HomeMy WebLinkAbout07- Lowe's Public Street Easement .~' '- . . 1?oz.~ tt~ ~k. 7>0 ]S>>o~ I ~o B .. .-- ~ M. T sc('17/-/-;J.. 30 o'Z-~~...\ ~ PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT Lowe's HIW, Inc., a Washington corporation, GRANTOR, in consideration of$ 1.00 and for other and valuable considerations, receipt of which is acknowledged, grants to The City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation of the State of Montana, with offices at 411 East Main, Bozeman, Montana 59715, GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, a perpetual street and utility easement for the use of the public, in, through, and across a parcel of land situated in Gallatin County, Montana, to be located on the following described real property: Tract 2Bl of Certificate of Survey 1215G, situated in the northwest ~ of Section I, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The easement is more particularly described on the attached Exhibits A and B, which by this reference is made a part hereof. The GRANTOR states that it possesses the real property described above and that it has a lawful right to grant an easement thereon. The GRANTOR further agrees that the GRANTEE may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights and privileges herein granted without any interruption by the GRANTOR. The terms, covenants, and provisions of this easement shall extend to and be binding upon the heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors, and assigns of the parties hereto. DATED this ~ day of J\~,.."r-. 2007. GRANTOR Lowe's HIW, Inc., a Washington corporation By: ,/IA,{, ~~ , Grantor MICHAEL L SKILES ~ ~ VICE PRESIDENT ) -.__-1' -: ) ff'" -: ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~3~f~?~R 1 Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 35.00 ---_._--_...._~-_._~ State of ~~tM..""- County of C. \;;:;W On --y.....V\lL l ~ . 2007 . ~ t' l:A'~ L. +:..... <..e- notary public, personally appeared · {' a....e-l L-. S'k~ lLA.- : personally known to me (6r prayed ta BK 6n the basis of satisfactory evidenee) to be the personw. whose name(-st isl1tPe subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity~ and that by his/h,er/thdr signaturet* on the instrument the personts1; or the entity upon behalf of which the person(-stacted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signamre ~~11+ (Seal) DIANA L. FARACE 61 Commission # 1640568 - Notary Public - Callfomta _ SOn Diego County MvComm. ExpIres Feb22. 2010 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~~3~~~?~R Char~.o.t.tl~. Mills-Gallatinfo.I'IT--''1ISC 3S.11J11J ACCEPTED: > ',.' \ .. , '"'1 D Z 1"j'\ , ' , /,.J .oj. '\ r -....., ,/. , . ~l) "..,.f~ (V\), ....,. ,,;'~-~'1\1, A J. "., ,_'.::fr:\ \ 't.. ..l' \\ ~ 1 ., " '~j'::'; ~: \ ... ". '~ I lr l" '~1:-r '~"'.. I ~ \ .. \ i f1 0 (~~,~. ~r{f:?f~j ~.J \\ -, ~~~t::::l-:l; '"~Z-,. -::f ~', , ."'~ ~:S-,\~ -- f"t ~<> -"~_.~Q.~ ~ t',l.. 't, ~.< " ~,IJ..,,'''' O<rr. J ~~ ".t --.J.:...... ,f:l. '. ~'::<,;,~.t1 :r I N C \J. " · A~T''''''''~','''''''''''''' ~,., ~ C' Clerk C/ CITY OF BOZEMAN bYCSlwA~ City MJlnl\F" STATE OF MONTANA ) :SS. County of Gallatin ) On this ~daY of ~ AJ fA UL\t . 2007, before me, a Notary Public for the State ofMnntJIna) personally ~HR.IS KUKULSKI and BRIT T. FONTENOT, known to me to be the City Maoager and City Clerk, respectively, of tile City of Bozeman and the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for and on behalf of the City of 8ozP.man IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. ",~)'fll/t. ~" '" ~ B I E lV I ?'// ~ ).,'<;..- ." v:-:- ~^'". " ~~ ~. . A_~ ....~. . R 'Y-- ~ 4J : ,,\''-' · f, fA.i.'. c. ~ :::: :r: _._ . rn ; ~*: SEA'" L -*2- -::: . .. ..;:- -;::. .n. ...,.. ~ -:;:. "')., . . ~ ~ "/'. . ~ ,::;. ~ -1/,/"o . . . . . ~(\ ~ -;$: ;.'//. '-.' 0 0'\- ~ /111 F M \\" III/Ii 1/ 11111 111111' . N~ Rcsidiugat 07L~ My CnmmiS$iOD Expires 120JD.. 2 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~~~3~f~?