HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Kailo 2, LLC, Sec 18, Town 2 S, Sidewalk Easement G. 1 - ~ ~ .. '=t ,....: ..... <t - ~~t..... IIIl:t 0 g co-~ NQj~ m-- N~~ ~o !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 1!l ~ ~ -u ===~ ~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E ~O -U === C -,~ -~ -.. --< ~-;; =<!> =' -'" --< --< -,~ =:E: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... ~~ -0 ==== ~ -1! _U Bozeman City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 SIDEW ALK EASEMENT gu/)//JJ; ~ , GRANTOR, in consideration of one dollar ($1.00) and for other and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grants to the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, a perpetual sidewalk access easement for the use ofthe public in, through and across a metes and bounds described piece of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, which is located on the following described property: Lot 3-A, of the Amended Plat of the Rearrangement of Thompson's Addition No.3, Located in the Southwest One-Quarter of Section 18. Township 2 South. Range 6 East. Principal Meridian Montana. City of Bozeman, Gallatin County. Montana The easement is more particularly described as follows: (see attached Exhibit, pages 1 and 2 dated November 5th, 2007). The GRANTOR warrants that he is lawfully seized and possessed of the real property described above, that he has and that he will forever defend the title of this property against the claims of all persons. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTORS. The terms, covenants and provisions ofthis casement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns ofthe parties hereto. DATED this ~ day of No/./' ,20 or GRANTORS: ifI~~ J ~:t:- ( e;I,,, Itraileas,mrg 1 OF 2 ~ S '<t .... .;:. U'''Il '<t ~ Wlo\l _ ..... .... 0 g CON~ NQj~ "'~ N~:::: iiiiiiiiiii 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iiiiiiiiiii -u ==== ~ -E -I- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E iiiiiiiiiii 0 -u .5 -~ -.. ---< ---< -.. ='-" =1 -'" iiiiiiiiiii --< --~ =E -2 -~ ~~ =L -<II !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .<: _U STATE OF MONTANA ) ):ss County of Gallatin ) On this ~ day of No"~...!Hr20~, before me the undersigne in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared IYJ. ~ e . c. 1111, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he did execute the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the . \\\\111111111/ day and year first above wntten. \\\\\\ 0 L SIll/III. -::::.,'\ t', ~ 0 "'l s: .\ 'V . . . '. A. 'l ~ "'" . . ~v :.z ~ I . ~ f :'~oi ~R/-4i': \ g *: SEAL . * ~ % d1' ~ :,~ i ~r'. .'~$' ~""1i"~"" '~,\'I?'~ ~III OF MO \\\\~" i'11/1I1I/1I1\\\\\\\ (SEAL) %tJ4 N~tary Public for the State of Montana Residing at fft> Z t' ,..., ill #f I PI Drt-l-6H II My Commission expires PItt; y Z Z D " ACCEPTED: ~~y~fF~' City Manager ST ATE OF MONT ANA ) )ss. Gallatin County ) On this ~ day of NO'V ~mWl, 2.l2.[1l, before me, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared CHRIS A. KUKULSKI and STACY ULMEN, known to me to be the City Manager and City Clerk for the City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year first above written. (S AL) \\\\\\1111/11111/ .\\' '8 /11. .-;. '- IF-~ 0 ,<~~ '. .;tv ~ ,:::;.' '. I" ~ ~ ~.. . : 0' ~ .::::- '/,- . ......, -::- ~ :1.' \. '.'c ~ ::: 11,., .- . IT!