HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Public Access Easement Cottages Partners II LP~ze~an i~ der P°.. fox P~LIC ~CE'~ ,~E~I ~a es Partners ~ L, CxRR{}, in consideration ~~ l.oo and for other and valuable considerations, receipt of which is hereby acnowleded, grants to The City of Eo~eman, ~. 114unicipal Corporation ofthe State ofl~ontana, with offices at -411 East lUlain, Bozeman, Montana l , SATE, public access easerrlents car a drvw~ fir the o the p~b~~c , through a strip of land situated in Gallatin County,lVlontana, which is located ~ the following described property Tract ~ CCS 501, situated in the '/~ of section 3, Township ~ South, Flange East P.I.l., said easement more particularly described as follows Eeiain at a point. on the south line of Lot 1 Eloc~ ~ 1 C~al~ Springs Subdivision, Phase ~, said point bearing S89°27'00" ~, 1.o feet from the southeast corner of said llot l~ thence 00`3'00"' E# 1.48 feet; thence 0l~'32'S" w,118.~4 feet; thence ~°27'(17" E, 24:t~o feet; thence of °2'" , feet; thence S o0~33'~0" w, 15.2 feet; thence 8~~'27'00" 24,0o feet along said south line to the Point ofE~eginning. The easements are more particularly described on the attached Exhibit ~ which by this reference is made a part hereof The C,l,l~Tl~{~ agrees; (l ~ To construct and maintai~l the driveway and parking area at their own expense in accordance with relevant City ordinances, including, but not limited to, snow removal and all mayor and minor repair worl~. ~2~ To allow the City to make any and all inspections of flee driveway and parsing area and land. appurtenant thereto as the City reasonably deems necessary, ~~~.i/ t~A~~ ~"..Jr+ ~a'J ~A _ ~.®E ~~-y~. ~r 3 '" ~ ~ V 4J~i J.~~ W1 1~LV~i~~~ ///~ f County of allat~n } ~, ~ n this ~+~ ~ day ~ .~ ,t ~~,,' ~,'~.`~. , ~'~, before me the undersigned, a otarry Public for the Mate oflVlontana, personally appeared ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ". ,~r3, ,~ ~ ,~w`~ ' l~nowl~ to ~'~' ~ ;~ ~ ~ - ~ r ~ and the person whose name is subscribed to the within in~tr~uincl~t aid acknowleclg~~d t~o~~.~~t1~~~~ executed the within i~:strument for and on behalf of ~~' ~ .~° ,~ " ~ ~`, P~~ ~ITI~ wHEEC~~', Dave hereunto set my hand and aff xed zny ~dotariai Seal the day and year fiat above written, ,~ ~ ~iotary Public ~r t11~ ~tat~ of 1Vlontana i ~ ,' ,, . ~~ - - ~Prlnted }~' ~~Slding ~~ ~ _ ~~ ~;~, ~~ IViy Comrriissi~an expires I l~~' A~CCPTI: S~'~T~ t~F 1~~I~A }ss. County of a.llatin } ~~~At j '`"~ b ~' ~ _ City Manager i n this _ day of _ ~ ~ , . t~ : ~ ~~ , ~~+~7_ before rne, rotary Public far the Mate of~Iontana, personally appeared C.IS I~JLS.I and TC~' LMAI, known to me tc be the City Manager and City Clerl~, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, Annie Street Cnttages Pt~b~i~ Access asemen Page 2 of ~ag~: 2 of 3 ~~oi~~~~n~ ~~:a C1iarlQtte ~lill.s-Gai~akirr C~ I~TJ"1IS~ 1.p0 ~, EXHIBIT A PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT SITUATED IN TRACT 28 OF COS 501 IN THE SE 1/4 OF SECTION 3, T2S, RSE, P.M. Pa9~ 3 of i~115f2G07 pA ~5P Charlotte dills-Gallatin Co ~ITh1ISC 21 0~1