HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Notice of Right to Discharge Drainage, Bozeman Deaconess Health Services Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 ~ 1230 . , RETURN TO FMAN & MERSEN, P.C. Suite 101 , MT 59718 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO DISCHARGE DRAINAGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bozeman Deaconess Health Services (BDHS) has applied to the City of Bozeman for approval to create a major subdivision for 31.56 acres on the south portion of Tract 1, COS 2047, located in the El/2 of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana (the "Subdivision"). In connection with that application, I. BDHS has identified a location outside of the Subdivision, but owned by BDHS, that will be used on a temporary basis to discharge drainage from storm waters collected in the Sultdivision. In this regard, the Subdivision shall have the right to discharge its storm water drainage onto Tract 3 of cas 2047 located in the El/2 of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East, PMM, Gallatin County, Montana ("Tract 3 ") until such time as the storm drains are extended through such property with future development. Such right to discharge shall flow onto Tract 3 through and following the existing drainage swales on Tract 3. -t-n DATED this C)'l day of Se~Vx."'" , 2007. BOZEMAN DEACONESS HEALTH SERVICES 'JL 4~ By: Its: ~tdDrit 01- C-ED . :. 111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 ~:~~1~:~, Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co..MTMISC 2 -- __ 1 . 00 . . . ) : ss. County of Gallatin ) -{-h S~.t-r-f) \&.y ,2 ex:/] . On this ~'l day ofOeteeer, 2006, before me personally appearedJ:nn A. \-Jor~W'-l~ a<; \-ks"1 11m '" (j~ of BOZEMAN DEACONESS HEALTH SERVICES whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and acknowledged that he executed the same. STATE OF MONTANA __~\,\-;;\nnm1ltI"" :>,\\" \ N ,.,1. ~," "'l \.. G ~ ~ d .... ~A~ I'" h" -- . . .., I~V' ..., /$ ~.. 01 AR/A/.....". IS(J.~ · - . . - ..-~-- * (SEA~*~" .SEAl:'..~ ,~~ . . ~'f'.J, ',~ ~7 ...". ~ ~OF"1l0 .~~ '/111 "" . \'i'" '''"11,11\\''\\'.' . Ac.rrt='rrb . ff... T':t.:m. .. ." · :"\'..0:, ..., ;- ~'~ . >- }.>............. q - \.>"" ..~.;j' i . .-':\ ( '" , . i . ":Jd \ '" ~' ~/~ ~" ... \ ,'~-~' ~ '-. , . . <- " >-~ ,. ~'l~~ Printed Name C-h: <4 ( I ~tmOJ\ Notary Public for the S te of ontana Residing at: \?:;ot:~f} My commission expires: ~ CI- TY O~ 'BoZ.EMAN ~A~ e...hris KlAku.Jsb') e{~ tv\ol\\...&tjeJ-- ) L~ tler~ ,\\\,,"111 ,,/flllll \,\. ,. 0 8 111/ \". '<~' ."~ n .~ / E: 0- $"" .' , '. /v ~ ~ ~7.. I . ~ 1.- 'l ," \; . . ..<\ c.;:. ~/</~\,\(.~, .\~.-:::. ;::; ',-. "" -- . \ j;J I . "'1' ::: ::;: -t.. . "-1( . ~ ~ ::; * . _. __ . C :: = 'S...., .m:: -=3-. ([l. 11' AL . * :: .;:.~. ~ ~ .::: ~.1~.~ ..~~~ '%r ~ ...to- ~..Ij,:--"; :";/. \.. l....\,.... ,'< \X' \.V '// -'I" ~ '~Ol\l \ ", II' IV" \ \\\\' 1///11/11111\\\\\\\ D- an :g en .; 1",<'>0 M" ~ r- q- og CON~ NQj~ m- N'"- D-- "" ~~ N - - _u Ul -i: -I- _:15:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 _u _I: ==..... ~ -- -;;; -<OJ -, _In iiiiiiiiiiiiiii :: -.... ==:15:: Q) ... -"0 -- L -'" _.I: _u . . ,. -- /.......~ '. /- ~.. ...... --. --, ~""""......,. -..--Ir /~~,~~ - ~......-....~.. --. ;;... / ~ .. .... .... ~........ . STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of -NlrV W1t){.h 20 [fL, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS KUKULSKI and DRIT. >rt... i ~fOH H',NU 1, 'known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, of the u.. MEN City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. \\\\\\\llItl'lh. '\.\\ T""~' I JI/l., ...~\ ~,"l; ~: i'-'l I _':' '".~.; ~ \..'11..... 4., ~ , ;~ .$: ,,'\ .,.., .: I.,,",', ,......".-=., ~,,"'iJ AT \ . ", ' ,~:, S\..QP4 t,t1J ',C, . > .M"~ '"E- I~:' ~ - ..-' .:H -::;. ....;\ . '..~ ~;;,,,. .' ,:,. ~ ~ ./;,.. t . iI _,. ~'l ~ ~;.;.;; OF ~,f.I'C;~'\V~,,~ III/ l\ - \\\' /"1/111111\\\\\ II11I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~~~?~~~p Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 21.00 1:\ProjeClS\06-013 The Knolls East-Highland South\General Admin\2007 Documents\Release and Reconveyance of Easement Surface Drainage.doc