HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2506 Authorizing submittal of application for UDAG funds for Felska/Solvie project: - ~~":"'_"- ---- COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2506 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. MONTANA, AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICA- TION TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF HOUS- ING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR AN URBAN DEVELOPMENT AC- TION GRANT FOR THE FELSKA/SOLVIE CONVENTION/HOTEL CENTER. WHEREAS, Section 110 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 au- thorizes the United States of America Department of Housing and Urban Development to make Urban Development Action Grants (UDAG) to certain distressed cities; and WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman qualifies under the UDAG regulations as a distressed city; and WHEREAS, the purpose of the UDAG program is to assist distressed cities and dis- tressed urban counties which require increased public assistance and private investment to alleviate physical and economic deterioration; and WHEREAS, UDAG's are available to support economic development projects which are ready to implement and for which the applicant has a commitment from a private developer/ business; and WHEREAS, the said project is eligible under UDAG program criteria; and WHEREAS. the Felska/Solvie Convention/ Hotel Center Project represents a substantial commitment of private resources towards enhancing the vitality of the area and expanding the vitality of Bozeman and expanding the City's tax base and employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, the Felska/Solvie Convention/ Hotel Center Project requires some public assistance to assure its feasibility and to enhance its marketability. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN . MONTANA: Section 1 That the City Manager is hereby authorized to submit an appl ication to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for an Urban Development Action Grant in the amount of $1,000,000.00 (One Million Dollars) to assist in development of the Felska/Solvie Convention/ Hotel Center Project. Section 2 That the City Manager is hereby authorized to provide such additional information as may be necessary to secure approval of this grant application. -. ~--. - 2 - --" . Section 3 That following a notice of the award of an Urban Development Action Grant, the City Manager is requested to submit a draft ordinance authorizing acceptance of it. a regular and stated session thereof held on the PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at 29th day of May 1984. ATTEST: /?iiL.ciLJ#~ Clerk of the Commission "~; ". "'U"* ~A REil&uTlONOF THE CITY eO....SION OF THE crrv QFl9OZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHPRIZING SUBMISSION OF'AN':APPLICATION TO THE !JNITED STATES OF AMEPlIC" DEPA~ENT OF HOUSlt./a AND 't.tABAN ~ ' VELOP~ENT FOR ANiJRfW( DEVE!.Q'Pt.lENT AcnON_. GRAm'FOA' THE FELSKA~ 80LV'~ , CONvEN-troNI HOTEt:CENT"ER. CITY ()F$OZEMAN &,TATE,OF MONTANA COUNTY OF QALLA TIN I, Robln, L. SIJI/tvan. Clerk ill the.CItY '~ of the CIty of BaIern8n, Mootlnl, do ~'Oertlfy that the forego- Ing II _ true 80d corract title and ~ of Commleslon RnoIullon NQ. 2506 puaed a~ adopted at a regular seaslOtl thereof held on thI 29th d1Jy,!)f May, 1984. :CDated thlfl 8th dlIy of June, 1984. ,---.. ...".m-...n..-'----nn.._...n......n...nmm._.__....nn.._..nnn.......----...._h__....._._...n____......__ RobIi1 L Sullivan ......) , Clerk of the City Comml8aloo has been correctly published in the regular and entire iaue of every numbeJ JuneS .,- , for_ -oomLn_ ~\f~....j.n!~l.~r.t.is:m......_mm...' the fint of which public.Uo wu .d~n t 'nm..8Ut....mm...m.. day of. ........... J,:,~.e ........................ 19, and the last on the.................~/ ..n:,.." of ....... .A~p..e_i. 19~.~. mnm...n.'na-<<~ :d"~~..m..........m I J\ffibautt nf Jlublindton STATE OF MONTANA, } County of Gallatin. 5S. - - ...y-~y~.~.- ?<?,~~A~~).---m......nnn..u...__ ....------n...-____........_oo...oo..' being duly sworn, deposes and says: That .f?he ismmm.j:.r_1D.9..t9_?:lhQJ-"~.r.l:;nm_....n_m___..___ of the Bozeman --.Daily.. .......---Chronicle. a newspaper of general cireulation, printed and published in Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. and that the notice hereunto annexed (oo.CQJnmis,s"bnuRes"alllti.an.__Nu..._25D.6....m___.____ Subaoribed and sworn 10 before me lbisn..l"~m.. da:..::~-c.:2~..~...19~~ Notary Public for the State of Montana, retiding at Bo&em.~~~ta~NETT NOTARY PU3L1C fa' tll'" StaL: of Montana Residin~? in ,...CZeXili:lll, [\I"n an,~ My Commil>~icn J:^pifC~ Ju.y \:>, 1:;IJi- [ --~_..