HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Access Easement L.F.M.S.T. LLC~~~ City 'der v L.FtI~.~,T, L,LC, CrIT(~~.(~, in cc~nslderation ~~' ~.+~ and for other and valuable considerations,. receipt ~fi which ~s pry ~~c~v~lt~,~d, rant to Thy City t~ c~~rnan, a l~Iunzc~pal Corporation o the ,Mate o a7~tana, vaith o~~ces at 41 l last 1Vlan, ~o~eruan4 IVloutana 591 ~ I~NTE, ~, public access easement I`or a driveway Cdr the use of ~h~ public in, through and ,across a strip o land situated in Gallatin County ontaua, vrl~ich is located on flee ollo~ving described property: The R~~~'~ agrees: property described above, that they have ~. la l right to convey the property, or any part ~~' ~t; and that they will forever defend the t~t~e ~~ this property against the ela~ns ~ all persons. fibs ~r~,..T{~ farther agrees that the AiI~TE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights ~d privileges hez ern granted without any intezption by the C~AI~TC~R.S. Abe terrns~ ca-venants and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be b~ndi~g open the heirs, executors, adminstratorsa persanal represen~.tves~ successors ~d assigns of the parties berate. DTI this ~ - gay of ~' ~ =~ ~. ;- , 2007. +N~f{~~ ~sS. +County ~ Gallatin } .. n this day of , ~~ a ~ 4 ~.. , 207, before men rotary Pdblie for the State of 1Vlontana~ personally appeared ~I~~RI) i~rID~L~A., l~nown to z~le to e a NIE~~ o~'tbe L.F..'S.T. LI., and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and ackr~c~weded to me that ile execute. tk~e e for anal on behalf of tl~e .F.1VI... LLB. IN wl7'1ES wER~+~F, I Dave hereunto set my hand.. and affixed my lotarial Seal the day and year first above written. ~ ~~~~~~ ': u ' ~~'. .r ~~ ; ~ r~e,~ ~ P~~ . ~ ~r 4'L1~11~~ - a ~ 4~ ~ ~ ` ~ ,~ ,~. .,~s~~t,fili . LL""`` t. ,. ~ ~ a e f ~ ~ Y„I ~ ~'9 , s ~.~ s ~~I ~.~., r °~ l~ ~~L ~ ~~ ~ ; ti,.:. ~ ~ ~.,,, ~, C ~ a l l S f 1' t t i f l N ~ ~~, ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ aa ~e k ci on ta s or t l~otarv P~~ 4 , ~1 }~ I ~ 1 - ,_.i,...-..-.. 5~] 1 yin ~ 1 i - r~ ~~ ~ __ 0 R ~. 1 1 4M~~ {Printed .~ ~ . 1 ~~'lfyy [\~ ~~+I~ ~ ./y ~•f ~~ ~~ k ~"-ti~ Res~d~ng at t 11y ommissioz~ Expires.'==, t~l ~1------~~C~ Pubic Access a~~ment Vlaanderen Go~ndc~mi~i~.m~ Pale ~t` ~ Page: 2 of 4 ~'~11~1~~~7 ~4 05F Charlatt~e ~Iills~Gal,l~akin C~ ~ITI~~~C 2~.0 CCEFTEI, ATTEST: ,, } -~. 5 ~ ~ ~, ,, ; C~ty~Cl~rk STATE CF ~T~I~. ) ~. Canty ~f Gallatin ~. CITY F ~4 its City l~ianager .,~, ~ ~ ~n this day of ', ~, ~ ,o _, ~(~t17, bef+~re m.e, a Notary ~'.b1ic #~c~r the State ~f Fontana, personally appeared ~I~~.1S_~~JI~UESI and ST.ACY I~L~'IN, ~~ t me to ~~ City l~ianaer and City Clerk, respectively, ofthe City cif Bc~e~nan and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within inst~rmcnt, and ac~.~wled~,ed too me that they executed the same for and on behalf ~ the City ~~ Bozeman. 1N FITNESS ~rVHI~E{~F, I have hereunto set my band and off xed my Notarial Seal the day anal year first above r~ritten. ~SE.~I1} T ','` ~~`'~' ~~ ~ ~lic .~r ~ ~ L ~. Mate of 1Vlontana f if~~ c~ t "I 4~~~ Pr~Iltcd N ~es~d~~ at ?~ ~ ~' ~~ ~ r ~~ Commss~on ~~~~`~~ }~ .~ ,~ r~~ P~E~ic ~ce~ as~ment Vl~ander~ Candam~~ium~ ~~e ~ cif t ~ r~~r~a~~ ~4 ~~~ Cha~latte t'iills~~all~tn ~o ~17MISG 28.~~ ~] ~[' .•~~^®ss~ws~ L.LI~ ~ rr ^ I~Q I ^~i ^^^~ S89':55'3~"E Pt311~1T IMF BEGIN PUBLIC ACCF~S NING 26x04' Noarc~a'aa~w LASEh~FNT s~c~°c~a'aa" G~~NINOQa DRIVE +i~ ~j 22x59' ~} g~ p I~.JUr p C {g ~LI~+J}~i7~~ IY~ I • J~~~FF ft L L~YF~f ~] o • yJ1~x~~; ~ • ~ ' ' ~ ~ ,+~ry t~~ ~~'VL,~"Tf N2 26 E 9 ~5 ~g ~q ^ ~~ 'l~ ~~ ~ + +y ~yt ~y AA dpp//yy ~V~i~~rTLN~ ~1Ja~~' 589,~~,~~~~ .~ ~ a 9I~4~~`a~n a r~x w~.r . ~ ~SA~.a~4' i I `~~rM~'~4." a a~ r~ a tea c +' -_.. i _.~r ~ r ruw xxx®w •w ~} r p~ +~~~~. ~U~*~C]'~L~~ rr.! six miwr ~y /yn ' 7 C f ~aLd{~p . I' V ' 4 I 4+~.1/~ ~ ry yr' ~ I V f ^ ~ ~e ~~~ ~ ~ py ~ ~ ~''q ~ ,d /may ~ ~A• ~I,. t e '~' ~' 1 pq ~''~ yy _ ^^^ 4d ~ ~ ~ s ~ ' F u ~ ~+/ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ SI'y r ' ~f'~ ~~~ ~~ X89+ ~t fM `~ ~ ~t ~I~~ ~ ~ . ~A c~ ~ .rxxxxx. Ng9'S7"37"4N .. e~~6~ 4iM 4 ~] ((~~ ~p nn ~} E^! ~® ^ • ^ 11• is ^^Yil~ ! ® _-...... + .__. i IYs ^ - Iq~^f ~~~~~~N RVA •^^ w rww err ^ a ice em M w~ ^ ^ • ^ ar ^ s a^^s ~ ^ i ^ 1 I 4~1 1 V! ~° '>( W ~} J q~ W L ~~y V ~g V r' }~-q V ~~ 6 YJ ~~e: ~f 4 17~~5fp~ t~4:t~aP Charlr~tt~ P~lJ,s-Gallatin Ca MT~IISG ~~.~~