HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Saccoccia Lands 2, LLC, Sec 1, Town 2 South Public Street and Utility Easement 0. 't""'I :g m ~ ...0 It) _ ,,_ ..,. 0 g aJ~~ NQj~ m.... N"~ 0.- iiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 ~o === re iiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiii -u ==== ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ ~"" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 0 _u .S iiiiiiiiiiiiii -;; -- -- -.. =c> =. _III iiiiiiiiiiiiii :: _.~ ="" ~., -oJ -oJ -0 -- =L -Ill ~.s::. _U Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 II PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Saccoccia Lands II, LLC, GRANTOR, in consideration of $ 1.00 and for other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, the following easement, for the use of the public, in, through, and across a parcel of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, to be located on the following described real property: Lot 5 of the Bridaer Peaks Villaae Subdivision. situated in the northwest 1/4 of Section 1. Township 2 South. Ranae 5 East. P.M.M., City of Bozeman. Gallatin County. Montana: 1. A perpetual street and utility easement as described on the attached Exhibit A, which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that he possesses the real property described above and that he has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. 1 OF 3 0- 'l1l""'i :g Cl .;; It) .. 0 -r- .... 0 g CON~ N;,;~ 0).... N~:;:: iiiiiiiii 0 ~o re ~ iiiiiiiii -u ==== ~ iiiiiiiii ~ ~E ~O _U iiiiiiiii r:: -==- ..... iiiiiiiii ~ ---< ---< _to =Cl =1 _!II ---< ---< _.~ =E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q) iiiiiiiii ~ -0 ---< =L -~ _U SACCOCCIA LANDS II, LLC. SIGNATURE PAGE Saccoccia ItS~ Philip Saccoccia, Jr., Managing Member STATE OF j'V10r1~V\Ot ) :ss COUNTY OF Jeg1(CA 1i 1\ ) ~ ~1-- This instrument was acknowledged before me on iT- 31 - Saccoccia, Jr. as Managing Member of Saccoccia Lan s II, LLC. ~\\\\\\lIlIl""IIII.'" . #\....~GAN 1'110;' ~ +~, ' , , ,-4+ ~ ~ ' 'N ' ,<> ~ '"')(.' 01': ,~~ Nota Public for State of Montana ~ ~ : _ (') " "1~ '. ~ % Na~e.(printeLVVle~~f"\ ~~ -:.Q~,' ""?-:o~ ReSiding at: ~ \~ . .' <' € ~ .. ~ Commission Expires: v'YIa\1 ) I d..ol(jftf1l;;>RA~' . . . .' Jf. # ~~"'ONTA~~\\\\'''' - :II/IIIIHlII\\\\\'\ 20F3 , 2007 by Philip D- ""'" :g OJ ,;; 10... 0 ....... _00 ~ ." CO(W)~ Nul/) OJ~ 0)___ N<II~ D-~ "" ~." W =<'1 - -u tJ) -.... ll':: ~ _0 _u .S -... -<II -- -;;; <!J I -.. = _.~ =>: OJ ~ =2 L :. _u CITY OF BOZEMAN SIGNATURE PAGE ACCEPTED: ;~TC~~ City Manager ATTtST: - ~.j;'~""'it, :" - "':.,' \ I......... ~ STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ~ t ) 1\ r ~ / On this Y day of l]JY iVYlht I-t ) , 2007, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS KUKULSKI and STACY ULMEN, known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. X'...\\\\\\~~~II~. ~~ - . .4Ii-' $'~ I ~ . ~ ~ $' ' ~ t~-::' :tr:" '-1C C ~ ~ ",' . : m,~ s'" ) -r : * ~ -;;: ,~ tl.4. ~ ~. ~.~ .' ~ ' ~ ~ "'1:1" ,'.' ,. \ ., \,<r;,\,:~~, ,_ " ...., ",' k ....;::.; t,,/.,; " '....,,; '. \,<,'~'I....".~ ~ \\~~ ., r'/.(Il'(:~l"iP.ll\.\\' ,".':":i\"" 3 OF 3 ~ ~ ,n- iT- ~~ -- ~- o~ ~-- :m __ 3= ~.-- ~-- ~- .,-- !~- :-- ~-- "'-- ~- I:;.~ In iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0-- ~~ 3~ jii> ==== ,n__ -- -- ':;:l_ IS iiiiiiiiiiiiiii IS~ ::~N -(0 N ;;;~ N':> CO go .. ..... ~(JI ~.:>U) ai ~ -0 OCC\~ ,-0\ :, ~~iQN\S\O~ ,,^\~oR CENTERLINE OF TSCHACHE LANE TSCHACHELANE i ., , ~ ' L. I I ' ~ 1! e ,~ ~ J ~~ ./ ~....... EXHIBIT A & POJNT OF >. COMMENCEMENT I (),:~.. 4- f.,. f),." '1 ~" ~~00 G ~f ~ 4 I , I ,'I ~ -l ~. A ~ . ~ >. II ". L37 SOUTH EXISTING TSCHACHE LANE PUBLIC EASEMENT LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH N GRAPHIC SCALE L35 SOl.14'12"W 30.00' 10 ~ 5 10 L36 S01"14'12"W 10.00' ~-..... I I L37 NS9.03'24"W 45.00' ( IN FEET ) L3S N01"14'12"E 10.00' 1 inch = 10 ft. L39 SS9.03'24"E 45.00' ~ , LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 5 OF THE BRIDGER PEAKS VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 5 OF THE BRIDGER PEAKS VILLAGE SUBDIVISION SAID POINT LYING ON THE CENTERLINE OF TSCHACHE LANE; THENCE SOl'14'12"W ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED PARCEL; THENCE SOl.14'12"W CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST BOUNDARY A DISTANCE OF 1 0.00 FEET; THENCE, LEAVING SAID EAST BOUNDARY, NS9'03'24"W A DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET; THENCE N01.14'12"E A DISTANCE OF 1 0.00 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY OF TSCHACHE LANE; THENCE SS9'03'24"E ALONG SOUTH SAID RIGHT OF WAY A DISTANCE OF 45.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 0.01 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. -:! . MORRISON = ~~4- S --..---.- -.. - """"~ EXHIBIT A SACCOCCIA EASEMENT F'ElD 'WOIIII:' DATE:-.t.z!J'U'1 ORA_ 1!I'f'~ sc.ur.1-.,0' otmem 1IY"..a::5......-. PROJ PlDT'ItDDAlE::~ ""~-"':J I SHEET--1...-OI' ~