HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-01-05 Minutes, City Commission (2) MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONTANA January 5, 1998 ***************************** . The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in special session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, January 5, 1998, at 10:00 a.m., for reorganization purposes, as designated in Section 7-3-4322(1), M.C.A., and Chapter 2.04.040(A) of the Bozeman Municipal Code, and in accordance with the results of the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, November 4, 1997. Present were Mayor Stueck, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Y oungman, Commissioner~Elect Smiley, City Manager Johnson, City Attorney Luwe and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Signing of Notice of SDecial Meetina Each of the Commissioners, in turn, signed the Notice of Special Meeting. . Minutes - December 15, December 22 and December 29, 1997 It was moved by Commissioner Rudberg, seconded by Commissioner Stiff, that the minutes of the meetings of December 15, December 22 and December 29, 1997, be approved as submitted. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Stiff, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. Discussion - FYI Items City Manager Johnson presented to the Commission the following "For Your . Information" items. (1 ) The City Manager stated that he received two letters on Friday afternoon requesting matching funds from the City's Parkland Trust Fund. He noted that one letter was from Ms. Terry Baldus, on behalf of the Gallatin Valley Softball Association and the other was from Mr. Brian Troth, President of the Adam Bronken Sports Complex. He stated that the City 01-05-98 Special - 2 - does not have a policy for considering requests for matching funds and requested direction from the Commission. Mayor Stueck suggested that these requests should be referred to staff for review and a recommendation to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board and sUbsequently the City . Commission. City Manager Johnson stated that the Softball Association is asking for $10,300 in matching monies from the City. He noted that the Association has levied a fee against its players which will generate $10,000 and has allocated $20,000 from its budget. Also, the County Commission has allocated $10,300 to the Association for its project, which includes fixing the fences that are currently hazardous to players. The City Manager stated that the Adam Bronken Sports Complex is seeking $40,000. They are also requesting $40,000 from the County in addition to the monies they are generating from other sources. He then stressed that neither organization has requested a specific source for the requested match. He cautioned, however, that such requests are typically funded from the Parkland Trust Fund, and there are not adequate monies in that fund . for both of these requests, since the balance is approximately $49,000. Commissioner Youngman stated she feels input from staff and the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board is important, particularly since there is probably quite a lengthy list of needs that could be funded through the Parkland Trust Fund. The City Manager indicated that he will forward this request to the Board for consideration at its next meeting. Reoraanization of City Commission This was the time and place set in the Montana Code Annotated for the reorganization of the City Commission as per the results of the General Municipal Election held on Tuesday, . November 4, 1997. The Official Bonds and Oaths of Office of Sandra L. Smiley, newly-elected City Commissioner, and Joe Frost and Marcia Youngman, re-elected City Commissioners, for four-year terms commencing January 5, 1998, have been approved and said Bonds and Oaths of Office are on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission. Also, the Bonds and Oaths of Office for Joan Rudberg, Continuing Commissioner, and Alfred Stiff, Continuing 01-05-98 Special - 3 - Commissioner and Incoming Mayor, are on file in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission. Mayor Stueck stated that this is the last chance he will have "to pontificate, and I plan to take advantage of it". He noted that it has been a pleasure and an honor to serve . Bozeman for the past four years. He stated that it has been much different from his 4 % years on the School Board, noting his biggest frustration has been the "bureaucracy". Mayor Stueck noted that in the film "In Harm's Way", John Wayne described a ship going into battle as " ... a beautiful ship going in harm's way", and he feels that phrase could easily describe Bozeman, the Gallatin Valley and Montana as a whole because of the growth that is occurring. He noted that some of the decisions which have been made the past four years, and some of the decisions which will be made by the new Commission, will dictate Bozeman's future. He cautioned that people will continue to be attracted to the area because of the quality of life, recognizing that the real challenge arises from the fact that people are fleeing from the large cities at a faster pace than the community can handle. Mayor Stueck stated that he leaves the City in good hands, complimenting many of . the staff people individually. He noted that Administrative Services Director Miral Gamradt and Assistant Finance Director Peg Biekert have