~A Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 35.00 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC STREET EASEMENT Parcel 1: A parcel of land located In Tract 281 of CertIfIcate of Survey 12100, situated In the northwest 1/4'of Section 1, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana,.more particularty deBaIJed as follows: Commencing at the northwest comer of Section 1, T2S, R5E. P .M.M.; Thence aloog the west line of saki Section 1 S01.49'03"W, 394.18 feet to the northwest comer of Tract 2B1 88 shown on Certlftcate of Survey 1215G: thence along the north Une of said Tract 281 saa.1O'57"E, 796.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; 88Id point 8180 being the northeast comer of said Tract 281; thence along the east line of said Tract 281 the following five (5) a)lJrses: (1) S01.49'03W. 668.11 feet to the beginning of a 315.00 foot radius auve concave to the northweIt (2) thence along said curve, th~ 8 central angle of 15000'00., an arc length of 82.47 feet; (3) S16.49'03"W. 7.90 fe8t to the beginning of a 290.00 foot radius aJrYe concave to the southeast; (4) thence along said curve, through a c:entraI angle of 14.59'Sr', an arc length of 75.92 feet: and (5) S01.49'07"W, 53.85 feet to a point on the north line of a 60 foot wide I>aAss and UtIlity Easement as shown on CWtiftcate of Survey 1215G; thence along said Access and Utility Easement N89.03'24'W, 32.12 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent aJrYe concave to the northwest and having 8 radius of 49.50 feet. to which beginning of curve a radi8J bears S39.48'21.E; thence leaving saki Acc:eas and UtIlity Easement, along said curve through a central angleof48.~, an arc length of 41.79 feet; thence N01.4QIOrE,17.34f8ettothe beginning of a 305.50 foot radius curve concave to the southeast; thence along said curve, through a central angle of 14.59'57" an arc length of 79.97 feet; thence N16.49'03.E, 7.90 feet to the beginning of a 299.50 foot radius curve concave to the northwest; thence along said aJlVe through a central angle of 15.00'00.. an arc length of 78.41 feet; 1henc8 N01.49'03-E, 668.11 feet to a point on the north line of said Tract 281; thence along said north line S88.10'srE, 15.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, mntaIning 0.32 aaas more or less, and subject to all easements, and/or reservations, and/or dedications existing, shown or apparent on the ground. E EXHlBlT A .n PUBUC STREET EASEMENT =--=---- ==~ ~ -- ~ .- -.-........ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~~2~~f~?~A Charlotte Mills-Gallatin Co MTMISC 35.00 - -- --.. ---.. -..-. -.-" .. 35 36 1 : -~ ~ , " ii:' I, I I, I I, ~ I, t") :a o ,I '" r.: O):J.~ :ri:nn ......n II o I p en: ~ ! :l i ~ I , I , I ____.J EXHIBrr B SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION ------~-~- -~---~-.---- -------~-------------__h~ ____________] ------- ---h_____h._~_._.____ ______________~_ ____________ ~__~ P.O.C. ---~R IA.. -~ TRACT 282 OF C.O.S. 12150 Ii 11 " ~ -...--.., ~ II ~ :1 I, lr I, " j: Po ~ :' ~ ~ " i! ,I ~ ~ I ~ :1 j ,: : . : ! : . 1 ! , , L_ _~-.._......___ I sase 1 0'57-( 796. 19' 15.50' P.O.B. A ..... ..... aj aj U) U) U) U) EASEMENT AREA TRACT 281 OF C.o.s. 12150 ii:~ I"") I"") o 0 0, 0, :t :t ..... ..... o 0 U) CJ) TRACT 282 OF C.O.S. 1215G -------___J~___~__~____.____~__ ___________~__ ___ LEGEND P.O.c. - P.O.B. - C.O.s. - POINT OF CO....ENCEMENT POINT OF BEGINING CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY UNE L1 L.2 L3 L4 17' L5 .0' . GRAPIUC SCALE ZIO ---f I. ~-....--, t ( IN I'DT ) 1 iDch - 260 It. - ~ ---- I ---- -~----~-----J- -. -- i --,- -- -- --------..._----~----~----..._~ ...--- EXIST. 50' ACCESS AND UllU1Y EASEWENT 2()()f'W368 17(19) UNE TABLf LENGTH BEARING 4' -W N T == - - EXHIBIT B PUBUC STREET EASEMENT ... ~ ...... I&fts.-, ... ~ WJII~ ...-. -- - .J:::.... - -----..... II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~~~~~r~?~A Char lot te Mi lls-Gallat_irl_~ouMTMISC 35.00