E'I* is rria~e ~.ncl entered into this ` .~~ dayf c~I'J . _ ~ ° .. T ~. {~+~7, h~P end between e I ~F B~LE1~I, ~ munci~~. ea~rpQrat%n ar~d ~li~ieal sub~i~Tisz~n ~~~ State ~f Ic~nrza, with. of~ces at 4 ~ Fast Main Street, azeman, Iontan,~, and railin address at 1'.. I~~x I~3{~, oem,an, %Ir~tar~a, ~~7~1~I, h~reinater e~erre~ t~ ~~ "it~~," and Car~~Tas~c, LI.,. ~4 Stor~eride t~t~Te, Suite 1 Bozeman, I~ 7I and . Deal r'~insorth 2~ St~neride ri~Te, Suite I ~C~~ea, SIT ~~71. hereinafter referred to as "Landowner." Meadow Creek I~h~~~ III a~.d I~~ ~~nr~~~aixc~n ~~greer~et: P~.g~ 1 ~f I4 CityT ser~~ces, including municipal water and serer see=~~ep uan th a~ra~il~t~T; a,nc~ I~, ~aI Section ~®2-~ pxades that a rnunicipalityT and landowner can agree tc~ e ra~~isan of se~Tc~s t~ t..~ a~~a to ann~e, an l~tl~,, the ityT's present water spl~T is insuficier~t to enable it to suplyr reasonal~ly~ adequate water service to addidanal customers outside ~e present city baundariesa and '+~EE, the Landowner wishes to can~pey7 to the ~`ityT certain water rights or tale some equi~7ale~at action to ra~Tide water and sewer ser~rice to the 1~...~.I~C~~~' ~ ~aI~ P~ ~~5~: III ~I~ I ANE~.'~`T~IN; and ~Vluriici~~''ater Service ~eftled ~1ead~va Czee~. Phan I~ as~d I~' ~'~~ne~a~ia~ ~~gree~n,ent: Pale ~ of 1~ ~I~adaw Cr~e phase TII a~.d Y~~ l~~ne~a~~n ~~~~m~nt: Pa~~ .~ ~E a~r~~~ai~an fact ~ t~ asp ~~` ~ ~~ning ~~ig~.ti~n ~/ar City'~~.~prc~~ec~ ~~~cre~~me.t car the r~e~r at ~ e such c~alcul.tican i~ made. "1, c~~n~tehensx~ve Water ar~~. Sewer es ~ e~c~r~ 1ea~~~ Creed ~'~se III and ~~'' ~~~n~e~ratioz~ ~~~tte.rne~ta Wage ~ ~f 14 If Land~wr~e~ shall default ~r~ this c~nditi~n at the time such is to be ~erfc~rd, and shauld default nit be remedied ~ cc~r~ected within thirty ~~~~ daTs after written notice by Cit~T t~ Landc~wne cif such default, C~t~T mar at ie~r optt~n; a~ declare the arnaunt ~ ~ fir irxzact fees imrnnediately due and ~a~xale aid City shall have the right and ri.ee t~ tape legal action against Landowner fir the collectit~n ~~' such suers, including tl-ie ent~,~ ~f an~x judgment, In addition, the CityT may, at its c~~tian, en~'~rce payment ~~` such a.~u.ts by le~~ir~g an assessiuent pan the ~rerr~ises, b~ Elect an~T ether remedy available to City under tb.c laws ~f the Mate cif ~lc~ntana, c~ .any wai~Ter byr City ~ any default shall nit be c~nstr~ed as a wa~Ter cif any subsecuenr default. ;1lead4wY creek I~hase III and I"~' ~~nne~:aon i~g~ee:et: Page of ~ ,P~~k,~en Space aid 'rails ~'he landowner understands and agrees that t~ achieti~e the goals and abjectivges set firth in e ~~err~an ~~~ +~n-~unityF ~'ia., any cc~ntiguc~us pars, open space, and~'~r trails shall be extended t~ the annexed prc~pert~T, and a master plan ~f said. pazks, open space and hails shall be prc~~rided with the signed annexation agreement. R _ ht o~ ~''ay ~ase~nent for ~ut~~re ~ada~s Landowner has dedicated, bar written easement, the following land to the it~T ~f Bozeman, which represents the Landowner's praportic~nate share of the necessar~r right-of-wa~T: a~ Public street and utilit~T easements shall be pro~rided for South 7~7 ~~~~enue, Graf Street, and Stucl~y~ l~aad. ~e easement shall be 4 feet wide fit~tn the center,lprc~perty~ line. Said easements will be pled with the Gallatin ou~.ty, clerk and Recorder at the time this ~~.nnexation greerrent is filed. 