HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Bozeman Deaconess Health Services, Inc. Public Street and Utility Easement . Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 -'~..". ,...~ PUBLIC STREET AND UTILITY EASEMENT Bozeman Deaconess Health Services, Inc., a Montana non-profit corporation ("BDHS"), with address of 915 Highland Blvd., Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTOR, in consideration of . $1.00 and for other and valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a strip of land situated in the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, 59715, thirty (30) feet wide to be located on the real property which is portions of Tracts 1 and 2 of the Certificate of Survey 2047, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, PM.M., Bozeman, Montana, as more particularly described on Exhibit A, sheets 1 and 2, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. The GRANTOR states that it possesses the real property described above and that he has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the . parties hereto. ih DATED thisr.ZI. day of ~bcr-- ,2007. Bozeman Deaconess Health Services, Inc. Byfl--c/ 4~ Or tor ~ //11/1/111/1//11/ 1////1111///11//1//11//111111/ //1//11/ ~:~~1:~~: ~ Char lo~_ta _~i lls-Gallat in Co MTMISC 28 _ 00 . ST A TE OF MONTANA ) ::ss County of Gallatin On this a'l-1-Jr) day of sP~b(y ,200'7, before me the un?ersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared 30nn A, \~O'lo.l.)Jlc.Jc. ,known to me to be fre5>l6W../.- tOO of BDWS and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instmment and acknowledged to me that shelhe executed the within instmment for and on behalf of Bozeman Deaconess Health Services, Ine.. . IN WI!Nt1~~f!\.y~REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and ye~~~teqn#,*,i~tten. /~ ~~., . . . ~c$'A~ /..~~.' '.~~ .-g () . ~\ 0 TARt.... . ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~~.~~ ~ * . -'- . :; (SEArl cJ:.. SEAL :. * ~ ~-:.;.\. .-;:i5' v;..~. .~~ ~~"" '-'.-{~# '(/11/ Or: MO~ ~\\,'~ 11111111 1111\ \\ \\\ \ Ngtary Pu lie fO. r the State of Montana l-h -e c~ 10g 0/\0f) (Printed am~- Residing at ~ My Commission expires ~ /--1L/200C) ACCEPTED: "j ,,'--' "':';:'. .~ - ""', f'" . , \ .' " ,~~ ;;Tr~A~~ City Manager .,(\ ,II~ ). iL. , - ST A TE OF MONT ANA . :ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of 11 CIV r ~) ,2007, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS KUKULSKI and STACY ULMEN, known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, of the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instmment, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and veal' first above written. \\\\\ III I II 11111111 \\\ N III. ~,::-\ 0.. \ E. V E: 11// .~ Q.c.V ". -1t ~ :1 (.,'\~EAL) '. v ~- ~,,,'-/.' ?\ AL . ~" ~ ,~~'. - ~ . . 1"~ ~ r--. .... \. /' : -= :::: <:( . ~:;;' .....-" 1.. <(:::: ~ u..l . X;r-;..v . 2 ~ - " ..--.... ~1-'. (;) .~~ ~1'- '."" ..O~~ ~ & ..... ~ t\' ~ //~ 1'-"1 'r"E'" O~ ,,,. ,>::-' //1/ I , {",'\ IIIIIJI/II I'IH~\\" /2010.- 2 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~~1?~~:p Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 28.00 EXHIBIT A - SHEET 1 ASPEN POINTE DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY OVER PORTIONS OF TRACTS 1 & 2 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2047, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, P.M.