done an outstanding job of tracking the City's finances, as reflected by the City's receipt of GFOA awards for several years. He recognized City Manager Clark Johnson's efforts, particularly in the areas of computers and technology, and noted that the new capital improvement program is presented well. He also noted that the City Manager's evaluation reflected that he has done a good job in his first six months as a City Manager. He also recognized Assistant City Manager Brey's work as Acting City Manager for six months, noting that he did an excellent job while serving in that capacity. He also commended Director of Public Service Phill Forbes and his Engineering Department staff for their efforts, particularly since they are "buried in paperwork on a non-stop basis". He noted . that it would be nice to have a project or proposal reviewed and approved in a day, but he recognizes that is not a possibility because of the regulations involved. The Mayor stated that he is proud of the change in attitude in the Planning Department and the Building Inspection Department in the last two years. He noted that the negative comments that were so prevalent a couple of years ago have been virtually eliminated. 01-05-98 Special .. _._.._.._ __.____._ .____n .._.. - 4 - He recognized Neil Poulsen's efforts as Chief Building Official, characterizing him as a "breath of fresh air". Mayor Stueck stated that he feels an overall change in attitude has swept through the entire City government, moving back to serving people and the community. He noted that, as . a result, there is a different atmosphere and attitude about the City on Main Street. Mayor Stueck stated that, when growing up, his father instilled in him a strong work ethic and stressed the importance of doing the job to the best of one's ability. He noted that, while he feels that he has accomplished this, "running headlong into bureaucracy" has made it difficult. He noted that this has also been confirmed by two comments. The first was from Acting City Manager Brey, when he noted that losing him as Mayor will be like losing a full-time employee. The second was from Bozeman Daily Chronicle reporter Gail Schontzler, who stated she always appreciated his straight forward, honest answers. Mayor Stueck noted that his father also said "nobody has the right to take away from us how we feel", and stressed the importance of being responsible for oneself. He noted that one "must be able to look at the person in the mirror" and stated that right now "the guy I am . looking at in the mirror is smiling". The Mayor noted that Commissioner-Elect Sandra Smiley is a Bozeman native. He stated that he has talked to her at length since her election, and has cautioned her about the pitfalls he encountered when first on the Commission. He also stressed the importance of making decisions based on what is best for the community as a whole. Mayor Stueck noted the diversity of the Commissioners, in their backgrounds, in their philosophies and in their life experiences. He noted that this Commission is comprised of a school teacher, an editor for a magazine, a retired business person, a retired Certified Public Accountant, and one from the construction industry. He stated that the diversity on the Commission has helped them to address an issue from different sides, and he has recognized . the importance of compromise while taking the best interests of Bozeman into consideration. He then noted that he is leaving with a few projects not yet completed, and he will be "looking over the Commission's shoulder" to make sure they are completed. Mayor Stueck noted that Mayor-Elect Stiff has served on the Commission for fourteen years and will soon be seated as Mayor for the third time. He stated that, at this time, he will turn the City over to the new Mayor and "a wonderful staff". 01-05-98 Special u__.._... - 5 - Commissioner Rudberg recognized Mayor Stueck's perfect attendance at Commission meetings for the past four years. She thanked the Mayor for his leadership and his work ethic as well as his friendship. She noted that our forefathers set up the right to hold differences of opinion in the Constitution. She recognized that differences will always exist, and she feels . it is important for each Commissioner to be attuned to the varying positions. Clerk of the Commission Sullivan administered the Oaths of Office to Incoming Commissioner Smiley, Re-elected Commissioners Frost and Youngman and Incoming Mayor Stiff; and the new Commission was seated. Outgoing Mayor Don Stueck presented the gavel of the Mayor of the City of Bozeman to Incoming Mayor AI Stiff. Incoming Mayor Stiff presented a plaque to Outgoing Mayor Stueck, recognizing his service to Bozeman through his four-year service on the City Commission. He noted that Outgoing Mayor Stueck's work ethic has "put a whole new perspective on the duty of Commissioner" . He stated that serving as Mayor Pro Tempore under Mayor Stueck was a breeze. . Incoming Mayor Stiff welcomed Commissioner Smiley to the City Commission. Adjournment - 10:32 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Smiley, seconded by Commissioner Rudberg, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Smiley, Commissioner Rudberg, Commissioner Frost, Commissioner Youngman and Mayor Stueck; those voting No, none. t:?#~~. ~ ALF M. STIFF, Mayor . "" ". ATTEST: - -" .--" (]LoI-~ ROBIN L. SULliVAN Clerk of the Commission 01-05-98 Special