1. ~.Ttlit~ asernents ,~ ~~ea~w Cre~~ P~7ase tI and I*~T <~nne~a.c~n }~g~~ee~t~ Page G cif 1~ The n~ralidityF ar unenfoxcealaility= of anyy pra~~isian of this agreement shall nat affect the other pra~~isions herec~~', end this .reenaent shad he construed in all respects as if such intirad ar u~aen.~orceahle provisia~n were ar~tted~ ~~~d~cat~,ns or Alte~~tu~as I'~o madification ar amendment of this gree~ara.ent shah be ~=aid ~nl~ss e~=iclencccl byT a ~v signed ley the parties hereto. 4. ~ A.~snnae~at It is expresslyr agreed that tlae I.~andc~wner shall nat assign this agreement in whale or in part witha~at prim written cansent of tlae Cityr. 2. uccass~rs This agreement shall. he binding upon, muse to the benefit of and be cnf arceahe hyr the parties berets and their respect~Te heirs, successors and assigns, ~. ~~en.ants tv Rua with the Laud The parses intend that the terms of this x~greement shall lae co~cTenants running with the land and shall not expire at their deaths or upan transfer of a~vncrsip a tl~,e ~rQpertyr. The undersigned Landowners affirms that theyl ha~~e authorityT to enter rata this ~.gseement on behalf a ~ their partnership, and to bind the partnership t4 this agreement. ~"~I~ ~(~, the parties hereto ha~Te caused this agreen7ent to be executed the day' and y7ear first aho~re written.. Meal ~~.fnswar a ~~ a~ .~ r ~, ..,~.~ ~, __-~--_ ~~ ~, ....~ ____~. ^^n.~r ~ ,~-- ., ___.r ~, ~ L Rj ss. ~ountyp of ~' r` ~ ~ n this - dayT of - P , ~~t~, before nae, a otaryT I'ulic far the Mate of ~Ic~ntana, personally appeased.. B. l`al Ainsworth, known to me to be the persan whose name is subscribed to the wi in.s went and acknowledged to i. that he executed the same. IN'tI ASS ~~~p~, I ha~,Te hereunta set myr hand and. affixed my' Ncatarial Seal tlae clay and. y=ear f~rsr aho~~e written, ~~~~~~~d~~ 61 ~a~~~~~~~~ d ~~°' "~ .~ a ': `- r ~u ~~~a u$ ~ _ , ~. ~. f- ~ a ~ ~~. ~~~~! +! ~ a 51l~~~ ` R ~Pritit 1~1ar~e Here 1'~otaryT I'~zblic for tl~e State of ~vlontana Residing at l~~yT Co wssion Ipires~ ... ~ ~ .;a' ~I.tse digits For epirao~. y°ear~ ~1ead~ow creek I~las~ ZIt d ~' ~~~r~nexadc~n ~~gre~t~e~.t: Page ? cif 1 a p~ ~vaa kT t° Y` ~{ `. '.,,. Y i~ ~ _ ~ Y• ~'~ .. ~~ ~"- r y .. ountyr of? .~ ~ m ~~ C1 (~ r r C# Rid P ~} (~ `~• f1f (rJ ~. ~^ r c ~~ u, ~" ,~~ .., {~, this _-- -day= of ~ ~ ~ 2007, before e, e undersigned, a I'~a~tary~ ~'ublic for the Mate of ------a personally' a~eared ', to e to e ~e ~f a~asa~~, ~~~+~, e c~xp~rti~ that executed the within instxunazat, ar~c~ aek~ac~wiedged to e that he exeeted the same for and o bchaif ~f said. c~~poration. ~ t~I'fi~IES'~~:R.~~~~, ~ have hereunto set ~y> hand and aff.ed ~yT 1~'atariai ~eai the day, and yYea.r first above written.,, ~ ~~~~~~~tt~~~~r~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~,~ *~ ~ ~ ~ w Y ~. ~ ~ ~ ~1~ ... . °f • ~~= ~' ~ ~y t~'+r-livElf'i1 .