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR A PORTION OF ASPEN POINTE DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY An area of land being that portion of ASPEN POINTE DRIVE Right-of-Way lying to the north of the Knolls at Hillcrest Subdivision over & across The Remainders of Tracts 1 & 2 of Certificate of Survey No. 2047 all on record with the Gallatin County, Clerk and Recorder and all located in the East One-Half of the East One-Half (E'hE'h) of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana (P.M.M.), Gallatin County, Montana being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a calculated point on the centerline of the Right-of-Way of Aspen Pointe Drive from which the northeast corner of said Section 18, a 1" 0.0. iron pipe, bears North 290 55' 04" East a distance of 2013.66 feet; thence North 300 26' 04" East a distance of 30.09 feet to a corner position; thence southeast a distance of 126.38 feet along a non-tangential curve concave southwest having a radius of 268.00 feet, a central angle of 27" 01' 6", a chord bearing of South 50015' 25" East and a chord length of 125.21 feet to a corner position; thence South 360 44' 53" East a distance of 103.43 feet to a corner position; thence southeast a distance of 207.92 feet along a tangential curve concave northeast having a radius of 142.00 feet, a central angle of 83" 53' 32", a chord bearing of South 78" 41' 39" East and a chord length of 189.83 feetto a corner position; thence North 59" 21' 35" East a distance of 141.84 feet to a comer position; thence northeast a distance of 62.50 feet along a tangential curve concave southeast having a radius of 230.00 feet, a central angle of 15" 34' 08", a chord bearing of North 67" 08' 39" East and a chord length of 62.31 feet to a corner position; thence North 74" 55' 43" East a distance of 163.65 feet to a corner position; thence east a distance of 123.53 feet along a tangential curve concave north having a radius of 120.00 feet, a central angle of 58058' 53", a chord bearing of North 45" 26' 17" East and a chord length of 118.15 feet to a corner position; thence North 15" 56' 50" East a distance of 38.01 feet to a corner position; thence North 780 12' 40" West a distance of 43.09 feet to a corner position; thence North 110 47' 20" East a distance of 60.00 feet to a corner position; thence South 78" 12' 40" East a distance of 192.25 feet to a corner position; thence southwest a distance of 22.11 feet along a non-tangential curve concave northwest having a radius of 25.50 feet, a central angle of 49" 40' 12", a chord bearing of South 77" 04' 28" West and a chord length of 21.42 feet to a corner position; thence North 78" 51' 17" West a distance of 4.95 feet to a corner position; thence South 11" 47' 20" West a distance of 20.99 feet to a corner position; thence North 780 12' 40" West a distance of 92.49 feet to a corner position; thence South 150 56' 50" West a distance of 70.27 feet to a corner position; thence south a distance of 154.41 feet along a tangential curve concave west having a radius of 150.00 feet, a central angle of 58058' 53", a chord bearing of South 45" 26' 17" West and a chord length of 147.69 feet to a corner position; thence South 740 55' 43" West a distance of 163.65 feet to a comer position; thence west a distance of 54.35 feet along a tangential curve concave south having a radius of 200.00 feet, a central angle of 150 34' 08", a chord bearing of South 67" 08' 39" West and a chord length of 54.18 feet to a corner position; thence South 59" 21' 35" West a distance of 141.84 feet to a corner position; thence southwest a distance of 251.84 feet along a tangential curve