HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-04-07 mvTHE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AGENDA Tuesday, September 4, 2007 A. Call to Order – 6:00 pm – Community Room, Gallatin County Courthouse, 311 West Main Street B. Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. Public Service Announcement – September 11 Primary Election with Mail Ballots (Charlotte Mills, County Clerk and Recorder) D. Authorize the Absence of Cr. Jacobson *Consider a motion authorizing the absence of Cr. Jacobson. E. Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Claims (LaMeres) 2. Authorize City Manager to sign Inspection Services Agreement for the Hilltop Tank Painting Project (Heaston) 3. Authorize City Manager to sign Agreement for Construction Inspection Services for the Downtown Bozeman Intermodal Facility (Goehrung) 4. Authorize the Director of Public Service to execute the Legends at Bridger Creek II Planned Unit Development Subdivision Phase I Final Plat (Cooper) 5. Authorize the Director of Public Service to execute the Cattail Lake Major Subdivision Phases 1 & 2 Final Plat (Cooper) 6. Finally adopt Ordinance No. 1716, Annexation into the MSU Residential Parking District to include the North Side of West Story Street between South 8th and South 10th (Fontenot) 7. Approve Resolution No. 4062, HB Annexation #A-05002 (Windemaker) 8. Authorize City Manager to sign Public Street Easement for Graf Street in conjunction with HB Annexation #A-05002 (Windemaker) 9. Provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 1718, HB Zone Map Amendment #Z- 05048 (Windemaker) 10. Approve Resolution No. 4063, Cattail North Annexation #A-06004 (Sanford ) 11. Provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 1719, Cattail North Zone Map Amendment #Z-06144 (Sanford) 12. Authorize City Manager to sign the Sewer Lift Station Easement and Agreement for Cattail Lake Subdivision #P-07017 (Windemaker) 13. Authorize City Manager to sign Amendment #4 to the Professional Services Agreement for Durston Road from 7th to 19th (Murray) 14. Authorize Payment for the Buttrey's Solvent Site Cost Recovery (Luwe) 15. Authorize the Acceptance of Asbestos-contaminated Soil at the Bozeman Landfill at a Fee of approximately $73.55/ton (Arkell) *Consider a motion approving Consent items 1-15. F. Public Comment - Please state your name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record. This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. G. Action Items 1. Resolution No. 4059, Establishing a 5% Increase in the Street Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2008 (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion approving Resolution No. 4059, Establishing a 5% Increase in Street Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2008, making the assessment rate $0.010322. 2. Resolution No. 4058, Establishing a 4% Increase in the Tree Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2008 (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion approving Resolution No. 4058, Establishing a 4% Increase in Tree Maintenance District Assessments for Fiscal Year 2008, making the assessment rate $0.002164. 3. CFT Office Buildng Conditional Use Permit #Z-07107, opened and continued from August 27, 2007 (Knight) *Consider a motion approving or denying the removal of Condition of Approval #1 from CFT Office Building Conditional Use Permit #Z-07017as outlined in the attached submittal materials. 4. Madill Impact Fee Credit Request IFCR-0701, opened and continued from August 20 to August 27, and opened and continued from August 27, 2007 (Saunders) *Consider a motion approving or denying the Madill Impact Fee Credit Request IFCR- 0701. 5. Aspen Park Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat #P-07027 (Skelton) *Consider a motion approving Aspen Park Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat #P- 07027 with the conditions listed in the Planning Board Resolution and the addition of a new condition prepared by the applicant’s representative and the Middle Creek Ditch Company. 6. CAHAB-approved Request for $14,000 for the Alliance for Building Communities (ABC) to conduct a Mobile Home Survey in and around Bozeman (Lucy Pope, ABC) *Consider the presentation from ABC representative Lucy Pope and determine whether to grant the funding request. 7. HRDC Road to Home Request for $200,000 from the City of Bozeman’s Big Box Fund Affordable Housing Dollars to provide Down Payment Assistance Loans (Tracy Menuez, HRDC) *Consider the presentation from HRDC Community Development Associate Tracy Menuez and determine whether to grant the funding request. 8. Resolution No. 4064, Final Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District #702, PT Land Phase 1 (Rosenberry) *Consider a motion approving Resolution No. 4064, Final Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District #702, PT Land Phase 1. H. FYI/Discussion I. Adjournment City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TDD 582-2301). Please note that agenda submissions must be received by the City Manager the Wednesday before the Commission Meeting. For further information please see the City of Bozeman webpage at www.bozeman.net. Commission meetings are televised live on cable channel 20. Repeats are aired at 5 pm on Wednesday and Friday and 1 pm on Sunday.