~~ Print ~vame Here Notary P'ubii~c for the Mate of 1~lontana esid~g at ~~y~ c~ ~san ~x~ires: Jse ~ digits ft~r expiratioza yWear} ~Iead~w Creed Phase III and I~r ~~i~n~ati~:n <~green~ent: rage $ of 1~ ,~ m i a a _ ~ A ~; - ~ ~, ,:~; ~. d rtl '~'~. ~ ~~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~ ~. ~:~,1~, ~,', Chris ~. I~ukulsk~. Ci~ l~an~er ~'~'TES ~- t r ~-- i ~ ~~ Clt~r ~,A~:r, s ~- •, ~ E ~ ~. ~ ss. Caunty~ cif Gallatin ~ ~~ tl-~~s da~F of Ai ' ~ '~ .~ ~ _ , e~~)~ before rne, I~ataF l'blic fir ~ state c~l4fc~~tana, piers 1x~y' aeare~l ~.;hris lkulski and Stac~7 .~la~a.en, known t~ rrle tc~ e ~ersc~ns ~escr~bed in and ~~ ° executed the fc~reg~.n nstr~~ment as Cl,, l~f a~aer a~n~,~l~;, Clerk respecti~el~T, a e City ~~ B~~en~an, whose awes are shscrihed t~ the Within strument ~ ackt~~wleded tc~ e that theyt executed the earns for ~ ~n hehal ~~' said Cityr. ~- Q ~~~ ~' ~~ r ~, r ~~. a ____~ ^___ :~ :..r• ...~ ~~ E 1A ,~.~~~ ti ..i ~-~+, '~ ..~.+ kr d -`~ .ti ~~ ~ L ~ ~ «.~ ~ __~ CD ~Ieadr~tiv ~r~e I'has~ III and I~r i~nr~ed~n ~~gre~ement: Page ~' a£ 1 L~~ 1 1~. R~ATIC F SI~C~A.L IP'~1'~' S'T~tI~C'~S N~E:A~' ~.E ~I-~AS ~ ~I~ I ~ATI~1 the ~ndersi~ned o~~aners of the read pro~erty~ situated in the Count~A of ~alla~irri, Mate of ~ontana~ and. snore particularl~7 described as oows: A tract t~f ~a,nd situated in the ~. ~:1,~~1 J4 and the SE1/ ./~ of Section ~,3, "o~v~aship~ South, ~.an~e :fast, ~.1V.., +aliatin Jaunty, Lantana, more ~a~ticu~~iy desctihed as fc~il~ws, IN ~t~~1iJDE~"I:~ of race%rin ap~rovai for annexation o the ~uhject property from the ity~ of Boean, aion with acoman~xin~ rights anal pri~~iees and for ether and ~raluahle consideration, the recent of which is hereb~r acl~no~rleded, and in recogr.fi~on o the ' facts to Sol~t~~ 7i enue, Stucl~y load, . ~'~~~' :uenue, +~ra~ Street, which «i~ be caused hyT the deg eiop~ent of ~ead~w ~~~e phase III a~~ ~~' ~'~nexatic~n A~,~~errxet~t: Pa~g~ 1~1 ~ 1~ to a dulyT passed resalt~t~en of intention to create ate ar Mare spacial impra~Tement districts which would include the aba~Te-described propartyr. Irt the went an SII~ is net uti~.zed far the camplation of these imra~7et~ents, the de~~elaper areas to participate ~. alternate fiancin~u t~ethad far the campletiart of said impravatnents an a fair sure, prapartianate basis as deter ' ed byT square ~`c~otae of praperty=~ ta~ahle ~~~luat~an of tie prapertyr, traffic contrib~xtion from the davalQpment ar catnbintia. tharcaf This waicrer shall be a ca~ennt running with the land and shall net expire th the dissaltien cif the limited partnership, pra~~idad hawe~Yer this wa~c~er shah ap piyT to the lands herein r~escribed, The terms, covenants anal pra~Tisians of the 'Ia%rer shall extend ta, and be binding open the successors-ha~haterst and. assigns of the pandas berate. ~~ .,~ ,~, ~~ this "~ day of , ~': ~ ~ # ; . 5 ~~~~1 " l SS, o~.intyT a ~ l t ~~ nVaS Cl~, n this ~ _ day, of r , 2~t~~1, before tree, c undersigned, a Notar~r public far the Mate of , . - - , persat~aly° appeared r to me to be tla.e ~~ a ~~~& f ~`'.. - ~ ~' of an~~asback, LLB, tba carparation that executed the within instr~rnent, and acl~na~~l~dged to the that he executed the atua far and an behalf of said carporatic~n, Ili `1ITN~SS t~'HER~F, ~ ha~re hexeunto set rny~ hand and a~`fixed t~yr l~atarial Seal e day, and year first aba~~e written. ~- ~' : •~ ." y ~~ . ~, n r ~..