concave northwest having a radius of 172.00 feet, a central angle of 83053' 32", a chord bearing of North 780 41' 39" West and a chord length of 229.94 feet to a corner position; thence North 360 44' 53" West a distance of 103.43 feet to a corner position; thence northwest a distance of 114.43 feet along a tangential curve concave southwest having a radius of 238.00 feet, a central angle of 27" 32' 56", a chord bearing of North 500 31' 21" West and a chord length of 113.34 feet to the Point of Beginning containing 0.856 acres, more or less. SUBJECT to all easements of record or apparent from a visual inspection of the property. VICINTY MAP SCALE 1" = 500' . SA~~ DRAWN BY: DATE: PROJECT NO. FILE NAME: TO 5-11-07 021-01 BlrchWOOd 1970 Stadium Drive. SuitaB Bozeman, MT 59715 586.5599 OffIca 566.4490 Fax tr) Q. Ul '" OJ .; It) <oj- '" ....,.... ~oo '" CO<'l~ N'Ul .,~ m_ N"~ Q.~ iiiiii-.; '" !!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ - m N - - - U tJl - E: l- E: iiiiii-.; 0 iiiiii-.; U - c: .~ ~ .. .... .... .. Cl iiiiii-.; I II! iiiiii-.; .... .... ~ .~ '" - ~ - - '0 iiiiii-.; I- !!!!!!!!!!!!! .. .J::. U .. EXHIBIT A . SHEET 2 ASPEN POINTE DRIVE RIGHT-OF-WAY OVER PORTIONS OF TRACTS 1 & 2 OF CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY No. 2047, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, P.M.M.,CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA / -t~ -""-( / - --"""_, /\rhO' ""_ -'" q,r '-.. - " --"" /) ~,., ~I"t , ., V L'- ......,..... ./l.-" .,-'~ , m....._....__.._.....__.........._..,~~"'_ Legend ", N 300 26' 04" E 30.09' Right-ot-Way Boundary Northern Boundary ot The Knolls at Hillcrest Right-ot-Way Corner Position Area ot Right-ot-Way Dedication CURVE R - 238. 00' II " 27" 32' 56" L" 114.43' ./ CH. BRG." N 500 31' 21" w/" CH. L. " 113.34' // ,~_ " "0. //.~ / <..~ .-' .~"', -" p..- t>.'S /. 4, ,,()~. / ~ /' / / / ASPEN POINTE AT HILLCREST! o BASIS OF BEARING Geodetic North at Lat N 450 39' 56.10264" Long. W 1110 01' 26.38512" (NGS OPUS Solution) NON-TANGENT CURVE R " 268.00' D " 27" l' 6" L " 126.38' CH. BRG. " S 500 15' 25" E CH. L. " 125,21( CURVE R - 172.00' ll" 83" 53' 32" L" 251.84' CURVE R" 142.00' D " 830 53' 32" L " 207.92' c,," 4?' "v ,*,V .;- "C:J OV {S ,,~<v BIRCHWOOD AT HILLCREST a. tt) ItJ 0 m .; It) .. r::l -r- !<or;; ..,. 0 g CO"~ 0'1) NQi~ ~<?:-C:J' m-.. ~<J O. N"~ :--: c... a.~ ~'V" , (.i) " "- ~ 0 ~v !!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 ,,<J7 ~ w iiiiiiiii N ~ - U ItJ - H iiiiiiiii li: I- !!!!!!!!!!!!! :i: iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 iiiiiiiii u - r: iiiiiiiii ~ - -< .. Cl I iiiiiiiii III iiiiiiiii - - ~ .~ :IE: !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ iiiiiiiii ... - 0 -< iiiiiiiii '"- "' !!!!!!!!!!!!!! .s:: 0 ~.,Q.T,,~'; }", 1. () I. . 1< ..1 "" /' ///' .,,- CURVE R " 200.00' ll" 150 34' 8" L " 54.35' LOT J -~.-' "'.-" -.- /.......-.. _-~-"~ ~-G -,.-~'--'- \.1 ~ \: \; ,...-' ..' -oOsi. . /_ /.--.---/-- \. /" ./ N 11'47'20"E 60.00' --" ~"_.......... rTJ~~,~\' L '''~J---_\---~ lmm CURVE R" 150.00' II " 58" 58' 53" L=154.41' 90' OLD HIGHLAND BOULEVARD RIW .___l__ _ P~JF.H..,lC QPlilUPACP ~ -~ o '1-'J' ~<?:- C:J' .:,.<J 0' ~V' .\,.'V" , fv"Ot';..., '1- ~v ,,<J7 TRACT 'A' - C.O.S. 1414 (HIGHLAND BOULEVARD RfW) NON-TANGENTCURVE R " 25.50' ' ll" 49' 40' 12" L" 22.11' CH. BRG. " S 77" 04' 28" W CH. L. " 2142' c DRAWN BY; DATE: PROJECT NO. FiLE' NAME: TG 5.10.07 021.01 Blrchwood >>A~~ 1970 Stadium Drive, . Sulto B Bozaman, MT 59715 588.5599 Office 586.4490 Fax Scale 1" ~ 100'