- ;c0.,./..I....j... ,* ~:;. .. '\, . ~ "J. ;0 <, ;~j'-- ii:::. ~1/, '. ....1,:::;. ~ ,'- . . .' < \,," ~ 'l//// OF MO'>. \\\\\'\ ///111' 1/1111 \ Ii 11\\ ( rinted Name) Residing at Bozeman, MontaJ].aj My Commission Expires: _/k/2o&. e.-\", \lrailells_mrg 2 OF 2 -.,--.- .---.-- ,." 1'."_'1:~ -- .'- ..... to. ~ . '" '. 110 .'~4.~.:t\....~' ~ , Co' "'..l' ....\ .1,. c, -s. ~ .\ . ., ..,..... ., ' , \. ~ 'f ..'\~ ~ t'4l". . . " ,.. ""~ '. f r .''* ~ ~ 5) .. q- ~ ....." - .... _ r- q- og OJ'" ~ No;~ rn__ N~:::: iiiiiiiiOiiiiii "" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ === re - - iiiiiiiiOiiiiii -0 ==== ~ _:0: -~ -8 -.s -..., -.. -- iiiiiiiiOiiiiii .. =<'> =' -~ iiiiiiiiOiiiiii - _.~ =:0: ~~ -..., -0 ==== ~ -.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .r. _0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Sidewalk Easement being on a portion of Lot 3-A, of the Amended Plat of the Rearrangement of Thompson's Addition #3, located In the Southwest One-Quarter of Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East. Principal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and being more particularly described as foil ows: Beginning at a point which bears North 89'28'33" West, a distance of 387.54 feet from the Northeast Corner of said Lot 3-A; thence South 78'41'24" West, a distance of 19.17 feet; thence North 89'28'05" West. a distance of 60.95 feet; thence North 78'41'24" West, a distance of 20.97 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 3-A; thence South 89'28'33" East along the north line of said Lot 3-A, a distance of 100.32 feet to the Point of Beginning; Said easement being 0.01 acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. 11/41Sec.1 T. I R. Iml1BI2s16E "_1lII\IE BOzEMM.MTIiUl1. --.......... fAX (4OI)!IH77O -..... (jj , PRo.ECT st.mI[\'IlR, CU' ~I" ""'\IN 8Y, K'M) AWED I; R""",",D BY, GIF -:::-"".,-'\..- DAlE:- 11/05/07 EASEWENT SlDEwALK.dWO CMI _,,,,,.,,. ~ &If1ItrewI. LMd 8f11V'eylRfl PRO..Ecl No. 06-137 SHEET 101'2 '" . ~ ~ " , L W ~ ~ >- ~ { ~ . o " >, '" o " 8 J, o ;;; ~ .j .. ~ s " '=I" " :: U)~ I~ '=I" og CO"~ NQj~ 01- N~:: iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiii re iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiii _u <I> _H _:L -I- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! '" iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 -u c _..... -.., -'" -~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ =C> =1 _Ill ---< -~ _..... ='" ~~ -.., -~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! J: _u EXHIBIT SIDEWALK EASEMENT BEING ON A PORTION OF LOT 3-A, OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF THE REARRANGEMENT OF THOMPSON'S ADDITION #3 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN MONTANA, CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA O::<! ol~ 01")0 I") " WI-I")'<t zo- u: --.l ro r-- f"ro (l"lt<) ro Z ! ~ r; ~ ~~ 025 ~~ ~~ ~ S: LO. OL() " C)) CD . NO mill CD z N to ;' o o ~ !-'..l 't<1- I") ro ..... - r.o 0:: -- lP . OIN'" 1")' '" o (l"l lP ~b(f) Z--.l "_DAI\IE ~.MTtiU7" PHIlNli [.4CJ8) liI!I'l-m1 fAX (401) tlID-G77O www...IIdIf.:I........an ~ ~ ~OO <~ ~g ::t:.... ~d ~ Cl - r.n <C I n I- o ---.l o 15 30 k.r-~ I SCALE: 1 INCH = 30 FEET 45 I CIvIl EIIg'''''''''1IfI Geofedmlf>>l EIIfII""""1IfI Land SurwylIIfI Ii& \;a/ ol.fTN....\~. P.o.ECT .....\IE\'OR: GlF S Hmn- D.A.... BY, KWD 2 ()]I 2 Rr'v'EWEo BY: GLF PRO..ECl ND.. 06-137 DAre 11/DS/D7 <.<sDlENT SIOEWAU<.... 6E '" . ~ "' () " >- ~ << ':" ~ rs " Ii! ~ ~ . ~ . o l) '" '" o '" " '" ~ ~ ::J .J