HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- City of Bozeman Release and Reconveyance of Easements to Bozeman Deaconess Foundation . . . Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RELEASE AND RECONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT(S) COMES NOW the City of Bozeman, 411 E. Main, Bozeman, MT 59715, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana hereinafter ("GRANTOR") and does hereby release and reconvey the following described easement unto Bozeman Deaconess Fotmdation, Montana as follows: City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. WITNESSETH WHEREAS the Grantor is the legal record title holder of a surface drainage -- easement situated across Portions of cas 2047 Tracts 1.2 and 3 as described in the easement document recorded on Film 85. pages 3999 - 4002. City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the above surface drainage easement was granted August 14. 1984 and recorded on December 10. 1984 at the Clerk and Recorder's Office of Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS the construction of The Knolls at Hillcrest provides new surface drainage without having to occupy said easement recorded on December 10. 1984, and j {// \ 111\lllllllllnlll\IIIIIIII\II~ 1111111111111111111111 ~~;~~~:~~p Char.l,,-tt~ Mi 11s-~allat _inCo__MT~IS_C_ 56.00 1:\ProjectsI06-013 The Knolls East-Highland SouthlGeneral Adminl2007 DocumentslRelease and Reconveyance of Easement Surface Drainage_doc . . . WHEREAS the re-alignment of drainage swales has been appropriately considered with subdivision review of these properties, the vacation of all of the surface drainage easement recorded on December 10. 1984 will not adversely impact the Grantor's interests. WHEREFORE, the Grantor does hereby release and reconvey to Bozeman Deaconess Foundation those portions of the easement located on the above described real property as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto together with any right, title, or interest that the Grantor may have in said easement as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth and described as follows: Portions of cas 2047 Tracts 1.2 and 3 as described in easement recorded on Film 85. pages 3999 - 4002. This reconveyance shall not affect other easements of record in the Clerk and Recorder's office of Gallatin County, Montana. /) Qr-! DATED this~ day of ~ fl, GRANTOR - CITY OF BOZEMAN .e,r ,20Ql. Title: , --'.-'-.> -,.:::>. ". A TTES'fi- -": <, I ,.... I ..." ~..- . i,' " ' ~-:-_. -. ,"" ( ,....... ./ \. ... ", I ", '" "i. ",',-" , """ ' ... - \.'. -'" :\ ~ "L . .,~,..&_""... '~ . - '. \ \. " \.,'-- 1111111111\11\11\ 1\\1\1\ III \\111\ 1111111\\11\\1 \\1\1111 ~~5~~F:~~, Charlo~_te ~ills-Gallatin Co _MTMISC 56.00 l:\Projects\06-0l3 The Knolls East-Highland South\General Mmin\2007 Documents\Release and Reconveyance of Easement Surface Drainage.doc / .<> ./ -/ ~;- /. ---- '- ,/ . . . . . STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this I n~ day of ~20.m:., before me, a Notary Public for the State nontana, personally appeared CHRIS KUKULSKI and DRIT FeNiENOT, known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. ,.",PIlIIIII/II ,'" ",- 1ft!. ,-",",: :.,-1.1. p.. fq/. (SEAL}~""::'(:'" . . . . . :<'0' ~1;. ~,. . "":/' . . ,r', t"" ~ ~ '* ~ .... .t.. ~ ;",...~. ':;::, .:::- -',.. . "1,:1 ",^, ..., . -s:. ~ E;' 5; . f\"~ .... .' rn a ::: . F..... ""''','. "'-, _...=. -:::,*'. .- '11 ,~, i .:>~ S ~. , 'v \ u . ../' ,,.. ...-:....../) .. . ,.""J,? ~:$f 'l/ 1..-, . " . . ''C'') \::> //;'/1 S /, N 3 \ C(', "\,>} //If \' \" fl/! 