~ ~ ~' w ,~ -- . .~. g ~ ° ~ „'~` ~~ T ,y.. ~~~ ~C L F yy~yy V ~..w L ..y ~ ~ a'. (~ Yy~ 'Y ~p r~~V V ~~ .--1 ..{ ....-or® ®-.-i '-1 L L U --__ ~7'~i: Name Here) l~atary~ .public far the State of ~~antatta residing at ~` ~~yr ~atxrrrrissiort Hxp~res• ~, {LTSe ~ ~gits fir expiratia yrear~ ~tead~u~ creek t'I~ase ~It r~ I'~T 2~.r~nexati~n ~~.xeezr~e~t: ale 1 t of 1~ .. s 5: a~,,4 ,~.,. ... d' , d 4 K~, ' ' s 5 ,~^& "~k 4; ST,~T~J +~ I.; .~ ss, ., C~u~t~~ ~' ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ this ~~_ day° c~£ +l~~l~. ~ ~~, bfo~ m~, a at~,~y~ Public ~a~ ~ State %~ar~tana, per~~al~~' a~p~a~~ed B. deal r'1.insw~rth# kr~~w tc~ c t~ be the pc~s~n u~~c~~c name is s~.~~cril~c to ~ ith~ ~sttuent ar~d ack.c~wlcde to that he ~~ecuted the satx~~, ~~ ~` ~~~ r~ -~ H ~~ ~ ~..~ ^..~; ~°' .~„~^, °~ m_____ ; ~Iead~w free I'has~ III and I'4' ~n.i~~~atiQn ~~areement: Pale 1~ ~~ 1~ I~IBI'I' 3 V~JAI~ IMF ~.IGIT T I~+~']E" ~~~~.I~} ~~` SPECIAL P.~I I~AIN~'~I'~1'AE IISI' ~A~ ~C~.I~ P~I.A.S III I i~'I The ur~e~s~ae au~ne~s oI the peal ~~perty, situated in e County o Gallatin, Mate cif .~l~r~~ana, are rm~re a~reul~.rlyp clescril~ed. a~ ~`c~llc~~vs: C1~SIl~F~Rr~.'~IC~N ~f recei~Ting ap~c~va fir an~.eadc~n ~ the. subject ~rc~~e~tyx rc~ the ~Ieadov~i creek Phase III aid I~' ~~x~.exaa~n ~~ee~ner~t: Pale 13 ~.~ l file tens, c~avenants and rc~visi~ns of e ~ai~,rer shall extend t~, and be binding upon the e _ STr~'~~"h~ ~~' F ' w~.. ~ ~ ~' c suecess~rs-izl-interest and assigns of ~e parties hereto. l~.~T this day ~~ µ; ~-~v- , ?'0`~. this ° __' da~7 ~f ~ ~ ~# . _, 2~}~7, fore ~, the undersigned, ~. ~r~r 'ubc fir the State ~~ ~ ; _ _ -a ~ersonallyr aeared ;~ t~ ~ t~ e the °`~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~.~ . ~ ~f ~an~rasbac, l~L, the corporation fleet executed ~ within instf`u~nent, and acknowledged to me that he executed. the same for and on behalf of said corpt~ration. 7 '1'FSS I~EREC~Ij, I ha~Fe hereunto set my hand and af~~xed rn~T 1'~otarial Seal the day and year first above written. W 7 .. ~~ ~~ ~--f- I u~ I~ ~~~~~~~t~ o i ~ ~tat~~~~~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~~ k ~` ,.-. a ~ =~ r;~ ~ +~ ~~~ _ .~ ~- v± ~ s • ~ ~k iiS~ u.pPP8o~1~Yl.t~~. 5. ~dunt~' ~f ~ _ ~ _ - ~~ ~A ,~ ~~ ~'~T~R :~ ~an~Tasback, Notar-yr Publie for e State of illc~ntana l~+~sidin at ~~y Orx7~1I7~SSia~i x~ireS: (Use ~ digits fir eapir~,on year) LAN ER i B. Nea ins th tin this dayr ~f - , ~[}~, before rye, a 1'~atar~F Public f'c~r the State cif ~ontana~ personailyr appeared ~. deal ~~insworth, known to e to be the person whose name is subscribed tQ the. within ir~strurnent and cl~nc~wledged to me that he executed the same. ICI ITESS IHR~~~F, I ha~re hereunto set m~,, hand and affixed my notarial Seal the day and year first abo~~e written. ~~~~~~~d~~~~~~~kifrr~~~~~~~ _ ~ .~{ cal ~~ ~ ... ^ l ... 1' ti ~ ,'. ~~ :._ ~ q~ S. ~ ~ ~ ,+~ t l~^ i i~ff fay ~ ~' i Y ~ y..lt~~ {1'r~nt l~lran7~ here} I~atar~r Public for thG State cif 1~Iontana l~.esicling at ~ ®,~ ~~~~ omn~issic~n Expires: ~ ~ ~. ~i,TSe ~ di~tts ~`~r ~x~irtior~ ~tear~ Meow +~ree Phase III and I~a~ ~~e~ati~n `~greernent~ Page 1~ ~~ I4