'II i I \' \ II, ' \ \"\\1 "II' \\"1 '111\'1 "I 11'111 "1"1 III "I" IIII 1"\ ~~5~~f~~, Charlot te Mills-Ga} I,at in.Co MTMIS_C 56,00.", ' 1:\ProjectsI06,013 The Knolls East-Highland SouthlGeneral Adminl2007 Documents\Release and Reconveyance of Easement Surface Drainage.doc . . EXHIBIT A . 1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111I11111111I ~~~~1f~~~p Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 56.00 . ,.~ N ~ Cl .;; It) 00 "" "-t"- 'Ilt 0 g COLll~ NQj~ m_ N.i'::: It ....... iff,t~(j:r .' ~~;..:.~~. ' ~,.:.:'" f<:~:;:~ . .."" ~~. ' g ;...'::., _m~:;.~'.,.. ~"..: : -u~..~"', ==== ~ ~;:,: . :. ___ ~ ~l". 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Qn"~n~".',..d..;a'.f ,::ecQ,,-a .ia:t .t:b4!t..~fif..t.c. of tha .'Cp,.~~.y 'c.l~k. an'C)'IlWord_ ofC'OJ1-ladn County, .J4\ilJi.:t;;anll . . ;If.hie .term' (lIf this 9):'ant .bd.l be .itbl;!~ fox f;f;1te ($) . y.~... $i-0Jll ..1 ta, d.ate or urU:d.l loQve).aee prlve 18 an improved .St.i::~_~wi-t:b p.Jverlient., curb and 9uUer inst.dled, whichever is .1~r:t'C1~r. This grant. includes the ~!9ht of the G~anteQ. its '$\.u;:cessors. per.lI\ttaas. litla'nal!!as. and assigns and it:s and their. ~~entB and e~ployeeB, to enter at ~11 time~ upon the Id Wd~1:90 L00c Ll 'ue[ 06t't'98S90t' 'ON Xtl.:l l~~n6Ulh3^~nSI3uldltl WO~.:l :~~Ti;;:~ ;,~\/'i' "~, ,. . ",.,..' ,'t~wr':>' ,,/:( . (";:/(;'...::,:.,~~. '.;!'~~"":"~~{f:' ~'ik~' . "it'it" "~~~ ' 'r~j~'\!fi'~~~~;;"'; ,f' ."J~"" :'" .'~.. . ". .'. , . ..... . ~(,/?~i; '< . ;,i \".'. ;~'bq;O!l:~; .'~e' '~H~~o~' ~i='~ ~d~.t;~$tfiv~Qri:t'~('j-l ~!\.~,;';J. ~~ . ,/'.. .' '':"~~I:~\?J''~~.T'" 'I ',?;',.,:' ,!" !~".' ;,:., :".. 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' . :'.:' ....'~.',tG't!~6f;t;!C!"...89't'...li .t.blit, ~:', ',.: .' :";."'. \.~"~ ' ['.; ::; , :>'.11'1, .j.r.he.'::a'ti..'~,11ftfl,~Y,"9r:8:'nt:e'CI~':"lWIU be' H,ltltt-ed exe1uaively to ~':~:,:.":\ J~~ '. . . 0. N :g OJ .. It)lXl "" q-oi CO<D~ Niv~ N~:;: o.~ ;,:'" " . ~;: . 8 ~r:;:, ~(,:. ',a.,r.i!n~ge' .p'i,1tllOse,* ana, '~S~,S i'ftC,Wen.bal t1'ta~..t,o. 1.s usep .lt~z;ej.f1, the tntll R4~.tnage" shall (!()tlno:te tha flow of :,n.ot'malal'ld,,~.tltc~.&B' wa,tel: frQllI tl\e ,Wi!lteJ: $t07l'age "-r....e-:r;voir ;toc.~ed, in J.c)S"li1pbt:l'1$ Pa:r:k 6-cross the e8fle1\\er\t 'F.em1:l<Ie,~ . . iiiiiiiiiiiiii to :?;. ~1Il~\, ~ ;~~. ~i:: --= - :0;: .: ~ f;:~:" u ;'1': =-- ~ t.:~, '" :~'.", ~ ,~~:,:., ~ ~~;~'. ~-V.:' ~~:~r' ___ .... fit,,, ~o~"", ~ :~~;. , ~",liJ/" ::::::::::: &!:;',:' Wit':'. , '!i:/ ~e:. i;,- ~'.'.' 3,1 '2) At th~s ,eime, it doe8 not p~fl ~ install $tQrm sew.~s as a, pe~t o~ ,the i~rovements ineluded w~thin spacial xmp~ove~~~t D~t~i~t "0. 644 as cr..ted by Bozeman' C*ty comm~.$t~n ,R.e9oluti,dD. !No. 24.82. If', due s0'le.ly to the ~~aina;8 defined in th~ preoeaing par.9~aph, it alects 1:0 inoluae. ,at-orm ,sewers'" wi tbin,.'Special t~p'tovemeot Dist.rict N'!).' 644, t.h~:t pOE"t.ion o'f ,t.he engln$(lrin'q ana construction costs attt,ibu~.)),l~ to t.he l!ltorm S8WeU .. shOlll not. be ,p$!d by. the CJ"antor. /:1 .f 'r'.I.;'lI'~1 :-.: ;::.}!~ The' ~iqht of dr~in$9Q he~ein 9raft~a across the , ealil~ent;' p:r:,eiaises shall ;..be, :exerc1se"- and 'Uaad in such a lDaDller !!IS J'lQ~ t.o cau's~ 1:\'1'1)" dam3ge OJ:' dIHI~r'u(!tion of any n~ture whatuoever ~o ~r 1nte~r.uption of,tbe use ot the adjoining i!<i..ftdS, oWJl~d ,))ytbQ '(i~an,tops and othetS. cd Wd5l:90 L00c Ll .uer 0699985909 : .ON X~j .:i , I.,~ ::( ~~~n6u~na^~nSlau~dl~ wmH . . . t '~'<' ;;:' f ~ ~" ~. ~ " ~~:. ~. .r t\ ~:: ~ r;,l 't t ~, .' >. 0- N ~ m .;r 000 It) ~ t- oc:t 0 g CO'" ~ NQj~ m_ N~:;:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ." -<D -Ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -0 ill E l- lL o o iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - iiiiiiiiiiiiiii - ..... ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ..... ~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Q) iiiiiiiiiiiiiii -0 ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiii L. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 o ,\"'..~ 'I' ":"1,. y:.,!',./ I , :. flUt .85I'lGf40a1. 4) It shall 1nd@mnify ~nd hold barmleee the Graptor from and agaipet any and all liability whatsoever ariaing out of or connected with the exercise of its rights under thie eaaement, except fo~ liabili~y eauseO by tho aole negligence of the Grantor, its otficea, agents or employees. Th@ Grantor a9rees that: At no t1~ shall any bul141n9 of any kind or ~pyth1ng elGe be erect~d or placed permanently or temporarily within the easement which interfereS with the water flov ove~, upon ~nd th:o~9h the natural drainage. The Grantor warrants that it is lawfully Se!zed an4 possessed of the real property described above, that it has ~ lawful riqbt to convey the prope~ty, or any part of it, and that it will forQver defend the title to this ptoperty against the claims of all parscn.. ~hQ terms, eovenants $nd provisioftQ of tbis agreement shall ext@nd to and b@ bin4inq ~pon the $dOOQS80~6, artd 1) 2) assigns of the parties hereto. DATJm this 1<1 day of ~ GRAWTOR BOZEMAN DEACONESS FOUNDATION , 1984. By It.. ~~(i.O ATTEST: A-.~~:> :~. GRAN'l'ft THE CITY OF BOZEMAN B~~ ~. (J~' It.s ty Manager 06171798S9017 'ON Xtl.:l l~~n6ulhd^~nSlduldttl WOtt.:l ~d Wd91:90 L00c L1. 'uer ~~%~;~r!ff.:~~~~~~:=~' 1\"".:' ,:y ';S~~B OF ~~~) ttr::', ',:"',' County of Gallatin; as. '" "': : . ~, ~~. Ii. " ~' " t- r' ~.. l i, f t: to' ~: ,. ~: ~: ~ .' J:' ~; f. . N ~ OJ .;; It) <X> 0 ~.... ..,. 0 g CO"'~ NQj~ NO!-- "'~ 0.- . o _0 -, ='" ~'" - -U II> === ~ -t:; - _0 U <: -~ -- '" '-" ,), ~:: _.~ l!: ~Q) ~ ~. - (; #;" _~!,,"'i l' _U," I On the 14th day of AugU$t , 1984, before me, a Notary Publ~e for the atate of "ontana, pex&onally a~pearea knoWn to me to be t1'l@ Edwin Dahlbtu;q A&Un,i8trator of ~~,.Deaconeaa FoundaetOft , the (lorporatiop that. ejCecutet;} the foregoln9 Surface Orainage Basement and acknowledged to ~~ that he/ehe executed the same fo~ and on b.h~lf of .aid corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hex.unto set 1I\Y hand and. on the day ana year first written above. ~ ~ to .' i ~. t l' .1 .f4"1' ... ,~.r" ,., ,~)o. )1'''''Jnt~t,I'\''.. STATE Of MONTANA) . COQnty of Gallatin ) ~.A~ (!.;..I~ Notary Publio for State of Montana ~es1diOliJ at BQzellliln r Montana My Conun1e&1on exp1re.; April 30, 1985 ssw " On the bt day of O<:tobar , 1984, before ~, a NQtary pQbl1c for the State of Montana, paraonally appeared James ~. wysocki and Robin L. sullivan, known to me to be the persons descxlbed in and w~o executed the foregoing instrument a~ City Manager and Cle~k of the City Commission reepeotively, of the City of BQzeman. whose n~mes are sub.oribed to the within in$trument and aeknowl.dged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of said ci~y. IN WITNESS WHBREOF, I h$ve hereunto set my hOlna and aff~xed my seal on the day and year first written above. ~'.i_...J <P.. I~ ~otary public for St~te of Mont~na RelOidin9 Olt: Bozetllan . Montana ~ My C011mlission explre&; April 30. 19a5 ",'. ... ~ " 133144 ' , ...... ~F He'~ ,C'&rta of Mont.. County of Gallettn. 88 l'ilred" r.~.c DeC:l<dD.be~ 1.0 · 1084 "'" ,-..!",.\.' It 1 t 59 f, ~., nd ~ II' Book _ 85 ~ MtSCELtANEO'US _~9 a..lo.. ~.';~ "'~_uJ~.. ft.. '/III1D.. Jt1.l1lt',"'1./~"d.._----J)oolJt\ 06vv98S90v 'ON X~~ ~~~n6uln3A~nSI3uldt~ -0 wo~~ vd WdL1:90 L00c L1 'uer